18 resultados para Plus long chemin

em Universidade do Minho


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A universidade no Espaço Europeu de Educação Superior (EEES) assume-se como um espaço aberto e permeável a mudanças no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, reduzindo os “conhecimentos mortos, a favor de conhecimentos vivos”, diversificando metodologias de trabalho (aulas práticas, workshops, seminários, tutorias conjuntas, e-learning, entre outras) e valorizando a relação pedagógica. A ênfase mais ou menos atribuída às Praticas/Practicum nos diferentes planos de estudo de cada universidade, a sua distribuição e organização ao longo da formação, prescrevem a cientificidade do trajeto de construção, desconstrução, co-construção e reconstrução do perfil, competências e identidade profissionais do estudante em formação. Amplia-se a função e ação do professor tutor/supervisor universitário que, sustentado num enfoque formativo competencial, assume ser mais do que um responsável pela formação integral dos estudantes integrando uma aprendizagem profissional relacionadas com o saber e o saber-fazer, mas também está implicado na aquisição e desenvolvimento de um conjunto de habilidades sociais, éticas e de valores humanos relacionados com o saber-ser e o saber-estar. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o papel dos tutores/supervisores de Práticas/Practicum nos processos de construção e desenvolvimento de competências e identidade profissional através de processos de mediação e transferência de conhecimento profissional. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados parciais de um estudo de caso de carácter descritivo-interpretativo. Analisam-se as entrevistas (n=11) realizadas a professores universitários que em 2012-13 constituíam o corpo de tutores de Practicum dos cursos de Educação de Infância e Ensino do1º ciclo do Ensino Básico da Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona. Os resultados valorizam mais os aspetos organizacionais do que os curriculares. As preocupações com o desenvolvimento de competências conceptuais (saber) e procedimentais (saber-fazer) estão mais presentes nos discursos dos tutores/supervisores do que as competências relacionais intra e interpessoais (saber-ser, saber-estar).


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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A search for new charged massive gauge bosons, called W′, is performed with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV, using a dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. This analysis searches for W′ bosons in the W′→tb¯ decay channel in final states with electrons or muons, using a multivariate method based on boosted decision trees. The search covers masses between 0.5 and 3.0 TeV, for right-handed or left-handed W′ bosons. No significant deviation from the Standard Model expectation is observed and limits are set on the W′→tb¯ cross-section times branching ratio and on the W′-boson effective couplings as a function of the W′-boson mass using the CLs procedure. For a left-handed (right-handed) W′ boson, masses below 1.70 (1.92) TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level.


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A search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles is performed using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Data collected in 2012 at s√=8 TeV from pp collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 are examined. Particles producing anomalously high ionisation, consistent with long-lived massive particles with electric charges from |q|=2e to |q|=6e are searched for. No signal candidate events are observed, and 95% confidence level cross-section upper limits are interpreted as lower mass limits for a Drell--Yan production model. The mass limits range between 660 and 785 GeV.


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A search for the decay of neutral, weakly interacting, long-lived particles using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. This analysis uses the full dataset recorded in 2012: 20.3 fb−1 of proton--proton collision data at s√=8 TeV. The search employs techniques for reconstructing decay vertices of long-lived particles decaying to jets in the inner tracking detector and muon spectrometer. Signal events require at least two reconstructed vertices. No significant excess of events over the expected background is found, and limits as a function of proper lifetime are reported for the decay of the Higgs boson and other scalar bosons to long-lived particles and for Hidden Valley Z′ and Stealth SUSY benchmark models. The first search results for displaced decays in Z′ and Stealth SUSY models are presented. The upper bounds of the excluded proper lifetimes are the most stringent to date.


