121 resultados para overlapping generations

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Maintaining population diversity throughout generations of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is key to avoid premature convergence. Redundant solutions is one cause for the decreasing population diversity. To prevent the negative effect of redundant solutions, we propose a framework that is based on the multi-parents crossover (MPX) operator embedded in GAs. Because MPX generates diversified chromosomes with good solution quality, when a pair of redundant solutions is found, we would generate a new offspring by using the MPX to replace the redundant chromosome. Three schemes of MPX will be examined and will be compared against some algorithms in literature when we solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problems, which is a strong NP-Hard sequencing problem. The results indicate that our approach significantly improves the solution quality. This study is useful for researchers who are trying to avoid premature convergence of evolutionary algorithms by solving the sequencing problems.


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The polyamidoamide (PAMAM) class of dendrimers was one of the first dendrimers synthesized by Tomalia and co-workers at Dow. Since its discovery the PAMAMs have stimulated many discussions on the structure and dynamics of such hyperbranched polymers. Many questions remain open because the huge conformation disorder combined with very similar local symmetries have made it difficult to characterize experimentally at the atomistic level the structure and dynamics of PAMAM dendrimers. The higher generation dendrimers have also been difficult to characterize computationally because of the large size (294852 atoms for generation 11) and the huge number of conformations. To help provide a practical means of atomistic computational studies, we have developed an atomistically informed coarse-grained description for the PAMAM dendrimer. We find that a two-bead per monomer representation retains the accuracy of atomistic simulations for predicting size and conformational complexity, while reducing the degrees of freedom by tenfold. This mesoscale description has allowed us to study the structural properties of PAMAM dendrimer up to generation 11 for time scale of up to several nanoseconds. The gross properties such as the radius of gyration compare very well with those from full atomistic simulation and with available small angle x-ray experiment and small angle neutron scattering data. The radial monomer density shows very similar behavior with those obtained from the fully atomistic simulation. Our approach to deriving the coarse-grain model is general and straightforward to apply to other classes of dendrimers.


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We revisit four generations within the context of supersymmetry. Wecompute the perturbativity limits for the fourth generation Yukawa couplings and show that if the masses of the fourth generation lie within reasonable limits of their present experimental lower bounds, it is possible to have perturbativity only up to scales around 1000 TeV. Such low scales are ideally suited to incorporate gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, where the mediation scale can be as low as 10-20 TeV. The minimal messenger model, however, is highly constrained. While lack of electroweak symmetry breaking rules out a large part of the parameter space, a small region exists, where the fourth generation stau is tachyonic. General gauge mediation with its broader set of boundary conditions is better suited to accommodate the fourth generation.


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Relative geometric arrangements of the sample points, with reference to the structure of the imbedding space, produce clusters. Hence, if each sample point is imagined to acquire a volume of a small M-cube (called pattern-cell), depending on the ranges of its (M) features and number (N) of samples; then overlapping pattern-cells would indicate naturally closer sample-points. A chain or blob of such overlapping cells would mean a cluster and separate clusters would not share a common pattern-cell between them. The conditions and an analytic method to find such an overlap are developed. A simple, intuitive, nonparametric clustering procedure, based on such overlapping pattern-cells is presented. It may be classified as an agglomerative, hierarchical, linkage-type clustering procedure. The algorithm is fast, requires low storage and can identify irregular clusters. Two extensions of the algorithm, to separate overlapping clusters and to estimate the nature of pattern distributions in the sample space, are also indicated.


