45 resultados para motors’ applications
Bacteriophages (phages), natural enemies of bacteria, can encode enzymes able to degrade polymeric substances. These substances can be found in the bacterial cell surface, such as polysaccharides, or are produced by bacteria when they are living in biofilm communities, the most common bacterial lifestyle. Consequently, phages with depolymerase activity have a facilitated access to the host receptors, by degrading the capsular polysaccharides, and are believed to have a better performance against bacterial biofilms, since the degradation of extracellular polymeric substances by depolymerases might facilitate the access of phages to the cells within different biofilm layers. Since the diversity of phage depolymerases is not yet fully explored, this is the first review gathering information about all the depolymerases encoded by fully sequenced phages. Overall, in this study, 160 putative depolymerases, including sialidases, levanases, xylosidases, dextranases, hyaluronidases, peptidases as well as pectate/pectin lyases, were found in 143 phages (43 Myoviridae, 47 Siphoviridae, 37 Podoviridae, and 16 unclassified) infecting 24 genera of bacteria. We further provide information about the main applications of phage depolymerases, which can comprise areas as diverse as medical, chemical, or food-processing industry.
The supercritical fluid technology has been target of many pharmaceuticals investigations in particles production for almost 35 years. This is due to the great advantages it offers over others technologies currently used for the same purpose. A brief history is presented, as well the classification of supercritical technology based on the role that the supercritical fluid (carbon dioxide) performs in the process.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (área de especialização em Química)
Co-cultures of two or more cell types and biodegradable biomaterials of natural origin have been successfully combined to recreate tissue microenvironments. Segregated co-cultures are preferred over conventional mixed ones in order to better control the degree of homotypic and heterotypic interactions. Hydrogel-based systems in particular, have gained much attention to mimic tissue-specific microenvironments and they can be microengineered by innovative bottom-up approaches such as microfluidics. In this study, we developed bi-compartmentalized (Janus) hydrogel microcapsules of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA)/methacrylated-chitosan (MeCht) blended with marine-origin collagen by droplet-based microfluidics co-flow. Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) and microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) were co-encapsulated to create platforms of study relevant for vascularized bone tissue engineering. A specially designed Janus-droplet generator chip was used to fabricate the microcapsules (<250â μm units) and Janus-gradient co-cultures of hASCs: hMVECs were generated in various ratios (90:10; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 10:90), through an automated microfluidic flow controller (Elveflow microfluidics system). Such monodisperse 3D co-culture systems were optimized regarding cell number and culture media specific for concomitant maintenance of both phenotypes to establish effective cell-cell (homotypic and heterotypic) and cell-materials interactions. Cellular parameters such as viability, matrix deposition, mineralization and hMVECs re-organization in tube-like structures, were enhanced by blending MeHA/MeCht with marine-origin collagen and increasing hASCs: hMVECs co-culture gradient had significant impact on it. Such Janus hybrid hydrogel microcapsules can be used as a platform to investigate biomaterials interactions with distinct combined cell populations.
Due to the limited self-repair capacity of cartilage, regenerative medicine therapies for the treatment of cartilage defects must use a significant amount of cells, preferably applied using a hydrogel system that can promise their delivery and functionality at the specific site. This paper discusses the potential use of k-carrageenan hydrogels for the delivery of stem cells obt ained from adipose tissue in the treatment of cartilage tissue defects. The developed hydrogels were produced by an ionotropic gelation met hod and human adipose stem cells (hASCs) were encapsulated in 1.5% w/v k-carrageenan solution at a cell density of 5 10 6 cells/ml. The results from the analysis of the cell-encapsulating hydrogels, cultured for up to 21 days, indicated that k-carrageenan hydrogels support the viability, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of hASCs. Additionally, the mec hanical analysis demonstrated an increase in stiffness and viscoelastic properties of k-carrageenan gels with their encapsulated cells with increasing time in culture with chondrogenic medium. These results allowed the conclusion that k-carrageenan exhibits properties t hat enable the in vitro functionality of encapsulated hASCs and thus may provide the basis for new successful approaches for the treatment of cartilage defects.
A large group of low molecular weight natural compounds that exhibit antimicrobial activity has been isolated from animals and plants during the past two decades. Among them, peptides are the most widespread resulting in a new generation of antimicrobial agents with higher specific activity. In the present study we have developed a new strategy to obtain antimicrobial wound-dressings based on the incorporation of antimicrobial peptides into polyelectrolyte multilayer films built by the alternate deposition of polycation (chitosan) and polyanion (alginic acid sodium salt) over cotton gauzes. Energy dispersive X ray microanalysis technique was used to determine if antimicrobial peptides penetrated within the films. FTIR analysis was performed to assess the chemical linkages, and antimicrobial assays were performed with two strains: Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacterium) and Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative bacterium). Results showed that all antimicrobial peptides used in this work have provided a higher antimicrobial effect (in the range of 4 log–6 log reduction) for both microorganisms, in comparison with the controls, and are non-cytotoxic to normal human dermal fibroblasts at the concentrations tested.
Despite the vast investigation and the large amount of products already available in the market to treat the different bone defects there is still a growing need to develop more advanced and complex therapeutic strategies. In this context, a mixture of Marine Hydroxyapatite-Fluorapatite:Collagen (HA-FP:ASC) seems to be a promising solution to overcome these bone defects, specifically, dental defects. HA-FP particles (20–63 μm) were obtained through pyrolysis (950°C, 12 h) of shark teeth (Isurus oxyrinchus, P. glauca), and Type I collagen was isolated from Prionace glauca skin as previously described (1). After the steps of purification, collagen was solubilized in 0.5 M acetic acid and HA-FP added producing three different formulations: were produced, 30:70, 50:50 and 70:30 of HA-FP:ASC, respectively. EDC/NHS and HMDI binding agents were used to stabilize the produced scaffolds. Mechanical properties were evaluated by compression tests. SEM analysis allowed observing the mineral deposition, after immersion in simulated body fluid and also permitted to evaluate how homogenous was the distribution of HA-FP in the different scaffold formulations, also confirmed by μ-CT assay. It was readily visible by Cytotoxicity and life/dead CLSM assays that cells were able to adhere and proliferate in the produced scaffolds. Scaffolds crosslinked with EDC/NHS showed lower cytotoxicity, being the ones chosen for further cellular evaluation.
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia de Materiais)
[Excerpt] Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are good candidates to treat burn wounds, a major cause of morbidity, impaired life quality and resources consumption in developed countries. Tuberculosis (TB), a disease caused by the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, represents the second world’s deadliest infectious disease, affecting around 9 million people worldwide in 2013. Of those, about 1.1 million died from the disease. The potential of cathelicin, a human AMP, in the treatment of mycobacteriosis and wound regeneration was assessed in pre-clinical trials. (...)
Dissertação de mestrado em Matemática
Several types of internally reinforced thin-walled beams are subjected to a feasibility evaluation of its mechanical behavior for industrial applications. The adapting of already existing efficient sandwich geometries to hollow-box beams of larger dimensions may reveal promising results. Novel types of sandwich beams under bending and torsion uncoupled loadings are studied in terms of stiffness behavior in static analysis. For the analysis of the solutions, the models are built using the Finite Element Method (FEM) software ANSYS Mechanical APDL. The feasibility of the novel beams was determined by the comparison of the stiffness behavior of the novel hollow-box beams with conventional hollow-box beams. An efficiency parameter was defined in order to determine the feasibility. It is found that the novel geometries represent an excellent improvement under bending loadings, better than under torsion loadings. Nevertheless, for bending and torsion combined loadings, if bending loads are predominant, the beams can still be interesting for some applications, in particular those with mobile parts.
The main purpose of the poster is to present how the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can be used for diagnosing and optimizing real industrial production systems. By using a car radios production line as a case study, the poster shows the modeling process that can be followed during the analysis phase of complex control applications. In order to guarantee the continuity mapping of the models, the authors propose some guidelines to transform the use cases diagrams into a single object diagram, which is the main diagram for the next phases of the development.
This paper discusses how object-oriented iuheritance can be re-interpreted if statecharts are used for modelling the dynamic behaviour of an object. The support of inheritance of statecharts allows the improvement of systems' development by easing the reutilization of parts of already developed euccessful systems, aad by promoting the iterative and continuous models' refinement advocated by the operatioaal approach. Statechart is the formalism used within UML to specify reactive state.based behaviours. This paper covers the use of statecharts within the modelling of embedded systems for industrial control applxications, where performance and memory usage are main concerns.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Têxtil