13 resultados para Transmitters.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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A logic gate-based digital frequency multiplication technique for low-power frequency synthesis is presented. The proposed digital edge combining approach offers broadband operation with low-power and low-area advantages and is a promising candidate for low-power frequency synthesis in deep submicrometer CMOS technologies. Chip prototype of the proposed frequency multiplication-based 2.4-GHz binary frequency-shift-keying (BFSK)/amplitude shift keying (ASK) transmitter (TX) was fabricated in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology. The TX achieves maximum data rates of 3 and 20 Mb/s for BFSK and ASK modulations, respectively, consuming a 14-mA current from 1.3 V supply voltage. The corresponding energy efficiencies of the TX are 3.6 nJ/bit for BFSK and 0.91 nJ/bit for ASK modulations.


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The objective of this paper is to discuss some hardware and software features of an experimental network of 8080 and 8085 microcomputers named Micronet. The interprocessor communication in the ring network is established using ring interfaces consisting of universal synchronous-asynchronous receivers-transmitters (USARTs). Another aspect considered is the interfacing of an 8080 microcomputer to a PDP-11/35 minicomputer and the development of the software for the microcomputer-minicomputer link which has been established over a serial line using the USART interface of the microcomputer and the DZ11 module of the minicomputer. This is useful in developing a host-satellite configuration of microcomputers and the minicomputer.


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In this paper, an achievable rate region for the three-user discrete memoryless interference channel with asymmetric transmitter cooperation is derived. The three-user channel facilitates different ways of message sharing between the transmitters. We introduce a manner of noncausal (genie aided) unidirectional message-sharing, which we term cumulative message sharing. We consider receivers with predetermined decoding capabilities, and define a cognitive interference channel. We then derive an achievable rate region for this channel by employing a coding scheme which is a combination of superposition and Gel'fand-Pinsker coding techniques.


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The stability of scheduled multiaccess communication with random coding and independent decoding of messages is investigated. The number of messages that may be scheduled for simultaneous transmission is limited to a given maximum value, and the channels from transmitters to receiver are quasistatic, flat, and have independent fades. Requests for message transmissions are assumed to arrive according to an i.i.d. arrival process. Then, we show the following: (1) in the limit of large message alphabet size, the stability region has an interference limited information-theoretic capacity interpretation, (2) state-independent scheduling policies achieve this asymptotic stability region, and (3) in the asymptotic limit corresponding to immediate access, the stability region for non-idling scheduling policies is shown to be identical irrespective of received signal powers.


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We consider the one-way relay aided MIMO X fading Channel where there are two transmitters and two receivers along with a relay with M antennas at every node. Every transmitter wants to transmit messages to every other receiver. The relay broadcasts to the receivers along a noisy link which is independent of the transmitters channel. In literature, this is referred to as a relay with orthogonal components. We derive an upper bound on the degrees of freedom of such a network. Next we show that the upper bound is tight by proposing an achievability scheme based on signal space alignment for the same for M = 2 antennas at every node.


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This paper considers the problem of identifying the footprints of communication of multiple transmitters in a given geographical area. To do this, a number of sensors are deployed at arbitrary but known locations in the area, and their individual decisions regarding the presence or absence of the transmitters' signal are combined at a fusion center to reconstruct the spatial spectral usage map. One straightforward scheme to construct this map is to query each of the sensors and cluster the sensors that detect the primary's signal. However, using the fact that a typical transmitter footprint map is a sparse image, two novel compressive sensing based schemes are proposed, which require significantly fewer number of transmissions compared to the querying scheme. A key feature of the proposed schemes is that the measurement matrix is constructed from a pseudo-random binary phase shift applied to the decision of each sensor prior to transmission. The measurement matrix is thus a binary ensemble which satisfies the restricted isometry property. The number of measurements needed for accurate footprint reconstruction is determined using compressive sampling theory. The three schemes are compared through simulations in terms of a performance measure that quantifies the accuracy of the reconstructed spatial spectral usage map. It is found that the proposed sparse reconstruction technique-based schemes significantly outperform the round-robin scheme.


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While the under-utilization of licensed spectrum based on measurement studies conducted in a few developed countries has spurred lots of interest in opportunistic spectrum access, there exists no infrastructure today for measuring real-time spectrum occupancy across vast geographical regions. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of SpecNet, a first-of-its-kind platform that allows spectrum analyzers around the world to be networked and efficiently used in a coordinated manner for spectrum measurement as well as implementa- tion and evaluation of distributed sensing applications. We demonstrate the value of SpecNet through three applications: 1) remote spectrum measurement, 2) primary transmitter coverage estimation and 3) Spectrum-Cop that quickly identifies and localizes transmitters in a frequency range and geographic region of interest.


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With no Channel State Information (CSI) at the users, transmission over the two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channel with fading and finite constellation at the input, will have high error rates due to multiple access interference (MAI). However, perfect CSI at the users is an unrealistic assumption in the wireless scenario, as it would involve extremely large feedback overheads. In this paper we propose a scheme which removes the adverse effect of MAI using only quantized knowledge of fade state at the transmitters such that the associated overhead is nominal. One of the users rotates its constellation relative to the other without varying the transmit power to adapt to the existing channel conditions, in order to meet certain predetermined minimum Euclidean distance requirement in the equivalent constellation at the destination. The optimal rotation scheme is described for the case when both the users use symmetric M-PSK constellations at the input, where M = 2(gimel), gimel being a positive integer. The strategy is illustrated by considering the example where both the users use QPSK signal sets at the input. The case when the users use PSK constellations of different sizes is also considered. It is shown that the proposed scheme has considerable better error performance compared to the conventional non-adaptive scheme, at the cost of a feedback overhead of just log log(2) (M-2/8 - M/4 + 2)] + 1 bits, for the M-PSK case.