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We interpret the recent discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs-like state in the context of a two-Higgs-doublet model with a heavy fourth sequential generation of fermions, in which one Higgs doublet couples only to the fourth-generation fermions, while the second doublet couples to the lighter fermions of the first three families. This model is designed to accommodate the apparent heaviness of the fourth-generation fermions and to effectively address the low-energy phenomenology of a dynamical electroweak-symmetry-breaking scenario. The physical Higgs states of the model are, therefore, viewed as composites primarily of the fourth-generation fermions. We find that the lightest Higgs, h, is a good candidate for the recently discovered 125 GeV spin-zero particle, when tan beta similar to O(1), for typical fourth-generation fermion masses of M-4G = 400-600 GeV, and with a large t-t' mixing in the right-handed quark sector. This, in turn, leads to BR(t' -> th) similar to O(1), which drastically changes the t' decay pattern. We also find that, based on the current Higgs data, this two-Higgs-doublet model generically predicts an enhanced production rate (compared to the Standard Model) in the pp -> h -> tau tau channel, and reduced rates in the VV -> h -> gamma gamma and p (p) over bar /pp -> V -> hV -> Vbb channels. Finally, the heavier CP-even Higgs is excluded by the current data up to m(H) similar to 500 GeV, while the pseudoscalar state, A, can be as light as 130 GeV. These heavier Higgs states and the expected deviations from the Standard Model din some of the Higgs production channels can be further excluded or discovered with more data.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) is the receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones, guanylin, and uroguanylin, in addition to the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins, which are one of the major causes of watery diarrhea the world over. GCC is expressed in intestinal cells, colorectal tumor tissue and tumors originating from metastasis of the colorectal carcinoma. We have earlier generated a monoclonal antibody to human GCC, GCC:B10, which was useful for the immunohistochemical localization of the receptor in the rat intestine (Nandi A et al., 1997, J Cell Biochem 66:500-511), and identified its epitope to a 63-amino acid stretch in the intracellular domain of GCC. In view of the potential that this antibody has for the identification of colorectal tumors, we have characterized the epitope for GCC:B10 in this study. Overlapping peptide synthesis indicated that the epitope was contained in the sequence HIPPENIFPLE. This sequence was unique to GCC, and despite a short stretch of homology with serum amyloid protein and pertussis toxin, no cross reactivity was detected. The core epitope was delineated using a random hexameric phage display library, and two categories of sequences were identified, containing either a single, or two adjacent proline residues. No sequence identified by phage display was identical to the epitope present in GCC, indicating that phage sequences represented mimotopes of the native epitope. Alignment of these sequences with HIPPENIFPLE suggested duplication of the recognition motif, which was confirmed by peptide synthesis. These studies allowed us not only to define the requirements of epitope recognition by GCC:B10 monoclonal antibody, but also to describe a novel means of epitope recognition involving topological mimicry and probable duplication of the cognate epitope in the native guanylyl cyclase C receptor sequence.


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Transactivator protein C of bacteriophage mu is essential for the transition from middle to late gene expression during the phage life cycle. The unusual, multistep activation of mom promoter (Pmom) by C protein involves activator-mediated promoter unwinding to recruit RNA polymerase and subsequent enhanced promoter clearance of the enzyme. To achieve this, C binds its site overlapping the -35 region of the mom promoter with a very high affinity, in Mg2+-dependent fashion. Mg2+-mediated conformational transition in C is necessary for its DNA binding and transactivation. We have determined the residues in C which coordinate Mg2+, to induce allosteric transition in the protein, required for the specific interaction with DNA. Residues E26 and D40 in the putative metal binding motif (E26X10D37X2D40) present toward the N-terminus of the protein are found to be important for Mg2+ ion binding. Mutations in these residues lead to altered Mg2+-induced conformation, compromised DNA binding, and reduced levels of transcription activation. Although Mg2+ is widely used in various DNA transaction reactions, this report provides the first insights on the importance of the metal ion-induced allosteric transitions in regulating transcription factor function.


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The crystal structures of complexes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate kinase with the following ligands have been determined: (i) citrate; (ii) the nonhydrolysable ATP analogue AMPPCP and pantothenate (the initiation complex); (iii) ADP and phosphopantothenate resulting from phosphorylation of pantothenate by ATP in the crystal (the end complex); (iv) ATP and ADP, each with half occupancy, resulting from a quick soak of crystals in ATP (the intermediate complex); (v) CoA; (vi) ADP prepared by soaking and cocrystallization, which turned out to have identical structures, and (vii) ADP and pantothenate. Solution studies on CoA binding and catalytic activity have also been carried out. Unlike in the case of the homologous Escherichia coli enzyme, AMPPCP and ADP occupy different, though overlapping, locations in the respective complexes; the same is true of pantothenate in the initiation complex and phosphopantothenate in the end complex. The binding site of MtPanK is substantially preformed, while that of EcPanK exhibits considerabl plasticity. The difference in the behaviour of the E. coli and M. tuberculosis enzymes could be explained in terms of changes in local structure resulting from substitutions. It is unusual for two homologous enzymes to exhibit such striking differences in action. Therefore, the results have to be treated with caution. However, the changes in the locations of ligands exhibited by M. tuberculosis pantothenate kinase are remarkable and novel.


