405 resultados para 1757-1822
Epoxy adhesives are nowadays being extensively used in Civil Engineering applications, mostly in the scope of the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. In this context, epoxy adhesives are used to provide adequate stress transference from fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) to the surrounding concrete substrate. Most recently, the possibility of using prestressed FRPs bonded with these epoxy adhesives is also being explored in order to maximize the potentialities of this strengthening approach. In this context, the understanding of the long term behaviour of the involved materials becomes essential. Even when non-prestressed FRPs are used a certain amount of stress is permanently applied on the adhesive interface during the serviceability conditions of the strengthened structure, and the creep of the adhesive may cause a continuous variation in the deformational response of the element. In this context, this paper presents a study aiming to experimentally characterize the tensile creep behaviour of an epoxy-based adhesive currently used in the strengthening of concrete structures with carbon FRP (CFRP) systems. To analytically describe the tensile creep behaviour, the modified Burgers model was fitted to the experimental creep curves, and the obtained results revealed that this model is capable of predicting with very good accuracy the long term behaviour of this material up to a sustained stress level of 60% of the adhesive’s tensile strength.
Entre Janeiro de 1997 e Fevereiro de 1998 decorreu mais uma campanha de escavações arqueológicas no mosteiro de S. Martinho de Tibães. Conforme explicitado em relatórios e memorandos anteriores, a intervenção arqueológica visa fundamentalmente minimizar o impacte das amplas obras de consolidação, restauro e adaptação de que o edificado é objeto e que decorrerão até ao ano 2000. Subsidiariamente, os trabalhos arqueológicos visam a recolha de dados que permitam aumentar o conhecimento sobre a evolução arquitetónica do mosteiro.
Dando sequência ao projeto de estudo histórico-arqueológico implementado em 1992 (ver relatórios e memorandos anteriores), realizou-se em 1996 mais uma campanha de escavações arqueológicas. Integralmente financiados pelo Instituto Português do Património Arquitetónico e Arqueológico (IPPAR) e executados pela Unidade de Arqueologia da Universidade do Minho, os trabalhos arqueológicos foram realizados pela seguinte equipa: Luis F. de Oliveira Fontes, arqueólogo; Eurico Nuno Malheiro Machado, téc. Aux.; Arlindo da Rocha Pinheiro, Arnaldo Gomes, José da Costa Pinheiro, Francisco Alves Gomes, José Carlos Dias, José Emílio Correia Coelho, Maria Manuela Gonçalves Ferreira e Miguel Fernando Dias Veiga; Ana Maria P. Fernandes Fontes, José Alfredo Lopes Barbosa e Knor Rocha, desenhadores. Fernando Castro, Isabel Fernandes e Ana Bettencourt prestaram colaboração científica nas áreas da Cerâmica Moderna e Pré-história Recente, respetivamente.
During recent decades it has been possible to identify several problems in construction industry project management, related with to systematic failures in terms of fulfilling its schedule, cost and quality targets, which highlight a need for an evaluation of the factors that may cause these failures. Therefore, it is important to understand how project managers plan the projects, so that the performance and the results can be improved. However, it is important to understand if other areas beyond cost and time management that are mentioned on several studies as the most critical areas, receive the necessary attention from construction project managers. Despite the cost and time are the most sensitive areas/fields, there are several other factors that may lead to project failure. This study aims at understand the reasons that may cause the deviation in terms of cost, time and quality, from the project management point of view, looking at the knowledge areas mentioned by PMI (Project Management Institute).
This paper aims to describe the Sequential Excavation Method, used for excava-tion in underground works, as well as the related risks and preventive measures. This method has characteristics that differentiate it from other tunnelling techniques: it uses a larger number of workers and equipment; it has a high concurrency of tasks with various workers and equip-ment quite exposed to hazards; and it uses many potentially aggressive chemicals. Firstly, it is given a broad overview of this issue. Afterwards, it will be presented the results of a survey to a sample of experienced technicians, aimed at gauging the relevance of a set of guidelines relat-ing to the design and work phases, applicable to the domestic market and prepared following technical visits to works abroad.
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in using fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) for strengthening masonry elements. It has been observed that these materials, when used for externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), improve the performance of masonry components. However, issues such as durability and long-term performance of strengthened elements are still open. The bond between composite material and masonry substrate is a critical mechanism in EBR strengthening techniques, and therefore its durability and long-term performance should be deeply investigated and characterized. In the present study, the influence of water immersion on the bond performance is investigated by performing single-lap shear bond tests on two sets of GFRP-strengthened specimens immersed in water for six months. Different surface preparation techniques are used for each set of specimens to study their effect on the bond degradation. The specimens are prepared following the wet lay-up procedure. The observations and the obtained results are presented and discussed.
The use of Near Surface Mounted (NSM) Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for strengthening masonry structures can be a suitable substitute for Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) technique. NSM technique has many advantages such as larger bonded area, better anchorage capacity, higher resistance, higher percentage exploitation of the FRP and reduced installation time. However, information regarding the effectiveness of this strengthening technique for masonry structures is scarce and characterization of the critical mechanisms such as bond behavior is necessary. This paper presents experimental investigation of the bond performance in NSM-strengthened brick specimens. CFRP laminates are used for NSM strengthening of masonry bricks with different bonded lengths. The bond between FRP and masonry substrate is investigated by performing conventional pull-out tests and the experimental results are presented and discussed.
