29 resultados para HTTPS

em Universidade do Minho


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The present paper investigates the risks that arise from exposure to noise from powerpoles and powerlines in Serzedelo, in the municipality of Guimarães, in Portugal. This research focused on four guiding questions: Can powerlines cause noise? Do powerlines cause discomfort? Do powerlines cause discomfort due to noise? And can powerlines effect human health? Two groups were the basis of the study: people that were exposed to electromagnetic waves and people that were not. the research pointed to the harmful influence of the presence of powerlines and high-voltage masts in residential areas and the damage to the cells in the human body. This type of environmental noise, which has the spectral content of a low frequency, typically tonal noise and a very high speed of propagation, is a complex source to explain in terms of the health profiles of the human population living in Serzedelo, located in an area that is densely occupied by high voltage powerlines and powerpole.


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Changes in population age structure are a major concern and represent a priority in the agendas and policies of the developed world, which are demanding for renewed models of social and healthcare as well as assistance services to the elderly population. Studies indicate that as far as possible these types of services should desirably be provided at the user’s home, and that ICT-based solutions can have tremendous impact on the delivery of new services. This paper highlight and discusses some of the main results of a project undertaken in a Portuguese Municipality that demonstrates the potential contribution of an e-Marketplace of care and assistance services to the well-being of elderly people. Studies undertaken allowed identifying the main services that should be provided by such e-Marketplace (termed GuiMarket), the relevance that the population grant to this platform and, conversely, the fact that the Digital Divide phenomena influences the potential utilization of this project (and alike projects). The findings support that there is a strong relation between age and qualifications, and between access to ICT and the intended use of GuiMarket.


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This paper aims to describe the Sequential Excavation Method, used for excava-tion in underground works, as well as the related risks and preventive measures. This method has characteristics that differentiate it from other tunnelling techniques: it uses a larger number of workers and equipment; it has a high concurrency of tasks with various workers and equip-ment quite exposed to hazards; and it uses many potentially aggressive chemicals. Firstly, it is given a broad overview of this issue. Afterwards, it will be presented the results of a survey to a sample of experienced technicians, aimed at gauging the relevance of a set of guidelines relat-ing to the design and work phases, applicable to the domestic market and prepared following technical visits to works abroad.


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O presente artigo centra-se na análise do marketing socioambiental, promovido por empresas do setor energético, bem como o papel da sociedade civil, por intermédio, dos movimentos populares de reivindicação, contra os postes e linhas de alta e muito alta tensão em áreas residenciais na União Europeia e, especificamente, em Portugal. O processo de urbanização crescente e o modo de vida urbano desenfreado acarretaram mudanças substanciais no tecido urbano, sobretudo, no que diz respeito ao avanço das linhas aéreas de energia elétrica. Desde a década de 1960, uma série de estudos foram desenvolvidos sobre os efeitos destas infraestruturas tecnológicas em áreas residenciais. Apesar do intenso debate ainda não existem resultados consensuais quanto à sua influência na saúde das populações. Não obstante, diversos organismos internacionais, tais como, a Organização Mundia l de Saúde (OMS) e a Comissão Internacional de Proteção Contra Radiação Não - Ionizante (ICNIRP), já estabeleceram parâmetros de precaução, a partir da fixação de valores de exposição, tanto em termos ocupacionais , quanto para a população. Neste sentido, objetiva-se com a presente comunicação analisar o papel do marketing socioambiental, a partir da participação popular, dos movimentos internacionais e nacionais contra a alta tensão, sobretudo em Portugal. A pesquisa centrou-se numa abordagem qualitativa de fontes secundárias de dois blogues e cinco jornais nacionais que apresentavam notícias sobre a constituição e as manifestações realizadas pelo Movimento Nacional Contra Linhas de Alta Tensão em Zonas Habitadas. Este Movimento teve a sua origem no Sul de Portugal e difundiu-se por todo o país recrutando indivíduos preocupados com a instalação das novas e das já existentes linhas aéreas de energia elétrica. O Movimento ganhou força a nível nacional com o apoio de partidos políticos. Também foi realizado trabalho de campo em junho de 2014.


