44 resultados para Regionale ingestione ibrido laminare

em Institutional Repository of Leibniz University Hannover


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In the Weser valley NW Hameln early diagenetic carbonate cementation is present in the upper Elsterian to Drenthe sediments. Examination of the calcite cement indicated a multiphase formation. Cementation occured mainly in vadose environment above ground-water table. This process generated predominantly brown calcite cement with a crystal size of <5 to 20pm. Next to meniscus-cement this fine-crystalline calcite forms further cements typical for vadose zone. In one layer of the „Mittelterrasse'-sediments, deposited in the late Elsterian age, a calcite cement is present, which may already have formed in the Holstein Interglacial. Cementation started in the upper-most layers of the „Mittelterrasse'-sediments in a late phase of „Mittelterrasse“-accumulation in this area. The so formed consolidated layers were deformed by the Drentheglacier. After ice melting cementation continued in at least 3 phases, creating nonluminiscent phreatic, orange to red luminiscent vadose and nonluminiscent vadose calcite cement.


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Upper-Jurassic geschiebe-corals (Thamnasteria concinna) from a gravel-/sandpit at Freden/Leine are described. They are slightly bored by bivalves (Gastrochaenolites) and worms (Trypanites). Some oysters (Nanogyra Inana) encrusted the surface. The corals growed as massiv head-like (bulbous) colonies with "multicolumnar growth form" and ragged outlines. Similar shaped colonies are reported from Easteuropean Upper Jurassic (Pommerania), but are never reported for NW-Germany. Beds in which the coral-geschiebe were found - Drenthe stage in age - contain a high content of local geschiebe-material. The low degree of abrasion of the coral-geschiebe indicates short glacial transportation. It is possible, that the geschiebe originate from the Heersumer Schichten from Selter to Thüster Berg.


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The Elfas, Ahlsburg, and Salzderhelden overthrusts have been considered for a long time to be halotectonic structures caused by diapiric rise of Zechstein salt into thrust planes and other zones of weakness in the overlying rocks. Much of the Markoldendorf syncline between the overthrusts is covered by Quaternary deposits. The structure of the syncline and its western and southern boundaries were mapped with the help of many boreholes and micropalaeontological dating during remapping of the 1 : 25 000 geological sheet 4124 (Dassel). The Ahlsburg overthrust has now been shown to continue to the NW and to lead into the Lüthorst graben, which truncates the syncline in the west and passes into the crestal fault of the Elfas anticline. Figure 6 shows the NW-SE trending faults bounding three blocks which, according to seismic interpretation (Geotectonic Atlas 1996), have moved several times, in some areas in opposite senses. The NNE-SSW-trending grabens act as hinges, separating the NW-SE faults into sections that have undergone different movement.


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Am Osthang des Eggegebirges zwischen Horn-Bad-Meinberg und Langeland ist der Lias vom Hettangium bis zum Sinemurium in meist lückenhaften Aufschlüssen erhalten. Aus den Teilprofilen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Normalprofil zusammengestellt. Die Liasschichten sind ihrer beckenrandnahen Lage entsprechend kalkig, mergelig und tonig mit unterschiedlich hohen Anteilen von terrigenem Detritus ausgebildet. Aufgrund lithologischer Unterschiede wurden verschiedene Gesteinstypen klassifiziert und beschrieben und das Normalprofil in fünf petrographische Abschnitte unterteilt. Die orthostratigraphische Einstufung erfolgte mit Ammoniten.


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This article is a first summary of the heavy-mineral content of moraine and meltwater deposits of the Saalian glaciation in the Münsterland and its northeastern extension (NW Germany). In the beginning the appearance and distribution of both types of sediments are described (E. Speetzen), then the heavy mineral composition of selected outcrops is reported and the results are compared (D. Henningsen). Generally the predominant heavy minerals are garnet, minerals of the epidote group, zircon, and ordinary hornblende. The heavy mineral contents of moraine sediments sometimes are similar to that of meltwater deposits, in other cases they are different. Obviously there exists no relation between the heavy mineral composition and various advances of the Scandinavian ice sheet and their sediments, the content of heavy minerals rather depends on local influences.


