16 resultados para D-glucosamine

em Universidade do Minho


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A enzima β-D-frutosiltransferase é responsável pela síntese de FOS (frutooligossacarídeos) a partir de sacarose por reação de transfrutosilação é produzida por diferentes micro-organismos, principalmente por fungos filamentosos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar a melhor linhagem fúngica produtora da -D-frutosiltransferase por fermentação em estado sólido, bem como o método de extração. A fermentação em estado sólido utilizando o substrato farelo de trigo umedecido com solução de sacarose atingindo 70% de umidade na concentração de esporos de 107 no tempo de 96 horas de crescimento. Todas as linhagens manipuladas apresentaram atividade hidrolítica, no entanto apenas uma linhagem não demonstrou atividade transfrutosilação. O isolado SIS 14 que pertence ao gênero Aspergillus sp. destacou-se pelos maiores valores em atividade no método de extração utilizando água destilada, apresentando 300,90 U/mL na atividade de transfrutosilação e na atividade hidrolítica de 155,74 U/mL. Contudo, pode-se perceber que dos solventes estudados a água destilada foi melhor obtendo o valor em atividade de transfrutosilação, como também a linhagem SIS 14 é promissora para a produção da β-D-frutosiltransferase.


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Doctoral Thesis (PhD Programm on Molecular and Environmental Biology)


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Staphylococcus epidermidis is a biofilm - forming bacterium and a leading etiological agent of nosocomial infections. The ability to establish biofilms on indwelling medical devices is a key virulence factor for this bacterium. Still, the influence of poly - N - acetyl glucosamine (PNAG), the major component of the extracellular biofilm matrix, in the host immune response has been scarcely studied. Here, t h is influence was assessed in mice challenged i.p. with PNAG - p roducing (WT) and isogenic - mutant lacking PNAG (M10) bacteria grown in biofilm - inducing conditions. Faster bacterial clearance was observed in the mice infected with WT bacteria than in M10 - infected counterparts , which w as accompanied by earlier neutrophil recruitment and higher IL - 6 production. Interestingly, in the WT - infected mice, but not in those infected with M10 , elevated serum IL - 10 was detected . To further study the effe ct of PNAG in the immune response, mice were primed with WT or M10 biofilm bacteria and subsequently infected with WT biofilm - released cells. WT - primed mice presented a higher frequency of splenic IFN - γ + and IL - 17 + CD4 + T cells, and more severe liver patho logy than M10 - primed counterparts. Nevertheless, T reg cells obtained from the WT - primed mice presented a higher suppressive function than those obtained from M10 - primed mice. This effect was abrogated when IL - 10 - deficient mice were similarly primed and infected indicating that PNAG promotes the differentiati on of highly suppressive T reg cells by a mechanism dependent on IL - 10. Altogether, these results provide evidence help ing explain ing the coexistence of inflammation and bacterial persistence often observed in biofilm - originated S. epidermidis infections


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Depuis les années 1980, lorsqu’elle émerge associée à la Marche des Beurs, de son vrai nom Marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme, la littérature produite par les écrivains français nés de parents immigrés du Maghreb fait l’objet d’une revendication de reconnaissance et de légitimation culturelle qui prolonge la revendication politique d’intégration à la société française des populations issues de l’immigration. L’histoire de ce mouvement littéraire est donc celle de la lutte pour une place dans le champ littéraire français moyennant l’accès au dispositif institutionnel qui y introduit œuvre et auteur : maisons d’édition, presse et médias audiovisuels, librairies, prix littéraires, universités. Cet appareil de reconnaissance et de légitimation, Michel Laronde l’appelle l’Institution. L’un des instruments de l’Institution est la catégorisation.


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In this paper, we investigate the reducibility property of semidirect products of the form V *D relatively to (pointlike) systems of equations of the form x1 =...= xn, where D denotes the pseudovariety of definite semigroups. We establish a connection between pointlike reducibility of V*D and the pointlike reducibility of the pseudovariety V. In particular, for the canonical signature consisting of the multiplication and the (omega-1)-power, we show that V*D is pointlike-reducible when V is pointlike-reducible.


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Acetate is a short-chain fatty acid secreted by Propionibacteria from the human intestine, known to induce mitochondrial apoptotic death in colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. We previously established that acetate also induces lysosome membrane permeabilization in CRC cells, associated with release of the lysosomal protease cathepsin D (CatD), which has a well-established role in the mitochondrial apoptotic cascade. Unexpectedly, we showed that CatD has an antiapoptotic role in this process, as pepstatin A (a CatD inhibitor) increased acetate-induced apoptosis. These results mimicked our previous data in the yeast system showing that acetic acid activates a mitochondria-dependent apoptosis process associated with vacuolar membrane permeabilization and release of the vacuolar protease Pep4p, ortholog of mammalian CatD. Indeed, this protease was required for cell survival in a manner dependent on its catalytic activity and for efficient mitochondrial degradation independently of autophagy. In this study, we therefore assessed the role of CatD in acetate-induced mitochondrial alterations. We found that, similar to acetic acid in yeast, acetate-induced apoptosis is not associated with autophagy induction in CRC cells. Moreover, inhibition of CatD with small interfering RNA or pepstatin A enhanced apoptosis associated with higher mitochondrial dysfunction and increased mitochondrial mass. This effect seems to be specific, as inhibition of CatB and CatL with E-64d had no effect, nor were these proteases significantly released to the cytosol during acetate-induced apoptosis. Using yeast cells, we further show that the role of Pep4p in mitochondrial degradation depends on its protease activity and is complemented by CatD, indicating that this mechanism is conserved. In summary, the clues provided by the yeast model unveiled a novel CatD function in the degradation of damaged mitochondria when autophagy is impaired, which protects CRC cells from acetate-induced apoptosis. CatD inhibitors could therefore enhance acetate-mediated cancer cell death, presenting a novel strategy for prevention or therapy of CRC.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Património e Turismo Cultural


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Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação Arte e Cultura


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[Excerpt] Although Acinetobacter baumannii has been the main agent for healthcare infections, recent reports suggest that some Acinetobacter environmental species should be considered as a potential cause of disease. In Angola, there are no previous data on its environmental reservoirs and resistance features. We aimed to unveil the occurrence and diversity of Acinetobacter species and the presence of resistance mechanisms in different non-clinical settings in Angola.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal


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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2015.09.169.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Informação e Jornalismo)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal