263 resultados para galaxies: interactions

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The extragalactic diffuse emission at gamma-ray energies has interesting cosmological implications since these photons suffer little or no attenuation during their propagation from the site of origin. The emission could originate from either truly diffuse processes or from unresolved point sources such as AGNs, normal galaxies and starburst galaxies. Here, we examine the unresolved point source origin of the extragalactic gamma-ray background emission from normal galaxies and starburst galaxies. gamma-ray emission from normal galaxies is primarily coming from cosmic-ray interactions with interstellar matter and radiation (similar to 90%) along with a small contribution from discrete point sources (similar to 10%). Starburst galaxies are expected to have enhanced supernovae activity which leads to higher cosmic-ray densities, making starburst galaxies sufficiently luminous at gamma-ray energies to be detected by the current gamma-ray mission(Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope).


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From the available H I data on spiral galaxies in three rich Abell clusters and the Virgo Cluster, it is shown that galaxies with medium to large optical sizes tend to be more severely deficient in atomic hydrogen than the small galaxies. This is so both in terms of the fractional number of galaxies that are deficient and the amount of gas lost by a galaxy. The fraction of H I-deficient galaxies increases with size over most of the size range, saturating or dropping only for the largest galaxies. A comparative study is made of various currently accepted gas removal mechanisms, namely those which are a result of galaxy-intracluster medium interactions, e.g., ram pressure stripping, as well as those due to galaxy-galaxy interactions, i.e., collisions and tidal interactions. It is shown that, with the exception of tidal interactions, all of these mechanisms would produce a size dependence in H I deficiency that is the opposite of that observed. That is, the gas in the largest galaxies would be the least affected by these mechanisms. However, if there is significant mass segregation, these processes may give the trends observed in the size dependence of H I deficiency.


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In our work we have used the atomic hydrogen [HΙ] gas distribution in the HΙ 21-cm line emission to study the dark matter halo perturbations. For tHΙs analysis, the 2-D HΙ surface density and velocity maps (arcHΙval) of the galaxies in the Eridanus group (obtained using the GMRT) and in the Ursa Major group (obtained from WSRT) were used. In addition a few HΙckson Compact Groups of galaxies were also studied using the GMRT. The HΙ maps of these galaxies were Fourier analysed to estimate the asymmetry in the distribution and motion of gas. The average asymmetry parameter in the 1.5 to 2.5 K′-band scale lengths was found to be ~ 0.27 for the Eridanus group of galaxies wHΙle it was ~ 0.14 for the Ursa Major group of galaxies. The asymmetries in the distribution of HΙ as a function of Hubble type of galaxies were also studied and was found to be directly correlated with the compactness of the groups. In addition, the trend in the asymmetry as a function of the Hubble type of galaxies was opposite to that seen in the field galaxies, i.e., in the group galaxies, the early type galaxies showed more asymmetry than late type. These two aspects indicated that tidal interactions between the galaxies in a group environment to be the major cause of asymmetries. The observed asymmetry parameters were consistent with recent numerical simulations of asymmetries of gas disk caused by fly-by interactions. We have also estimated the perturbation of dark matter halo using the asymmetry parameter obtained from the Fourier series analysis of the surface density maps.


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Low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies form a major class of galaxies, and are characterized by low disc surface density and low star formation rate. These are known to be dominated by dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we study the role of the dark matter halo on the grand-design, m = 2, spiral modes in a galactic disc by carrying out a global mode analysis in the WKB approximation. The Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule is used to determine how many discrete global spiral modes are permitted. First, a typical superthin, LSB galaxy UGC 7321 is studied by taking only the galactic disc, modelled as a fluid; and then the disc embedded in a dark matter halo. We find that both cases permit the existence of global spiral modes. This is in contrast to earlier results where the inclusion of dark matter halo was shown to nearly fully suppress local, swing-amplified spiral features. Although technically global modes are permitted in the fluid model as shown here, we argue that due to lack of tidal interactions, these are not triggered in LSB galaxies. For comparison, we carried out a similar analysis for the Galaxy, for which the dark matter halo does not dominate in the inner regions. We show that here too the dark matter halo has little effect, hence the disc embedded in a halo is also able to support global modes. The derived pattern speed of the global mode agrees fairly well with the observed value for the Galaxy.


