288 resultados para ddc: Si59


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Following cultivation of distinct mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) populations derived from human umbilical cord under hypoxic conditions (between 1.5% to 5% oxygen (O-2)) revealed a 2- to 3-fold reduced oxygen consumption rate as compared to the same cultures at normoxic oxygen levels (21% O-2). A simultaneous measurement of dissolved oxygen within the culture media from 4 different MSC donors ranged from 15 mu mol/L at 1.5% O-2 to 196 mu mol/L at normoxic 21% O-2. The proliferative capacity of the different hypoxic MSC populations was elevated as compared to the normoxic culture. This effect was paralleled by a significantly reduced cell damage or cell death under hypoxic conditions as evaluated by the cellular release of LDH whereby the measurement of caspase 3/7 activity revealed little if any differences in apoptotic cell death between the various cultures. The MSC culture under hypoxic conditions was associated with the induction of hypoxia-inducing factor-alpha (HIF-1 alpha) and an elevated expression of energy metabolism-associated genes including GLUT-1, LDH and PDK1. Concomitantly, a significantly enhanced glucose consumption and a corresponding lactate production could be observed in the hypoxic MSC cultures suggesting an altered metabolism of these human stem cells within the hypoxic environment.


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Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought are the two major abiotic stress factors limiting common bean production in the tropics. Using hydroponics, the short-term effects of combined Al toxicity and drought stress on root growth and Al uptake into the root apex were investigated. In the presence of Al stress, PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol)-induced osmotic (drought) stress led to the amelioration of Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1. PEG 6000 (>> PEG 1000) treatment greatly decreased Al accumulation in the 1 cm root apices even when the roots were physically separated from the PEG solution using dialysis membrane tubes. Upon removal of PEG from the treatment solution, the root tips recovered from osmotic stress and the Al accumulation capacity was quickly restored. The PEG-induced reduction of Al accumulation was not due to a lower phytotoxic Al concentration in the treatment solution, reduced negativity of the root apoplast, or to enhanced citrate exudation. Also cell-wall (CW) material isolated from PEG-treated roots showed a low Al-binding capacity which, however, was restored after destroying the physical structure of the CW. The comparison of the Al(3+), La(3+), Sr(2+), and Rb(+) binding capacity of the intact root tips and the isolated CW revealed the specificity of the PEG 6000 effect for Al. This could be due to the higher hydrated ionic radius of Al(3+) compared with other cations (Al(3+) >> La(3+) > Sr(2+) > Rb(+)). In conclusion, the results provide circumstantial evidence that the osmotic stress-inhibited Al accumulation in root apices and thus reduced Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1 is related to the alteration of CW porosity resulting from PEG 6000-induced dehydration of the root apoplast.


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Sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) are ubiquitous and quantitatively important members in many ecosystems, especially in marine sediments. However their abundance and diversity in subsurface marine sediments is poorly understood. In this study, the abundance and diversity of the functional genes for the enzymes adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase (aprA) and dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrA) of SRP in marine sediments of the Peru continental margin and the Black Sea were analyzed, including samples from the deep biosphere (ODP site 1227). For aprA quantification a Q-PCR assay was designed and evaluated. Depth profiles of the aprA and dsrA copy numbers were almost equal for all sites. Gene copy numbers decreased concomitantly with depth from around 10(8)/g sediment close to the sediment surface to less than 10(5)/g sediment at 5 mbsf. The 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total bacteria were much higher than those of the functional genes at all sediment depths and used to calculate the proportion of SRP to the total Bacteria. The aprA and dsrA copy numbers comprised in average 0.5-1% of the 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total bacteria in the sediments up to a depth of ca. 40 mbsf. In the zone without detectable sulfate in the pore water from about 40-121 mbsf (Peru margin ODP site 1227), only dsrA (but not aprA) was detected with copy numbers of less than 10(4)/g sediment, comprising ca. 14% of the 16S rRNA gene copy numbers of total bacteria. In this zone, sulfate might be provided for SRP by anaerobic sulfide oxidation. Clone libraries of aprA showed that all isolated sequences originate from SRP showing a close relationship to aprA of characterized species or form a new cluster with only distant relation to aprA of isolated SRP. For dsrA a high diversity was detected, even up to 121 m sediment depth in the deep biosphere.