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Aus der crenistria-Zone (Subzone des Goniatites crenistria crenistria = cu III alpha3) von Lautenthal (Ober-Harz) werden zwei Arten von ArchegonusJ(Latibole) G.& R.HAHN, 1969 beschrieben und abgebildet: Archegonus (Latibole) laevicauda laevicauda (SARRES, 1857) und Archegonus (Latibole) n.sp.L. Es ist der erste Nachweis dieser Untergattung aus dem Harz. Hinter A. (Latibole) n.sp.L verbirgt sich sehr wahrscheinlich eine neue Art, die aber infolge des z.Zt. noch zu geringen Materials noch nicht ausreichend gekennzeichnet werden kann.


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Digital data from various scientific fields is stored in separate information systems („FIS geology“, „FIS pedology“, etc.) in the Lower Saxony Geo-Information System NIBIS so that it can be processed and interpreted; this is necessary to meet increasing demand for soil-relevant information for decision-making and planning purposes. The necessary work will be considerably accelerated and its quality improved by setting up and actually using such a tool. A detailed account is given of the Lower Saxony Geo-Information System NIBIS, in particular how the data base is set up and how the NIBIS is used in cases where concrete problems occured.


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The vertical distribution pattem of mesofaunal elements is described from clay-marl bedding rhythms from the Frielingen section (Hannover, NW Germany), which exposes latest Hau- terivian sediments (early Cretaceous). Some mesofaunal groups show a correlation with the pale- dark bedding rhythms. The pale, marly beds are chracterised by bryozoans. In addition remnants of crinoids, echinoids, asteroids, ophiuroids and holothuroids are more common in pale layers than in dark ones. Converseley, the relative abundance of serpulids, fish remains, bivalves and gastropods shows no relationship to the bedding rhythms.


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The Gorleben salt dome is actually investigated for its suitability as a repository for radioactive waste. It is crossed by a subglacial drainage channel, formed during the Elsterian glaciation (Gorleben channel). Some units of its filling vary strongly in niveau and thickness. Lowest positions and/or largest thickness are found above the salt dome. This is interpreted as a result of subrosion during the Saalean glaciation. The rate can be calculated from niveau differences of sediments formed during the Holsteinian interglacial. However, their position might have been influenced by other factors also (relief of the channel bottom, glacial tectonics, settlement of underlying clay-rich sediments). Their relevance was estimated applying statistical techniques to niveau and thickness data from 79 drillings in the Gorleben channel. Two classes of drillings with features caused by either Saalean subrosion or sedimentary processes during the filling of the Gorleben channel can be distinguished by means of factor and discriminant analysis. This interpretation is supported by the results of classwise correlation and regression analysis. Effects of glacial tectonics on the position of Holsteinian sediments cannot be misunderstood as subrosional. The influence of the settlement of underlying clay sediments can be estimated quantitatively. Saalean subrosion rates calculated from niveau differences of Holsteinian sediments between both classes differ with respect to the method applied: maximum values are 0,83 or 0,96 mm/a, average values are 0,31 or 0,41 mm/a.


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The Late Glacial and Holocene landscape development in the vicinity of the River Elbe near Neuhaus, Lower Saxony, was studied during geological mapping of the area. The geological and geobotanical methods used in these investigations were chosen to cope with the difficulties which arise during research on Quaternary flood plains in low country. Paleochannel fill and areas of flood-plain sediments were drilled, the lithology examined, and the sediments dated on the basis of their pollen content. No evidence was found for the existence before the Middle Ages of paleo- channels the size of the present River Elbe. Before the first measures were made to regulate the Elbe River, it was an anastomosing river system with numerous small branches. The lower parts of the flood-plain profiles are predominantly sand and the upper parts silty-clayey loam. With the construction of effective levees over the last several centuries, the flow velocity of the Elbe has increased considerably during high water periods and instead of the deposition of meadow loam, sand was deposited as natural levees. The main belt of sand dunes on the east bank of the Elbe overlies Preboreal to Boreal lake mud and is, therefore, of Holocene age.


