12 resultados para TERMS OF TRADE

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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An axis-parallel b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. The boxicity of any graph G, box(G) is the minimum positive integer b such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis-parallel b-dimensional boxes. A b-dimensional cube is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b, where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1] on the real line. When the boxes are restricted to be axis-parallel cubes in b-dimension, the minimum dimension b required to represent the graph is called the cubicity of the graph (denoted by cub(G)). In this paper we prove that cub(G) <= inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular box(G), where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We also show that this upper bound is tight.Some immediate consequences of the above result are listed below: 1. Planar graphs have cubicity at most 3inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninvereted left perpendicular.2. Outer planar graphs have cubicity at most 2inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular.3. Any graph of treewidth tw has cubicity at most (tw + 2) inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular. Thus, chordal graphs have cubicity at most (omega + 1) inverted right erpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular and circular arc graphs have cubicity at most (2 omega + 1)inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular, where omega is the clique number.


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The potential energy curve of the He2+2 system dissociating into two He+ ions is examined in terms of the electronic force exerted on each nucleus as a function of the internuclear separation. The results are compared with the process of bond-formation in H2 from the separated atoms.


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The He+He+1 interactions have been studied, as a function of the internuclear separation R, in terms of the electronic forces acting on the nuclei and the change in the charge distribution. The analysis reveals that at large R the atomic densities are polarized inwards, causing an attractive force on each nucleus, while at small R the difference in the nature of the interactions in the 2Σu and 2Σg systems is noted. It is seen that the He+He+1 (2Σu) interaction is less attractive than the He+1+He+1 interaction at lower values of R.


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Capacitive-resistive transients in extended media are discussed in tenns of electric field quantities. Obviously, in rhese problems, the contribution of the magnetlc field to the electric field is deemed negligible. For a simple lllusfratlve example, the field solution is compared with the circuit-theoretical resuit for the voltage and current. An algorithm for solving such transients in space and time doman with the help of a Laplace solver is presented. Any other Laplace solver can also be used far this purpose. Its applicability is demonstrated with three examples, one of which is chosen to have a circuit-theoretical solution.


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The concept of symmetry for passive, one-dimensional dynamical systems is well understood in terms of the impedance matrix, or alternatively, the mobility matrix. In the past two decades, however, it has been established that the transfer matrix method is ideally suited for the analysis and synthesis of such systems. In this paper an investigatiob is described of what symmetry means in terms of the transfer matrix parameters of an passive element or a set of elements. One-dimensional flexural systems with 4 × 4 transfer matrices as well as acoustical and mechanical systems characterized by 2 × 2 transfer matrices are considered. It is shown that the transfer matrix of a symmetrical system, defined with respect to symmetrically oriented state variables, is involutory, and that a physically symmetrical system may not necessarily be functionally or dynamically symmetrical.


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The phenomenon of cocrystallization, which encompasses the art of making multicomponent organic solids such as cocrystals, solid solutions, eutectics, etc. for novel applications, has been less studied in terms of reliably and specifically obtaining a desired cocrystallization product and the issues that govern their formation. Further, the design, structural, and functional aspects of organic eutectics have been relatively unexplored as compared to solid solutions and cocrystals well-established by crystal engineering principles. Recently, eutectics were proposed to be designable materials on par with cocrystals, and herein we have devised a systematic approach, based on the same crystal engineering principles, to specifically and desirably make both eutectics and cocrystals for a given system. The propensity for strong homomolecular synthons over weak heteromolecular synthons and vice versa during supramolecular growth was successfully utilized to selectively obtain eutectics and cocrystals, respectively, in two model systems and in two drug systems. A molecular level understanding of the formation of eutectics and cocrystals and their structural interrelationships which is significant from both fundamental and application viewpoints is discussed. On the other hand, the obscurity in establishing a low melting combination as a eutectic or a cocrystal is resolved through phase diagrams.


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In this article, we obtain explicit solutions of a linear PDE subject to a class of radial square integrable functions with a monotonically increasing weight function |x|(n-1)e(beta vertical bar x vertical bar 2)/2, beta >= 0, x is an element of R-n. This linear PDE is obtained from a system of forced Burgers equation via the Cole-Hopf transformation. For any spatial dimension n > 1, the solution is expressed in terms of a family of weighted generalized Laguerre polynomials. We also discuss the large time behaviour of the solution of the system of forced Burgers equation.