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A search for pair production of vector-like quarks, both up-type (T) and down-type (B), as well as for four-top-quark production, is presented. The search is based on pp collisions at s√=8 TeV recorded in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Data are analysed in the lepton-plus-jets final state, characterised by an isolated electron or muon with high transverse momentum, large missing transverse momentum and multiple jets. Dedicated analyses are performed targeting three cases: a T quark with significant branching ratio to a W boson and a b-quark (TT¯→Wb+X), and both a T quark and a B quark with significant branching ratio to a Higgs boson and a third-generation quark (TT¯→Ht+X and BB¯→Hb+X respectively). No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed, and 95% CL lower limits are derived on the masses of the vector-like T and B quarks under several branching ratio hypotheses assuming contributions from T→Wb, Zt, Ht and B→Wt, Zb, Hb decays. The 95% CL observed lower limits on the T quark mass range between 715 GeV and 950 GeV for all possible values of the branching ratios into the three decay modes, and are the most stringent constraints to date. Additionally, the most restrictive upper bounds on four-top-quark production are set in a number of new physics scenarios.


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A measurement of W boson production in lead-lead collisions at sNN−−−√=2.76 TeV is presented. It is based on the analysis of data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2011 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.14 nb−1 and 0.15 nb−1 in the muon and electron decay channels, respectively. The differential production cross-sections and lepton charge asymmetry are each measured as a function of the average number of participating nucleons ⟨Npart⟩ and absolute pseudorapidity of the charged lepton. The results are compared to predictions based on next-to-leading-order QCD calculations. These measurements are, in principle, sensitive to possible nuclear modifications to the parton distribution functions and also provide information on scaling of W boson production in multi-nucleon systems.


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The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is used to search for the decay of a scalar boson to a pair of long-lived particles, neutral under the Standard Model gauge group, in 20.3 fb−1 of data collected in proton--proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV. This search is sensitive to long-lived particles that decay to Standard Model particles producing jets at the outer edge of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter or inside the hadronic calorimeter. No significant excess of events is observed. Limits are reported on the product of the scalar boson production cross section times branching ratio into long-lived neutral particles as a function of the proper lifetime of the particles. Limits are reported for boson masses from 100 GeV to 900 GeV, and a long-lived neutral particle mass from 10 GeV to 150 GeV.


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Searches for heavy long-lived charged particles are performed using a data sample of 19.8 fb−1 from proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess is observed above the estimated background and limits are placed on the mass of long-lived particles in various supersymmetric models. Long-lived tau sleptons in models with gauge-mediated symmetry breaking are excluded up to masses between 440 and 385 GeV for tan(beta) between 10 and 50, with a 290 GeV limit in the case where only direct tau slepton production is considered. In the context of simplified LeptoSUSY models, where sleptons are stable and have a mass of 300 GeV, squark and gluino masses are excluded up to a mass of 1500 and 1360 GeV, respectively. Directly produced charginos, in simplified models where they are nearly degenerate to the lightest neutralino, are excluded up to a mass of 620 GeV. R-hadrons, composites containing a gluino, bottom squark or top squark, are excluded up to a mass of 1270, 845 and 900 GeV, respectively, using the full detector; and up to a mass of 1260, 835 and 870 GeV using an approach disregarding information from the muon spectrometer.


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Grande parte dos estudos produzidos sobre a liderança escolar tem incidido na análise da relação entre os processos de liderança, a aprendizagem e o sucesso. Embora esta convergência de enfoque (liderança/sucesso) encubra abordagens teóricas, disciplinares e metodológicas muito diferenciadas, é evidente a presença de uma perspetiva unidirecional, mais focada nas políticas e nas práticas de liderança e menos na forma como estas são entendidas pelos alunos. Neste artigo, propomos um enfoque invertido, focado nas representações dos alunos sobre os processos de liderança. Do ponto de vista metodológico, recorremos aos dados recolhidos no âmbito de quatro estudos de caso realizados em escolas/agrupamentos com ensino secundário, resultantes da administração de um inquérito por questionário e da realização de focus group a alunos com resultados académicos de excelência e a alunos não incluídos neste nível de desempenho. Elegemos como referência analítica um estudo de caso de longa duração, a partir do qual colocamos em confronto os dados recolhidos nos outros três contextos estudados. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para a existência de relações e diferenças significativas entre a cultura organizacional da escola e os estilos de liderança, sendo destacada a importância do papel do Diretor na condução do ideário de excelência da escola.


