26 resultados para Third world
No último ano da primeira década do século XXI, quase a entrar na era da televisão digital, importa saber que modelo de TV existe em Portugal. A análise da programação informativa destinada a acompanhar o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol 2010 ajudará, decerto, a encontrar respostas. Neste artigo, apresentamos um estudo que incidiu em formatos informativos sobre este grande evento mediático, emitidos nos canais generalistas e temáticos entre os dias 11 de Junho e 11 de Julho de 2010 (datas de arranque e fecho do Mundial de Futebol da África do Sul). Essa análise, que incidiu em 604 emissões, procurou conhecer as formas de integração do telespectador nas emissões televisivas e quem foi chamado aos estúdios televisivos para participar nos debates aí promovidos. Os dados apurados demonstram claramente que esta TV do Mundial continua pouco aberta à participação do público e circunscrita a um grupo restrito de convidados, a maior parte dos quais oriundos da classe jornalística. Não é possível falar-se numa terceira fase do audiovisual. A hiper-televisão pode esperar.
[Excerpt] The 11th RoboCup International Symposium was held during July 9–10, 2007 at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA, immediately after the 2007 Soccer, Rescue and Junior Competitions. The RoboCup community has observed an increasing interest from other communities over the past few years, e.g., the robotics community.RoboCupisseenasasignificantapproachtotheevaluationofnewlydeveloped methods to many difficult problems in robotics. Atlanta was also the location of a RoboCup@Space demonstration, which reflected the role of AI and robotics in space exploration. Prior to the symposium, space agencies had expressed an interest in cooperating with RoboCup. A first step in this direction was a successful demonstration at RoboCup 2007, which was accompanied with aninvitedtalkgivenbyaleadingscientistfromtheJapanAerospaceExploration Agency JAXA. [...]
Research and development around indoor positioning and navigation is capturing the attention of an increasing number of research groups and labs around the world. Among the several techniques being proposed for indoor positioning, solutions based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting are the most popular since they exploit existing WLAN infrastructures to support software-only positioning, tracking and navigation applications. Despite the enormous research efforts in this domain, and despite the existence of some commercial products based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting, it is still difficult to compare the performance, in the real world, of the several existing solutions. The EvAAL competition, hosted by the IPIN 2015 conference, contributed to fill this gap. This paper describes the experience of the RTLS@UM team in participating in track 3 of that competition.
The voices of Cape Verdean migrant student mothers in Portugal are examined in the light of Archer’s (2003) theory on the ‘inner dialogue’. The article frames the mothers as complex social actors who respond to the uncertainties surrounding unplanned pregnancy through self-reflection and dialogue with and about the world, turning the disorientation of unexpected motherhood into a meaningful project. The analysis reveals how the women’s agency is located within the wider influences of kinship and gender norms and how these are already negotiated in the case of unconfirmed pregnancy.
Modeling Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes of a Data Warehousing System has always been a challenge. The heterogeneity of the sources, the quality of the data obtained and the conciliation process are some of the issues that must be addressed in the design phase of this critical component. Commercial ETL tools often provide proprietary diagrammatic components and modeling languages that are not standard, thus not providing the ideal separation between a modeling platform and an execution platform. This separation in conjunction with the use of standard notations and languages is critical in a system that tends to evolve through time and which cannot be undermined by a normally expensive tool that becomes an unsatisfactory component. In this paper we demonstrate the application of Relational Algebra as a modeling language of an ETL system as an effort to standardize operations and provide a basis for uncommon ETL execution platforms.
Projeto de mestrado em Políticas Comunitárias e Cooperação Territorial
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica)
(Excerto) O entusiasmo pela comunicação digital percorre transversalmente a obra How Internet Radio Can Change the World: An Activist’s Handbook, de Eric Lee. Esta postura tão apologista das possibilidades comunicativas oferecidas pela Internet reforça provavelmente um conjunto alargado de entendimentos sobre a conquista do quotidiano pelo digital. Em 1967, McLuhan e Fiore já se referiam aos circuitos eletrónicos como ‘extensões do sistema nervoso central’. Numa leitura mais contemporânea, José Bragança de Miranda refere: “vivemos, nos nossos dias, no meio de conexões, de links, do on‑line, estamos votados à participação, à ‘interactividade’, etc. Algo de novo está a emergir” (2001, p. 265). Maria Teresa Cruz (2001) define a convergência tecnológica das relações sociais como a ‘mobilização erótica da técnica’. Esta obra aqui recenseada pretende, assim, desafiar a utilização da rádio digital para “melhorar a comunicação e solidificar as organizações” (p. 1), em torno de três grupos de reflexão.
This paper presents measurements from the ATLAS experiment of the forward-backward asymmetry in the reaction pp→Z/γ∗→l+l−, with l being electrons or muons, and the extraction of the effective weak mixing angle. The results are based on the full set of data collected in 2011 in pp collisions at the LHC at s√ = 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb−1. The measured asymmetry values are found to be in agreement with the corresponding Standard Model predictions. The combination of the muon and electron channels yields a value of the effective weak mixing angle of 0.2308±0.0005(stat.)±0.0006(syst.)±0.0009(PDF), where the first uncertainty corresponds to data statistics, the second to systematic effects and the third to knowledge of the parton density functions. This result agrees with the current world average from the Particle Data Group fit.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Negócios Internacionais
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical Engineering Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências - Formação Contínua de Professores (área de especialização em Biologia e Geologia)
This paper reviews and extends searches for the direct pair production of the scalar supersymmetric partners of the top and bottom quarks in proton--proton collisions collected by the ATLAS collaboration during the LHC Run 1. Most of the analyses use 20 fb−1 of collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV, although in some case an additional 4.7 fb−1 of collision data at s√=7 TeV are used. New analyses are introduced to improve the sensitivity to specific regions of the model parameter space. Since no evidence of third-generation squarks is found, exclusion limits are derived by combining several analyses and are presented in both a simplified model framework, assuming simple decay chains, as well as within the context of more elaborate phenomenological supersymmetric models.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação - Especialidade em Comunicação Estratégica e Organizacional