72 resultados para Portuguese Literature


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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Este artigo relata uma intervenção pedagógica levada a cabo junto de alunos do 4º ano de escolaridade do Ensino Básico, em Portugal, com dois objetivos: (1) desenvolver competências literácitas, especificamente ao nível da leitura e compreensão leitora; e (2) construir o conhecimento histórico, recorrendo a obras de literatura infanto-juvenil que recriam eventos históricos. O referencial teórico baseou-se quer no conceito de Content Area Literacy (MOSS, 2005; BROZO, 2010), quer no Programa de Leitura Fundamentado na Literatura (YOOP; YOOP, 2006).


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Empresariais


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Tese de Doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (Especialidade em Educação Musical)


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Doctoral Dissertation for PhD degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering


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OBJECTIVES: To describe the process of translation and linguistic and cultural validation of the Evidence Based Practice Questionnaire for the Portuguese context: Questionário de Eficácia Clínica e Prática Baseada em Evidências (QECPBE). METHOD: A methodological and cross-sectional study was developed. The translation and back translation was performed according to traditional standards. Principal Components Analysis with orthogonal rotation according to the Varimax method was used to verify the QECPBE's psychometric characteristics, followed by confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha. Data were collected between December 2013 and February 2014. RESULTS: 358 nurses delivering care in a hospital facility in North of Portugal participated in the study. QECPBE contains 20 items and three subscales: Practice (α=0.74); Attitudes (α=0.75); Knowledge/Skills and Competencies (α=0.95), presenting an overall internal consistency of α=0.74. The tested model explained 55.86% of the variance and presented good fit: χ2(167)=520.009; p = 0.0001; χ2df=3.114; CFI=0.908; GFI=0.865; PCFI=0.798; PGFI=0.678; RMSEA=0.077 (CI90%=0.07-0.08). CONCLUSION: confirmatory factor analysis revealed the questionnaire is valid and appropriate to be used in the studied context.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Administração da Justiça


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This paper intends to present and reflect upon some of the findings emerging from a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media on Schoolchildren” that was conducted at the Communication and Society Research Centre at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. The project focused on the politics of the governmental programme “One Laptop per Child” part of the Portuguese Technological Plan for Education, and the uses of the “Magalhães” computer, and other media, by children aged 8-10 years. This paper analyses the impact of this particular public policy on digital literacy of young children based mostly on the perspectives of parents and their modes of mediation. It also debates parents’ and children’s perspectives on parental rules on computer and Internet usage. It ends by concluding that the impact of this programme occurred mainly at the level of access rather than the social and educational uses and practices. It also highlights the importance of family in the way children access and use ICT.


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Introduction: Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 is currently the most used questionnaire for quality of life measurement in women with endometriosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties and to validate the Portuguese Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 version. MATERIAL AND METHODS A sequential sample of 152 patients with endometriosis, followed in a Portugal reference center, were asked to complete a questionnaire on social and demographic features, the Portuguese version of the Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 and of the Short Form Health Survey 36 Item â version 2. Appropriate statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, internal consistency, item-total correlation and convergent validity. RESULTS Factorial analysis confirmed the validity of the five-dimension structure of the Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 core questionnaire, which explained 83.2% of the total variance. All item-total correlations presented acceptable results and high internal consistency, with Cronbach's alpha ranging between 0.876 and 0.981 for the core questionnaire and between 0.863 and 0.951 for the modular questionnaire. Significant negative associations between similar scales of Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 and Short Form Health Survey 36 Item â version 2 were demonstrated. Data completeness achieved was high for all dimensions. The emotional well-being scale in the core questionnaire and the infertility scale in the modular section had the highest median scores, and therefore the most negative impact on the quality of life of participating women. DISCUSSION The test-retest reliability and responsiveness of the questionnaire should be evaluated in future studies. CONCLUSION The present study demonstrates that the Portuguese version of the Endometriosis Health Profile Questionnaire-30 is a valid, reliable and acceptable tool for evaluating the health-related quality of life of Portuguese women with endometriosis.


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Surveying the evolution of blood pressure (BP) levels and hypertension (HTN) prevalence is important. A stringent strategy was utilized in a population cohort study. The BP was measured at two visits at least 3 months apart, and the results were analyzed using the following two methods: the Surveillance method (three BP measurements were performed in one visit, and the results were compared with those published previously for the identical method) and the Clinical method (three measurements per visit for two visits, and the concordant results in both visits were used to determine the BP classification). A total of 2542 subjects completed the evaluation. Using the Clinical method, an average systolic/diastolic BP value of 129.8/76.8?mm?Hg was obtained, and the prevalence of HTN was 31.6%. Of the hypertensive patients, 74.3% were aware of his/her condition; 69.1% were treated and 40.8% of those treated had adequate BP control. A total of 24.7% of subjects changed his/her BP classification between visits, and 13.7% misreported HTN. Using the Surveillance method, we determined that the average global SBP has been maintained, with HTN prevalence increasing in this region, drifting from reported trends nationally and worldwide. There has been improvement in the proportion of treated and controlled subjects; however, the Surveillance method overestimated the HTN prevalence and underestimated the proportion of treated and controlled subjects. The BP levels were higher than observed worldwide in high-cardiovascular (CV) risk countries as well as higher than the minimum risk exposure level for developing CV disease.


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In 2008, the XVII Portuguese Constitutional Government launched the ‘e.escolinha’ programme, within the Technological Plan for Education, which set out the distribution of a computer, called ‘Magalhães’, designed for chil-dren attending the 1st cycle of basic education. Suspended in 2011 by the XIX Government, this programme has allowed, however, almost 500 000 children to have access to a personal computer. It was expected that this political measure would “revolutionise” the national education system by bringing changes to the pedagogical practices of teachers and the learning processes of children and by achieving educational success, in general. Based on documental analysis and on a set of interviews with key decision-makers in conceiving, implementing and monitoring this governmental initiative, the fi rst part of this chapter presents and analyses the ‘e.escolinha’ initiative and the policies be-hind that governmental programme, seeking to disassemble those objectives and provide some insights into the relationship between discourses, rhetoric, and reality. After that, the chapter focuses on children’s uses and practices with the ‘Magalhães’ laptop, at school and at home. Based on the results of questionnaires fi lled in by approximately 1500 children from 32 First Cycle public schools of the municipality of Braga (north of Portugal) and also from questionnaires applied to their parents and teachers, this chapter intends to analyse the real impact of this initiative for children, family and school. It also seeks to discuss the contribution of this educational policy to children’s digital literacy and also to their own and their families’ social and digital inclusion. To understand if it represented an added value to teachers’ pedagogical practice is another of its aims. The fi ndings point out a major focus on technology and access rather than on uses and competences or even on social, educational and cultural change. In fact, a major conclusion is the existence of a strong gap between the policy and the practices, typical of a top-down policy design. This study is an integrant part of a research project titled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren” conducted at the University of Minho, Portugal, financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008] and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund [COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056].


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Doctoral Thesis in Juridical Sciences (Specialty in Public Legal Sciences)