13 resultados para H. Paasonens mordwinisches Wörterbuch. 1-6

em Universidade do Minho


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Marine ecosystem can be considered a rather exploited source of natural substances with enormous bioactive potential. In Mexico macro-algae study remain forgotten for research and economic purposes besides the high amount of this resource along the west and east coast. For that reason the Bioferinery Group of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, have been studying the biorefinery concept in order to recover high value byproducts of Mexican brown macro-algae including polysaccharides and enzymes to be applied in food, pharmaceutical and energy industry. Brown macroalgae are an important source of fucoidan, alginate and laminarin which comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a wide range of important biological properties such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral and antiviral and also as rich source of fermentable sugars for enzymes production. Additionally, specific enzymes able to degrade algae matrix (fucosidases, sulfatases, aliginases, etc) are important tools to establish structural characteristics and biological functions of these polysaccharides. The aims of the present work were the integral study of bioprocess for macroalgae biomass exploitation by the use of green technologies as hydrothermal extraction and solid state fermentation in order to produce polysaccharides and enzymes (fucoidan and fucoidan hydrolytic enzymes). This work comprises the use of the different bioprocess phases in order to produce high value products with lower time and wastes.


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Existem diversos métodos tradicionais que são utilizados para extratir biomoléculas produzidas por fermentação convencional. Um método alternativo é o sistema de duas fases aquosas, o qual foi desenvolvido para a extração de bioprodutos. A bioconversão extrativa trata-se de um sistema de duas fases aquosas que integra cultivo microbiológico à produção e recuperação do bioproduto. Fitases são fosfatases específicas que estão envolvidas na catálise do ácido fitico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a partição da fitase produzida por A. niger var. phoenicis por bioconversão extrativa utilizando PEG/citrato. Realizou-se um planejamento fatorial completo 25, estudando as seguintes variáveis: massa molar do PEG, concentração do PEG, concentração de citrato, pH e agitação, onde obteve-se como variável-resposta o coeficiente de partição em atividade (KATIV). Neste trabalho conseguiu-se um coeficiente de partição de 25,77 utilizando MPEG (8000 g/mol), CPEG, (26,0% m/m), CCIT (20,0% m/m), pH (6,0) e agitação (100 rpm). Através dos resultados obtivos, pode-se concluir que a fitase utilizada no presente estudo apresenta uma tendência de particionar para a fase superior do sistema (K>1). A técnica de fermentação extrativa utilizando SDFA PEG/citrato demonstrou ser promissora para extração de fitase produzida por A. niger var. phoenicis, podendo ser aplicada na composição de rações comerciais.


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O ácido clavulânico (AC) é um inibidor de β-lactamases que tem vindo a ser largamente utilizado na área médica. Embora seja de extrema importância, o desenvolvimento de processos alternativos de produção e purificação é ainda insignificante, sendo fundamental o estudo de técnicas de extração mais biocompatíveis, como os Sistemas Aquosos Bifásicos (SABs). Assim, este trabalho objetivou o estudo de Sistemas Aquosos Bifásicos baseados em polímeros como uma ferramenta alternativa para a extração de AC. Foram testados dois SPAB compostos por Polietileno Glicol (PEG) com massa molecular (M) de 4000 g/mol e Poliacrilato de Sódio de 8000 g/mol, nos quais foi alterado o eletrólito indutor da formação de fases, em particular, sulfato de sódio (Na2SO4,) e cloreto de sódio (NaCl). Ademais, este trabalho visou também avaliar a eficiência de extração do AC, bem como compreender o efeito dos contaminantes no processo de migração. Para tal, foi avaliada a extração do AC a partir de três fontes distintas: solução pura (99,9%); solução comercial (60%); diretamente a partir do sobrenadante de um meio fermentando de Streptomyces clavuligerus. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que independentemente da fonte inicial do AC, ambos os SABs poliméricos promoveram uma partição preferencial do AC para a fase rica em PEG, sendo o coeficiente de partição maior nos sistemas com Na2SO4 do que com NaCl. Após identificar a grande capacidade de partição de AC, o SAB com PEG/NaPA/Na2SO4 foi também utilizado para avaliar a partição de proteínas presente no meio fermentado, sendo também obtida uma preferencial partição destas para a fase rica em PEG. Assim, apesar da baixa capacidade de purificação de AC frente a proteínas contaminantes, os SABs estudados demonstraram que podem ser uma técnica alternativa sustentável e bastante econômica para uma etapa inicial de clarificação/concentração de bioprodutos a partir de caldos fermentados.


