25 resultados para ROUTE
em Universidade do Minho
[Excerpt] Hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 (HAp) has been widely used for biomedical purposes because of its exceptional biocompatibility, bioactivity and osteoconductivity [1]. As these properties are directly related to HAp particles characteristics (size, morphology and purity), a very good control of the reaction conditions is required to obtain particles with the desired properties. Usually, HAp is synthesized by wet chemical precipitation in stirred tank batch reactors that often lead to inconsistencies in product specifications due to their low mixing efficiency [2]. (...)
Electric Vehicles (EVs) have limited energy storage capacity and the maximum autonomy range is strongly dependent of the driver's behaviour. Due to the fact of that batteries cannot be recharged quickly during a journey, it is essential that a precise range prediction is available to the driver of the EV. With this information, it is possible to check if the desirable destination is achievable without a stop to charge the batteries, or even, if to reach the destination it is necessary to perform an optimized driving (e.g., cutting the air-conditioning, among others EV parameters). The outcome of this research work is the development of an Electric Vehicle Assistant (EVA). This is an application for mobile devices that will help users to take efficient decisions about route planning, charging management and energy efficiency. Therefore, it will contribute to foster EVs adoption as a new paradigm in the transportation sector.
This paper presents a mobile information system denominated as Vehicle-to-Anything Application (V2Anything App), and explains its conceptual aspects. This application is aimed at giving relevant information to Full Electric Vehicle (FEV) drivers, by supporting the integration of several sources of data in a mobile application, thus contributing to the deployment of the electric mobility process. The V2Anything App provides recommendations to the drivers about the FEV range autonomy, location of battery charging stations, information of the electricity market, and also a route planner taking into account public transportations and car or bike sharing systems. The main contributions of this application are related with the creation of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform, recommender systems, data integration systems, driver profile, and personalized range prediction. Thus, it is possible to deliver relevant information to the FEV drivers related with the electric mobility process, electricity market, public transportation, and the FEV performance.
Autor proof
Em Portugal, os programas de televisão feitos com adeptos notáveis de três grandes clubes de futebol correspondem a um formato com menos de uma década e meia de existência: apareceram primeiro na RTP2 e, logo a seguir, na SIC. Os canais generalistas rapidamente os adoptaram como conteúdos privilegiados para atrair audiência. Hoje constituem âncoras das grelhas dos três canais temáticos de informação, rivalizando entre si nos comentadores permanentes que conseguem fixar em estúdio. Apresentados por jornalistas, estes programas criam momentos de grande polémica e, com isso, marcam, de certa forma, a agenda do campo do futebol. Neste artigo, explicamos a génese destes formatos, traçamos o seu percurso na TV portuguesa e, através de entrevistas aos seus responsáveis editoriais, analisamos a estratégia que seguem na construção do alinhamento, discutimos a distância que mantêm dos clubes que comentam e perspectivamos formas de evolução deste tipo de conteúdos televisivos. Uma linha sobressai neste trabalho: quem participa nestes programas é uma elite de comentadores que se apresentam como adeptos do Futebol Clube do Porto, do Sporting e do Benfica, mas que mais não são do que uma confraria do comentário do futebol que semanalmente contribui para a construção de um espaço público cada vez mais rarefeito em torno daquilo que se discute no futebol.
The MAP-i doctoral program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
Gender ideologies in Cape Verde are shifting. Individuals find themselves caught between changing tides, pushed and pulled in opposite directions by divergent gendered expectations. The article examines the different ways in which young women and men take recourse to tactics in response to the tensions that arise as they deal with changing gender ascriptions in the midst of their relations with community and kin. Women, in particular, are unevenly affected by traditional demands and expectations whilst they cross the boundaries of traditional gender roles in their pursuit of enhanced education and more sexual freedom. Yet, their actions are not characterized by an outright rejection of traditional gender ideologies, but rather by piecemeal tactical manoeuvres to plot a route through the centrifugal forces at play. keywords
When a pregnant woman is guided to a hospital for obstetrics purposes, many outcomes are possible, depending on her current conditions. An improved understanding of these conditions could provide a more direct medical approach by categorizing the different types of patients, enabling a faster response to risk situations, and therefore increasing the quality of services. In this case study, the characteristics of the patients admitted in the maternity care unit of Centro Hospitalar of Porto are acknowledged, allowing categorizing the patient women through clustering techniques. The main goal is to predict the patients’ route through the maternity care, adapting the services according to their conditions, providing the best clinical decisions and a cost-effective treatment to patients. The models developed presented very interesting results, being the best clustering evaluation index: 0.65. The evaluation of the clustering algorithms proved the viability of using clustering based data mining models to characterize pregnant patients, identifying which conditions can be used as an alert to prevent the occurrence of medical complications.
