21 resultados para Green function

em Universidade do Minho


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Implantable devices must exhibit mechanical properties similar to native tissues to promote appropriate cellular behavior and regeneration. Herein, we report a new membrane manufacture method based on the synthesis of polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) that exhibit saloplasticity, i.e. variable physical-chemistry using salt as a plasticizer. This is a Green Chemistry approach, as PECs generate structures that are stabilized solely by reversible electrostatic interactions, avoiding the use of harmful crosslinkers completely. Furthermore, natural polyelectrolytes - chitosan and alginate - were used. Upon mixing them, membranes were obtained by drying the PECs at 37ºC, yielding compact PECs without resorting to organicsolvents. The plasticizing effect of salt after synthesis was shown by measuring tensile mechanical properties, which were lower when samples were immersed in high ionic strength solutions.Salt was also used during membrane synthesis in different quan- tities (0 M, 0.15 M and 0.5 M in NaCl) yielding structures with no significant differences in morphology and degradation (around 15% after 3 months in lysozyme). However, swelling was higher (about 10x) when synthesized in the presence of salt. In vitro cell studies using L929 fibroblasts showed that cells adhered and proliferated preferentially in membranes fabricated in the presence of salt (i.e. the membranes with lower tensile strength). Structures with physical-chemical properties controlled with precision open a path to tissue engineering strategies depending on fine tuning mechanical properties and cellular adhesion simply by changing ionic strength during membrane manufacture


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Marine ecosystem can be considered a rather exploited source of natural substances with enormous bioactive potential. In Mexico macro-algae study remain forgotten for research and economic purposes besides the high amount of this resource along the west and east coast. For that reason the Bioferinery Group of the Autonomous University of Coahuila, have been studying the biorefinery concept in order to recover high value byproducts of Mexican brown macro-algae including polysaccharides and enzymes to be applied in food, pharmaceutical and energy industry. Brown macroalgae are an important source of fucoidan, alginate and laminarin which comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a wide range of important biological properties such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral and antiviral and also as rich source of fermentable sugars for enzymes production. Additionally, specific enzymes able to degrade algae matrix (fucosidases, sulfatases, aliginases, etc) are important tools to establish structural characteristics and biological functions of these polysaccharides. The aims of the present work were the integral study of bioprocess for macroalgae biomass exploitation by the use of green technologies as hydrothermal extraction and solid state fermentation in order to produce polysaccharides and enzymes (fucoidan and fucoidan hydrolytic enzymes). This work comprises the use of the different bioprocess phases in order to produce high value products with lower time and wastes.


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Burn wound healing involves a complex set of overlapping processes in an environment conducive to ischemia, inflammation, and infection costing $7.5 billion/year in the US alone, in addition to the morbidity and mortality that occur when the burns are extensive. We previously showed that insulin, when topically applied to skin excision wounds, accelerates re-epithelialization, and stimulates angiogenesis. More recently, we developed an alginate sponge dressing (ASD) containing insulin encapsulated in PLGA microparticles that provides a sustained release of bioactive insulin for >20days in a moist and protective environment. We hypothesized that insulin-containing ASD accelerates burn healing and stimulates a more regenerative, less scarring, healing. Using a heat-induced burn injury in rats, we show that burns treated with dressings containing 0.04mg insulin/cm2, every three days for 9 days, have faster closure, faster rate of disintegration of dead tissue, and decreased oxidative stress.In addition, in insulin-treated wounds the pattern of neutrophil inflammatory response suggests faster clearing of the burn dead tissue. We also observe faster resolution of the pro-inflammatory macrophages. We also found that insulin stimulates collagen deposition and maturation with the fibers organized more like a basket weave (normal skin) than aligned and crosslinked (scar tissue). In summary , application of ASD-containing insulin-loaded PLGA particles on burns every three days stimulates faster and more regenerative healing. These results suggest insulin as a potential therapeutic agent in burn healing and, because of its long history of safe use in humans, insulin could become one of the treatments of choice when repair and regeneration are critical for proper tissue function.


