20 resultados para low back problems

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Perforated element mufflers have been known to have good acousticp erformancew, henu sedo n automotive xhausst ystemsIn. thel astd ecadea nda half, plugm ufflersc, oncentrihc oler esonators, and three-ductc losed-endp erforatede lementsh ave been studied.T he presenti nvestigation concernso pen-endedt,h ree-ducpt erforatede lementsw, hich are knownt o combineh igh acoustic transmissiolno ss with low back pressuresT. he governinge quationsh ave been solved in the frequencyd omain,u singt he recouplinga pproacha longw ith appropriatbe oundaryc onditionst,o derivet he transferm atrixa ndt hent o calculaten oiser eductiona ndt ransmissiolno ss.T he predicted noiser eductionv aluesh aveb eens hownt o corroboratew ell with experimentallyo bservedv alues. Finally,p arametrics tudiesh aveb eend onet o draw designc urvesf or suchm ufflers.


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In this paper we propose a circularly polarized (CP) microstrip antenna on a suspended substrate with a coplanar capacitive feed and a slot within the rectangular patch. The antenna has an axial ratio bandwidth (< 3 dB) of 7.1%. The proposed antenna exhibits a much higher impedance bandwidth of about 49% (S11 < -10 dB) and also yields return loss better than -15 dB in the useful range of circular polarization. Measured characteristics of the antenna are in good agreement with the simulated results. The radiation patterns indicate good cross polarization rejection and low back lobe radiations. The design proposed here can be scaled to any frequency of interest.


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Glasses show very interesting behavior well below the glass transition temperature. Inspite of various experimental observations, even simple quantitative explanations relating these relaxation phenomena to structural properties are absent. In this paper we have tried to point out a phenomenological approach to this problem by identifying certain parameters which we think can be used to characterize these relaxations.


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Conventional thyristor-based load commutated inverter (LCI)-fed wound field synchronous machine operates only above a minimum speed that is necessary to develop enough back emf to ensure commutation. The drive is started and brought up to a speed of around 10-15% by a complex `dc link current pulsing' technique. During this process, the drive have problems such as pulsating torque, insufficient average starting torque, longer starting time, etc. In this regard a simple starting and low-speed operation scheme, by employing an auxiliary low-power voltage source inverter (VSI) between the LCI and the machine terminals, is presented in this study. The drive is started and brought up to a low speed of around 15% using the VSI alone with field oriented control. The complete control is then smoothly and dynamically transferred to the conventional LCI control. After the control transfer, the VSI is turned off and physically disconnected from the main circuit. The advantages of this scheme are smooth starting, complete control of torque and flux at starting and low speeds, less starting time, stable operation, etc. The voltage rating of the required VSI is very low of the order of 10-15%, whereas the current rating is dependent on the starting torque requirement of the load. The experimental results from a 15.8 hp LCI-fed wound field synchronous machine are given to demonstrate the scheme.


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Given an undirected unweighted graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 1, we consider the problem of computing the edge connectivities of all those (s, t) vertex pairs, whose edge connectivity is at most k. We present an algorithm with expected running time Õ(m + nk3) for this problem, where |V| = n and |E| = m. Our output is a weighted tree T whose nodes are the sets V1, V2,..., V l of a partition of V, with the property that the edge connectivity in G between any two vertices s ε Vi and t ε Vj, for i ≠ j, is equal to the weight of the lightest edge on the path between Vi and Vj in T. Also, two vertices s and t belong to the same Vi for any i if and only if they have an edge connectivity greater than k. Currently, the best algorithm for this problem needs to compute all-pairs min-cuts in an O(nk) edge graph; this takes Õ(m + n5/2kmin{k1/2, n1/6}) time. Our algorithm is much faster for small values of k; in fact, it is faster whenever k is o(n5/6). Our algorithm yields the useful corollary that in Õ(m + nc3) time, where c is the size of the global min-cut, we can compute the edge connectivities of all those pairs of vertices whose edge connectivity is at most αc for some constant α. We also present an Õ(m + n) Monte Carlo algorithm for the approximate version of this problem. This algorithm is applicable to weighted graphs as well. Our algorithm, with some modifications, also solves another problem called the minimum T-cut problem. Given T ⊆ V of even cardinality, we present an Õ(m + nk3) algorithm to compute a minimum cut that splits T into two odd cardinality components, where k is the size of this cut.


