405 resultados para 1757-1822


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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The diagnosis of historic masonry walls is an intricate and complex field and has been an object of research for many years. This paper aims to propose practical methodologies for the diagnosis of historic masonry walls, specifically based on their typological characteristics. In order to develop such procedures, information relating to historic masonry typologies in Portugal, classified as rural, urban and military was gathered and techniques for the assessment of historic masonry were studied. All information was integrated to develop a pattern typology oriented methodology. Developed methodology was tested and validated in a small diagnosis campaign carried out in the Guimarães Castle. Methodology was proven to be advantageous and although the study is limited and focused on the Portuguese architectural specificities, it still holds global classifications, and therefore can be useful for any diagnosis procedure of a historic masonry wall.


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No âmbito do projeto HiLoTec (desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia construtiva simples, inovadora e sustentável para edifícios de pequeno porte em países em desenvolvimento) foi desenvolvido um sistema construtivo baseado na utilização de blocos de terra compactada com estabilização com cimento para formar paredes de alvenaria com junta seca. Pretendia-se obter um sistema o mais económico possível, sem descorar a segurança estrutural, incluindo a segurança sísmica. O presente artigo apresenta os principais resultados obtidos ao longo do projeto, com especial ênfase para o comportamento sísmico das paredes e de um pequeno modelo experimental. A campanha experimental incluiu ensaios de caracterização do sistema a diferentes níveis: material (solo), bloco, prismas de alvenaria, paredes de alvenaria e um protótipo ensaiado na mesa sísmica no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, em Lisboa.


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The reuse of recycled concrete aggregates in new hot-mix asphalt can be a more sustainable method of production, but these mixtures may need a heat treatment before compaction to improve their water sensitivity performance. A direct consequence of this treatment is an increase in the hot-mix asphalt resilient modulus. The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of ageing on the stiffness of asphalt mixtures with different amounts of recycled concrete aggregates, before and after a heat treatment, which was analysed through the assessment of its bitumen properties. Moreover, this paper also aims to analyse whether the rolling thin-film oven test is able to simulate the ageing effect of the heat treatment. In the laboratory work, a paving grade bitumen B50/70 has been used to produce asphalt mixtures with 0% and 30% recycled concrete aggregates, and the bitumen was later characterised (using penetration, softening point, dynamic viscosity and dynamic shear rheometer tests) in various situations, such as when using virgin bitumen, short-term aged bitumen, aged bitumen after heat treatment (simulated with 4 h of rolling thin-film oven test) and bitumen samples recovered from asphalt mixtures with different production mixes (0% and 30% recycled concrete aggregate) and heat treatment conditions (0 and 4 h of curing time in the oven). Based on the results obtained, it could be concluded that the ageing resulting from the heat treatment is the primary cause of the hot-mix asphalt's increased stiffness, while recycled concrete aggregate content has a small influence. Moreover, it could be concluded that when there is no curing time, the recycled concrete aggregate protects the bitumen against ageing. Additionally, it could be stated that the rolling thin-film test is able to adequately simulate the ageing effect of the heat treatment. Thus, this test is useful for determining the ageing suffered by the bitumen when the recycled concrete aggregate mixture is manufactured using a heat treatment.


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Accessibility is nowadays an important issue for the development of cities. It is seen as a priority in order toguarantee equal access to fundamental rights, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, mobility or ability, have equal access to all the resources and benefits cities have to offer. Consequently, factors closely related to the accessibility have gained a higher relevance for identifying and assessing the location of urban facilities. The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model applied in Santarém, in Brazil, a city located midway between the larger cities of Belem and Manaus. The research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility are described. Daily activities were used to identify and group key destinations. The model was implemented within a geographic information system and integrates the individualâ s perspective through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. Accessibility to key destinations was mapped over 24 districts of the city of Santarém. The results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of life.


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A geometria urbana e uma das causas do fenomeno da ilha de calor,pois provoca alteracao do balanco energetico nas cidades. Essa pesquisa visa identificar um raio de abrangencia adequado para a determinacao da influencia termica da geometria urbana. Para isso explora ferramentas de um Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas, aplicando um modelo numerico (o modelo de Oke), que relaciona a geometria urbana e a intensidade da ilha de calor. Dados térmicos reais sao comparados a dados simulados para diferentes raios de abrangencia. Os resultados apontaram que o raio de 30 m e o que em media permite maior aproximacao entre dados reais e dados simulados. Alem disso, verificou-se que o modelo aplicado demonstra comportamento diferenciado, conforme o grau de homogeneidade das alturas das edificacoes.


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This paper presents a simulation model, which was incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS), in order to calculate the maximum intensity of urban heat islands based on urban geometry data. The method-ology of this study stands on a theoretical-numerical basis (Okeâ s model), followed by the study and selection of existing GIS tools, the design of the calculation model, the incorporation of the resulting algorithm into the GIS platform and the application of the tool, developed as exemplification. The developed tool will help researchers to simulate UHI in different urban scenarios.