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Analysis methods for electrochemical etching baths consisting of various concentrations of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and an additional organic surface wetting agent are presented. These electrolytes are used for the formation of meso- and macroporous silicon. Monitoring the etching bath composition requires at least one method each for the determination of the HF concentration and the organic content of the bath. However, it is a precondition that the analysis equipment withstands the aggressive HF. Titration and a fluoride ion-selective electrode are used for the determination of the HF and a cuvette test method for the analysis of the organic content, respectively. The most suitable analysis method is identified depending on the components in the electrolyte with the focus on capability of resistance against the aggressive HF.


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Studies of non-equilibrium current fluctuations enable assessing correlations involved in quantum transport through nanoscale conductors. They provide additional information to the mean current on charge statistics and the presence of coherence, dissipation, disorder, or entanglement. Shot noise, being a temporal integral of the current autocorrelation function, reveals dynamical information. In particular, it detects presence of non-Markovian dynamics, i.e., memory, within open systems, which has been subject of many current theoretical studies. We report on low-temperature shot noise measurements of electronic transport through InAs quantum dots in the Fermi-edge singularity regime and show that it exhibits strong memory effects caused by quantum correlations between the dot and fermionic reservoirs. Our work, apart from addressing noise in archetypical strongly correlated system of prime interest, discloses generic quantum dynamical mechanism occurring at interacting resonant Fermi edges.


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Background: Among other causes the long-term result of hip prostheses in dogs is determined by aseptic loosening. A prevention of prosthesis complications can be achieved by an optimization of the tribological system which finally results in improved implant duration. In this context a computerized model for the calculation of hip joint loadings during different motions would be of benefit. In a first step in the development of such an inverse dynamic multi-body simulation (MBS-) model we here present the setup of a canine hind limb model applicable for the calculation of ground reaction forces. Methods: The anatomical geometries of the MBS-model have been established using computer tomography- (CT-) and magnetic resonance imaging- (MRI-) data. The CT-data were collected from the pelvis, femora, tibiae and pads of a mixed-breed adult dog. Geometric information about 22 muscles of the pelvic extremity of 4 mixed-breed adult dogs was determined using MRI. Kinematic and kinetic data obtained by motion analysis of a clinically healthy dog during a gait cycle (1 m/s) on an instrumented treadmill were used to drive the model in the multi-body simulation. Results and Discussion: As a result the vertical ground reaction forces (z-direction) calculated by the MBS-system show a maximum deviation of 1.75%BW for the left and 4.65%BW for the right hind limb from the treadmill measurements. The calculated peak ground reaction forces in z- and y-direction were found to be comparable to the treadmill measurements, whereas the curve characteristics of the forces in y-direction were not in complete alignment. Conclusion: In conclusion, it could be demonstrated that the developed MBS-model is suitable for simulating ground reaction forces of dogs during walking. In forthcoming investigations the model will be developed further for the calculation of forces and moments acting on the hip joint during different movements, which can be of help in context with the in silico development and testing of hip prostheses.


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Background: There are several numerical investigations on bone remodelling after total hip arthroplasty (THA) on the basis of the finite element analysis (FEA). For such computations certain boundary conditions have to be defined. The authors chose a maximum of three static load situations, usually taken from the gait cycle because this is the most frequent dynamic activity of a patient after THA. Materials and methods: The numerical study presented here investigates whether it is useful to consider only one static load situation of the gait cycle in the FE calculation of the bone remodelling. For this purpose, 5 different loading cases were examined in order to determine their influence on the change in the physiological load distribution within the femur and on the resulting strain-adaptive bone remodelling. First, four different static loading cases at 25%, 45%, 65% and 85% of the gait cycle, respectively, and then the whole gait cycle in a loading regime were examined in order to regard all the different loadings of the cycle in the simulation. Results: The computed evolution of the apparent bone density (ABD) and the calculated mass losses in the periprosthetic femur show that the simulation results are highly dependent on the chosen boundary conditions. Conclusion: These numerical investigations prove that a static load situation is insufficient for representing the whole gait cycle. This causes severe deviations in the FE calculation of the bone remodelling. However, accompanying clinical examinations are necessary to calibrate the bone adaptation law and thus to validate the FE calculations.


