15 resultados para acceptation des technologies
em Universidade do Minho
Earthworks tasks are often regarded in transportation projects as some of the most demanding processes. In fact, sequential tasks such as excavation, transportation, spreading and compaction are strongly based on heavy mechanical equipment and repetitive processes, thus becoming as economically demanding as they are time-consuming. Moreover, actual construction requirements originate higher demands for productivity and safety in earthwork constructions. Given the percentual weight of costs and duration of earthworks in infrastructure construction, the optimal usage of every resource in these tasks is paramount. Considering the characteristics of an earthwork construction, it can be looked at as a production line based on resources (mechanical equipment) and dependency relations between sequential tasks, hence being susceptible to optimization. Up to the present, the steady development of Information Technology areas, such as databases, artificial intelligence and operations research, has resulted in the emergence of several technologies with potential application bearing that purpose in mind. Among these, modern optimization methods (also known as metaheuristics), such as evolutionary computation, have the potential to find high quality optimal solutions with a reasonable use of computational resources. In this context, this work describes an optimization algorithm for earthworks equipment allocation based on a modern optimization approach, which takes advantage of the concept that an earthwork construction can be regarded as a production line.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
Cette communication présente les caractéristiques principales d’un modèle par Eléments Finis (EF) développé en utilisant le logiciel FEMIX afin de prévoir le comportement de poutres en béton armé corrodées réparées à l’effort tranchant par l’insertion des joncs de carbone par la technique NSM (Near-Surface Mounted reinforcement). Cette technique consiste à sceller les joncs de carbone dans des engravures déjà préparées sur les surfaces inférieure et latérale de la poutre corrodée à réparer. Les résultats expérimentaux et ceux de la modélisation numérique en mode 3D sont présentés en termes des courbes charge-flèche et des modes de ruine pour quatre poutres courtes: deux poutres corrodées (A1CL3-B et A1CL3-SB) et deux poutres témoins (A1T-B et A1T-SB), les poutres avec « -B » sont réparées seulement en flexion avec un jonc de carbone par la technique NSM, tandis que celles avec « -SB » sont réparées à la fois en flexion et à l’effort tranchant. La corrosion des barres d'acier tendues et son effet sur la résistance à l’effort tranchant des poutres en béton armé sont discutés. Les résultats ont montré une bonne corrélation entre les prédictions par le modèle EF en termes de courbes expérimentales charge-flèche, de la fissuration et des modes de ruine.
Introduction of technologies in the workplace have led to a dramatic change. These changes have come with an increased capacity to gather data about one’s working performance (i.e. productivity), as well as the capacity to track one’s personal responses (i.e. emotional, physiological, etc.) to this changing workplace environment. This movement of self-monitoring or self-sensing using diverse types of wearable sensors combined with the use of computing has been identified as the Quantified-Self. Miniaturization of sensors, reduction in cost and a non-stop increase in the computer power capacity has led to a panacea of wearables and sensors to track and analyze all types of information. Utilized in the personal sphere to track information, a looming question remains, should employers use the information from the Quantified-Self to track their employees’ performance or well-being in the workplace and will this benefit employees? The aim of the present work is to layout the implications and challenges associated with the use of Quantified-Self information in the workplace. The Quantified-Self movement has enabled people to understand their personal life better by tracking multiple information and signals; such an approach could allow companies to gather knowledge on what drives productivity for their business and/or well-being of their employees. A discussion about the implications of this approach will cover 1) Monitoring health and well-being, 2) Oversight and safety, and 3) Mentoring and training. Challenges will address the question of 1) Privacy and Acceptability, 2) Scalability and 3) Creativity. Even though many questions remain regarding their use in the workplace, wearable technologies and Quantified-Self data in the workplace represent an exciting opportunity for the industry and health and safety practitioners who will be using them.
Bidirectional battery charger with grid-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home technologies
This paper presents the development of na on-board bidirectional battery charger for Electric Vehicles (EVs) targeting Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V), Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), and Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) technologies. During the G2V operation mode the batteries are charged from the power grid with sinusoidal current and unitary power factor. During the V2G operation mode the energy stored in the batteries can be delivered back to the power grid contributing to the power system stability. In the V2H operation mode the energy stored in the batteries can be used to supply home loads during power outages, or to supply loads in places without connection to the power grid. Along the paper the hardware topology of the bidirectional battery charger is presented and the control algorithms are explained. Some considerations about the sizing of the AC side passive filter are taken into account in order to improve the performance in the three operation modes. The adopted topology and control algorithms are accessed through computer simulations and validated by experimental results achieved with a developed laboratory prototype operating in the different scenarios.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Increasing the maturity in Project Management (PM) has become a goal for many organizations, leading them to adopt maturity models to assess the current state of its PM practices and compare them with the best practices in the industry where the organization is inserted. One of the main PM maturity models is the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®), developed by the Project Management Institute. This paper presents the Information Systems and Technologies organizations outcome analysis, of the assesses made by the OPM3® Portugal Project, identifying the PM processes that are “best” implemented in this particular industry and those in which it is urgent to improve. Additionally, a comparison between the different organizations’ size analyzed is presented.