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A Zero waste management is believed to be one of methods to gain sustainability in urban areas. Take advantages of resources as enough as the needs and process it until the last part to be wasted is a contribution to take care the environment for the next generation. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are three simplesactivities which are until nowadays consideredas the back bone of zero waste. Jonggolgreen city is a new urban area in Indonesia with a 100 ha of surface area zoned as education tourism area. It is an independent area with pure natural resources of water, air, and land to be managed and protected. It is planned as green city through zero waste management since2013. In this preliminary period, a monitoring tool is being prepared by applying a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for urban areas [1]. This paper will present an explanatory assessment ofthe zero waste management for Jonggolgreen city. The existing situation will be examined through LCA and afterwards,the new program and the proposed green design to gain the next level of zero waste will be discussed. The purpose is to track the persistence of the commitment and the perception of the necessary innovationsin order to achieve the ideal behavior level of LCA.


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Various differential cross-sections are measured in top-quark pair (tt¯) events produced in proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7 TeV at the LHC with the ATLAS detector. These differential cross-sections are presented in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1. The differential cross-sections are presented in terms of kinematic variables of a top-quark proxy referred to as the pseudo-top-quark whose dependence on theoretical models is minimal. The pseudo-top-quark can be defined in terms of either reconstructed detector objects or stable particles in an analogous way. The measurements are performed on tt¯ events in the lepton+jets channel, requiring exactly one charged lepton and at least four jets with at least two of them tagged as originating from a b-quark. The hadronic and leptonic pseudo-top-quarks are defined via the leptonic or hadronic decay mode of the W boson produced by the top-quark decay in events with a single charged lepton.The cross-section is measured as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of both the hadronic and leptonic pseudo-top-quark as well as the transverse momentum, rapidity and invariant mass of the pseudo-top-quark pair system. The measurements are corrected for detector effects and are presented within a kinematic range that closely matches the detector acceptance. Differential cross-section measurements of the pseudo-top-quark variables are compared with several Monte Carlo models that implement next-to-leading order or leading-order multi-leg matrix-element calculations.


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Stress/strain sensors constitute a class of devices with a global ever-growing market thanks to their use in many fields of modern life. They are typically constituted by thin metal foils deposited on flexible supports. However, the low inherent resistivity and limited flexibility of their constituents make them inadequate for several applications, such as measuring large movements in robotic systems and biological tissues. As an alternative to the traditional compounds, in the present work we will show the advantages to employ a smart material, polyaniline (PANI), prepared by an innovative environmentally friendly route, for force/strain sensor applications wherein simple processing, environmental friendliness and sensitivity are particularly required.


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This paper provides an overview of properties and application of natural fibre composites. Natural fibre market, merits and demerits, surface treatment techniques, properties of some recently developed natural fibre composites and applications have been discussed.


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The tt¯ production cross-section dependence on jet multiplicity and jet transverse momentum is reported for proton--proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV in the single-lepton channel. The data were collected with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider and comprise the full 2011 data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb−1. Differential cross-sections are presented as a function of the jet multiplicity for up to eight jets using jet transverse momentum thresholds of 25, 40, 60, and 80 GeV, and as a function of jet transverse momentum up to the fifth jet. The results are shown after background subtraction and corrections for all detector effects, within a kinematic range closely matched to the experimental acceptance. Several QCD-based Monte Carlo models are compared with the results. Sensitivity to the parton shower modelling is found at the higher jet multiplicities, at high transverse momentum of the leading jet and in the transverse momentum spectrum of the fifth leading jet. The MC@NLO+HERWIG MC is found to predict too few events at higher jet multiplicities.


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In longitudinal studies of disease, patients may experience several events through a follow-up period. In these studies, the sequentially ordered events are often of interest and lead to problems that have received much attention recently. Issues of interest include the estimation of bivariate survival, marginal distributions and the conditional distribution of gap times. In this work we consider the estimation of the survival function conditional to a previous event. Different nonparametric approaches will be considered for estimating these quantities, all based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator of the survival function. We explore the finite sample behavior of the estimators through simulations. The different methods proposed in this article are applied to a data set from a German Breast Cancer Study. The methods are used to obtain predictors for the conditional survival probabilities as well as to study the influence of recurrence in overall survival.