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Reduced levels of trienoic fatty acids (TAs) in chloroplast membranes induce thermotolerance in several plant species, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. TA peroxidation in plant cell membranes generates cytotoxic, TA-derived compounds containing alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl groups. The relationship between low TA levels and the amounts of cytotoxic TA-derived compounds was examined using thermotolerant transgenic cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum Mill.) with low TA contents. Changes in the levels of the cytotoxic TA-derived acrolein (ACR), methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), (E)-2-hexenal, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, and malondialdehyde were analysed in the leaf tissues of wild-type (WT) and thermotolerant transgenic cyclamen under heat stress. Levels of ACR and MVK in the WT increased in parallel with the occurrence of heat-induced tissue damage, whereas no such changes were observed in the thermotolerant transgenic lines. Furthermore, exogenous ACR and MVK infiltrated into leaves to concentrations similar to those observed in heat-stressed WT leaves caused similar disease symptoms. These results suggest that thermotolerance in transgenic cyclamen depends on reduced production rates of ACR and MVK under heat stress, due to the low level of TAs in these plants.


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The "Sonar Hopf" cochlea is a recently much advertised engineering design of an auditory sensor. We analyze this approach based on a recent description by its inventors Hamilton, Tapson, Rapson, Jin, and van Schaik, in which they exhibit the "Sonar Hopf" model, its analysis and the corresponding hardware in detail. We identify problems in the theoretical formulation of the model and critically examine the claimed coherence between the described model, the measurements from the implemented hardware, and biological data.


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Background: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are in general used to gain a first insight into gene activities from a species of interest. Subsequently, and typically based on a combination of EST and genome sequences, microarray-based expression analyses are performed for a variety of conditions. In some cases, a multitude of EST and microarray experiments are conducted for one species, covering different tissues, cell states, and cell types. Under these circumstances, the challenge arises to combine results derived from the different expression profiling strategies, with the goal to uncover novel information on the basis of the integrated datasets. Findings: Using our new analysis tool, MediPlEx (MEDIcago truncatula multiPLe EXpression analysis), expression data from EST experiments, oligonucleotide microarrays and Affymetrix GeneChips® can be combined and analyzed, leading to a novel approach to integrated transcriptome analysis. We have validated our tool via the identification of a set of well-characterized AM-specific and AM-induced marker genes, identified by MediPlEx on the basis of in silico and experimental gene expression profiles from roots colonized with AM fungi. Conclusions: MediPlEx offers an integrated analysis pipeline for different sets of expression data generated for the model legume Medicago truncatula. As expected, in silico and experimental gene expression data that cover the same biological condition correlate well. The collection of differentially expressed genes identified via MediPlEx provides a starting point for functional studies in plant mutants.


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Composite plants consisting of a wild-type shoot and a transgenic root are frequently used for functional genomics in legume research. Although transformation of roots using Agrobacterium rhizogenes leads to morphologically normal roots, the question arises as to whether such roots interact with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in the same way as wild-type roots. To address this question, roots transformed with a vector containing the fluorescence marker DsRed were used to analyse AM in terms of mycorrhization rate, morphology of fungal and plant subcellular structures, as well as transcript and secondary metabolite accumulations. Mycorrhization rate, appearance, and developmental stages of arbuscules were identical in both types of roots. Using Mt16kOLI1Plus microarrays, transcript profiling of mycorrhizal roots showed that 222 and 73 genes exhibited at least a 2-fold induction and less than half of the expression, respectively, most of them described as AM regulated in the same direction in wild-type roots. To verify this, typical AM marker genes were analysed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR and revealed equal transcript accumulation in transgenic and wild-type roots. Regarding secondary metabolites, several isoflavonoids and apocarotenoids, all known to accumulate in mycorrhizal wild-type roots, have been found to be up-regulated in mycorrhizal in comparison with non-mycorrhizal transgenic roots. This set of data revealed a substantial similarity in mycorrhization of transgenic and wild-type roots of Medicago truncatula, validating the use of composite plants for studying AM-related effects.


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Arctic ecosystems are warming rapidly, which is expected to promote soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. In addition to the direct warming effect, decomposition can also be indirectly stimulated via increased plant productivity and plant-soil C allocation, and this so called "priming effect" might significantly alter the ecosystem C balance. In this study, we provide first mechanistic insights into the susceptibility of SOM decomposition in arctic permafrost soils to priming. By comparing 119 soils from four locations across the Siberian Arctic that cover all horizons of active layer and upper permafrost, we found that an increased availability of plant-derived organic C particularly stimulated decomposition in subsoil horizons where most of the arctic soil carbon is located. Considering the 1,035 Pg of arctic soil carbon, such an additional stimulation of decomposition beyond the direct temperature effect can accelerate net ecosystem C losses, and amplify the positive feedback to global warming.