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3400 pyritized internal moulds of Upper Devonian, Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ammonoids show various soft tissue attachment structures. They are preserved as regularly distributed black patterns on the moulds. All structures can be interpreted as attachment areas of muscles, ligaments and intracameral membranes. Paired structures are developed along the umbilicus and on the flanks of the moulds, unpaired ones appear on the middle of their dorsal and ventral sides. Strong lateral muscles cause paired twin lines on the flanks of the phragmocone and of the body chamber. A ventral muscle is deduced from small rounded or crescent shaped spots in front of each septum on the ventral side. These spots are often connected, forming a band-like structure. Broad dark external bands on the ventral side of the phragmocone, ventral preseptal areas in the posterior part of the living chamber, small twin lines or oval shaped areas on the ventral side of the living chamber represent paired or unpaired attachment areas of the hyponome muscle. A middorsal muscle is documented by small roughened areas in front of each dorsal lobe. Dark spots along the umbilicus, often connected and thus forming a band-like structure (tracking band), are remains of a pair of small dorsolateral muscles at the posterior end of the soft body. Dark bands, lines and rows of small crescent shaped structures behind the tips of sutural lobes are due to spotlike fixation places of the posterior part of the mantle and their translocation before subsequent septal secretion. Devonian goniatites had a paired system of lateral and ventrolateral muscles preserved on the moulds as black or incised lines on the flanks of the living chamber and as dark preseptal areas, ventrally indented. These structures represent the attachment areas of paired lateral cephalic and paired ventral hyponome retractors. Fine black lines on the phragmocone situated parallel to the sutures (pseudosutures) represent a rhythmical secretion of camera! membranes during softbody translocation. Goniatites had a paired system of lateral and ventrolateral muscles, whilst Neoammonoids have a paired lateral and dorsolateral system, and, additionally, an unpaired system on the ventral and on the dorsal side. Mesoammonoids show only a paired lateral and an unpaired dorsal one. Fine black lines situated parallel to the saddles and behind the lobes of the suture line can be interpreted as structures left during softbody translocation and a temporary attachment of rhythmical secreted cameral membranes. Cameral membranes had supported the efficiency of the phragmocone. Only some of the observed structures are also present in recent Nautilus. Differences in the form and position of attachment sites between ammonoids and recent Nautilus indicate different soft body organizations between ammonoids and nautiloids. The attachment structures of goniatites especially of tornoceratids can be compared with those of Nautilus which indicates Richter - Gewebeansatz-Strukturen bei Ammonoideen 3 a comparable mode of life. Differences in the form and position of attachment structures between goniatites and ammonites may indicate an increasing differentiation of the muscular system in the phylogeny of this group. Different soft body organization may depend on shell morphology and on a different mode of life. On the modification or reduction of distinct muscle systems ammonoids can be assigned to different ecotypes. Based on shell morphology and the attachment areas of cephalic and hyponome retractor muscles two groups can be subdivided: - Depressed, evolute morphotypes with longidome body-chambers show only small ventral hyponome retractor muscles. Lateral cephalic retractors are not developed. These morphotypes are adapted to a demersal mode of life. Without strong cephalic retractor muscles no efficient jet propulsion can be produced. These groups represent vertical migrants with efficient phragmocone properties (multilobate sutures, cameral membranes, narrow septal spacing). - Compressed, involute moiphotypes with brevidome body-chambers show strong cephalic and hyponome retractor muscles and represent a group of active swimmers. These morphotypes were able to live at different depths, in the free water column or/and near the seafloor. They are not confined only to one habitat. Most of the examined genera and species belong to this group. Changes of the attachment structures in the course of ontogeny confirm that juveniles of Amaltheus and Quenstedtoceras lived as passive planche drifters in upper and intermediate parts of the free water column after hatching. At the end of the juvenile stage with a shell diameter of 0,3 - 0,5 cm cephalic retractor muscles developed. With the beginning of an active swimming mode of life (neanic stage) the subadult animals left the free water column and moved into shallow water habitats. Fuciniceras showed no marked changes in the attachment structures during ontogeny. This indicates that there occur no differences in the mode of life between juvenile and adult growth stages. Based on attachment structures and shell morphology of Devonian goniatites their relation to the systematic position permits statements about probable phylogenetic relationships between the Cheiloceratidae and Tornoceratidae. In some cases attachment structures of ammonites permit statements about phylogenetic relationships on family and genus level.