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Several suction–water-content (s-w) calibrations for the filter paper method (FPM) used for soil-suction measurement have been published. Most of the calibrations involve a bilinear function (i.e., two different equations) with an inflection point occurring at 60 kPafunction with a smooth transition between the high and low suctions based on a regression analysis of various previously published calibrations obtained for filter paper Whatman No. 42 (W42) is presented and discussed. The approach is applied herein to data obtained from three establish bilinear calibrations (six equations) for W42 filter paper to determine the two fitting parameters of the continuous function. An experimental evaluation of the new calibration show that the suctions estimated by the contact FPM test using the proposed function compare well with suctions measured by other laboratory techniques for two different soils for the suction range of 50 kPa


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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Radical cyclization continues to be a central methodology for the preparation of natural products containing heterocyclic rings. Hence, some electrochemical results obtained by cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis in the study of electroreductive intramolecular cyclization of ethyl (2S, 3R)-2-bromo-3-propargyloxy-3-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy) propanoate (1a), 2-bromo-3-allyloxy-3-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)propanoate (1b), 2-bromo-[1-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)propyl]benzene (1c) and [1-bromo-2-methoxy-2-(prop-2’-yn-1-yloxy)ethyl]benzene (1d) promoted by (1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)nickel(I), [Ni(tmc)]+, electrogenerated at glassy carbon cathodes in ethanol and ethanol:water mixtures containing tetraalkylammonium salts, are presented. During controlled-potential electrolyses of solutions containing [Ni(tmc)]2+ and bromoalkoxylated compounds (1) catalytic reduction of the latter proceeds via one-electron cleavage of the carbon–bromine bond to form a radical intermediate that undergoes cyclization to afford the substituted tetrahydrofurans.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada – Biomedicina


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Tantalum oxynitride thin films were produced by magnetron sputtering. The films were deposited usinga pure Ta target and a working atmosphere with a constant N2/O2ratio. The choice of this constant ratiolimits the study concerning the influence of each reactive gas, but allows a deeper understanding of theaspects related to the affinity of Ta to the non-metallic elements and it is economically advantageous.This work begins by analysing the data obtained directly from the film deposition stage, followed bythe analysis of the morphology, composition and structure. For a better understanding regarding theinfluence of the deposition parameters, the analyses are presented by using the following criterion: thefilms were divided into two sets, one of them produced with grounded substrate holder and the otherwith a polarization of −50 V. Each one of these sets was produced with different partial pressure of thereactive gases P(N2+ O2). All the films exhibited a O/N ratio higher than the N/O ratio in the depositionchamber atmosphere. In the case of the films produced with grounded substrate holder, a strong increaseof the O content is observed, associated to the strong decrease of the N content, when P(N2+ O2) is higherthan 0.13 Pa. The higher Ta affinity for O strongly influences the structural evolution of the films. Grazingincidence X-ray diffraction showed that the lower partial pressure films were crystalline, while X-rayreflectivity studies found out that the density of the films depended on the deposition conditions: thehigher the gas pressure, the lower the density. Firstly, a dominant -Ta structure is observed, for lowP(N2+ O2); secondly a fcc-Ta(N,O) structure, for intermediate P(N2+ O2); thirdly, the films are amorphousfor the highest partial pressures. The comparison of the characteristics of both sets of produced TaNxOyfilms are explained, with detail, in the text.


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Purpose: To determine the relationship of goblet cell density (GCD) with tear function and ocular surface physiology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 35 asymptomatic subjects with mean age 23.8±3.6 years. Tear film assessment, conjunctiva and cornea examination were done in each subject. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed by applying Nitrocellulose Millipore MFTM-Membrane filter over the superior bulbar conjunctiva. The filter paper was than fixed with 96% ethanol and stained with Periodic Acid Schiff, Hematoxylin and Eosin. GCD was determined by optical microscopy. Relation between GCD and Schirmer score, tear break-up time (TBUT), bulbar redness, limbal redness and corneal staining was determined. Results: The mean GCD was 151±122 cells/mm2. GCD was found higher in eyes with higher Schirmer score but it was not significant (p = 0.75). There was a significant relationship ofGCDwith TBUT (p = 0.042). GCD was not correlated with bulbar redness (p = 0.126), and limbal redness (p = 0.054) as well as corneal staining (p = 0.079). No relationship of GCD with age and gender of the subjects (p > 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: GCD was found correlated with TBUT but no significant correlation was found with the aqueous portion of the tear, limbal as well as bulbar redness and corneal staining.