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Einleitung: Zu den autistischen Syndromen werden der frühkindliche Autismus (Kanner-Syndrom), das Asperger-Syndrom und atypische Autismusformen oder nicht-spezifizierte tiefgreifende Entwicklungsstörungen gezählt. Bei den autistischen Syndromen liegen Beeinträchtigungen (1) der Kommunikation und (2) der sozialen Interaktion vor. Weiterhin weisen (3) die Kinder in unterschiedlichem Maß stereotypes, repetitives Verhalten auf und haben bestimmte Sonderinteressen. Verhaltensbasierte Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus basieren auf lerntheoretischen und verhaltenstherapeutischen Konzepten. Sie berücksichtigen die besonderen vorliegenden Beeinträchtigungen in der Wahrnehmung, der emotionalen Reaktionen, der sozialen Interaktionen sowie der Kommunikationsmuster. Die systematische Anwendung und Evaluation solcher Modelle in Deutschland ist aber bisher eher die Ausnahme. Fragestellungen: - Wie sind die gesundheitliche Effektivität und Sicherheit von verhaltens- oder fertigkeitenbasierten Frühinterventionen bei autistischen Syndromen untereinander und verglichen mit einer Standardbehandlung? - Gibt es Hinweise auf besondere Wirkfaktoren für die Effektivität? - Wie ist die Kosten-Effektivität? - Wie hoch sind die Kosten der verschiedenen Interventionen? - Lassen sich aus ethischen und rechtlichen Überlegungen Schlüsse für die Anwendung der betrachteten Interventionen bei Betroffenen mit autistischem Syndrom in der Praxis ziehen? Methoden: Basierend auf einer systematischen Literaturrecherche werden ab 2000 in deutscher oder englischer Sprache veröffentlichte kontrollierte Studien zu verhaltens- oder fertigkeitenbasierten Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus im Alter von bis zu zwölf Jahren eingeschlossen und bewertet. Die Mindestzahl an Studienteilnehmern muss zehn pro Interventionsgruppe betragen. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 15 Veröffentlichungen klinischer Primärstudien, acht systematische Reviews und eine ökonomische Veröffentlichung erfüllen die Einschlusskriterien. Die meisten Studien evaluieren intensive Frühinterventionen, die sich an das Modell von Lovaas (Early intensive behavioural treatment (EIBT), Applied behavioural analysis (ABA)) anlehnen. Einige Studien evaluieren andere Interventionen, die teilweise pragmatisch waren und teilweise einem bestimmten Modell folgen (spezifisches Elterntraining, Responsive education and prelinguistic milieu teaching (RPMT), Joint attention (JA) und symbolisches Spielen (SP), Picture exchange communication system (PECS)). Verhaltensanalytische Interventionen basierend auf dem Lovaas-Modell können weiterhin als die am besten empirisch abgesicherten Frühinterventionen angesehen werden. Vorschulkinder mit Autismus können durch verhaltensbasierte Interventionen mit einer Mindestintensität von 20 Stunden pro Woche Verbesserungen in kognitiven und funktionalen Bereichen (expressive Sprache, Sprachverständnis und Kommunikation) erreichen. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, welche Mindestintensität notwendig ist, und welche Wirkkomponenten für die Ergebnisse verantwortlich sind. Für andere umfassende Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus liegt keine hochwertige Evidenz vor. Die für den ökonomischen Teilbereich identifizierte und einbezogene Publikation ist methodisch und thematisch nicht dazu geeignet, die Fragen nach der Kosten-Effektivität oder den Kostenwirkungen von Frühinterventionen beim Autismus auch nur ansatzweise zu beantworten. Publikationen zu rechtlichen, ethischen oder sozialen Aspekten werden nicht identifiziert. Die finanzielle Lage der Betroffenen und der Familien wird durch das Pflege-Weiterentwicklungsgesetz (Pf-WG) verbessert. Weitere rechtliche Belange betreffen die Betreuung und die Deliktfähigkeit der Menschen mit Autismus. Auch die gleichheitliche Betreuung und Versorgung sind insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Pflege im häuslichen Umfeld eine wichtige Frage. Diskussion: Es gibt nur wenige methodisch angemessene Studien zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit von Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus. Die meisten Studien sind vergleichsweise kurz und haben teilsweise kein verblindetes Ergebnis-Rating. Der Mangel an hochwertigen vergleichenden Studien lässt keine solide Antwort auf die Frage zu, welche Frühintervention bei welchen Kindern mit Autismus am wirksamsten ist. Programme nach dem Lovaas-Modell scheinen am wirkungsvollsten zu sein. Dies gilt vor allem, wenn sie klinikbasiert durchgeführt werden. Zu einzelnen Wirkfaktoren von Frühinterventionen nach dem ABA-Modell konnte allerdings keine solide Evidenz gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich, dass ein Elterntraining hinsichtlich der Verbesserung der Kommunikation besser ist als eine Routinebehandlung, in der eine Mischung von Theapieelementen angewendet wird. Sowohl für die klinischen als auch die gesundheitsökonomischen Studien besteht das Problem unzureichender Verallgemeinerbarkeit der Studienergebnisse in den deutschen Versorgungskontext. Die ökonomischen Studien sind methodisch und thematisch nicht dazu geeignet die aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Schlussfolgerung: Basierend auf der derzeitigen Studienlage liegt für keine der untersuchten verhaltensbasierten Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus ausreichende Evidenz vor. Die in diesem Bericht ausgewerteten Studien und Reviews legen nahe, dass Vorschulkinder mit Autismus durch verhaltensbasierte Interventionen mit einer Mindestintensität von 20 Stunden pro Woche Verbesserungen in kognitiven und funktionalen Bereichen erreichen können. Es gibt bisher keine Hinweise, dass bei einem substantiellen Anteil der Kinder eine vollständige Normalisierung der Entwicklung erreicht werden kann. Die meiste Evidenz liegt für die ABA vor. Ein Minimum an erforderlicher oder sinnvoller Behandlungsintensität kann jedoch nicht angegeben werden. Eine professionelle Umsetzung eines verhaltensbasierten Frühinterventionsprogrammes in engem und ausführlichem Kontakt mit den Kindern und unter Einbeziehung der Eltern erscheint sinnvoll. Zur Kosten-Effektivität von intensiven Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus können keine validen Angaben gemacht werden. Effektive Frühinterventionen könnten jedoch die Gesamtkosten des Autismus langfristig reduzieren, indem die anfallenden hohen Aufwendungen durch eine spätere bessere soziale Anpassung überkompensiert werden.


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Biobanks represent key resources for clinico-genomic research and are needed to pave the way to personalised medicine. To achieve this goal, it is crucial that scientists can securely access and share high-quality biomaterial and related data. Therefore, there is a growing interest in integrating biobanks into larger biomedical information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures. The European project p-medicine is currently building an innovative ICT infrastructure to meet this need. This platform provides tools and services for conducting research and clinical trials in personalised medicine. In this paper, we describe one of its main components, the biobank access framework p-BioSPRE (p-medicine Biospecimen Search and Project Request Engine). This generic framework enables and simplifies access to existing biobanks, but also to offer own biomaterial collections to research communities, and to manage biobank specimens and related clinical data over the ObTiMA Trial Biomaterial Manager. p-BioSPRE takes into consideration all relevant ethical and legal standards, e.g., safeguarding donors’ personal rights and enabling biobanks to keep control over the donated material and related data. The framework thus enables secure sharing of biomaterial within open and closed research communities, while flexibly integrating related clinical and omics data. Although the development of the framework is mainly driven by user scenarios from the cancer domain, in this case, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and Wilms tumour, it can be extended to further disease entities.


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Background: Bio-conjugated nanoparticles are important analytical tools with emerging biological and medical applications. In this context, in situ conjugation of nanoparticles with biomolecules via laser ablation in an aqueous media is a highly promising one-step method for the production of functional nanoparticles resulting in highly efficient conjugation. Increased yields are required, particularly considering the conjugation of cost-intensive biomolecules like RNA aptamers. Results: Using a DNA aptamer directed against streptavidin, in situ conjugation results in nanoparticles with diameters of approximately 9 nm exhibiting a high aptamer surface density (98 aptamers per nanoparticle) and a maximal conjugation efficiency of 40.3%. We have demonstrated the functionality of the aptamer-conjugated nanoparticles using three independent analytical methods, including an agglomeration-based colorimetric assay, and solid-phase assays proving high aptamer activity. To demonstrate the general applicability of the in situ conjugation of gold nanoparticles with aptamers, we have transferred the method to an RNA aptamer directed against prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). Successful detection of PSMA in human prostate cancer tissue was achieved utilizing tissue microarrays. Conclusions: In comparison to the conventional generation of bio-conjugated gold nanoparticles using chemical synthesis and subsequent bio-functionalization, the laser-ablation-based in situ conjugation is a rapid, one-step production method. Due to high conjugation efficiency and productivity, in situ conjugation can be easily used for high throughput generation of gold nanoparticles conjugated with valuable biomolecules like aptamers.