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A ideia de que as Matemáticas de Portugal (e de Espanha) atravessaram, depois de um período áureo nos Descobrimentos, um longo deserto onde não foi possível florescerem Mestres, nem escolas, nem cultura científica, nem investigação de relevo foi, durante muito tempo, reiteradamente veiculada, inclusivé através de alguns dos nossos mais referenciados historiadores da Matemática, como é o caso de Gomes Teixeira ou de Rey Pastor. Mas a verdade é que o estudo da História das Matemáticas em Portugal tem, na última década, vivido um interesse crescente onde sobressaem, em particular, uma leitura menos enviesada sobre, por exemplo, o papel educativo dos Jesuítas ou a publicação das obras completas de Pedro Nunes. Está-se assim a contribuir para uma compreensão mais completa da História geral de Portugal, de que a História da Ciência e da Cultura faz parte. José Anastácio da Cunha (1744-1787) foi figura de proa no século XVIII português. Sabíamo-lo matemático que, sem nunca ter saído de Portugal, havia sido capaz de antecipar, em mais de 50 anos, os esforços de matemáticos franceses e alemães para fundar a Matemática com rigor. Sabíamo-lo também autor de uma vasta e diversificada obra de inegável importância matemática mas, igualmente, autor de textos poéticos. Agora, com o projecto que denominámos de MAT2, centramo-nos em José Anastácio da Cunha e pretendemos, se possível, ir ainda mais além. Partimos de uma descoberta, árdua mas com final feliz, em um Arquivo de família: o da Casa de Mateus. Sentimo-nos, com esta “sorte”, privilegiados e gratos por nos ter sido gentilmente concedido o acesso a um vasto conjunto de documentos únicos (diários de viagens, notas de aulas e correspondência) que incluem memórias autógrafas e inéditas de Anastácio da Cunha. Organizámo-nos, cientes do trabalho árduo que temos pela frente, multi e interdisciplinarmente englobando a Matemática (nas suas múltiplas especializações) e a História (incluindo a da Matemática) mas também contando com a Física, a Informática, os estudos militares ou a Arquivística e as Humanidades; reunimos académicos, mais e menos veteranos, com investigadores jovens e juntámos valências nacionais e estrangeiras. No presente artigo daremos conta do percurso trilhado, até agora, pelo projecto MAT2.


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O século XVIII Português foi, à semelhança do resto da Europa, fértil em alterações académicas, científicas e ideológicas. O desenvolvimento da ciência e da técnica, o surgimento das primeiras máquinas, impulsionou a área do saber, que atualmente chamamos de engenharia. Em Portugal (à época ainda um império do qual fazia parte, entre outros, o Brasil), as escolas técnicas e militares consolidam-se e surgem vários engenheiros e militares de renome cujas obras se difundem pelo reino. Manuel de Azevedo Fortes (1660-1749), engenheiro-mor do reino Português, publicou, em 1728 e 1729, os dois tomos de uma das suas obras maiores, O Engenheiro Português, obra dedicada à formação dos engenheiros na Academia Militar de Lisboa.. A primeira parte deste tratado aborda os conhecimentos matemáticos que Azevedo Fortes considera essenciais na formação dos engenheiros. Na sua Geometria Especulativa, um manuscrito datado de 1724, aborda os elementos de geometria e trigonometria, sem esquecer as suas aplicações. O Brigadeiro José Fernandes Pinto Alpoim (1700-1765), engenheiro que se destacou na arquitetura e fortificação do Brasil no século XVIII, publicou o Exame de Artilheiros em 1744 e Exame de Bombeiros em 1748, obras contendo os princípios da geometria e da trigonometria e as suas aplicações à engenharia militar que se destinavam ao ensino dos militares na Academia Militar do Rio de Janeiro, onde era professor. Nesta comunicação analisaremos a matemática, em particular a geometria, presente nestas obras, salientando não só os conteúdos abordados mas a ênfase dada às aplicações desses conteúdos nos contextos militares da época.


