34 resultados para field efficiency
The computation of the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene is discussed within the framework of quantum field theory in curved spaces. The analytical solutions of the Dirac equation in an arbitrary static background geometry for one dimensional periodic deformations are computed, together with the corresponding Dirac propagator. Analytical expressions are given for the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene associated with both intra and interbrand transitions. The special case of small deformations is discussed and the result compared to the prediction of the tight-binding model.
We study the longitudinal and transverse spin dynamical structure factors of the spin-1/2 XXX chain at finite magnetic field h, focusing in particular on the singularities at excitation energies in the vicinity of the lower thresholds. While the static properties of the model can be studied within a Fermi-liquid like description in terms of pseudoparticles, our derivation of the dynamical properties relies on the introduction of a form of the ‘pseudofermion dynamical theory’ (PDT) of the 1D Hubbard model suitably modified for the spin-only XXX chain and other models with two pseudoparticle Fermi points. Specifically, we derive the exact momentum and spin-density dependences of the exponents ζτ(k) controlling the singularities for both the longitudinal  and transverse (τ = t) dynamical structure factors for the whole momentum range  , in the thermodynamic limit. This requires the numerical solution of the integral equations that define the phase shifts in these exponents expressions. We discuss the relation to neutron scattering and suggest new experiments on spin-chain compounds using a carefully oriented crystal to test our predictions.
This article presents results of an experimental investigation on the resistance to chemical attack (with sulphuric, hydrochloric and nitric acid) of several materials: OPC concrete, high-performance concrete, epoxy resin, acrylic painting and a fly ash-based geopolymeric mortar). Three types of acids with three high concentrations (10, 20 and 30%) were used to simulate long-term degradation. A cost analysis was also performed. The results show that the epoxy resin has the best resistance to chemical attack independently of the acid type and the acid concentration. However, the cost analysis shows that the epoxy resin-based solution is the least cost-efficient solution being 70% above the cost efficiency of the fly ash-based geopolymeric mortar.
High performance concrete (HPC) offers several advantages over normal-strength concrete, namely, high mechanical strength and high durability. Therefore, HPC allows for concrete structures with less steel reinforcement and a longer service life, both of which are crucial issues in the eco-efficiency of construction materials. Nevertheless international publications on the field of concrete containing nanoparticles are scarce when compared to Portland cement concrete (around 1%) of the total international publications. HPC nanoparticle-based publications are even scarcer. This article presents the results of an experimental investigation on the mechanical properties and durability of HPC based on nano-TiO2 and fly ash. The durability performance was assessed by means of water absorption by immersion, water absorption by capillarity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, electric resistivity, chloride diffusion and resistance to sulphuric acid attack. The results show that the concretes containing an increased content of nano-TiO2 show decreased durability performance. The results also show that concrete with 1% nano-TiO2 and 30% fly ash as Portland cement replacement show a high mechanical strength (C55/C67) and a high durability. However, it should be noted that the cost of nano-TiO2 is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of concrete mixtures.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Nowadays cities are facing several environmental problems due to the population migration to urban areas, which is causing urban sprawl. This way, it is very important to define solutions to improve Land Use Efficiency (LUE). This article proposes the use of community buildings features as a solution to increase land use efficiency. Community buildings consider the design of shared building spaces to reduce the floor area of buildings. This work tests the performance of some case-study buildings regarding LUE to analyse its possible pros and cons. A quantifiable method is used to assess buildingsâ LUE, which considers the number of occupants, the gross floor area, the functional area, the implantation area and the allotment area. Buildings with higher values for this index have reduced environmental impacts because they use less construction materials, produce less construction and demolition wastes and require less energy for building operation. The results showed that the use of community building features can increase Land Use Efficiency of buildings.
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica / Psicologia
Tese de Doutoramento Plano Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores.
Objective To determine whether the use of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging translates into a better surgical performance of naïve urologic laparoscopic surgeons during pyeloplasty (PY) and partial nephrectomy (PN) procedures. Materials and Methods Eighteen surgeons without any previous laparoscopic experience were randomly assigned to perform PY and PN in a porcine model using initially 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D laparoscopy. A surgical performance score was rated by an "expert" tutor through a modified 5-item global rating scale contemplating operative field view, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, tissue handling, and autonomy. Overall surgical time, complications, subjective perception of participating surgeons, and inconveniences related to the 3D vision were recorded. Results No difference in terms if operative time was found between 2D or 3D laparoscopy for both the PY (P =.51) and the PN (P =.28) procedures. A better rate in terms of surgical performance score was noted by the tutors when the study participants were using 3D vs 2D, for both PY (3.6 [0.8] vs 3.0 [0.4]; P =.034) and PN (3.6 [0.51] vs 3.15 [0.63]; P =.001). No complications occurred in any of the procedures. Most (77.2%) of the participating na??ve laparoscopic surgeons had the perception that 3D laparoscopy was overall easier than 2D. Headache (18.1%), nausea (18.1%), and visual disturbance (18.1%) were the most common issues reported by the surgeons during 3D procedures. Conclusion Despite the absence of translation in a shorter operative time, the use of 3D technology seems to facilitate the surgical performance of naive surgeons during laparoscopic kidney procedures on a porcine model.
Inspired by natural structures, great attention has been devoted to the study and development of surfaces with extreme wettable properties. The meticulous study of natural systems revealed that the micro/nano-topography of the surface is critical to obtaining unique wettability features, including superhydrophobicity. However, the surface chemistry also has an important role in such surface characteristics. As the interaction of biomaterials with the biological milieu occurs at the surface of the materials, it is expected that synthetic substrates with extreme and controllable wettability ranging from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic regimes could bring about the possibility of new investigations of cellâ material interactions on nonconventional surfaces and the development of alternative devices with biomedical utility. This first part of the review will describe in detail how proteins and cells interact with micro/nano-structured surfaces exhibiting extreme wettabilities.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
[Excert] Biocatalysis and biotransformations are environmentally friendly, and allow the development of sustainable production processes on a large scale. Thus, these processes are becoming important alternatives to conventional chemistry in the drug, biochemical, and emerging biorenewable energy industries. Biocatalysts are required to function under non-conventional conditions, such as in organic solvents, being competitive in terms of cost and efficiency. In fact, the technological utility of enzymes can be enhanced greatly by using them in the presence of organic solvents, rather than in their natural aqueous reaction media. Multiphase systems are more complex but offer a new field of possibilities. The presence of hydrophobic solvents in biocatalysis allows the conversion of poorly water soluble substrates more efficiently. The accessibility of hydrophobic substrates to enzymes or whole cells presents an interesting challenge for researchers and technologists. In this context, microemulsions are a promising tool in enzyme technology. This chapter presents an overview of the characterization of biphasic and microemulsion systems and their applications in biotransformation processes (...).
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2015.1070091. It includes an easy-to-use spreadsheet that calculates the efficiencies used in this paper, that is Sefficiency with energy considerations.