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Sirtuins (Sirts) regulate several cellular mechanisms through deacetylation of several transcription factors and enzymes. Recently, Sirt2 was shown to prevent the development of inflammatory processes and its expression favors acute Listeria monocytogenes infection. The impact of this molecule in the context of chronic infections remains unknown. We found that specific Sirt2 deletion in the myeloid lineage transiently increased Mycobacterium tuberculosis load in the lungs and liver of conditional mice. Sirt2 did not affect long-term infection since no significant differences were observed in the bacterial burden at days 60 and 120 post-infection. The initial increase in M. tuberculosis growth was not due to differences in inflammatory cell infiltrates in the lung, myeloid or CD4+ T cells. The transcription levels of IFN-?, IL-17, TNF, IL-6 and NOS2 were also not affected in the lungs by Sirt2-myeloid specific deletion. Overall, our results demonstrate that Sirt2 expression has a transitory effect in M. tuberculosis infection. Thus, modulation of Sirt2 activity in vivo is not expected to affect chronic infection with M. tuberculosis.


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A search for new particles that decay into top quark pairs is reported. The search is performed with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV. The lepton-plus-jets final state is used, where the top pair decays to W+bW−b¯¯, with one W boson decaying leptonically and the other hadronically. The invariant mass spectrum of top quark pairs is examined for local excesses or deficits that are inconsistent with the Standard Model predictions. No evidence for a top quark pair resonance is found, and 95% confidence-level limits on the production rate are determined for massive states in benchmark models. The upper limits on the cross-section times branching ratio of a narrow Z′ boson decaying to top pairs range from 4.2 pb to 0.03 pb for resonance masses from 0.4 TeV to 3.0 TeV. A narrow leptophobic topcolour Z′ boson with mass below 1.8 TeV is excluded. Upper limits are set on the cross-section times branching ratio for a broad colour-octet resonance with Γ/m = 15% decaying to tt¯. These range from 4.8 pb to 0.03 pb for masses from 0.4 TeV to 3.0 TeV. A Kaluza-Klein excitation of the gluon in a Randall-Sundrum model is excluded for masses below 2.2 TeV.


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Measurements of differential cross sections for J/ψ production in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−−√=5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS detector are presented. The data set used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 28.1 nb−1. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel over the transverse momentum range 8


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The ATLAS Collaboration measures the inclusive production of Z bosons via their decays into electron and muon pairs in p+Pb collisions at sNN−−−√=5.02TeV at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurements are made using data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 29.4 and 28.1 nb−1 for Z→ee and Z→μμ, respectively. The results from the two channels are consistent and combined to obtain a cross section times the Z→ℓℓ branching ratio, integrated over the rapidity region ∣∣y∗Z|<3.5, of 139.8±4.8(statistical)±6.2(systematic)±3.8 (luminosity) nb. Differential cross sections are presented as functions of the Z boson rapidity and transverse momentum and compared with models based on parton distributions both with and without nuclear corrections. The centrality dependence of Z boson production in p+Pb collisions is measured and analyzed within the framework of a standard Glauber model and the model's extension for fluctuations of the underlying nucleon-nucleon scattering cross section.


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Many extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of heavy particles with long lifetimes. This article presents the results of a search for events containing at least one long-lived particle that decays at a significant distance from its production point into two leptons or into five or more charged particles. This analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 collected in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. No events are observed in any of the signal regions, and limits are set on model parameters within supersymmetric scenarios involving R-parity violation, split supersymmetry, and gauge mediation. In some of the search channels, the trigger and search strategy are based only on the decay products of individual long-lived particles, irrespective of the rest of the event. In these cases, the provided limits can easily be reinterpreted in different scenarios.