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O objetivo deste artigo é verificar a influência da geometria urbana na intensidade de ilhas de calor noturnas com uso de uma ferramenta computacional desenvolvida como extensão de um SIG. O método deste trabalho está dividido em três principais etapas: desenvolvimento da ferramenta, calibração do modelo e simulação de cenários hipotéticos com diferentes geometrias urbanas. Um modelo simplificado que relaciona as intensidades máximas de ilha de calor urbana (ICUmáx) com a geometria urbana foi incorporado à subrotina de cálculo e, posteriormente, adaptado para fornecer resultados mais aproximados à realidade de duas cidades brasileiras, as quais serviram de base para a calibração do modelo. A comparação entre dados reais e simulados mostraram uma diferença no aumento da ICUmáx em função da relação H/W e da faixa de comprimento de rugosidade (Z0). Com a ferramenta já calibrada, foi realizada uma simulação de diferentes cenários urbanos, demonstrando que o modelo simplificado original subestima valores de ICUmáx para as configurações de cânions urbanos de Z0 < 2,0 e superestima valores de ICUmáx para as configurações de cânions urbanos de Z0 ≥ 2,0. Além disso, este estudo traz como contribuição à verificação de que cânions urbanos com maiores áreas de fachadas e com alturas de edificações mais heterogêneas resultam em ICUmáx menores em relação aos cânions mais homogêneos e com maiores áreas médias ocupadas pelas edificações, para um mesmo valor de relação H/W. Essa diferença pode ser explicada pelos diferentes efeitos na turbulência dos ventos e nas áreas sombreadas provocados pela geometria urbana.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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Given the current economic situation of the Portuguese municipalities, it is necessary to identify the priority investments in order to achieve a more efficient financial management. The classification of the road network of the municipality according to the occurrence of traffic accidents is fundamental to set priorities for road interventions. This paper presents a model for road network classification based on traffic accidents integrated in a geographic information system. Its practical application was developed through a case study in the municipality of Barcelos. An equation was defined to obtain a road safety index through the combination of the following indicators: severity, property damage only and accident costs. In addition to the road network classification, the application of the model allows to analyze the spatial coverage of accidents in order to determine the centrality and dispersion of the locations with the highest incidence of road accidents. This analysis can be further refined according to the nature of the accidents namely in collision, runoff and pedestrian crashes.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Intervenção Precoce)


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Promoting the use of non-motorized modes of transport, such as cycling, is an important contribution to the improvement of mobility, accessibility and equity in cities. Cycling offers a fast and cheap transportation option for short distances, helping to lower pollutant emissions and contributing to a healthier way of life. In order to make the cycling mode more competitive in relation to motorized traffic, it is necessary to evaluate the potential of alternatives from the perspective of the physical effort. One way to do so consists of assessing the suitability of locations for implementing cycling infrastructures. In this work, four tools to determine the gradient along potential cycling paths are compared. Furthermore, an evaluation of the reliability of some low-cost tools to measure this parameter was conducted, by comparison with standard measurements using cartographic plans, on a field case study applied to the city of Braga, Portugal. These tools revealed a good level of accuracy for the planning stage, but proved to be less reliable for use in design.


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Purpose:This chapter addresses the economic assessment of health benefits of active transport and presents most recent valuation studies with an overview of progresses made towards the inclusion of health benefits in the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of active transport. Methodology/approach: It is built upon the contracted study for the World Health Organization (WHO) on the economic appraisal of health benefits of walking and cycling investments at the city of Viana do Castelo, the former pilot study in Portugal for evaluating the health benefits of non-motorized transport using the WHO Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT). The relative risk values adopted in the HEAT for walking refer to adult population of the age group 20â 74 years and the assessment focus in on average physical activity/regular behaviour of groups of pedestrians and all-cause mortality health impacts. During the case study, it was developed and implemented a mobility survey which aimed to collect behavioural data before and after a street intervention in the historic centre. Findings: Most recent appraisal guidance of walking and cycling and health impact modelling studies reviewed confirm that further research is expected before a more comprehensive appraisal procedure can be adopted in Europe, able to integrate physical activity effects along with other health risks such as those related to road traffic injuries and exposure to air pollution. Social implications: The health benefits assessment of walking investments helped local decision-makers to progress towards sustainable mobility options in the city. Making the population aware of the potential health benefits of regular walking can encourage more people to uptake active transport as part of their daily activities. Originality/value: This study provides a useful review of the health benefits of active transport with a comprehensive analysis of valuation studies, presenting value-added information. It then reports a former assessment of the health effects of active transport in the Portuguese context (case study) using the state-of-the-art economic analysis tool (HEAT) of the World Health Organization which is believed to contribute to a paradigm shift in the transport policy and appraisal practice given the need of shaping future cities (and their citizens) for health through more investments in active transport.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização Intervenção Precoce)