102 resultados para Sara


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Human platelet lysate (PL) is a cost-effective and human source of autologous multiple and potent pro-angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF A), fibroblast growth factor b (FGF b) and angiopoietin-1. Nanocoatings previously characterized were prepared by layer-by-layer assembling incorporating PL with marine-origin polysaccharides and were shown to activate human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Within 20 h of incubation, the more sulfated coatings induced the HUVECS to the form tube-like structures accompanied by an increased expression of angiogenicassociated genes, such as angiopoietin-1 and VEGF A. This may be a cost-effective approach to modify 2D/3D constructs to instruct angiogenic cells towards the formation of neo-vascularization, driven by multiple and synergistic stimulations from the PL combined with sulfated polysaccharides. Statement of Significance The presence, or fast induction, of a stable and mature vasculature inside 3D constructs is crucial for new tissue formation and its viability. This has been one of the major tissue engineering challenges, limiting the dimensions of efficient tissue constructs. Many approaches based on cells, growth factors, 3D bioprinting and channel incorporation have been proposed. Herein, we explored a versatile technique, layer-by-layer assembling in combination with platelet lysate (PL), that is a cost-effective source of many potent pro-angiogenic proteins and growth factors. Results suggest that the combination of PL with sulfated polyelectrolytes might be used to introduce interfaces onto 2D/3D constructs with potential to induce the formation of cell-based tubular structures.


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BACKGROUND Most cancers, including breast cancer, have high rates of glucose consumption, associated with lactate production, a process referred as "Warburg effect". Acidification of the tumour microenvironment by lactate extrusion, performed by lactate transporters (MCTs), is associated with higher cell proliferation, migration, invasion, angiogenesis and increased cell survival. Previously, we have described MCT1 up-regulation in breast carcinoma samples and demonstrated the importance of in vitro MCT inhibition. In this study, we performed siRNA knockdown of MCT1 and MCT4 in basal-like breast cancer cells in both normoxia and hypoxia conditions to validate the potential of lactate transport inhibition in breast cancer treatment. RESULTS The effect of MCT knockdown was evaluated on lactate efflux, proliferation, cell biomass, migration and invasion and induction of tumour xenografts in nude mice. MCT knockdown led to a decrease in in vitro tumour cell aggressiveness, with decreased lactate transport, cell proliferation, migration and invasion and, importantly, to an inhibition of in vivo tumour formation and growth. CONCLUSIONS This work supports MCTs as promising targets in cancer therapy, demonstrates the contribution of MCTs to cancer cell aggressiveness and, more importantly, shows, for the first time, the disruption of in vivo breast tumour growth by targeting lactate transport.


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This work evaluated the effect of acetylated bacterial cellulose (ABC) substrates coated with urinary bladder matrix (UBM) on the behavior of Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE), as assessed by cell adhesion, proliferation and development of cell polarity exhibiting transepithelial resistance and polygonal shaped-cells with microvilli. Acetylation of bacterial cellulose (BC) generated a moderate hydrophobic surface (around 65°) while the adsorption of UBM onto these acetylated substrates did not affect significantly the surface hydrophobicity. The ABS substrates coated with UBM enabled the development of a cell phenotype closer to that of native RPE cells. These cells were able to express proteins essential for their cytoskeletal organization and metabolic function (ZO-1 and RPE65), while showing a polygonal shaped morphology with microvilli and a monolayer configuration. The coated ABC substrates were also characterized, exhibiting low swelling effect (between 1.52.0 swelling/mm3), high mechanical strength (2048 MPa) and non-pyrogenicity (2.12 EU/L). Therefore, the ABC substrates coated with UBM exhibit interesting features as potential cell carriers in RPE transplantation that ought to be further explored.


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Programa Doutoral em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental


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(Excerto) Uma nação a vibrar por uma equipa de futebol, um planeta unido à volta de relvados que juntam países desavindos, povos ricos e pobres, gentes de idades variadas, de classes diversas, de gostos desencontrados. É essa cola do mundo, que nos agrega uns aos outros) que constitui a grande magia de um acontecimento como o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol. Foi assim no Euro 2004, será assim no Mundial 2006, repetir-se-á essa euforia no Europeu seguinte, depois no Mundial, a seguir no outro e no outro ... Face à importãncia que esses acontecimentos assumem, pensamos ser necessário pensar o redimensionamento deste desporto a partir da mediatização de que é alvo, principalmente na televisão. Trata-se, sem dúvida) de uma reflexão que ultrapassa o momento dos jogos, mas que urge ser feita para se perceber que o futebol vai muito para lá daquilo que se disputa dentro das quatro linhas. Mas não julgue que o queremos afastado dos campos onde se jogam os desafios. Pelo contrário. É exactamente para aí que pretendemos dirigir a sua atenção e levá-lo a pensar nisto: hoje o futebol é um mero jogo ou uma poderosa e rentável indústria potenciada pelos media, nomeadamente pela transmissão televisiva dos jogos?