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The costimulatory receptors CD28 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen (CTLA)-4 and their ligands, CD80 and CD86, are expressed on T lymphocytes; however, their functional roles during T cell-T cell interactions are not well known. The consequences of blocking CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions on purified mouse CD4(+) T cells were studied in the context of the strength of signal (SOS). CD4(+) T cells were activated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and different concentrations of a Ca2+ ionophore, Ionomycin (I), or a sarcoplasmic Ca2+ ATPase inhibitor, Thapsigargin (TG). Increasing concentrations of I or TG increased the amount of interleukin (IL)-2, reflecting the conversion of a low to a high SOS. During activation with PMA and low amounts of I, intracellular concentrations of calcium ([Ca2+](i)) were greatly reduced upon CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 blockade. Further experiments demonstrated that CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions reduced cell cycling upon activation with PMA and high amounts of I or TG (high SOS) but the opposite occurred with PMA and low amounts of I or TG (low SOS). These results were confirmed by surface T-cell receptor (TCR)-CD3 signalling using a low SOS, for example soluble anti-CD3, or a high SOS, for example plate-bound anti-CD3. Also, CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions enhanced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Studies with catalase revealed that H2O2 was required for IL-2 production and cell cycle progression during activation with a low SOS. However, the high amounts of ROS produced during activation with a high SOS reduced cell cycle progression. Taken together, these results indicate that [Ca2+](i) and ROS play important roles in the modulation of T-cell responses by CTLA-4-CD80/CD86 interactions.


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Fenvalerate is a pyrethroid insecticide which interacts with ionic channels. Using circular dichroism technique we have studied the interaction of fenvalerate with gramicidin, a model channel peptide which transports ions. In most organic solvents, gramicidin exists as a double helix except in trifluoroethanol where it exists as a channel forming single stranded beta(6.3) helical monomer. In model lipid membranes, under certain experimental conditions, gramicidin exists as a channel forming single stranded beta(6.3) helical dimer. Our results show that fenvalerate interacts more with the single stranded beta(6.3) helical monomer or dimer than with the double helical form of gramicidin. This was further confirmed by an increase in the rate of gramicidin mediated proton transport in liposomes by fenvalerate, using the pH sensitive fluorophore, pyranine.


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We explore the use of polarized e(+)/e(-) beams and/or the information on final state decay lepton polarizations in probing the interaction of the Higgs boson with a pair of vector bosons. A model independent analysis of the process e(+)e(-) -> f (f) over barH, where f is any light fermion, is carried out through the construction of observables having identical properties under the discrete symmetry transformations as different individual anomalous interactions. This allows us to probe an individual anomalous term independent of the others. We find that initial state beam polarization can significantly improve the sensitivity to CP-odd couplings of the Z boson with the Higgs boson (ZZH). Moreover, an ability to isolate events with a particular tau helicity, with even 40% efficiency, can improve sensitivities to certain ZZH couplings by as much as a factor of 3. In addition, the contamination from the ZZH vertex contributions present in the measurement of the trilinear Higgs-W (WWH) couplings can be reduced to a great extent by employing polarized beams. The effects of initial state radiation and beamstrahlung, which can be relevant for higher values of the beam energy are also included in the analysis.


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The light distribution in the disks of many galaxies is ‘lopsided’ with a spatial extent much larger along one half of a galaxy than the other, as seen in M101. Recent observations show that the stellar disk in a typical spiral galaxy is significantly lopsided, indicating asymmetry in the disk mass distribution. The mean amplitude of lopsidedness is 0.1, measured as the Fourier amplitude of the m=1 component normalized to the average value. Thus, lopsidedness is common, and hence it is important to understand its origin and dynamics. This is a new and exciting area in galactic structure and dynamics, in contrast to the topic of bars and two-armed spirals (m=2) which has been extensively studied in the literature. Lopsidedness is ubiquitous and occurs in a variety of settings and tracers. It is seen in both stars and gas, in the outer disk and the central region, in the field and the group galaxies. The lopsided amplitude is higher by a factor of two for galaxies in a group. The lopsidedness has a strong impact on the dynamics of the galaxy, its evolution, the star formation in it, and on the growth of the central black hole and on the nuclear fuelling. We present here an overview of the observations that measure the lopsided distribution, as well as the theoretical progress made so far to understand its origin and properties. The physical mechanisms studied for its origin include tidal encounters, gas accretion and a global gravitational instability. The related open, challenging problems in this emerging area are discussed.


