449 resultados para Surface hydrophobicity

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Corona discharge is recognized as one of the mechanisms that can influence the surface hydrophobicity of Silicone Rubber (SR) because of the chemical changes that occur on its surface. In this study SR samples were exposed to positive and negative DC corona for 25 and 50 hours using a needle-plane electrode system. Hydrophobicity changes were monitored using a sessile drop contact angle measurement facility. The physical changes on the surface were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and surface roughness measurements. The effect of positive dc corona was found to be different from that of negative dc corona. Significant surface degradation and loss of hydrophobicity was found in the case of negative dc corona exposed samples. Significant improvement in the above mentioned properties were obtained by adding small quantities of nSIL into the SR matrix.


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PURPOSE. To understand the molecular features underlying autosomal dominant congenital cataracts caused by the deletion mutations W156X in human gamma D-crystallin and W157X in human gamma C-crystallin. METHODS. Normal and mutant cDNAs (with the enhanced green fluorescent protein [EGFP] tag in the front) were cloned into the pEGFP-C1 vector, transfected into various cell lines, and observed under a confocal microscope for EGFP fluorescence. Normal and W156X gamma D cDNAs were also cloned into the pET21a(+) vector, and the recombinant proteins were overexpressed in the BL-21(DE3) pLysS strain of Escherichia coli, purified, and isolated. The conformational features, structural stability, and solubility in aqueous solution of the mutant protein were compared with those of the wild type using spectroscopic methods. Comparative molecular modeling was performed to provide additional structural information. RESULTS. Transfection of the EGFP-tagged mutant cDNAs into several cell lines led to the visualization of aggregates, whereas that of wild-type cDNAs did not. Turning to the properties of the expressed proteins, the mutant molecules show remarkable reduction in solubility. They also seem to have a greater degree of surface hydrophobicity than the wild-type molecules, most likely accounting for self-aggregation. Molecular modeling studies support these features. CONCLUSIONS. The deletion of C-terminal 18 residues of human gamma C-and gamma D-crystallins exposes the side chains of several hydrophobic residues in the sequence to the solvent, causing the molecule to self-aggregate. This feature appears to be reflected in situ on the introduction of the mutants in human lens epithelial cells.


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The divergent role of microbes in the field of mineral processing starting from mining and beneficiation to efficient waste disposal has been well recognized now. The roles of various microorganisms and bioreagents in the beneficiation of minerals are illustrated in this paper. Various types of microorganisms useful in bringing about selective flotation and flocculation of various oxide and sulfide minerals are illustrated. Interfacial phenomena governing microbe-mineral interactions are discussed with reference to bacterial cell wall architecture, cell surface hydrophobicity, electrokinetic data, and adsorption behavior on various minerals. Applications of microbially induced mineral beneficiation are demonstrated with respect to beneficiation of iron ores, bauxite, limestone, and complex multimetal sulfides.


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Pseudomonas maltophilia CSV89, a soil bacterium, produces an extracellular biosurfactant, ''Biosur-Pm''. The partially purified product is nondialyzable and chemically composed of 50% protein and 12-15% sugar, which indicates the complex nature of Biosur-Pm. It reduces the surface tension of water from 73 to 53 x 10(-3) N m(-1) and has a critical micellar concentration of 80 mg/l. Compared to aliphatic hydrocarbons, Biosur-Pm shows good activity against aromatic hydrocarbons. The emulsion formed is stable and does not require any metal ions for emulsification. The kinetics of Biosur-Pm production suggest that its synthesis isa growth-associated and pH-dependent process. At pH 7.0, cells produced more Biosur-Pm with less cell surface hydrophobicity. At pH 8.0, however, the cells produced less Biosur-Pm with more cell surface hydrophobicity and showed a twofold higher affinity for aromatic hydrocarbons compared to the cells grown at pH 7.0. The Biosur-Pm showed a pH-dependent release, stimulated growth of the producer strain on mineral salts medium with 1-naphthoic acid when added externally, and facilitated the conversion of salicylate to catechol. All these results suggest that Biosur-Pm is probably a cell-wall component and helps in hydrocarbon assimilation/uptake.