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[Excerto] Uma nação a vibrar por uma equipa de futebol, um planeta unido à volta de relvados que juntam países desavindos, povos ricos e pobres, gentes de idades variadas, de classes diversas, de gostos desencontrados. É essa cola do mundo, que nos agrega uns aos outros) que constitui a grande magia de um acontecimento como o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol. Foi assim no Euro 2004, será assim no Mundial 2006, repetir-se-á essa euforia no Europeu seguinte, depois no Mundial, a seguir no outro e no outro ... Face à importância que esses acontecimentos assumem, pensamos ser necessário pensar o redimensionamento deste desporto a partir da mediatização de que é alvo, principalmente na televisão.


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(Excerto) O Mundial de Futebol, mais precisamente, a informação produzida e difundida pelos meios de comunicação social a pretexto deste acontecimento, pode ser um bom ponto de partida para promover a educação para os media nas salas de aula e uma forma de motivar os alunos para a aprendizagem. A ligação da acção educativa com a experiência vivida dos alunos é considerada, por muitos pedagogos, uma condição do sucesso da aprendizagem. Por maioria de razão, o será numa matéria como esta, relacionada com o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol.


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Acetate is a short-chain fatty acid secreted by Propionibacteria from the human intestine, known to induce mitochondrial apoptotic death in colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. We previously established that acetate also induces lysosome membrane permeabilization in CRC cells, associated with release of the lysosomal protease cathepsin D (CatD), which has a well-established role in the mitochondrial apoptotic cascade. Unexpectedly, we showed that CatD has an antiapoptotic role in this process, as pepstatin A (a CatD inhibitor) increased acetate-induced apoptosis. These results mimicked our previous data in the yeast system showing that acetic acid activates a mitochondria-dependent apoptosis process associated with vacuolar membrane permeabilization and release of the vacuolar protease Pep4p, ortholog of mammalian CatD. Indeed, this protease was required for cell survival in a manner dependent on its catalytic activity and for efficient mitochondrial degradation independently of autophagy. In this study, we therefore assessed the role of CatD in acetate-induced mitochondrial alterations. We found that, similar to acetic acid in yeast, acetate-induced apoptosis is not associated with autophagy induction in CRC cells. Moreover, inhibition of CatD with small interfering RNA or pepstatin A enhanced apoptosis associated with higher mitochondrial dysfunction and increased mitochondrial mass. This effect seems to be specific, as inhibition of CatB and CatL with E-64d had no effect, nor were these proteases significantly released to the cytosol during acetate-induced apoptosis. Using yeast cells, we further show that the role of Pep4p in mitochondrial degradation depends on its protease activity and is complemented by CatD, indicating that this mechanism is conserved. In summary, the clues provided by the yeast model unveiled a novel CatD function in the degradation of damaged mitochondria when autophagy is impaired, which protects CRC cells from acetate-induced apoptosis. CatD inhibitors could therefore enhance acetate-mediated cancer cell death, presenting a novel strategy for prevention or therapy of CRC.


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(Excerto) A Literacia para os Media, entendida como “a capacidade de aceder aos media, de compreender e avaliar de modo crítico os diferentes aspetos dos media e dos seus conteúdos e de criar comunicações em diversos contextos” (Recomendação da Comissão Europeia de 20 de agosto de 2009), é atualmente considerada uma via essencial para uma cidadania mais qualificada e uma sociedade mais inclusiva. O modo como os media habitam hoje os quotidianos, cria novas formas de lazer e de entretenimento e proporciona novos modos de trabalhar, de estudar, de conhecer o mundo, de comunicar, de estabelecer relações intersubjetivas e de nos informarmos e ser-mos informados. Tais mudanças, bem como as que ocorrem no ambiente mediático, tornam fundamental o aprender a ler e a analisar criticamente esses meios, os seus usos e apropriações e o saber criar, produzir e partilhar conteúdos.


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Source point treatment of effluents with a high load of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), such as hospital wastewater, is a matter of discussion among the scientific community. Fungal treatments have been reported to be successful in degrading this type of pollutants and, therefore, the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor was applied for the removal of PhACs from veterinary hospital wastewater. Sixty-six percent removal was achieved in a non-sterile batch bioreactor inoculated with T. versicolor pellets. On the other hand, the study of microbial communities by means of DGGE and phylogenetic analyses led us to identify some microbial interactions and helped us moving to a continuous process. PhAC removal efficiency achieved in the fungal treatment operated in non-sterile continuous mode was 44 % after adjusting the C/N ratio with respect to the previously calculated one for sterile treatments. Fungal and bacterial communities in the continuous bioreactors were monitored as well.