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The boxicity (respectively cubicity) of a graph G is the least integer k such that G can be represented as an intersection graph of axis-parallel k-dimensional boxes (respectively k-dimensional unit cubes) and is denoted by box(G) (respectively cub(G)). It was shown by Adiga and Chandran (2010) that for any graph G, cub(G) <= box(G) log(2) alpha(G], where alpha(G) is the maximum size of an independent set in G. In this note we show that cub(G) <= 2 log(2) X (G)] box(G) + X (G) log(2) alpha(G)], where x (G) is the chromatic number of G. This result can provide a much better upper bound than that of Adiga and Chandran for graph classes with bounded chromatic number. For example, for bipartite graphs we obtain cub(G) <= 2(box(G) + log(2) alpha(G)] Moreover, we show that for every positive integer k, there exist graphs with chromatic number k such that for every epsilon > 0, the value given by our upper bound is at most (1 + epsilon) times their cubicity. Thus, our upper bound is almost tight. (c) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a power, latency and throughput trade-off study on NoCs by varying microarchitectural (e.g. pipelining) and circuit level (e.g. frequency and voltage) parameters. We change pipelining depth, operating frequency and supply voltage for 3 example NoCs - 16 node 2D Torus, Tree network and Reduced 2D Torus. We use an in-house NoC exploration framework capable of topology generation and comparison using parameterized models of Routers and links developed in SystemC. The framework utilizes interconnect power and delay models from a low-level modelling tool called Intacte[1]1. We find that increased pipelining can actually reduce latency. We also find that there exists an optimal degree of pipelining which is the most energy efficient in terms of minimizing energy-delay product.


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Clustered architecture processors are preferred for embedded systems because centralized register file architectures scale poorly in terms of clock rate, chip area, and power consumption. Although clustering helps by improving clock speed, reducing energy consumption of the logic, and making the design simpler, it introduces extra overheads by way of inter-cluster communication. This communication happens over long global wires which leads to delay in execution and significantly high energy consumption.In this paper, we propose a new instruction scheduling algorithm that exploits scheduling slacks of instructions and communication slacks of data values together to achieve better energy-performance trade-offs for clustered architectures with heterogeneous interconnect. Our instruction scheduling algorithm achieves 35% and 40% reduction in communication energy, whereas the overall energy-delay product improves by 4.5% and 6.5% respectively for 2 cluster and 4 cluster machines with marginal increase (1.6% and 1.1%) in execution time. Our test bed uses the Trimaran compiler infrastructure.


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Diversity embedded space time codes are high rate codes that are designed such that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. A recent work by Diggavi and Tse characterizes the performance limits that can be achieved by diversity embedded space-time codes in terms of the achievable Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). In particular, they have shown that the trade off is successively refinable for rayleigh fading channels with one degree of freedom using superposition coding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). However, for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels, the questions of successive refinability remains open. We consider MIMO Channels under superposition coding and SIC. We derive an upper bound on the successive refinement characteristics of the DMT. We then construct explicit space time codes that achieve the derived upper bound. These codes, constructed from cyclic division algebras, have minimal delay. Our results establish that when the channel has more than one degree of freedom, the DMT is not successive refinable using superposition coding and SIC. The channels considered in this work can have arbitrary fading statistics.


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The characterization of a closed-cell aluminum foam with the trade name Alporas is carried out here under compression loading for a nominal cross-head speed of 1 mm/min. Foam samples in the form of cubes are tested in a UTM and the average stress-strain behavior is obtained which clearly displays a plateau strength of approximately 2 MPa. It is noted that the specific energy absorption capacity of the foam can be high despite its low strength which makes it attractive as a material for certain energy-absorbing countermeasures. The mechanical behavior of the present Alporas foam is simulated using cellular (i.e. so-called microstructure-based) and solid element-based finite element models. The efficacy of the cellular approach is shown, perhaps for the first time in published literature, in terms of prediction of both stress-strain response and inclined fold formation during axial crush under compression loading. Keeping in mind future applications under impact loads, limited results are presented when foam samples are subjected to low velocity impact in a drop-weight test set-up.