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The dynamics of reactions with low internal barriers are studied both analytically and numerically for two different models. Exact expressions for the average rate,kI, are obtained by solving the associated first passage time problems. Both the average rate constant, kI, and the numerically calculated long-time rate constant, kL, show a fractional power law dependence on the barrier height for very low barriers. The crossover of the reaction dynamics from low to high barrier is investigated.


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A conformationally locked tetraacetate undergoes, quite akin to a temperature-guided molecular switch, a reversible thermal switching between two polymorphic modifications; the room-temperature alpha-form converted at -4 degrees C to a low-temperature denser beta-form, which displayed an unusual kinetic stability till 67 degrees C and transformed back to the alpha-form beyond this temperature.


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An axis-parallel k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x...x R-k where R-i (for 1 <= i <= k) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. For a graph G, its boxicity box(G) is the minimum dimension k, such that G is representable as the intersection graph of (axis-parallel) boxes in k-dimensional space. The concept of boxicity finds applications in various areas such as ecology, operations research etc. A number of NP-hard problems are either polynomial time solvable or have much better approximation ratio on low boxicity graphs. For example, the max-clique problem is polynomial time solvable on bounded boxicity graphs and the maximum independent set problem for boxicity d graphs, given a box representation, has a left perpendicular1 + 1/c log n right perpendicular(d-1) approximation ratio for any constant c >= 1 when d >= 2. In most cases, the first step usually is computing a low dimensional box representation of the given graph. Deciding whether the boxicity of a graph is at most 2 itself is NP-hard. We give an efficient randomized algorithm to construct a box representation of any graph G on n vertices in left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular dimensions, where Delta is the maximum degree of G. This algorithm implies that box(G) <= left perpendicular(Delta + 2) ln nright perpendicular for any graph G. Our bound is tight up to a factor of ln n. We also show that our randomized algorithm can be derandomized to get a polynomial time deterministic algorithm. Though our general upper bound is in terms of maximum degree Delta, we show that for almost all graphs on n vertices, their boxicity is O(d(av) ln n) where d(av) is the average degree.


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A polymorphic ASIC is a runtime reconfigurable hardware substrate comprising compute and communication elements. It is a ldquofuture proofrdquo custom hardware solution for multiple applications and their derivatives in a domain. Interoperability between application derivatives at runtime is achieved through hardware reconfiguration. In this paper we present the design of a single cycle Network on Chip (NoC) router that is responsible for effecting runtime reconfiguration of the hardware substrate. The router design is optimized to avoid FIFO buffers at the input port and loop back at output crossbar. It provides virtual channels to emulate a non-blocking network and supports a simple X-Y relative addressing scheme to limit the control overhead to 9 bits per packet. The 8times8 honeycomb NoC (RECONNECT) implemented in 130 nm UMC CMOS standard cell library operates at 500 MHz and has a bisection bandwidth of 28.5 GBps. The network is characterized for random, self-similar and application specific traffic patterns that model the execution of multimedia and DSP kernels with varying network loads and virtual channels. Our implementation with 4 virtual channels has an average network latency of 24 clock cycles and throughput of 62.5% of the network capacity for random traffic. For application specific traffic the latency is 6 clock cycles and throughput is 87% of the network capacity.


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We present a simplified yet analytical formulation of the carrier backscattering coefficient for zig-zag semiconducting single walled carbon nanotubes under diffusive regime. The electron-phonon scattering rate for longitudinal acoustic, optical, and zone-boundary phonon emissions for both inter- and intrasubband transition rates have been derived using Kane's nonparabolic energy subband model.The expressions for the mean free path and diffusive resistance have been formulated incorporating the aforementioned phonon scattering. Appropriate overlap function in Fermi's golden rule has been incorporated for a more general approach. The effect of energy subbands on low and high bias zones for the onset of longitudinal acoustic, optical, and zone-boundary phonon emissions and absorption have been analytically addressed. 90% transmission of the carriers from the source to the drain at 400 K for a 5 mu m long nanotube at 105 V m(-1) has been exhibited. The analytical results are in good agreement with the available experimental data. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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For hybrid electric vehicles the batteries and the drive dc-link may be at different voltages. The batteries are at low voltage to obtain higher volumetric efficiencies and the dc-link is at higher voltage to have higher efficiency on the motor side. Therefore a power interface between the batteries and the drive's dc-link is essential. This power interface should handle power flow from battery to motor, motor to battery, external genset to battery and grid to battery. This paper proposes a multi power port topology which is capable of handling multiple power sources and still maintains simplicity and features like obtaining any gain, wide load variations, lower output current ripple and capability of parallel battery energy due to the modular structure. The development and testing of a bi-directional fly-back DC-DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle is described in this paper. Simple hysteresis voltage control is used for DC link voltage regulation. The experimental results are presented to show the working of the proposed converter.


