17 resultados para Myosin Heavy-chain

em Universidade do Minho


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A single supply chain management (SCM) practice will have a certain impact on organizational performance(OP). However, since it is placed in a system that many other practices are conducted simultaneously, the practice itself will interact with other ones and have a greater impact on OP. This mechanism is named the "resonant" influence. The technique of Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the above mechanism with data collected from Vietnamese garment enterprises. The tcst results showed that the model without mutual interaction among SCM practices could explain 42.8%, 26.3% and 34% variance of operational performance, customer satisfaction and financial performance. While the one containing this interaction is capable to explain 69.5%, 33.1% and 57.3%, respectively.


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Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established technology used for the treatment of wastes and wastewaters with high organic content. During AD organic matter is converted stepwise to methane-containing biogasa renewable energy carrier. Methane production occurs in the last AD step and relies on methanogens, which are rather sensitive to some contaminants commonly found in wastewaters (e.g. heavy metals), or easily outcompeted by other groups of microorganisms (e.g. sulphate reducing bacteria, SRB). This review gives an overview of previous research and pilot-scale studies that shed some light on the effects of sulphate and heavy metals on methanogenesis. Despite the numerous studies on this subject, comparison is not always possible due to differences in the experimental conditions used and parameters explained. An overview of the possible benefits of methanogens and SRB co-habitation is also covered. Small amounts of sulphide produced by SRB can precipitate with metals, neutralising the negative effects of sulphide accumulation and free heavy metals on methanogenesis. Knowledge on how to untangle and balance sulphate reduction and methanogenesis is crucial to take advantage of the potential for the utilisation of biogenic sulphide as a metal detoxification agent with minimal loss in methane production in anaerobic digesters.


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A search for heavy leptons decaying to a Z boson and an electron or a muon is presented. The search is based on pp collision data taken at s√=8 TeV by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Three high-transverse-momentum electrons or muons are selected, with two of them required to be consistent with originating from a Z boson decay. No significant excess above Standard Model background predictions is observed, and 95% confidence level limits on the production cross section of high-mass trilepton resonances are derived. The results are interpreted in the context of vector-like lepton and type-III seesaw models. For the vector-like lepton model, most heavy lepton mass values in the range 114-176 GeV are excluded. For the type-III seesaw model, most mass values in the range 100-468 GeV are excluded.


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This Letter presents a search for a heavy neutral particle decaying into an opposite-sign different-flavor dilepton pair, e±μ∓, e±τ∓, or μ±τ∓ using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data at s√=8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The numbers of observed candidate events are compatible with the Standard Model expectations. Limits are set on the cross section of new phenomena in two scenarios: the production of ν~τ in R-parity-violating supersymmetric models and the production of a lepton-flavor-violating Z′ vector boson.


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A search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles is performed using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Data collected in 2012 at s√=8 TeV from pp collisions corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 are examined. Particles producing anomalously high ionisation, consistent with long-lived massive particles with electric charges from |q|=2e to |q|=6e are searched for. No signal candidate events are observed, and 95% confidence level cross-section upper limits are interpreted as lower mass limits for a Drell--Yan production model. The mass limits range between 660 and 785 GeV.


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A search for the pair-production of heavy leptons (N0,L±) predicted by the type-III seesaw theory formulated to explain the origin of small neutrino masses is presented. The decay channels N0→W±l∓ (ℓ=e,μ,τ) and L±→W±ν (ν=νe,νμ,ντ) are considered. The analysis is performed using the final state that contains two leptons (electrons or muons), two jets from a hadronically decaying W boson, and large missing transverse momentum. The data used in the measurement correspond to an integrated luminosity of 20.3fb−1 of pp collisions at s√=8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No evidence of heavy lepton pair-production is observed. Heavy leptons with masses below 325--540 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level, depending on the theoretical scenario considered.


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This article reports on a search for dark matter pair production in association with bottom or top quarks in 20.3fb−1 of pp collisions collected at s√=8 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events with large missing transverse momentum are selected when produced in association with high-momentum jets of which one or more are identified as jets containing b-quarks. Final states with top quarks are selected by requiring a high jet multiplicity and in some cases a single lepton. The data are found to be consistent with the Standard Model expectations and limits are set on the mass scale of effective field theories that describe scalar and tensor interactions between dark matter and Standard Model particles. Limits on the dark-matter--nucleon cross-section for spin-independent and spin-dependent interactions are also provided. These limits are particularly strong for low-mass dark matter. Using a simplified model, constraints are set on the mass of dark matter and of a coloured mediator suitable to explain a possible signal of annihilating dark matter.


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A search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in events containing a pair of high-pT leptons of the same charge and high-pT jets is presented. The search uses 20.3fb−1 of pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with a centre-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV. The data are found to be consistent with the background-only hypothesis based on the Standard Model expectation. In the context of a Type-I seesaw mechanism, limits are set on the production cross-section times branching ratio for production of heavy Majorana neutrinos in the mass range between 100 and 500 GeV. The limits are subsequently interpreted as limits on the mixing between the heavy Majorana neutrinos and the Standard Model neutrinos. In the context of a left-right symmetric model, limits on the production cross-section times branching ratio are set with respect to the masses of heavy Majorana neutrinos and heavy gauge bosons WR and Z′.


