19 resultados para Rural heritage tourism
em Universidade do Minho
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
This study focuses on the granite mountain known as Monte Pindo (627 m above sea level) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain). This territory is included in the area classified as “Costa da Morte” in the “Politica de Ordenación Litoral” (POL) (Coastal Planning Policy) for the region of Galicia. This coastal unit, located between “Rías Baixas” and “Cape Fisterra” has great potential for demonstrating geological processes and its geomorphological heritage is characterized by a high degree of geodiversity of granite landforms. The main objective of our work is to assess the geomorphological heritage of the site, thus revealing its wide geodiversity. We shall analyze and highlight: its scientific value, developing an inventory of granite landforms; its educational valuel and its geotouristic potential. It must be ensured that the Administration understands that natural diversity is composed of both geodiversity and biodiversity. Only then will the sustainable management of Monte Pindo become possible by integrating natural and cultural heritage values. The goal is to ensure that Monte Pindo and its immediate surroundings become a geopark with the aim of promoting local development projects based on the conservation and valorization of its geological heritage.
The value of preserving historic buildings is increasingly accepted by society, which not only recognizes built cultural heritage as a part of its identity but is also more cognizant of its economic value. In Europe, for example, tourism accounts for 10 percent of the GDP in the EU and 12 percent of employment.1 Built cultural heritage is a fundamental element of what draws tourists to European destinations. To a great extent, the value of historic buildings rests in the integrity of their components as unique products of the technology of their time and place. Unfortunately, cultural heritage buildings are particularly vulnerable to disasters, for a variety of reasons. They are often damaged or in a state of deterioration; they were built with materials with low resistance; they are heavy; and the connections among their various structural components are frequently insufficient. The main causes of damage are lack of maintenance, water-induced deterioration (from rain or rising damp), soil settlement, and extreme events such as earthquakes. Earthquakes have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the last decade, in addition to the tremendous losses in built cultural heritage.
The use of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) in the construction industry is an important contribution to attain sustainability in the sector. The roads are among the civil engineering works which can use larger quantities of C&DW recycled aggregates. In Portugal, the limit values for the properties of C&DW recycled aggregates that can be used in the roads of Portuguese Road Network are defined by two Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) technical specifications (TS), in accordance to Portuguese Decree-law no. 46/2008 of May 12th. Municipal and rural roads and trenches have specific characteristics that can enable the use of C&DW of lower quality than those required by existing LNEC TS, and even then ensuring an adequate performance. However, given the absence of specific regulation for those applications, the Portuguese Environment Agency requires compliance with the existing LNEC TS, which represents an obstacle to recycling a significant part of the C&DW, in particular at a local government level. This paper presents guidelines for the recycling of C&DW in municipal and rural roads and in trenches, which could be considered in a new forthcoming LNEC TS. In the preparation of the guidelines, the bibliography collected and analysed, the information gathered from the application of C&DW in a municipal and rural roads of a Portuguese municipality and in the roadways of a Portuguese resort, and the results of laboratory tests carried out on samples collected in the Portuguese municipality were taken into consideration.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cidade e Território)
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
This paper complements the information presented at the CIAV2013 on vernacular build- ings in northern Portugal, and addresses the topic of masonry walls in the rural areas of the northwestern Portuguese coastline. These walls are structural schist masonry constructions, built using ancient tech- niques and locally available resources. The result is a territory built for agricultural exploration, and a landscape imprinted with past social hierarchies and structures. Using the information gathered by the fieldwork study, the paper will present studies on masonry walls with different morphologies, construction materials and building techniques employed. The information presented aims to contribute to enlighten researchers and technicians about these building specificities, to increase the scarce available literature about schist’s potential as construction material, and to enhance the importance of the cultural value of this particular kind of heritage.
Holistic refers to something that emphasizes the whole and the interdependence of its parts. It can be conceptualized as interdisciplinary: the claim that most social and economic phenomena cannot be fully understood or explained without adopting an approach that goes beyond the aims of a single scientific discipline.
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
Projeto de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural
This study compares the performance of Portuguese-German heritage children and adult L2 speakers of European Portuguese whose L1 is German with respect to two aspects of grammar, adverb placement and VP-ellipsis, which depend on a core syntactic property of the language, verb movement. The results show that both groups have acquired V-to-I and adverb placement, showing no influence of a V2 grammar. Performance in the VP-ellipsis task is more complex: heritage children produce VP-ellipsis at the level of controls, as opposed to L2 speakers; however, both L2 and heritage speakers show that crosslinguistic influence may produce a preference for pronoun substitution over VP-ellipsis in a task asking for redundancy resolution. Nevertheless, given that overall results show that heritage children perform at the level of L1 children, we take our results to support approaches to heritage bilingualism which suggest the development of an intact grammar in childhood.