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Methodologies are presented for minimization of risk in a river water quality management problem. A risk minimization model is developed to minimize the risk of low water quality along a river in the face of conflict among various stake holders. The model consists of three parts: a water quality simulation model, a risk evaluation model with uncertainty analysis and an optimization model. Sensitivity analysis, First Order Reliability Analysis (FORA) and Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the fuzzy risk of low water quality. Fuzzy multiobjective programming is used to formulate the multiobjective model. Probabilistic Global Search Laussane (PGSL), a global search algorithm developed recently, is used for solving the resulting non-linear optimization problem. The algorithm is based on the assumption that better sets of points are more likely to be found in the neighborhood of good sets of points, therefore intensifying the search in the regions that contain good solutions. Another model is developed for risk minimization, which deals with only the moments of the generated probability density functions of the water quality indicators. Suitable skewness values of water quality indicators, which lead to low fuzzy risk are identified. Results of the models are compared with the results of a deterministic fuzzy waste load allocation model (FWLAM), when methodologies are applied to the case study of Tunga-Bhadra river system in southern India, with a steady state BOD-DO model. The fractional removal levels resulting from the risk minimization model are slightly higher, but result in a significant reduction in risk of low water quality. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An aeroelastic analysis based on finite elements in space and time is used to model the helicopter rotor in forward flight. The rotor blade is represented as an elastic cantilever beam undergoing flap and lag bending, elastic torsion and axial deformations. The objective of the improved design is to reduce vibratory loads at the rotor hub that are the main source of helicopter vibration. Constraints are imposed on aeroelastic stability, and move limits are imposed on the blade elastic stiffness design variables. Using the aeroelastic analysis, response surface approximations are constructed for the objective function (vibratory hub loads). It is found that second order polynomial response surfaces constructed using the central composite design of the theory of design of experiments adequately represents the aeroelastic model in the vicinity of the baseline design. Optimization results show a reduction in the objective function of about 30 per cent. A key accomplishment of this paper is the decoupling of the analysis problem and the optimization problems using response surface methods, which should encourage the use of optimization methods by the helicopter industry. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A modeling framework is presented in this paper, integrating hydrologic scenarios projected from a General Circulation Model (GCM) with a water quality simulation model to quantify the future expected risk. Statistical downscaling with a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) is carried out to develop the future scenarios of hydro-climate variables starting with simulations provided by a GCM. A Multiple Logistic Regression (MLR) is used to quantify the risk of Low Water Quality (LWQ) corresponding to a threshold quality level, by considering the streamflow and water temperature as explanatory variables. An Imprecise Fuzzy Waste Load Allocation Model (IFWLAM) presented in an earlier study is then used to develop adaptive policies to address the projected water quality risks. Application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated with the case study of Tunga-Bhadra river in India. The results showed that the projected changes in the hydro-climate variables tend to diminish DO levels, thus increasing the future risk levels of LWQ. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acoustic modeling using mixtures of multivariate Gaussians is the prevalent approach for many speech processing problems. Computing likelihoods against a large set of Gaussians is required as a part of many speech processing systems and it is the computationally dominant phase for LVCSR systems. We express the likelihood computation as a multiplication of matrices representing augmented feature vectors and Gaussian parameters. The computational gain of this approach over traditional methods is by exploiting the structure of these matrices and efficient implementation of their multiplication.In particular, we explore direct low-rank approximation of the Gaussian parameter matrix and indirect derivation of low-rank factors of the Gaussian parameter matrix by optimum approximation of the likelihood matrix. We show that both the methods lead to similar speedups but the latter leads to far lesser impact on the recognition accuracy. Experiments on a 1138 word vocabulary RM1 task using Sphinx 3.7 system show that, for a typical case the matrix multiplication approach leads to overall speedup of 46%. Both the low-rank approximation methods increase the speedup to around 60%, with the former method increasing the word error rate (WER) from 3.2% to 6.6%, while the latter increases the WER from 3.2% to 3.5%.