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Positioning technologies are becoming ubiquitous and are being used more and more frequently for supporting a large variety of applica- tions. For outdoor applications, global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs), such as the global positioning system (GPS), are the most common and popular choice because of their wide coverage. GPS is also augmented with network-based systems that exploit existing wireless and mobile networks for providing positioning functions where GPS is not available or to save energy in battery-powered devices. Indoors, GNSSs are not a viable solution, but many applications require very accurate, fast, and exible positioning, tracking, and navigation functions. These and other requirements have stim- ulated research activities, in both industry and academia, where a variety of fundamental principles, techniques, and sensors are being integrated to provide positioning functions to many applications. The large majority of positioning technologies is for indoor environments, and most of the existing commercial products have been developed for use in of ce buildings, airports, shopping malls, factory plants, and similar spaces. There are, however, other spaces where positioning, tracking, and navigation systems play a central role in safety and in rescue operations, as well as in supporting speci c activities or for scienti c research activities in other elds. Among those spaces are underground tunnels, mines, and even underwater wells and caves. This chapter describes the research efforts over the past few years that have been put into the development of positioning systems for underground tun- nels, with particular emphasis in the case of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), where localiza- tion aims at enabling more automatic and unmanned radiation surveys. Examples of positioning and localization systems that have been devel- oped in the past few years for underground facilities are presented in the fol- lowing section, together with a brief characterization of those spaces’ special conditions and the requirements of some of the most common applications. Section 5.2 provides a short overview of some of the most representative research efforts that are currently being carried out by many research teams around the world. In addition, some of the fundamental principles and tech- niques are identi ed, such as the use of leaky coaxial cables, as used at the LHC. In Section 5.3, we introduce the speci c environment of the LHC and de ne the positioning requirements for the envisaged application. This is followed by a detailed description of our approach and the results that have been achieved so far. Some last comments and remarks are presented in a nal section.


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The management of solid waste is a growing concern in many countries. Municipal solid waste is a major component of the total solid waste generated by society, and the composting of municipal solid waste has gained some attention even though a composting treatment for it is not yet widespread. It may not be realistic to replace large portions of these plastics with biodegradable materials, and it may be more important to separate plastics unsuitable for the composting process at the generating spots. However, for food packaging, there is still a great deal of interest in using biodegradable plastics that are difficult to sort at the generation spots. Under these circumstances, nanocomposites of biodegradable polymers as matrix and nanoparticles, that can be degraded along with organic wastes during composting could be a solution. Therefore, this chapter aims to give an overview on the biodegradability studies of bio-nanocomposites. It will focus on different polymers, nanocomposites containing different clay types and inorganic particles exposed under different environments.


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A new very high-order finite volume method to solve problems with harmonic and biharmonic operators for one- dimensional geometries is proposed. The main ingredient is polynomial reconstruction based on local interpolations of mean values providing accurate approximations of the solution up to the sixth-order accuracy. First developed with the harmonic operator, an extension for the biharmonic operator is obtained, which allows designing a very high-order finite volume scheme where the solution is obtained by solving a matrix-free problem. An application in elasticity coupling the two operators is presented. We consider a beam subject to a combination of tensile and bending loads, where the main goal is the stress critical point determination for an intramedullary nail.


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Esse estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a atuação profissional no âmbito da lazer, abordando a intervenção sob ponto de vista da ética. Partimos da premissa que os valores e relações estabelecidos na sociedade moderna, lócus das práticas de lazer, interferem na interpretação e organização de modos de vida. Aproximando a ação do profissional de Educação Física com o campo do lazer, apontamos para uma atuação influenciada pela conduta ética e política na direção da mediação. Considerando as reflexões sobre ética e atuação profissional, podemos inferir que a área de Educação Física se consolida por exercer o papel social significativo aos processos educativos do lazer. A atuação profissional no lazer possibilita através da mediação na prática a educação para novos olhares e sensibilidades necessários à construção de uma sociedade igualitária e democrática.