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Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most incident cancers worldwide but clinical and pathological parameters have limited ability to discriminate between clinically significant and indolent PCa. Altered expression of histone methyltransferases and histone methylation patterns are involved in prostate carcinogenesis. SMYD3 transcript levels have prognostic value and discriminate among PCa with different clinical aggressiveness, so we decided to investigate its putative oncogenic role on PCa.We silenced SMYD3 and assess its impact through in vitro (cell viability, cell cycle, apoptosis, migration, invasion assays) and in vivo (tumor formation, angiogenesis). We evaluated SET domain's impact in PCa cells' phenotype. Histone marks deposition on SMYD3 putative target genes was assessed by ChIP analysis.Knockdown of SMYD3 attenuated malignant phenotype of LNCaP and PC3 cell lines. Deletions affecting the SET domain showed phenotypic impact similar to SMYD3 silencing, suggesting that tumorigenic effect is mediated through its histone methyltransferase activity. Moreover, CCND2 was identified as a putative target gene for SMYD3 transcriptional regulation, through trimethylation of H4K20.Our results support a proto-oncogenic role for SMYD3 in prostate carcinogenesis, mainly due to its methyltransferase enzymatic activity. Thus, SMYD3 overexpression is a potential biomarker for clinically aggressive disease and an attractive therapeutic target in PCa.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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This paper intends to present and reflect upon some of the findings emerging from a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media on Schoolchildren” that was conducted at the Communication and Society Research Centre at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. The project focused on the politics of the governmental programme “One Laptop per Child” part of the Portuguese Technological Plan for Education, and the uses of the “Magalhães” computer, and other media, by children aged 8-10 years. This paper analyses the impact of this particular public policy on digital literacy of young children based mostly on the perspectives of parents and their modes of mediation. It also debates parents’ and children’s perspectives on parental rules on computer and Internet usage. It ends by concluding that the impact of this programme occurred mainly at the level of access rather than the social and educational uses and practices. It also highlights the importance of family in the way children access and use ICT.


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Olhemos para a publicidade como um meio de organizar o social. Temas como a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social, na ordem do dia, entram nesta equação, desafiando-nos a pensar no papel da comunicação e da publicidade no processo de transformação das mentalidades. O desafio pressupõe um outro: a urgência da reconfiguração do papel da publicidade na sociedade, reconhecendo-lhe, em definitivo, novas funções. Em concreto, propomos olhar a publicidade como meio de exercer cidadania e de promover a sustentabilidade ambiental e social. Valorizar o seu potencial de persuasão e criatividade a favor da mudança social. Porém, esta não é tarefa de constatação óbvia. Historicamente, a publicidade tem carregado um fardo pejorativo, sendo apontada como manipuladora e causadora do desejo de consumo, o que nos parece uma menorização do discernimento do cidadão. Lipovetsky considera mesmo ser esta uma ideia falsa. “A publicidade não consegue que se deseje o indesejável” (2000: 7). Confrontar o instituído, perspetivando o contributo da comunicação na promoção e consolidação de estratégias sustentáveis é a presente proposta.


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Em 2008, o Governo português anunciou a iniciativa ‘e.escolinha’ que contemplou a distribuição de computadores ‘Magalhães’ aos alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, durante três anos letivos consecutivos. Atualmente suspenso, o programa foi bandeira do XVII Governo Constitucional, liderado por José Sócrates, mas alvo de controvérsias por parte da oposição política e da comunidade escolar, sobretudo pela aparente tónica no acesso à tecnologia em vez de uma maior preocupação com a formação e as práticas pedagógicas. Ao abrigo do Plano Tecnológico da Educação, o ‘e.escolinha’ inseria-se numa política mais ampla para o desenvolvimento de uma economia competitiva e dinâmica, através das metas estabelecidas pela União Europeia na Estratégia de Lisboa 2000. A iniciativa foi apresentada ao país com objetivos ambiciosos, no que diz respeito às esperadas mudanças ao nível das práticas pedagógicas dos professores, do processo de aprendizagem das crianças e do sucesso escolar em geral. Porém, a face mais visível da política, embora possa compreender outros matizes, poderá ter ficado reduzida à questão do acesso, apostando pouco nas outras dimensões da literacia digital. Com base em entrevistas realizadas a atores-chave envolvidos no processo de conceção e implementação do ‘e.escolinha’, e nos documentos oficiais que enquadram o programa, o presente artigo pretende dar a conhecer a forma como decisores políticos e empresas enunciam e avaliam os objetivos desta iniciativa. Pretende-se, em particular, conhecer se partilham a ideia de uma deriva tecnológica desta medida governamental ou se entreveem, na mesma, objetivos de literacia digital. Este trabalho decorre do projeto de investigação “Navegando com o Magalhães: Estudo sobre o Impacto dos Media Digitais nas Crianças”, em curso no Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia ((PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008) ) e co-financiado pelo FEDER (COMPETE: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009056).