Innovative composite materials made of continuous fibers embedded in mortar matrices have been recently received attention for externally bonded reinforcement of masonry structures. In this regards, application of natural fibers for strengthening of the repair mortars is attractive due to their low specific weight, sustainability and recycability. This paper presents experimental characterization of tensile and pull-out behavior of natural fibers embedded in two different mortar-based matrices. A lime-based and a geopolymeric-based mortar are used as sustainable and innovative matrices. The obtained experimental results and observations are presented and discussed.
This paper presents the findings of an experimental campaign that was conducted to investigate the seismic behaviour of log houses. A two-storey log house designed by the Portuguese company Rusticasa® was subjected to a series of shaking table tests at LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal. The paper contains the description of the geometry and construction of the house and all the aspects related to the testing procedure, namely the pre-design, the setup, instrumentation and the testing process itself. The shaking table tests were carried out with a scaled spectrum of the Montenegro (1979) earthquake, at increasing levels of PGA, starting from 0.07g, moving on to 0.28g and finally 0.5g. The log house did not suffer any major damage and remained in working condition throughout the entire process. The preliminary analysis of the overall behaviour of the log house is also discussed.
The dearth of knowledge on the load resistance mechanisms of log houses and the need for developing numerical models that are capable of simulating the actual behaviour of these structures has pushed efforts to research the relatively unexplored aspects of log house construction. The aim of the research that is presented in this paper is to build a working model of a log house that will contribute toward understanding the behaviour of these structures under seismic loading. The paper presents the results of a series of shaking table tests conducted on a log house and goes on to develop a numerical model of the tested house. The finite element model has been created in SAP2000 and validated against the experimental results. The modelling assumptions and the difficulties involved in the process have been described and, finally, a discussion on the effects of the variation of different physical and material parameters on the results yielded by the model has been drawn up.
Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) have been extensively used for externally bonded reinforcement of masonry structures during the last years. Available information shows that FRPs can significantly improve the seismic performance of masonry elements without altering their structural mass. However, the durability and long-term performance of the strengthened elements are not clearly known yet. Recent experimental results show that environmental conditions can lead to degradation of the bond between FRP and masonry and FRP delaminations. But the effect of these local degradation mechanisms on the global structural response is not studied yet. This paper is therefore aimed at numerically investigating the effect of environmental degradation on the global performance of strengthened masonry walls. The nonlinear behavior of masonry walls strengthened with FRP composites is initially simulated with the aim of a FE package. The adopted numerical modeling strategy is verified by comparison of numerical and experimental results. The model, once validated, is used for investigating the effect of materials and bond degradation on the global behavior and failure modes of strengthened walls. The effect of strengthening scheme on the long-term performance of strengthened walls is also investigated. The degradation data are taken from experimental tests previously performed by the authors. The numerical results show that the effect of local material degradation on the global response of strengthened walls depends on the strengthening schemes, and severity of the environmental conditions. Moreover, environmental induced degradations and FRP delaminations can lead to change of expected failure modes in the strengthened elements. These observations, that are usually neglected at the design stage, can be critical in the long-term performance of strengthened structures.
Acioly, A. S. G., Soares, M. M., & Arezes, P. M. (2015). Possible uses of augmented reality as a tool for guidance of users of packages. Paper presented at the Occupational Safety and Hygiene III - Selected Extended and Revised Contributions from the International Symposium on Safety and Hygiene.
Oceans have shown tremendous importance and impact on our lives. Thus the need for monitoring and protecting the oceans has grown exponentially in recent years. On the other hand, oceans have economical and industrial potential in areas such as pharmaceutical, oil, minerals and biodiversity. This demand is increasing and the need for high data rate and near real-time communications between submerged agents became of paramount importance. Among the needs for underwater communications, streaming video (e.g. for inspecting risers or hydrothermal vents) can be seen as the top challenge, which when solved will make all the other applications possible. Presently, the only reliable approach for underwater video streaming relies on wired connections or tethers (e.g. from ROVs to the surface) which presents severe operational constraints that makes acoustic links together with AUVs and sensor networks strongly appealing. Using new polymer-based acoustic transducers, which in very recent works have shown to have bandwidth and power efficiency much higher than the usual ceramics, this article proposes the development of a reprogrammable acoustic modem for operating in underwater communications with video streaming capabilities. The results have shown a maximum data-rate of 1Mbps with a simple modulation scheme such as OOK, at a distance of 20 m.
Attention to transferable skills is growing in higher education. Problem-based learning (PBL) is increasingly used in management education for its promising potential to, amongst others, promote transferable skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking and teamwork skills. However, this relationship is seldom assessed. In this study, I use structural equation modelling to examine the effectiveness of PBL, measured through students’ perceptions of satisfaction and skills development. Results show the development of transferable skills is explained by interaction with tutors and a host company, and defining teamwork rules. Satisfaction is explained by skills development, assessment issues, defining teamwork rules and understanding how organisations work. I draw conclusions and recommendations.
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