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The recycling of pavements is nowadays a very important question to the road paving industry. With the objective of incorporating higher percentages of reclaimed asphalt (RA) materials in recycled asphalt mixtures, new techniques have been developed in the last years. The use of foamed bitumen is normally associated with the production of cold asphalt mixtures, which usually show lower quality standards. However, the objective of the work presented in this paper is to assess the use of foamed bitumen as the binder of warm asphalt mixtures incorporating 30% RA, which have quality standards similar to those of conventional mixtures. Thus, five mixtures have been produced with 30% RA, one of them with a conventional bitumen (control mix) and the others with foamed bitumen at different production temperatures. The mixtures were tested for compactability and water sensitivity and the results show a possible reduction of 25 ºC in the production temperatures, while the water sensitivity test results were kept close to 90 %.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências - Especialidade em Biologia


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The final ATLAS Run 1 measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the decay channel †’ZZ∗→ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−, where â„“,ℓ′=e or μ, are presented. These measurements were performed using pp collision data corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.5 fb−1 and 20.3 fb−1 at center-of-mass energies of 7 TeV and 8 TeV, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The †’ZZ∗→4â„“ signal is observed with a significance of 8.1 standard deviations at 125.36 GeV, the combined ATLAS measurement of the Higgs boson mass from the †’γγ and †’ZZ∗→4â„“ channels. The production rate relative to the Standard Model expectation, the signal strength, is measured in four different production categories in the †’ZZ∗→4â„“ channel. The measured signal strength, at this mass, and with all categories combined, is 1.44 +0.40−0.33. The signal strength for Higgs boson production in gluon fusion or in association with tt¯ or bb¯ pairs is found to be 1.7 +0.5−0.4, while the signal strength for vector-boson fusion combined with WH/ZH associated production is found to be 0.3 +1.6−0.9.


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PhD Thesis in Sciences Specialization in Chemistry


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Measurements of the total and differential cross sections of Higgs boson production are performed using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collisions produced by the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV and recorded by the ATLAS detector. Cross sections are obtained from measured †’γγ and †’ZZ∗→4â„“ event yields, which are combined accounting for detector efficiencies, fiducial acceptances and branching fractions. Differential cross sections are reported as a function of Higgs boson transverse momentum, Higgs boson rapidity, number of jets in the event, and transverse momentum of the leading jet. The total production cross section is determined to be σpp→H=33.0±5.3(stat)±1.6(sys)pb. The measurements are compared to state-of-the-art predictions.


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Total laparoscopic hysterectomy: impact of body mass index on outcomes


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Three PEGylated derivatives of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-((6-amino)hexanoic)-4,7,10-triacetic acid) (DOTA-AHA) with different molecular weights were prepared and characterized. Their Gd(III) chelates were studied in aqueous solution using variable-temperature 1H nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) and 17ONMR spectroscopy in view of the determination of their relaxivity and the parameters that govern it. The relaxivity varied from 5.1 to 6.5 mM-1.s-1 (37 ºC and 60 MHz) with the increasing molecular weight of the PEG chain, being slightly higher than that of the parent chelate Gd(DOTA-AHA), due to a small contribution of a slow global rotation of the complexes. A variable temperature 1H NMR study of several Ln(III) chelates of DOTA-A(PEG750)HA allowed the determination of the isomeric M/m ratio (M = square antiprismatic isomer and m = twisted square antiprismatic isomer, the latter presenting a much faster water exchange) which for the Gd(III) chelate was estimated in circa 1:0.2, very close to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. This explains why the PEGylated Gd(III) chelate has a water rate exchange similar to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. The predominance of the M isomer is a consequence of the bulky PEG moiety which does not favor the stabilization of the m isomer in sterically crowded systems at the substituent site, contrary to what happens with less packed asymmetrical DOTA-type chelates with substitution in one of the four acetate C(α) atoms.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada – Biomedicina


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A generic search for anomalous production of events with at least three charged leptons is presented. The data sample consists of pp collisions at s√=8 TeV collected in 2012 by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Events are required to have at least three selected lepton candidates, at least two of which must be electrons or muons, while the third may be a hadronically decaying tau. Selected events are categorized based on their lepton flavour content and signal regions are constructed using several kinematic variables of interest. No significant deviations from Standard Model predictions are observed. Model-independent upper limits on contributions from beyond the Standard Model phenomena are provided for each signal region, along with prescription to re-interpret the limits for any model. Constraints are also placed on models predicting doubly charged Higgs bosons and excited leptons. For doubly charged Higgs bosons decaying to eτ or μτ, lower limits on the mass are set at 400 GeV at 95% confidence level. For excited leptons, constraints are provided as functions of both the mass of the excited state and the compositeness scale Λ, with the strongest mass constraints arising in regions where the mass equals Λ. In such scenarios, lower mass limits are set at 3.0 TeV for excited electrons and muons, 2.5 TeV for excited taus, and 1.6 TeV for every excited-neutrino flavour.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the current conventional Pap smear with liquid-based cytology (LBC) preparations. STUDY DESIGN Women routinely undergoing their cytopathological and histopathological examinations at Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo (FOSP) were recruited for LBC. Conventional smears were analyzed from women from other areas of the State of São Paulo with similar sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS A total of 218,594 cases were analyzed, consisting of 206,999 conventional smears and 11,595 LBC. Among the conventional smears, 3.0% were of unsatisfactory preparation; conversely, unsatisfactory LBC preparations accounted for 0.3%. The ASC-H (atypical squamous cells - cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) frequency did not demonstrate any differences between the two methods. In contrast, the incidence of ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) was almost twice as frequent between LBC and conventional smears, at 2.9 versus 1.6%, respectively. An equal percentage of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions were observed for the two methods, but not for low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, which were more significantly observed in LBC preparations than in conventional smears (2.2 vs. 0.7%). The index of positivity was importantly enhanced from 3.0% (conventional smears) to 5.7% (LBC). CONCLUSIONS LBC performed better than conventional smears, and we are truly confident that LBC can improve public health strategies aimed at reducing cervical lesions through prevention programs.