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We consider the MIMO X channel (XC), a system consisting of two transmit-receive pairs, where each transmitter communicates with both the receivers. Both the transmitters and receivers are equipped with multiple antennas. First, we derive an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC under individual power constraint at each transmitter. The sum-rate capacity of the two-user multiple access channel (MAC) that results when receiver cooperation is assumed forms an upper bound on the sum-rate capacity of the MIMO XC. We tighten this bound by considering noise correlation between the receivers and deriving the worst noise covariance matrix. It is shown that the worst noise covariance matrix is a saddle-point of a zero-sum, two-player convex-concave game, which is solved through a primal-dual interior point method that solves the maximization and the minimization parts of the problem simultaneously. Next, we propose an achievable scheme which employs dirty paper coding at the transmitters and successive decoding at the receivers. We show that the derived upper bound is close to the achievable region of the proposed scheme at low to medium SNRs.


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In this work, interference alignment for a class of Gaussian interference networks with general message demands, having line of sight (LOS) channels, at finite powers is considered. We assume that each transmitter has one independent message to be transmitted and the propagation delays are uniformly distributed between 0 and (L - 1) (L >; 0). If receiver-j, j ∈{1,2,..., J}, requires the message of transmitter-i, i ∈ {1, 2, ..., K}, we say (i, j) belongs to a connection. A class of interference networks called the symmetrically connected interference network is defined as a network where, the number of connections required at each transmitter-i is equal to ct for all i and the number of connections required at each receiver-j is equal to cr for all j, for some fixed positive integers ct and cr. For such networks with a LOS channel between every transmitter and every receiver, we show that an expected sum-spectral efficiency (in bits/sec/Hz) of at least K/(e+c1-1)(ct+1) (ct/ct+1)ct log2 (1+min(i, j)∈c|hi, j|2 P/WN0) can be achieved as the number of transmitters and receivers tend to infinity, i.e., K, J →∞ where, C denotes the set of all connections, hij is the channel gain between transmitter-i and receiver-j, P is the average power constraint at each transmitter, W is the bandwidth and N0 W is the variance of Gaussian noise at each receiver. This means that, for an LOS symmetrically connected interference network, at any finite power, the total spectral efficiency can grow linearly with K as K, J →∞. This is achieved by extending the time domain interference alignment scheme proposed by Grokop et al. for the k-user Gaussian interference channel to interference networks.


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Imaging the vasculature close around the finger joints is of interest in the field of rheumatology. Locally increased vasculature in the synovial membrane of these joints can be a marker for rheumatoid arthritis. In previous work we showed that part of the photoacoustically induced ultrasound from the epidermis reflects on the bone surface within the finger. These reflected signals could be wrongly interpreted as new photoacoustic sources. In this work we show that a conventional ultrasound reconstruction algorithm, that considers the skin as a collection of ultrasound transmitters and the PA tomography probe as the detector array, can be used to delineate bone surfaces of a finger. This can in the future assist in the localization of the joint gaps. This can provide us with a landmark to localize the region of the inflamed synovial membrane. We test the approach on finger mimicking phantoms.


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Photoacoustic (PA) imaging of interphalangeal peripheral joints is of interest in the context of using the synovial membrane as a surrogate marker of rheumatoid arthritis. Previous work has shown that ultrasound (US) produced by absorption of light at the epidermis reflects on the bone surfaces within the finger. When the reflected signals are backprojected in the region of interest, artifacts are produced, confounding interpretation of the images. In this work, we present an approach where the PA signals known to originate from the epidermis are treated as virtual US transmitters, and a separate reconstruction is performed as in US reflection imaging. This allows us to identify the bone surfaces. Furthermore, the identification of the joint space is important as this provides a landmark to localize a region-of-interest in seeking the inflamed synovial membrane. The ability to delineate bone surfaces allows us to identify not only the artifacts but also the interphalangeal joint space without recourse to new US hardware or a new measurement. We test the approach on phantoms and on a healthy human finger.


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In this paper, the Gaussian many-to-one X channel (XC), which is a special case of general multiuser XC, is studied. In the Gaussian many-to-one XC, communication links exist between all transmitters and one of the receivers, along with a communication link between each transmitter and its corresponding receiver. As per the XC assumption, transmission of messages is allowed on all the links of the channel. This communication model is different from the corresponding manyto- one interference channel (IC). Transmission strategies, which involve using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference from a subset of transmitters as noise, are formulated for the above channel. Sum-rate is used as the criterion of optimality for evaluating the strategies. Initially, a 3 x 3 many-to-one XC is considered and three transmission strategies are analyzed. The first two strategies are shown to achieve sum-rate capacity under certain channel conditions. For the third strategy, a sum-rate outer bound is derived and the gap between the outer bound and the achieved rate is characterized. These results are later extended to the K x K case. Next, a region in which the many-to-one XC can be operated as a many-to-one IC without the loss of sum-rate is identified. Furthermore, in the above region, it is shown that using Gaussian codebooks and treating interference as noise achieve a rate point that is within K/2 -1 bits from the sum-rate capacity. Subsequently, some implications of the above results to the Gaussian many-to-one IC are discussed. Transmission strategies for the many-to-one IC are formulated, and channel conditions under which the strategies achieve sum-rate capacity are obtained. A region where the sum-rate capacity can be characterized to within K/2 -1 bits is also identified. Finally, the regions where the derived channel conditions are satisfied for each strategy are illustrated for a 3 x 3 many-to-one XC and the corresponding many-to-one IC.