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Obtaining correctly folded proteins from inclusion bodies of recombinant proteins expressed in bacterial hosts requires solubilization with denaturants and a refolding step. Aggregation competes with the second step. Refolding of eight different proteins was carried out by precipitation with smart polymers. These proteins have different molecular weights, different number of disulfide bridges and some of these are known to be highly prone to aggregation. A high throughput refolding screen based upon fluorescence emission maximum around 340 nm (for correctly folded proteins) was developed to identify the suitable smart polymer. The proteins could be dissociated and recovered after the refolding step. The refolding could be scaled up and high refolding yields in the range of 8 mg L-1 (for CD4D12, the first two domains of human CD4) to 58 mg L-1 (for malETrx, thioredoxin fused with signal peptide of maltose binding protein) were obtained. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) showed that polymer if chosen correctly acted as a pseuclochaperonin and bound to the proteins. It also showed that the time for maximum binding was about 50 min which coincided with the time required for incubation (with the polymer) before precipitation for maximum recovery of folded proteins. The refolded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectra, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, melting temperature (T-m), and surface hydrophobicity measurement by ANS (8-anilinol-naphthalene sulfonic acid) fluorescence. Biological activity assay for thioredoxin and fluorescence based assay in case of maltose binding protein (MBP) were also carried out to confirm correct refolding. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A strategy called macro-(affinity ligand) facilitated three-phase partitioning (MLFTPP) is described for refolding of a diverse set of recombinant proteins starting from the solubilized inclusion bodies. It essentially consists of: (i) binding of the protein with a suitable smart polymer and (ii) precipitating the polymer-protein complex as an interfacial layer by mixing in a suitable amount of ammonium sulfate and t-butanol. Smart polymers are stimuli-responsive polymers that become insoluble on the application of a suitable stimulus (e.g., a change in the temperature, pH, or concentration of a chemical species such as Ca 2+ or K +). The MLFTPP process required approximately 10min, and the refolded proteins were found to be homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The folded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, biological activity, melting temperature, and surface hydrophobicity measurements by 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence. Two refolded antibody fragments were also characterized by measuring K D by Biacore by using immobilized HIV-1 gp120. The data demonstrate that MLFTPP is a rapid and convenient procedure for refolding a variety of proteins from inclusion bodies at high concentration. Although establishing the generic nature of the approach would require wider trials by different groups, its success with the diverse kinds of proteins tried so far appears to be promising.


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Microbially induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite has been demonstrated using Bacillus subtilis. Growth of bacterial cells in the presence of kaolinite resulted in enhanced production of extracellular proteins while that of hematite promoted significant secretion of exopolysaccharides. Bacterial cells were adapted to grow in the presence of the minerals and use of hematite-grown and kaolinite-grown cells and their metabolic products in the selective flocculation of hematite and dispersion of kaolinite illustrated. Bacterial cells and extracellular polysaccharides exhibited higher surface affinity towards hematite, rendering it hydrophilic; while significant protein adsorption enhanced surface hydrophobicity of kaolinite. Bacterial interaction with hematite and kaolinite resulted in significant surface chemical changes on the minerals. Due to higher surface affinity towards extracellular proteins, zeta potentials of kaolinite shifted in the positive direction, while those of hematite shifted in the negative direction due to higher adsorption of extracellular polysaccharides. Bacterial interaction promoted selective flocculation of only hematite, while kaolinite was efficiently dispersed. Mineral-specific stress proteins were generated on growing B. subtilis in the presence of kaolinite. Interfacial aspects of microbe-mineral interactions are illustrated to explain microbially-induced selective flocculation of hematite from kaolinite with relevance to clay and iron ore beneficiation. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bacillus subtilis was used to demonstrate microbially induced selective flocculation to separate kaolinite and hematite. In neutral pH range of 7 - 8, 90 - 95% of hematite was selectively flocculated whereas 80 - 85% of kaolinite was dispersed using hematite - grown cells. Hematite-grown cells exhibited significant adsorption onto hematite than onto kaolinite, compared to unadapted cells. Kaolinite grown Bacillus subtilis secreted significant amounts of mineral specific proteins which conferred surface hydrophobicity whereas hematite-grown cells secreted more polysaccharides rendering hematite hydrophilic. Bacterial extracellular protein (EP) was isolated and the protein profiles of bacteria grown in the absence and presence of minerals were established.


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A probe, 9-(anthrylmethyl)trimethylammonium chloride, 1, was prepared. 1 binds to calf-thymus DNA or Escherichia coli genomic DNA with high affinity, as evidenced from the absorption titration. Strong hypochromism, spectral broadening and red-shifts in the absorption spectra were observed. Half-reciprocal plot constructed from this experiment gave binding constant of 5±0.5×104 M−1 in base molarity. We employed this anthryl probe-DNA complex for studying the effects of addition of various surfactant to DNA. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used in this study and the effects of surfactant addition to such probe-DNA complex were compared with that of small organic cations or salts. Addition of either salts or cationic surfactants led to structural changes in DNA and under these conditions, the probe from the DNA-bound complex appeared to get released. However, the cationic surfactants could induce such release of the probe from the probe-DNA complex at a much lower concentration than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast the anionic surfactants failed to promote any destabilization of such probe-DNA complexes. The effects of additives on the probe-DNA complexes were also examined by using a different technique (fluorescence spectroscopy) using a different probe ethidium bromide. The association complexes formed between the cationic surfactants and the plasmid DNA pTZ19R, were further examined under agarose gel electrophoresis and could not be visualized by ethidium bromide staining presumably due to cationic surfactant-induced condensation of DNA. Most of the DNA from such association complexes can be recovered by extraction of surfactants with phenol-chloroform. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA melting temperatures by a few °C and at high [surfactant], the corresponding melting profiles got broadened.