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We present relativistic, classical particle models that possess Poincaré invariance, invariant world lines, particle interaction, and separability.


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A pre-requisite for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of aspirin-like drugs, which are believed to exert their pharmacological effects through the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, is an understanding of their molecular geometry, the non-covalent interactions they are likely to be involved in, and the geometrical and the electronic consequences of such interactions. This has been sought to be achieved through the x-ray analysis of these drug molecules and their crystalline complexes with other suitable molecules. The results obtained from such studies have been discussed in terms of specific typical examples. For instance, antipyrine can form metal and hydrogen-bonded complexes; phenylbutazone can form ionic complexes with basic molecules. Complex formation is accompanied by characteristic changes in the molecular geometry and the electronic structure in both the cases. The results obtained so far appear to indicate that the important common invariant structural features of the fenamates, deduced from crystal structures, are retained even when complexation takes place.


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Mr= 361.3, triclinic, P1, a = 6-239 (2), b=11.280(2), c=12-451(2)A, a=101.2 (1), B= 92.3 (1), 7=99.9(1)°, V=844.123 A3, Z=2, Dx= 1.42, D m = 1.42 (1) Mg m -3, n(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 ,A., g = 1-102 mm -1, F(000) = 376, T= 293 K. Final R = 0.064 for 2150 observed reflections. The niflumic acid anions consist essentially of three planar groupings, namely, two six-membered rings and a carboxylate group attached to one of them. The invariant common structural features observed in the crystal structures of fenamates, namely, the coplanarity of the carboxyl group and the six-membered ring bearing it, and the internal hydrogen bond between the carboxyl group and the imino N atom that bridges the two sixmembered rings, are retained in the complex. The amino N atom is gauche with respect to the terminal hydroxyl group in the ethanolamine cation. The complexation between the two molecules is achieved through ionic and hydrogen-bonded interactions involving the carboxylate group in niflumic acid.


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The Watson-Crick type of base pairing is considered to be mandatory for the formation of duplex DNA. However, conformational calculations carried out in our laboratory, have shown that some combinations of backbone torsion angles and sugar pucker lead to duplexes with Hoogsteen type of base pairing also. Here we present the results of energy calculations performed on A-T containing doublet sequences in the D-form with both Hoogsteen and Watson-Crick type of base pairing and the 3 viable models for the A-T containing polynucleotide duplex poly[d(A-T)].


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The (+)-enantiomer of the polyphenolic binaphthyl gossypol, has been shown to be a useful CD probe of interactions with human and bovine serum albumin. (+)-Gossypol binds to albumin with same affinity as recemic (±)-gossypol, as shown by fluorescence quenching, and also displaces bilirubin from its albumin binding site. The CD characteristics of bound gossypol are different in the case of the two proteins.


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Hyperconjugation and inductive effects, rather than homoaromaticity, are responsible for the stabilization of the title anion in the gas phase; interaction of the double bond with the Li+ gegenion in the endo geometry contributes additionally in solution.


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We study transport across a point contact separating two line junctions in a nu = 5/2 quantum Hall system. We analyze the effect of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between the chiral bosonic edge modes of the half-filled Landau level (assuming a Pfaffian wave function for the half-filled state) and of the two fully filled Landau levels. In the presence of inter-edge Coulomb interactions between all the six edges participating in the line junction, we show that the stable fixed point corresponds to a point contact that is neither fully opaque nor fully transparent. Remarkably, this fixed point represents a situation where the half-filled level is fully transmitting, while the two filled levels are completely backscattered; hence the fixed point Hall conductance is given by G(H) = 1/2e(2)/h. We predict the non-universal temperature power laws by which the system approaches the stable fixed point from the two unstable fixed points corresponding to the fully connected case (G(H) = 5/2e(2)/h) and the fully disconnected case (G(H) = 0).