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Searches for heavy long-lived charged particles are performed using a data sample of 19.8 fb−1 from proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√ = 8 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess is observed above the estimated background and limits are placed on the mass of long-lived particles in various supersymmetric models. Long-lived tau sleptons in models with gauge-mediated symmetry breaking are excluded up to masses between 440 and 385 GeV for tan(beta) between 10 and 50, with a 290 GeV limit in the case where only direct tau slepton production is considered. In the context of simplified LeptoSUSY models, where sleptons are stable and have a mass of 300 GeV, squark and gluino masses are excluded up to a mass of 1500 and 1360 GeV, respectively. Directly produced charginos, in simplified models where they are nearly degenerate to the lightest neutralino, are excluded up to a mass of 620 GeV. R-hadrons, composites containing a gluino, bottom squark or top squark, are excluded up to a mass of 1270, 845 and 900 GeV, respectively, using the full detector; and up to a mass of 1260, 835 and 870 GeV using an approach disregarding information from the muon spectrometer.


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The effects of dietary short chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) incorporation on hematology, fish immune status, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities, and gut morphology, was evaluated in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles reared at 18 °C and 25 °C. For that purpose, fish with 32 g were fed diets including 0, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% scFOS during 8 weeks. Overall, scFOS had only minor effects on gilthead sea bream immune status. Lymphocytes decreased in fish fed the 0.1% scFOS diet. Fish fed the 0.5% scFOS diet presented increased nitric oxide (NO) production, while total immunoglobulins (Ig) dropped in those fish, but only in the ones reared at 25 °C. Red blood cells, hemoglobin, bactericidal activity and NO were higher at 25 °C, whereas total white blood cells, circulating thrombocytes, monocytes and neutrophils were higher at 18 °C. In fish fed scFOS, lymphocytes were higher at 18 °C. Total Ig were also higher at 18 °C but only in fish fed 0.1% and 0.5% scFOS diets. No differences in gut bacterial profiles were detected by PCR-DGGE (polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) between dietary treatments. However, group's similarity was higher at 25 °C. Digestive enzymes activities were higher at 25 °C but were unaffected by prebiotics incorporation. Gut morphology was also unaffected by dietary prebiotic incorporation. Overall, gut microbiota composition, digestive enzymes activities and immunity parameters were affected by rearing temperature whereas dietary scFOS incorporation had only minor effects on these parameters. In conclusion, at the tested levels scFOS does not seem worthy of including it in gilthead sea bream juveniles diets.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão da Qualidade


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Proceedings da AUTEX 2015, Bucareste, Roménia.


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New polymer electrolytes (PEs) based on chitosan and three ionic liquid (IL) families ([C2mim][CnSO3], [C2mim][CnSO4] and [C2mim][diCnPO4]) were synthesized by the solvent casting method. The effect of the length of the alkyl chain of the IL anion on the thermal, morphological and electrochemical properties of the PEs was studied. The solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) membranes were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), polarized optical microscopy (POM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), complex impedance spectroscopy (ionic conductivity) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The obtained results evidenced an influence of the alkyl chain length of the IL anion on the temperature of degradation, birefringence, surface roughness and ionic conductivity of the membranes. The DSC, XRD and CV results showed independency from the length of the IL-anion-alkyl chain. The PEs displayed an predominantly amorphous morphology, a minimum temperature of degradation of 135 °C, a room temperature (T = 25 °C) ionic conductivity of 7.78 × 10−4 S cm−1 and a wide electrochemical window of ∼ 4.0 V.


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We study the longitudinal and transverse spin dynamical structure factors of the spin-1/2 XXX chain at finite magnetic field h, focusing in particular on the singularities at excitation energies in the vicinity of the lower thresholds. While the static properties of the model can be studied within a Fermi-liquid like description in terms of pseudoparticles, our derivation of the dynamical properties relies on the introduction of a form of the ‘pseudofermion dynamical theory’ (PDT) of the 1D Hubbard model suitably modified for the spin-only XXX chain and other models with two pseudoparticle Fermi points. Specifically, we derive the exact momentum and spin-density dependences of the exponents ζτ(k) controlling the singularities for both the longitudinal  and transverse (τ = t) dynamical structure factors for the whole momentum range  , in the thermodynamic limit. This requires the numerical solution of the integral equations that define the phase shifts in these exponents expressions. We discuss the relation to neutron scattering and suggest new experiments on spin-chain compounds using a carefully oriented crystal to test our predictions.


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Whether at the zero spin density m = 0 and finite temperatures T > 0 the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 XXX chain is finite or vanishes remains an unsolved and controversial issue, as different approaches yield contradictory results. Here we explicitly compute the stiffness at m = 0 and find strong evidence that it vanishes. In particular, we derive an upper bound on the stiffness within a canonical ensemble at any fixed value of spin density m that is proportional to m2L in the thermodynamic limit of chain length L → ∞, for any finite, nonzero temperature, which implies the absence of ballistic transport for T > 0 for m = 0. Although our method relies in part on the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA), it does not evaluate the stiffness through the second derivative of the TBA energy eigenvalues relative to a uniform vector potential. Moreover, we provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the upper bounds on the spin current and stiffness used in our derivation remain valid under string deviations. Our results also provide strong evidence that in the thermodynamic limit the TBA method used by X. Zotos [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1764 (1999)] leads to the exact stiffness values at finite temperature T > 0 for models whose stiffness is finite at T = 0, similar to the spin stiffness of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain but unlike the charge stiffness of the half-filled 1D Hubbard model.