11 resultados para Arqueologia medieval -- Congressos
em Universidade do Minho
Through the analysis of the exceptional accounting documents of 1517 related to the construction of the Monastery of Jerónimos (Lisbon), this paper discusses the main characteristics of a new model of construction site organization. In the later Middle Ages we can find, among others, two main models of constructing site organization. One, older and more widespread, consisted in a centralized and pyramidal management model. The other, apparently more recent, was based in the existence of several autonomous teams working simultaneously, each one responsible for building a specific part or section of the building. This paper describes and discusses this new organizational model as it was adopted and implemented by João de Castilho (1470–1552) for the construction of the Monastery of Jerónimos in 1517, probably for the first time in Portugal, but with some parallels in other places in Europe.
O relatório que se apresenta respeita aos trabalhos arqueológicos desenvolvidos entre 2013 e 2014, inscritos no Projeto de Investigação Plurianual de Arqueologia (adiante PIPA) “Povoamento e Paisagens no Vale Superior do Rio Terva, Boticas – PoPaTERVA 2013-2016”, oportunamente aprovado pela Direção Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC: ofício n.º 2013/1 (169) CS: 875795 informação n.º 1704/DBC/2013). O projeto Povoamento e Paisagens no Vale Superior do Rio Terva, Boticas/ PoPaTERVA surge na sequência da conclusão do projeto de Conservação, Estudo, Valorização e Divulgação do Complexo Mineiro Antigo do Vale Superior do Rio Terva, Boticas, concebido em 2006 pela UAUM e executado entre 2010 e 2012 no âmbito de protocolo estabelecido com a Câmara Municipal de Boticas. Desta primeira ação de investigação resultou a classificação do Complexo Mineiro Antigo do Vale Superior do Rio Terva como Sítio de Interesse Público, promulgado pela Portaria n.º 386/2013 (DR, 2.º Série, n.º 115 de 18 de Junho de 2013 – ver Apêndice 7.1.2).
O presente relatório enquadra-se na execução do Projeto PoPaTERVA 2013-2016, um projeto PIPA aprovado pela DGPC em 2013 (oficio nº 06922, de 04-07-13. Ref. 2013/1 (169) CS 875795). Para o corrente ano de 2014 pretendemos dar continuidade às investigações decorrentes da implementação do projeto referido anteriormente, iniciando assim o estudo em pormenor do Castro de Sapelos. Os trabalhos arqueológicos foram iniciados a 1 de Julho e terminaram no mês de Dezembro, contaram com a participação de 4 jovens voluntários do programa municipal Boticas Mexe.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em História
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Arqueologia
"Entrevista concedida a Érica Cristhyane Morais da Silva"
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em História
Dissertação de mestrado em Técnicas de Caracterização e Análise Química
This paper aims to identify and characterize the organizational models of construction site and building activity in late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, through the analysis of specific Portuguese case studies, related with important buildings financed by the royal power. This paper also intends to develop a comparative analysis between those different organizational models, identifying the main features of each one, as well as their similarities and differences. In this sense, we intend to present a comparative analysis between the two main models of organization of the construction site, through a methodology of crossing different types of sources, including written ones, such as books of accounts, but also iconographic and material sources, as well as the buildings and monuments still preserved today. In terms of written sources, the construction site accounting books allow us to study several specific aspects of the construction process, but also allow us to infer the organizational models of the construction activity.
The fundamental goal we set ourselves when developing this study is to try to characterize, both technically and formally, ceramics made in the city of Braga and its territory from the initial moments of the Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Thus, we will focus on analyzing some own productions that appear attached to the phases of late antique occupation —ceramics of red engobes and late gray—, as well as in the early medieval containers identified in different archaeological interventions practiced in the Braga environment. Concretely, we will analyze the material from various excavations conducted recently at the Theatre in the solar number 20/28 and 36/56 from the Afonso Henriques Street and the former District Hostel as well as the church of São Martinho de Dume.