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O tema desta reflexão tratará sobre “Educação Física e investigação”, objetivando promover um elogio ao Cuidado, na forma de Uma carta aberta à Educação Física. Organizamos a nossa Carta em três momentos. Inicialmente, tentaremos esclarecer melhor nossa compreensão sobre os termos: Educação, Educação Física e Investigação. Após, abordaremos duas dimensões que estruturam a vida humana - a palavra e o número - e que parecem estar em crise. Finalmente, no terceiro momento falaremos do cuidado. O cuidar de si, o cuidar de algo, o cuidar de alguém. Entendemos que a crise da palavra e do número tem implicações no entendimento da Educação, da Educação Física, da Investigação e do Cuidado.


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Transcriptional Regulatory Networks (TRNs) are powerful tool for representing several interactions that occur within a cell. Recent studies have provided information to help researchers in the tasks of building and understanding these networks. One of the major sources of information to build TRNs is biomedical literature. However, due to the rapidly increasing number of scientific papers, it is quite difficult to analyse the large amount of papers that have been published about this subject. This fact has heightened the importance of Biomedical Text Mining approaches in this task. Also, owing to the lack of adequate standards, as the number of databases increases, several inconsistencies concerning gene and protein names and identifiers are common. In this work, we developed an integrated approach for the reconstruction of TRNs that retrieve the relevant information from important biological databases and insert it into a unique repository, named KREN. Also, we applied text mining techniques over this integrated repository to build TRNs. However, was necessary to create a dictionary of names and synonyms associated with these entities and also develop an approach that retrieves all the abstracts from the related scientific papers stored on PubMed, in order to create a corpora of data about genes. Furthermore, these tasks were integrated into @Note, a software system that allows to use some methods from the Biomedical Text Mining field, including an algorithms for Named Entity Recognition (NER), extraction of all relevant terms from publication abstracts, extraction relationships between biological entities (genes, proteins and transcription factors). And finally, extended this tool to allow the reconstruction Transcriptional Regulatory Networks through using scientific literature.


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Currently in Portugal academic excellence in higher education is given recognition through merit prizes. Because honours students can be seen as having the potential to achieve imporant levels of professional expertise, especially if they have some personal skills, it is important to know not only the marks of the students but also the personal characteristics that contribute to academic success and which may also be important for career success. Some theoretical models of giftedness and excellence agree with this idea and this work considers the latest contribution of Renzulli (2005) where it is pointed out that excellent achievements result from the combination of motivational, intellectual and creative factors as well as from co-cognitive factors which are most associated with personality functioning in a particular context. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how honours students differ from their classmates in various psychological dimensions: Cognition-creativity, Motivation and Learning Strategies, Persistence, Social Interaction, Drive for Excellence and Cultural Interest. These dimensions were measured by the Inventory of Psychological Characteristics Associated with Academic Performance (ICPADA), which was constructed taking into consideration the previous study of Scaeger et al. (2012). The sample included 914 Portuguese higher educatoin students from a first cycle degree in the Bologna process. Participants were selected from three different fields of study: Social and Human Sciences; Science and Technology; Arts and Humanities. The data collected through the administration of the ICPADA was presented, and the results revealed a higher self-perception by honours students in all areas analyzed, with the exception of the dimension of social interaction. In addition an interaction effect was revealed for persistence, social interaction, and cultural interest. The field of study and whether the participants were honours students or not were also taken into account. Some implications for future studies are presented here along with possible interventions for honours students.


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Although past reviews uniformly criticized the efficacy and effectiveness of sexual abstinence in adolescents, new studies dispute the earlier findings. Studies that unpackage intervention programs provide one means of understanding why they succeed in some settings and not in others. This study examined 3183 students spread over 35 schools on the number of hours that they received in sexual abstinence education, in a context of health behaviors promotion. A multi-level analysis (HLM) was performed. The number of hours did not appear to make any difference in the outcome scores. Reasons for this finding are presented and their implications are provided.