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A strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was adapted to grow at higher concentrations of copper by single step culturing in the presence of 20 g/L (0.314 mol/L) cupric ions added to 9K medium. Exposure to copper results in change in the surface chemistry of the microorganism. The isoelectric point of the adapted strain (pI=4.7) was observed to be at a higher pH than that of the wild unadapted strain(pI=2.0). Compared to the wild strain, the copper adapted strain was found to be more hydrophobic and showed enhanced attachment efficiency to the pyrite mineral. The copper adsorption ability of the adapted strain was also found to be higher than that of the wild strain. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of adapted cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface component is synthesized by the adapted strain. Treatment of adapted cells with proteinase-K, resulted in complete loss of tolerance to copper, reduction in copper adsorption and hydrophobicity of the adapted cells. These observations strongly suggest a role played by cell surface modifications of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in imparting the copper tolerance to the cells and bioleaching of sulphide minerals.


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Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown on sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite exhibit greater hydrophobicity than ferrous ion-grown cells. The isoelectric points of sulfur-, pyrite-, and chalcopyrite-grown cells were observed to be at a pH higher than that for ferrous ion-grown cells. Microbe-mineral interactions result in change in the surface chemistry of the organism as well as that of the minerals with which it has interacted. Sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite after interaction with T. ferrooxidans exhibited a significant shift in their isoelectric points from the initial values exhibited by uninteracted minerals. With antibodies raised against sulfur-grown T. ferrooxidans, pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown cells showed immunoreactivity, whereas ferrous ion-grown cells failed to do so. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of sulfur-grown cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface appendage synthesized in mineral-grown cells brings about adhesion to the solid mineral substrates. Such an appendage was found to be absent in ferrous ion-grown cells as it is not required during growth in liquid substrates.


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A heterotroph Paenibacillus polymyxa bacteria is adapted to pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite minerals by repeated subculturing the bacteria in the presence of the mineral until their growth characteristics became similar to the growth in the absence of mineral. The unadapted and adapted bacterial surface have been chemically characterised by zeta-potential, contact angle, adherence to hydrocarbons and FT-IR spectroscopic studies. The surface free energies of bacteria have been calculated by following the equation of state and surface tension component approaches. The aim of the present paper is to understand the changes in surface chemical properties of bacteria during adaptation to sulfide minerals and the projected consequences in bioflotation and bioflocculation processes. The mineral-adapted cells became more hydrophilic as compared to unadapted cells. There are no significant changes in the surface charge of bacteria before and after adaptation, and all the bacteria exhibit an iso-electric point below pH 2.5. The contact angles are observed to be more reliable for hydrophobicity assessment than the adherence to hydrocarbons. The Lifschitz–van der Waals/acid–base approach to calculate surface free energy is found to be relevant for mineral–bacteria interactions. The diffuse reflectance FT-IR absorbance bands for all the bacteria are the same illustrating similar surface chemical composition. However, the intensity of the bands for unadapted and adapted cells is significantly varied and this is due to different amounts of bacterial secretions underlying different growth conditions.


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The measurement of surface energy balance over a land surface in an open area in Bangalore is reported. Measurements of all variables needed to calculate the surface energy balance on time scales longer than a week are made. Components of radiative fluxes are measured while sensible and latent heat fluxes are based on the bulk method using measurements made at two levels on a micrometeorological tower of 10 m height. The bulk flux formulation is verified by comparing its fluxes with direct fluxes using sonic anemometer data sampled at 10 Hz. Soil temperature is measured at 4 depths. Data have been continuously collected for over 6 months covering pre-monsoon and monsoon periods during the year 2006. The study first addresses the issue of getting the fluxes accurately. It is shown that water vapour measurements are the most crucial. A bias of 0.25% in relative humidity, which is well above the normal accuracy assumed the manufacturers but achievable in the field using a combination of laboratory calibration and field intercomparisons, results in about 20 W m(-2) change in the latent heat flux on the seasonal time scale. When seen on the seasonal time scale, the net longwave radiation is the largest energy loss term at the experimental site. The seasonal variation in the energy sink term is small compared to that in the energy source term.


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The interactions of dextrin with biotite mica and galena have been investigated through adsorption, flotation, and electrokinetic measurements. The adsorption densities of dextrin onto mica continuously increase with increase of pH, while those onto galena show a maximum at pH 11.5. It is observed that the adsorption density of dextrin onto galena is quite high compared to that on mica. Both the adsorption isotherms exhibit Langmuirian behavior. Electrokinetic measurements portray conformational rearrangements of macromolecules with the loading, resulting in a shift of the shear plane, further away from the interface. Dissolution experiments indicate release of the lattice metal ions from mica and galena. Coprecipitation tests confirm polymer-metal ion interaction in the bulk solution. Dextrin does not exhibit any depressant action toward mica, whereas, with galena, the flotation recovery is decreased with an increase in pH beyond 9, in the presence of dextrin, complementing the adsorption results. Differential flotation results on a synthetic mixture of mica and galena show that mica can be selectively separated from galena using dextrin as a depressant for galena above pH 10. Possible mechanisms of interaction between dextrin and mica/galena are discussed.


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Using a mixed-type Fourier transform of a general form in the case of water of infinite depth and the method of eigenfunction expansion in the case of water of finite depth, several boundary-value problems involving the propagation and scattering of time harmonic surface water waves by vertical porous walls have been fully investigated, taking into account the effect of surface tension also. Known results are recovered either directly or as particular cases of the general problems under consideration.