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The feldspar contents of 373 samples from quaternary sands of Lower Saxony (West Germany) were determined. The samples were taken in all parts of Lower Saxony and represent a selec- tion of quaternary Sediments of different age and genetic origin. 7 different methods of investigation were tested to determine the content of feldspar both qualitative and quantitative. Polarizing mioroscopy, x-ray diffractometry, Chemical analysis and staining fit these aims best. The most important results of these investigations are: - The quarternary Lower Saxonian sands have an average content of 4.4 weight-% potassium feldspars and 0.8 weight-% plagio- clase. - All tested samples have a similar qualitative feldspar compo- sition. There are monocline, tricline and - more rare - per- thitic potassium feldspars with a rather high (greater 80 %) KAlSi3O8 content. From the plagioclase feldspars only albite, oligoclase and little andesine were indicated. - The potassium feldspar content is higher in each sample than the plagioclase content. - The feldspar content depends on age and genetic origin of each sand. Generally spoken the feldspar content lessens with increasing age. Glaciofluviatile and basin sands usually have a higher feldspar content than fluvial or aeolian sands of the same age. - The feldspar content is highly influenced by grain size com- position. A minimum of feldspar content lies between 0.4 and 1 .0 mm grain size. Fine sands usually have a higher feldspar content than coarse sands. The reason for this phenomenon is weathering. - There are no regional differences in the amount of feldspar content. - The feldspar content is not high enough for commercial mining.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die vertikale und laterale lithologische Differenziertheit der Grundmoränen und anderen moränalen Sedimente der Elstereiszeit und des Haupt- Drenthestadials der Saaleeiszeit zu charakterisieren. Die Untersuchungen sollen in erster Linie die Gefügevariabilität der lithostratigraphisch eingestuften Einheiten in den einzelnen Aufschlüssen erfassen und nachfolgend einen regionalen Vergleich ermöglichen. Aus dem Gefüge der Moränen, insbesondere aus den Texturmerkmalen, soll versucht werden, die maßgebenden moränenbildenden Prozesse bzw. den genetischen Till-Typ abzuleiten. Völlig sichere Aussagen können jedoch nur in wenigen Fällen erwartet werden, da die Kriterien für den Nachweis der genetischen Till-Typen oft nicht eindeutig sind und manche Gefügemerkmale verschieden genetisch interpretiert werden können (vgl. HALDORSEN & SHAW 1982) . Die genetischen Till-Typen sind eng an die Dynamik des den Till bildenden Gletschers geknüpft. Regional gültige Aussagen zur Inlandeisdynamik erfordern jedoch eine größere Zusammenschau von Untersuchungsergebnissen, als sie hier vorgenommen werden kann.


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A total of 117 samples of quarternary sediments, mostly sands, from a region NW of Hannover (Lower Saxony) has been investigated with regard to their content of heavy minerals. The absolute percentage of transparent heavy minerals approximates 0.2 Vol.%. If several samples of glaciofluvial sands (Drenthe-stage) or dune sands (Late Weichsel-stage to Holocene) are taken from one outcrop they show great similarities in their heavy minerals contents. Glaciofluvial sands of the Elster-stage evidently have less Garnet, Hornblende and minerals of volcanic origin (Augite, partly also Orthopyroxenes, Oxyhornblende and Olivine) than those of the Drenthe-stage, Weichsel-stage, and the Holocene. All these groups hold nearly the same average assemblages of heavy mineral, thus indicating that within the Drenthe-stage or later material from north and from south has been mixed and/or reworked. In the area investigated the proportions of heavy minerals do not help to identify either the stratigraphic position or the way of deposition of different sandy sediments younger than the Elster-stage. The distributional pattern of several heavy minerals point out that Kyanite, Hornblende and Epidote have been transported predominantly from the north, whereas Garnet and Staurolite have sources both in the north and the south. Tourmaline, Apatite and the minerals of volcanic origin mainly must be derived from the south. All results obtained in the region examined should not be transferred to other zones of the lowlands of Northern Germany automatically.


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Intermoränale Kryoturbationen von Hasle-Lerverk auf Bornholm schließen nicht nur eine regionale Lücke in der Kenntnis der Verbreitung solcher Bildungen, sondern zeigen in diesem Fall die speziellen Beziehungen zu örtlichen kleinsten Grund- oder, genauer gesagt, Stauwasservorkommen.