Stress/strain sensors constitute a class of devices with a global ever-growing market thanks to their use in many fields of modern life. They are typically constituted by thin metal foils deposited on flexible supports. However, the low inherent resistivity and limited flexibility of their constituents make them inadequate for several applications, such as measuring large movements in robotic systems and biological tissues. As an alternative to the traditional compounds, in the present work we will show the advantages to employ a smart material, polyaniline (PANI), prepared by an innovative environmentally friendly route, for force/strain sensor applications wherein simple processing, environmental friendliness and sensitivity are particularly required.
The authors also acknowledge Centre for Textile Science and Technology (University of Minho) and FIBRENAMICS PLATFORMfor providing required conditions for this research. Sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Pedro Samuel Leite and Mr. Carlos Jesus for their kind help in sample preparation and testing.
Existing data supports Portugal as the Western Europe country with highest HIV-1 subtype diversity. However, detailed phylogenetic studies of Portuguese HIV-1 epidemics are still scarce. Thus, our main goal was to analyze the phylodynamics of a local HIV-1 infection in the Portuguese region of Minho. Molecular epidemiological analysis was applied to data from 289 HIV-1 infected individuals followed in the reference Hospital of the province of Minho, Portugal, in which isolated viruses had been sequenced between 2000 and 2012. Viruses of the G (29.1%) and B (27.0%) subtypes were the most frequent, followed by recombinant forms (17.6%), C (14.5%), F1 (7.3%) and A1 (4.2%) subtypes. Multinomial logistic regression revealed that the odds of being infected with A1 and F1 subtype increased over the years when compared with B, G, C or recombinant viruses. As expected, polyphyletic patterns suggesting multiple and old introductions of subtypes B and G were found. However, transmission clusters of non-B and -G viruses among native individuals were also found with the dates of the most recent common ancestor estimated to the early 2000s. Our study supports that the HIV-1 subtype diversity in the Portuguese region of Minho is high and has been increasing in a manner that is apparently driven by factors other than immigration and international travel. Infections with A1 and F1 viruses in the region of Minho are becoming established and were mainly found in sexually transmitted clusters, reinforcing the need for more efficacious control measures targeting this infection route.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) are the main maintenance hosts for bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in continental Europe. Understanding Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) excretion routes is crucial to define strategies to control bTB in free-ranging populations, nevertheless available information is scarce. Aiming at filling this gap, four different MTC excretion routes (oronasal, bronchial-alveolar, fecal and urinary) were investigated by molecular methods in naturally infected hunter-harvested wild boar and red deer. In addition MTC concentrations were estimated by the Most Probable Number method. MTC DNA was amplified in all types of excretion routes. MTC DNA was amplified in at least one excretion route from 83.0% (CI95 70.8-90.8) of wild ungulates with bTB-like lesions. Oronasal or bronchial-alveolar shedding were detected with higher frequency than fecal shedding (p < 0.001). The majority of shedders yielded MTC concentrations <10(3) CFU/g or mL. However, from those ungulates from which oronasal, bronchial-alveolar and fecal samples were available, 28.2% of wild boar (CI95 16.6-43.8) and 35.7% of red deer (CI95 16.3-61.2) yielded MTC concentrations >10(3) CFU/g or mL (referred here as super-shedders). Red deer have a significantly higher risk of being super-shedders compared to wild boar (OR = 11.8, CI95 2.3-60.2). The existence of super-shedders among the naturally infected population of wild boar and red deer is thus reported here for the first time and MTC DNA concentrations greater than the minimum infective doses were estimated in excretion samples from both species.