52 resultados para collective excitations in multilayers

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A method is developed for demonstrating how solitons with some internal periodic motion may emerge as elementary excitations in the statistical mechanics of field systems. The procedure is demonstrated in the context of complex scalar fields which can, for appropriate choices of the Lagrangian, yield charge-carrying solitons with such internal motion. The derivation uses the techniques of the steepest-descent method for functional integrals. It is shown that, despite the constraint of some fixed total charge, a gaslike excitation of such charged solitons does emerge.


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Brillouin scattering by one-phonon-two-magnon interacting excitations in ferromagnetic dielectrics is discussed. The basic light scattering mechanism is taken to be the modulation of the density-dependent optical dielectric polarizability of the medium by the dynamic strain field generated by the longitudinal acoustic (LA) phonons. The renormalization effects arising from the scattering of phonons by the two-magnon creation-annihilation processes have, however, been taken into account. Via these interactions, the Brillouin components corresponding to the two-magnon excitations are reflected indirectly in the spectrum of the phonon scattered light as line-broadening of the otherwise relatively sharp Brillouin doublet. The present mechanism is shown to be dominant in a clean saturated ferromagnetic dielectric with large magneto-strictive coupling constant, and with the magnetic ions in the orbitally quenched states. Following the linear response theory, an expression has been derived for the spectral density of the scattered light as a function of temperature, scattering angle, and the strength of the externally applied magnetic field. Some estimates are given for the line-width and line-shift of the Brillouin components for certain typical choice of parameters involved. The results are discussed in relation to some available calculations on the ultrasonic attenuation in ferromagnetic insulators at low temperatures.


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Brillouin scattering studies on single crystals of a charge-ordered manganite, Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3, have been carried out for the first time. The spectra show two modes at similar to 27 GHz (B-mode) and 60 GHz (S-mode). The B-mode frequency and intensity from 300 K to 27 K, covering both the charge ordering transition at 250 K and the antiferromagnetic transition, at 170 K, exactly follow the same temperature dependence as the d.c. magnetic susceptibility. The B-mode is associated With bulk magnetic excitations and the S-mode with surface magnetic excitations of the manganite with ferromagnetic correlations. The study is strongly indicative of the presence of ferromagnetic inhomogeneities in the charge-ordered as well as antiferromagnetic phases.


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A recently developed microscopic theory of solvation dynamics in real dipolar liquids is used to calculate, for the first time, the solvation time correlation function in liquid acetonitrile, water and methanol. The calculated results are in excellent agreement with known experimental and computer simulation studies.


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A molecular theory of underdamped dielectric relaxation of a dense dipolar liquid is presented. This theory properly takes into account the collective effects that are present (due to strong intermolecular correlations) in a dipolar liquid. For small rigid molecules, the theory again leads to a three-variable description which, however, is somewhat different from the traditional version. In particular, two of the three parameters are collective in nature and are determined by the orientational pair correlation function. A detailed comparison between the theory and the computer simulation results of Neria and Nitzan is performed and an excellent agreement is obtained without the use of any adjustable or free parameter - the calculation is fully microscopic. The theory can also provide a systematic description of the Poley absorption often observed in dipolar liquids in the high-frequency regime.


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We report experimental observations of a new mechanism of charge transport in two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. We show that at low enough temperature the conductivity tends to zero at a nonzero carrier density, which represents the point of essential singularity in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-like transition. Our experiments with many 2DESs in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures suggest that the charge transport at low carrier densities is due to the melting of an underlying ordered ground state through proliferation of topological defects. Independent measurement of low-frequency conductivity noise supports this scenario.


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Movement in animal groups is highly varied and ranges from seemingly disordered motion in swarms to coordinated aligned motion in flocks and schools. These social interactions are often thought to reduce risk from predators, despite a lack of direct evidence. We investigated risk-related selection for collective motion by allowing real predators ( bluegill sunfish) to hunt mobile virtual prey. By fusing simulated and real animal behavior, we isolated predator effects while controlling for confounding factors. Prey with a tendency to be attracted toward, and to align direction of travel with, near neighbors tended to form mobile coordinated groups and were rarely attacked. These results demonstrate that collective motion could evolve as a response to predation, without prey being able to detect and respond to predators.


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Topological defects play an important role in the melting phenomena in two-dimensions. In this work, we report experimental observation of topological defect induced melting in two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) in the presence of strong Coulomb interaction and disorder. The phenomenon is characterised by measurement of conductivity which goes to zero in a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless like transition. Further evidence is provided via low-frequency conductivity noise measurements.


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The creation of synthetic systems that emulate the defining properties of living matter, such as motility, gradient-sensing, signaling, and replication, is a grand challenge of biomimetics. Such imitations of life crucially contain active components that transform chemical energy into directed motion. These artificial realizations of motility point in the direction of a new paradigm in engineering, through the design of emergent behavior by manipulating properties at the scale of the individual components. Catalytic colloidal swimmers are a particularly promising example of such systems. Here we present a comprehensive theoretical description of gradient-sensing of an individual swimmer, leading controllably to chemotactic or anti-chemotactic behavior, and use it to construct a framework for studying their collective behavior. We find that both the positional and the orientational degrees of freedom of the active colloids can exhibit condensation, signaling formation of clusters and asters. The kinetics of catalysis introduces a natural control parameter for the range of the interaction mediated by the diffusing chemical species. For various regimes in parameter space in the long-ranged limit our system displays precise analogs to gravitational collapse, plasma oscillations, and electrostatic screening. We present prescriptions for how to tune the surface properties of the colloids during fabrication to achieve each type of behavior.


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Protein aggregation, linked to many of diseases, is initiated when monomers access rogue conformations that are poised to form amyloid fibrils. We show, using simulations of src SH3 domain, that mechanical force enhances the population of the aggregation-prone (N*) states, which are rarely populated under force free native conditions but are encoded in the spectrum of native fluctuations. The folding phase diagrams of SH3 as a function of denaturant concentration (C]), mechanical force (f), and temperature exhibit an apparent two-state behavior, without revealing the presence of the elusive N* states. Interestingly, the phase boundaries separating the folded and unfolded states at all C] and f fall on a master curve, which can be quantitatively described using an analogy to superconductors in a magnetic field. The free energy profiles as a function of the molecular extension (R), which are accessible in pulling experiments, (R), reveal the presence of a native-like N* with a disordered solvent-exposed amino-terminal beta-strand. The structure of the N* state is identical with that found in Fyn SH3 by NMR dispersion experiments. We show that the timescale for fibril formation can be estimated from the population of the N* state, determined by the free energy gap separating the native structure and the N* state, a finding that can be used to assess fibril forming tendencies of proteins. The structures of the N* state are used to show that oligomer formation and likely route to fibrils occur by a domain-swap mechanism in SH3 domain. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a design methodology to stabilize collective circular motion of a group of N-identical agents moving at unit speed around individual circles of different radii and different centers. The collective circular motion studied in this paper is characterized by the clockwise rotation of all agents around a common circle of desired radius as well as center, which is fixed. Our interest is to achieve those collective circular motions in which the phases of the agents are arranged either in synchronized, in balanced or in splay formation. In synchronized formation, the agents and their centroid move in a common direction while in balanced formation, the movement of the agents ensures a fixed location of the centroid. The splay state is a special case of balanced formation, in which the phases are separated by multiples of 2 pi/N. We derive the feedback controls and prove the asymptotic stability of the desired collective circular motion by using Lyapunov theory and the LaSalle's Invariance principle.


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Charge-transfer (CT) excitations are essential for photovoltaic phenomena in organic solar cells. Owing to the complexity of molecular geometries and orbital coupling, a detailed analysis and spatial visualisation of CT processes can be challenging. In this paper, a new detail-oriented visualisation scheme, the particle-hole map (PHM), is applied and explained for the purpose of spatial analysis of excitations in organic molecules. The PHM can be obtained from the output of a time-dependent density-functional theory calculation with negligible additional computational cost, and provides a useful physical picture for understanding the origins and destinations of electrons and holes during an excitation process. As an example, we consider intramolecular CT excitations in Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based molecules, and relate our findings to experimental results.