A therapeutic deep eutectic system (THEDES) is here defined as a deep eutectic solvent (DES) having an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) as one of the components. In this work, THEDESs are proposed as enhanced transporters and delivery vehicles for bioactive molecules. THEDESs based on choline chloride (ChCl) or menthol conjugated with three different APIs, namely acetylsalicylic acid (AA), benzoic acid (BA) and phenylacetic acid (PA), were synthesized and characterized for thermal behaviour, structural features, dissolution rate and antibacterial activity. Differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy showed that ChCl:PA (1:1), ChCl:AA (1:1), menthol:AA (3:1), menthol:BA (3:1), menthol:PA (2:1) and menthol:PA (3:1) were liquid at room temperature. Dissolution studies in PBS led to increased dissolution rates for the APIs when in the form of THEDES, compared to the API alone. The increase in dissolution rate was particularly noticeable for menthol-based THEDES. Antibacterial activity was assessed using both Gram-positive and Gram-negative model organisms. The results show that all the THEDESs retain the antibacterial activity of the API. Overall, our results highlight the great potential of THEDES as dissolution enhancers in the development of novel and more effective drug delivery systems.
Tese de doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Área Especialidade em Psicologia da Educação)
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências - Especialidade em Física
La carte postale est un kaléidoscope de vues, d’ornements et de couleurs, qui consacre un tout petit espace au message. C’est à la photographie et aux procédés de reproduction photomécaniques que revient le mérite d’avoir industrialisé la production de la carte postale. Et ce sont les clichés de villes, avec leurs monuments et leurs paysages, qui confèrent à la carte postale son statut de moyen de communication de masse et qui lui concèdent une affinité avec l’industrie du tourisme. La carte postale s’est ainsi emparée de l’ambition photographique de reproduire le monde, s’alliant aux « besoins de l’exploration, des expéditions et des relevés topographiques » du médium photographique à ses débuts. Ayant comme point de départ la carte postale, notre objectif est de montrer les conséquences culturelles de la révolution optique, commencée au milieu du XIXe siècle, avec l’invention de l’appareil photo, et consumée dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, avec l’apparition de l’ordinateur. En effet, depuis l’apparition de l’appareil photographique et des cartes postales jusqu’au flux de pixels de Google Images et aux images satellite de Google Earth, un entrelacement de territoire, puissance et technique a été mis en oeuvre, la terre devenant, en conséquence, de plus en plus auscultée par les appareils de vision, ce qui impacte sur la perception de l’espace. Nous espérons pouvoir montrer avec cette étude que la lettre traditionnelle est à l’email ce que la carte postale est au post que l’on publie dans un blog ou dans des réseaux comme Facebook et Twitter. À notre sens, les cartes postales correspondent à l’ouverture maximale du système postal moderne, qui d’universel devient dépendant et partie intégrante des réseaux télématiques d’envoi. Par elles sont annoncés, en effet, la vitesse de transmission de l’information, la brièveté de la parole et l’hégémonie de la dimension imagétique du message, et pour finir, l’embarras provoqué par la fusion de l’espace public avec l’espace privé.
[Excerpt] Introduction: Thermal processing is probably the most important process in food industry that has been used since prehistoric times, when it was discovered that heat enhanced the palatability and the life of the heat-treated food. Thermal processing comprehends the heating of foods at a defined temperature for a certain length of time. However, in some foods, the high thermotolerance of certain enzymes and microorganisms, their physical properties (e.g.,highviscosity),ortheircomponents(e.g.,solidfractions) require the application of extreme heat treatments that not only are energy intensive, but also will adversely affect the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the food. Technologies such as ohmic heating, dielectric heating (which includes microwave heating and radiofrequency heating), inductive heating, and infrared heating are available to replace, or complement, the traditional heat-dependent technologies (heating through superheated steam, hot air, hot water, or other hot liquid, being the heating achieved either through direct contact with those agents – mostly superheated steam – or through contact with a hot surface which is in turn heated by such agents). Given that the “traditional” heatdependent technologies are thoroughly described in the literature, this text will be mainly devoted to the so-called “novel” thermal technologies. (...)
[Extrait] Notre point de départ est la constatation dans les différents médias, genres et arts de la culture populaire et médiatique de la grande quantité de personnages féminins qui défendent par la force la liberté de choisir leur destin: Wonder Woman, Lara Croft, Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill), Salt, Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games), Tris (Divergent), Lisbeth Salander (The Millenium Trilogy), Elektra, Yoko Tsuno, Marie des Dragons, Artémis Delambre (Les Pirates de Barataria), Isabellae, entre beaucoup d’autres (1). Toutes ces femmes combattent. La conjugaison des valeurs de la liberté et de la force – la force comme condition de la liberté – structure un certain profil féminin qui se réapproprie deux qualités, l’une physique, l’autre politique, qui constituent dans la tradition socioculturelle patriarcale une prérogative typiquement masculine. (...)
Qu'est-ce qu'une micronouvelle ou microfiction ou microrécit? Qu'est-ce qui est en jeu dans ces différentes désignations? Quelles sont les coordonnées de l’émergence et de l’essor des formes minuscules ? Quelles questions théoriques soulèvent ces tout petits récits et comment sont-elles traitées dans le discours critique? Pour répondre à ces questions, cet essai situe les micronouvelles dans la dynamique complexe du paysage littéraire et culturel contemporain, en proposant une triple approche génologique, narratologique et transfictionnelle, qui met en lumière les connexions des micronouvelles avec des faits divers, des légendes urbaines, des bandes dessinées et des contes de fées.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário