14 resultados para Transvestite identities

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A modified form of Green's integral theorem is employed to derive the energy identity in any water wave diffraction problem in a single-layer fluid for free-surface boundary condition with higher-order derivatives. For a two-layer fluid with free-surface boundary condition involving higher-order derivatives, two forms of energy identities involving transmission and reflection coefficients for any wave diffraction problem are also derived here by the same method. Based on this modified Green's theorem, hydrodynamic relations such as the energy-conservation principle and modified Haskind–Hanaoka relation are derived for radiation and diffraction problems in a single as well as two-layer fluid.


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We study t-analogs of string functions for integrable highest weight representations of the affine Kac-Moody algebra A(1)((1)). We obtain closed form formulas for certain t-string functions of levels 2 and 4. As corollaries, we obtain explicit identities for the corresponding affine Hall-Littlewood functions, as well as higher level generalizations of Cherednik's Macdonald and Macdonald-Mehta constant term identities.


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We find the sum of series of the form Sigma(infinity)(i=1) f(i)/i(r) for some special functions f. The above series is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function. In particular, we take f as some values of Hurwitz zeta functions, harmonic numbers, and combination of both. These generalize some of the results given in Mezo's paper (2013). We use multiple zeta theory to prove all results. The series sums we have obtained are in terms of Bernoulli numbers and powers of pi.


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Any (N+M)-parameter Lie group G with an N-parameter subgroup H can be realized as a global group of diffeomorphisms on an M-dimensional base space B, with representations in terms of transformation laws of fields on B belonging to linear representations of H. The gauged generalization of the global diffeomorphisms consists of general diffeomorphisms (or coordinate transformations) on a base space together with a local action of H on the fields. The particular applications of the scheme to space-time symmetries is discussed in terms of Lagrangians, field equations, currents, and source identities. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A theory for Fournier polarography and higher order harmonics is presented. This is valid for reversible systems under semi-infinite diffusion to stationary and expanding plane electrodes. The algorithm is simple, accurate and exploits the identities holding for the interfacial concentrations. The computations — minimal in nature — can be carried out easily and the results given here were evaluated taking into account the presence of harmonics to, at least, the twenty-fifth order.


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The complete amino acid sequence of winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I) was obtained by a combination of manual and gas-phase sequencing methods. Peptide fragments for sequence analyses were obtained by enzymatic cleavages using trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 endoproteinase and by chemical cleavages using iodosobenzoic acid, hydroxylamine, and formic acid. COOH-terminal sequence analysis of WBA I and other peptides was performed using carboxypeptidase Y. The primary structure of WBA I was homologous to those of other legume lectins and more so to Erythrina corallodendron. Interestingly, the sequence shows remarkable identities in the regions involved in the association of the two monomers of E. corallodendron lectin. Other conserved regions are the double metal-binding site and residues contributing to the formation of the hydrophobic cavity and the carbohydrate-binding site. Chemical modification studies both in the presence and absence of N-acetylgalactosamine together with sequence analyses of tryptophan-containing tryptic peptides demonstrate that tryptophan 133 is involved in the binding of carbohydrate ligands by the lectin. The location of tryptophan 133 at the active center of WBA I for the first time subserves to explain a role for one of the most conserved residues in legume lectins.


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Let X(t) be a right continuous temporally homogeneous Markov pro- cess, Tt the corresponding semigroup and A the weak infinitesimal genera- tor. Let g(t) be absolutely continuous and r a stopping time satisfying E.( S f I g(t) I dt) < oo and E.( f " I g'(t) I dt) < oo Then for f e 9iJ(A) with f(X(t)) right continuous the identity Exg(r)f(X(z)) - g(O)f(x) = E( 5 " g'(s)f(X(s)) ds) + E.( 5 " g(s)Af(X(s)) ds) is a simple generalization of Dynkin's identity (g(t) 1). With further restrictions on f and r the following identity is obtained as a corollary: Ex(f(X(z))) = f(x) + k! Ex~rkAkf(X(z))) + n-1E + (n ) )!.E,(so un-1Anf(X(u)) du). These identities are applied to processes with stationary independent increments to obtain a number of new and known results relating the moments of stopping times to the moments of the stopped processes.


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Two identities involving quarter-wave plates and half-wave plates are established. These are used to improve on an earlier gadget involving four wave plates leading to a new gadget involving just three plates, a half-wave plate and two quarter-wave plates, which can realize all SU(2) polarization transformations. This gadget is shown to involve the minimum number of quarter-wave and half-wave plates. The analysis leads to a decomposition theorem for SU (2) matrices in terms of factors which are symmetric fourth and eighth roots of the identity.


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The variation of the viscosity as a function of the sequence distribution in an A-B random copolymer melt is determined. The parameters that characterize the random copolymer are the fraction of A monomers f, the parameter lambda which determines the correlation in the monomer identities along a chain and the Flory chi parameter chi(F) which determines the strength of the enthalpic repulsion between monomers of type A and B. For lambda>0, there is a greater probability of finding like monomers at adjacent positions along the chain, and for lambda<0 unlike monomers are more likely to be adjacent to each other. The traditional Markov model for the random copolymer melt is altered to remove ultraviolet divergences in the equations for the renormalized viscosity, and the phase diagram for the modified model has a binary fluid type transition for lambda>0 and does not exhibit a phase transition for lambda<0. A mode coupling analysis is used to determine the renormalization of the viscosity due to the dependence of the bare viscosity on the local concentration field. Due to the dissipative nature of the coupling. there are nonlinearities both in the transport equation and in the noise correlation. The concentration dependence of the transport coefficient presents additional difficulties in the formulation due to the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma, and there is some ambiguity about the choice of the concentration to be used while calculating the noise correlation. In the Appendix, it is shown using a diagrammatic perturbation analysis that the Ito prescription for the calculation of the transport coefficient, when coupled with a causal discretization scheme, provides a consistent formulation that satisfies stationarity and the fluctuation dissipation theorem. This functional integral formalism is used in the present analysis, and consistency is verified for the present problem as well. The upper critical dimension for this type of renormaliaation is 2, and so there is no divergence in the viscosity in the vicinity of a critical point. The results indicate that there is a systematic dependence of the viscosity on lambda and chi(F). The fluctuations tend to increase the viscosity for lambda<0, and decrease the viscosity for lambda>0, and an increase in chi(F) tends to decrease the viscosity. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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We give an elementary treatment of the defining representation and Lie algebra of the three-dimensional unitary unimodular group SU(3). The geometrical properties of the Lie algebra, which is an eight dimensional real Linear vector space, are developed in an SU(3) covariant manner. The f and d symbols of SU(3) lead to two ways of 'multiplying' two vectors to produce a third, and several useful geometric and algebraic identities are derived. The axis-angle parametrization of SU(3) is developed as a generalization of that for SU(2), and the specifically new features are brought out. Application to the dynamics of three-level systems is outlined.


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Lagrange's equation is utilized to show the analogy of a lossless microwave cavity resonator with the conventional LC network. A brief discussion on the resonant frequencies of a microwave cavity resonator and the two degenerate companion modes H01 and E11 appearing in a cavity is given. The first order perturbation theory of a small deformation of the wall of a cavity is discussed. The effects of perturbation, such as the change in the resonant frequency and the Q of a cavity, the change in the electromagnetic field configurations and hence mixing of modes are also discussed. An expression for the coupling coefficient between the two degenerate modes H01 and E11 is derived with the help of the field equations. Results indicate that in the absence of perturbation the above two degenerate modes can co-exist without losing their individual identities. Several applications of the perturbation theory, such as the measurement of the dielectric properties of matter, study of ferromagnetic resonance, etc., are described.


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We examine the thermodynamic properties of recently constructed black hole solutions in SL(3, R) x SL(3, R) Chern-Simons theory in the presence of a chemical potential for spin-3 charge, which acts as an irrelevant deformation of the dual CFT with W-3 X W-3 symmetry. The smoothness or holonomy conditions admit four branches of solutions describing a flow between two AdS(3) backgrounds corresponding to two different CFTs. The dominant branch at low temperatures, connected to the BTZ black hole, merges smoothly with a thermodynamically unstable branch and disappears at higher temperatures. We confirm that the UV region of the flow satisfies the Ward identities of a CFT with W-3((2)) x W-3((2)) symmetry deformed by a spin-3/2 current. This allows to identify the precise map between UV and HI thermodynamic variables. We find that the high temperature regime is dominated by a black hole branch whose thermodynamics can only be consistently inferred with reference to this W-3((2)) x W-3((2)) CFT.


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We study black hole solutions in Chern-Simons higher spin supergravity based on the superalgebra sl(3 vertical bar 2). These black hole solutions have a U(1) gauge field and a spin 2 hair in addition to the spin 3 hair. These additional fields correspond to the R-symmetry charges of the supergroup sl(3 vertical bar 2). Using the relation between the bulk field equations and the Ward identities of a CFT with N = 2 super-W-3 symmetry, we identify the bulk charges and chemical potentials with those of the boundary CFT. From these identifications we see that a suitable set of variables to study this black hole is in terms of the charges present in three decoupled bosonic sub-algebras of the N = 2 super-W-3 algebra. The entropy and the partition function of these R-charged black holes are then evaluated in terms of the charges of the bulk theory as well as in terms of its chemical potentials. We then compute the partition function in the dual CFT and find exact agreement with the bulk partition function.


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In this paper, we have proposed a centralized multicast authentication protocol (MAP) for dynamic multicast groups in wireless networks. In our protocol, a multicast group is defined only at the time of the multicasting. The authentication server (AS) in the network generates a session key and authenticates it to each of the members of a multicast group using the computationally inexpensive least common multiple (LCM) method. In addition, a pseudo random function (PRF) is used to bind the secret keys of the network members with their identities. By doing this, the AS is relieved from storing per member secrets in its memory, making the scheme completely storage scalable. The protocol minimizes the load on the network members by shifting the computational tasks towards the AS node as far as possible. The protocol possesses a membership revocation mechanism and is protected against replay attack and brute force attack. Analytical and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.