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In this paper, expressions for convolution multiplication properties of DCT IV and DST IV are derived starting from equivalent DFT representations. Using these expressions methods for implementing linear filtering through block convolution in the DCT IV and DST IV domain are proposed. Techniques developed for DCT IV and DST IV are further extended to MDCT and MDST where the filter implementation is near exact for symmetric filters and approximate for non-symmetric filters. No additional overlapping is required for implementing the symmetric filtering in the MDCT domain and hence the proposed algorithm is computationally competitive with DFT based systems. Moreover, inherent 50% overlap between the adjacent frames used for MDCT/MDST domain reduces the blocking artifacts due to block processing or quantization. The techniques are computationally efficient for symmetric filters and provides a new alternative to DFT based convolution.


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Professor C. N. R. Rao will celebrate his 75th birthday in June 2009. As one of the world's foremost solid-state and materials chemists, he has had an enormous influence on generations of chemists throughout India and the world. Celebrations of Professor Rao's 75th birthday started already last June and will culminate on June 30, 2009. As part of these celebrations and to give tribute to Professor Rao's illustrious career and contributions to the chemistry community, this special issue in honor of this occasion includes 27 invited contributions from top scientists throughout the world, including a special


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The operation of thyristor-controlled static VAR compensators (SVCs) at various conduction angles can be used advantageously to meet the unablanced reactive power demands in a system. However, such operation introduces harmonic currents into the AC system. This paper presents an algorithm to evaluate an optimum combination of the phase-wise reactive power generations from SVC and balanced reactive power supply from the AC system, based on the defined performance indices, namely, the telephone influence factor (TIF), the total harmonic current factor (IT) and the distortion factor (D). Results of the studies conducted on a typical distribution system are presented and discussed.


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The garnet-kyanite-staurolite and garnet-biotite-staurolite gneisses were collected from a locality within Lukung area that belongs to the Pangong metamorphic complex in Shyok valley, Ladakh Himalaya. The kyanite-free samples have garnet and staurolite in equilibrium, where garnets show euhedral texture and have flat compositional profile. On the other hand, the kyanite-bearing sample shows equilibrium assemblage of garnet-kyanite-staurolite along with muscovite and biotite. In this case, garnet has an inclusion rich core with a distinct grain boundary, which was later overgrown by inclusion free euhedral garnet. Garnet cores are rich in Mn and Ca, while the rims are poor in Mn and rich in Fe and Mg, suggesting two distinct generations of growth. However, the compositional profiles and textural signature of garnets suggests the same stage of P -T evolution for the formation of the inclusion free euhedral garnets in the kyanite-free gneisses and the inclusion free euhedral garnet rims in the kyanite-bearing gneiss. Muscovites from the four samples have consistent K-Ar ages, suggesting the cooling age (∼ 10 Ma) of the gneisses. These ages make a constraint on the timing of the youngest post-collision metamorphic event that may be closely related to an activation of the Karakoram fault in Pangong metamorphic complex.


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This paper proposes a novel application of differential evolution to solve a difficult dynamic optimisation or optimal control problem. The miss distance in a missile-target engagement is minimised using differential evolution. The difficulty of solving it by existing conventional techniques in optimal control theory is caused by the nonlinearity of the dynamic constraint equation, inequality constraint on the control input and inequality constraint on another parameter that enters problem indirectly. The optimal control problem of finding the minimum miss distance has an analytical solution subject to several simplifying assumptions. In the approach proposed in this paper, the initial population is generated around the seed value given by this analytical solution. Thereafter, the algorithm progresses to an acceptable final solution within a few generations, satisfying the constraints at every iteration. Since this solution or the control input has to be obtained in real time to be of any use in practice, the feasibility of online implementation is also illustrated.


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It is shown that for continuum percolation with overlapping discs having a distribution of radii, the net areal density of discs at percolation threshold depends non-trivially on the distribution, and is not bounded by any finite constant. Results of a Monte Carlo simulation supporting the argument are presented.