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A microscopic study of the non‐Markovian (or memory) effects on the collective orientational relaxation in a dense dipolar liquid is carried out by using an extended hydrodynamic approach which provides a reliable description of the dynamical processes occuring at the molecular length scales. Detailed calculations of the wave‐vector dependent orientational correlation functions are presented. The memory effects are found to play an important role; the non‐Markovian results differ considerably from that of the Markovian theory. In particular, a slow long‐time decay of the longitudinal orientational correlation function is observed for dense liquids which becomes weaker in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution to the collective orientational relaxation. This slow decay can be attributed to the intermolecular correlations at the molecular length scales. The longitudinal component of the orientational correlation function becomes oscillatory in the underdamped limit of momenta relaxations and the frequency dependence of the friction reduce the frictional resistance on the collective excitations (commonly known as dipolarons) to make them long lived. The theory predicts that these dipolarons can, therefore, be important in chemical relaxation processes, in contradiction to the claims of some earlier theoretical studies.


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Optical emission from emitters strongly interacting among themselves and also with other polarizable matter in close proximity has been approximated by emission from independent emitters. This is primarily due to our inability to evaluate the self-energy matrices and radiative properties of the collective eigenstates of emitters in heterogeneous ensembles. A method to evaluate self-energy matrices that is not limited by the geometry and material composition is presented to understand and exploit such collective excitations. Numerical evaluations using this method are used to highlight the significant differences between independent and the collective modes of emission in nanoscale heterostructures. A set of N Lorentz emitters and other polarizable entities is used to represent the coupled system of a generalized geometry in a volume integral approach. Closed form relations between the Green tensors of entity pairs in free space and their correspondents in a heterostructure are derived concisely. This is made possible for general geometries because the global matrices consisting of all free-space Green dyads are subject to conservation laws. The self-energy matrix can then be assembled using the evaluated Green tensors of the heterostructure, but a decomposition of its components into their radiative and nonradiative decay contributions is nontrivial. The relations to compute the observables of the eigenstates (such as quantum efficiency, power/energy of emission, radiative and nonradiative decay rates) are presented. A note on extension of this method to collective excitations, which also includes strong interactions with a surface in the near-field, is added. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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Multilayers of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3 (PMN)-PbTiO3 (PT) were deposited through pulsed laser ablation deposition with different periodicities (d=10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 nm) for a constant total thickness of the film. The presence of superlattice reflections in the x-ray diffraction pattern clearly showed the superlattice behavior of the fabricated structures over a periodicity range of 20-50 nm. Polarization hysteresis and the capacitance-voltage characteristics of these films show clear size dependent ferroelectric and antiferroelectric (AFE) characteristics. Presence of long-range coupling and strain in multilayers with lower periodicity (similar to 10 nm) exhibited a clear ferroelectric behavior similar to a solid solution of PMN and PT. Multilayers with higher periodicities (20-50 nm) exhibited antiferroelectric behavior, which could be understood from the energy arguments. On further increase of periodicity, they again exhibit ferroelectric behavior. The polarization studies were carried out beyond the Curie temperature T-c of PMN to understand the interlayer interaction. The interaction is changed to a ferroelectric-paraelectric interlayer and tends to lose its antiferroelectric behavior. The behavior of remnant polarization P-r and dP(r)/dT with temperature clearly proves that the AFE coupling of these superlattices is due to the extrinsic interfacial coupling and not an intrinsic interaction as in a homogeneous conventional AFE material. The evidence of an averaged behavior at a periodicity of similar to 10 nm, and the behavior of individual materials at larger periodicities were further confirmed through dielectric phase transition studies. The presence of AFE interfacial coupling was insignificant over the dielectric phase transition of the multilayers.