7 resultados para Dementia
em Universidade do Minho
Tese de Doutoramento em Cincias da Sade.
Tese de Doutoramento em Cincias da Sade
Neste artigo apresentamos uma breve reviso da literatura sobre o papel da memria no processo de envelhecimento e a deteriorao que esta sofre em caso de demncia, por exemplo de Alzheimer. Expomos ainda um ensaio/programa de treino cognitivo para estimular/reabilitar a memria. O aumento acentuado da esperana de vida, associado baixa natalidade que se vem observando na maioria dos pases ocidentais, poder fazer com que as manifestaes psicopatolgicas da terceira idade se tornem bastante incidentes. Torna-se portanto indispensvel que o envelhecimento decorra de forma natural, saudvel, simplificando o funcionamento do organismo e libertando-o de problemas indesejveis. Com o presente artigo procuramos alertar a comunidade para o tema do envelhecimento, da consequente diminuio de capacidades cognitivas, funcionais e executivas, fazendo um especial enfoque memria.
Although some studies point to cognitive stimulation as a beneficial therapy for older adults with cognitive impairments, this area of research and practice is still lacking dissemination and is underrepresented in many countries. Moreover, the comparative effects of different intervention durations remain to be established and, besides cognitive effects, pragmatic parameters, such as cost-effectiveness and experiential relevance to participants, are seldom explored. In this work, we present a randomized con- trolled wait-list trial evaluating 2 different intervention durations (standard 14 17 vs brief 14 11 sessions) of a cognitive stimulation program developed for older adults with cognitive impairments with or without dementia. 20 participants were randomly assigned to the standard duration intervention program (17 sessions, 1.5 months) or to a wait-list group. At postintervention of the standard intervention group, the wait-list group crossed over to receive the brief intervention program (11 sessions, 1 month). Changes in neuropsychological, functionality, quality of life, and caregiver outcomes were evaluated. Experience during intervention and costs and feasibility were also evaluated. The current cognitive stimulation programs (ie, standard and brief) showed high values of experiential relevance for both intervention durations. High adherence, completion rates, and reasonable costs were found for both formats. Further studies are needed to definitively establish the potential efficacy, optimal duration, cost-effectiveness, and experiential relevance for participants of cognitive intervention approaches.
Parkinsons disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, primarily characterized by motor symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, stiffness, slowness and impaired equilibrium. Although the motor symptoms have been the focus in PD, slight cognitive deficits are commonly found in non-demented and non-depressed PD patients, even in early stages of the disease, which have been linked to the subsequent development of pathological dementia. Thus, strongly reducing the quality of life (QoL). Both levodopa therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) have yield controversial results concerning the cognitive symptoms amelioration in PD patients. That does not seems to be the case with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), although better stimulation parameters are needed. Therefore we hypothesize that simultaneously delivering cathodal tDCS (or ctDCS), over the right prefrontal cortex delivered with anodal tDCS (or atDCS) to left prefrontal cortex could be potentially beneficial for PD patients, either by mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity and by increases in the extracellular dopamine levels over the striatum.
Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrnica Industrial e Computadores
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (Especialidade de Psicologia Clnica)