17 resultados para Riemannian foliation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Consider a sequence of closed, orientable surfaces of fixed genus g in a Riemannian manifold M with uniform upper bounds on the norm of mean curvature and area. We show that on passing to a subsequence, we can choose parametrisations of the surfaces by inclusion maps from a fixed surface of the same genus so that the distance functions corresponding to the pullback metrics converge to a pseudo-metric and the inclusion maps converge to a Lipschitz map. We show further that the limiting pseudo-metric has fractal dimension two. As a corollary, we obtain a purely geometric result. Namely, we show that bounds on the mean curvature, area and genus of a surface F subset of M, together with bounds on the geometry of M, give an upper bound on the diameter of F. Our proof is modelled on Gromov's compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves.


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We consider the Riemannian functional defined on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume on a closed smooth manifold M where R(g) and dv (g) denote the corresponding Riemannian curvature tensor and volume form and p a (0, a). First we prove that the Riemannian metrics with non-zero constant sectional curvature are strictly stable for for certain values of p. Then we conclude that they are strict local minimizers for for those values of p. Finally generalizing this result we prove that product of space forms of same type and dimension are strict local minimizer for for certain values of p.


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We show that a closed orientable Riemannian n-manifold, n >= 5, with positive isotropic curvature and free fundamental group is homeomorphic to the connected sum of copies of Sn-1 x S-1.


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Using elementary comparison geometry, we prove: Let (M, g) be a simply-connected complete Riemannian manifold of dimension >= 3. Suppose that the sectional curvature K satisfies -1-s(r) <= K <= -1, where r denotes distance to a fixed point in M. If lim(r ->infinity) e(2r) s(r) = 0, then (M, g) has to be isometric to H-n.The same proof also yields that if K satisfies -s(r) <= K <= 0 where lim(r ->infinity) r(2) s(r) = 0, then (M, g) is isometric to R-n, a result due to Greene and Wu.Our second result is a local one: Let (M, g) be any Riemannian manifold. For a E R, if K < a on a geodesic ball Bp (R) in M and K = a on partial derivative B-p (R), then K = a on B-p (R).


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We prove that if (M-n, g), n >= 4, is a compact, orientable, locally irreducible Riemannian manifold with nonnegative isotropic curvature,then one of the following possibilities hold: (i) M admits a metric with positive isotropic curvature. (ii) (M, g) is isometric to a locally symmetric space. (iii) (M, g) is Kahler and biholomorphic to CPn/2. (iv) (M, g) is quaternionic-Kahler. This is implied by the following result: Let (M-2n, g) be a compact, locally irreducible Kahler manifold with nonnegative isotropic curvature. Then either M is biholomorphic to CPn or isometric to a compact Hermitian symmetric space. This answers a question of Micallef and Wang in the affirmative. The proof is based on the recent work of Brendle and Schoen on the Ricci flow.


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The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed on soft sediment samples from a trenched fault zone across the Himalayan frontal thrust (HFT), western Himalaya. AMS orientation of K-min axes in the trench sediments is consistent with lateral shortening revealed by geometry of deformed regional structures and recent earthquakes. Well-defined vertical magnetic foliation parallel to the flexure cleavage in which a vertical magnetic lineation is developed, high anisotropy, and triaxial ellipsoids suggest large overprinting of earth-quake- related fabrics. The AMS data suggest a gradual variation from layer parallel shortening (LPS) at a distance from the fault trace to a simple shear fabric close to the fault trace. An abrupt change in the shortening direction (K-min) from NE-SW to E-W suggests a juxtaposition of pre-existing layer parallel shortening fabric, and bending-related flexure associated with an earthquake. Hence the orientation pattern of magnetic susceptibility axes helps in identifying co-seismic structures in Late Holocene surface sediments.


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A new theory of gravitation has been proposed in a more general space-time than Riemannian. It is a generalization of the ECSK and Brans-Dicke (BD) theory of gravitation. It is found that, in contrast to the standard the ECSK theory, a parity-violating propagating torsion is generated by the BD scalar field. The interesting consequence of the theory is that it can successfully predict solar system experimental results to desired accuracy.


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Computer Vision has seen a resurgence in the parts-based representation for objects over the past few years. The parts are usually annotated beforehand for training. We present an annotation free parts-based representation for the pedestrian using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). We show that NMF is able to capture the wide range of pose and clothing of the pedestrians. We use a modified form of NMF i.e. NMF with sparsity constraints on the factored matrices. We also make use of Riemannian distance metric for similarity measurements in NMF space as the basis vectors generated by NMF aren't orthogonal. We show that for 1% drop in accuracy as compared to the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) representation we can achieve robustness to partial occlusion.


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We study the boundedness of Toeplitz operators on Segal-Bargmann spaces in various contexts. Using Gutzmer's formula as the main tool we identify symbols for which the Toeplitz operators correspond to Fourier multipliers on the underlying groups. The spaces considered include Fock spaces, Hermite and twisted Bergman spaces and Segal-Bargmann spaces associated to Riemannian symmetric spaces of compact type.


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For a one-locus selection model, Svirezhev introduced an integral variational principle by defining a Lagrangian which remained stationary on the trajectory followed by the population undergoing selection. It is shown here (i) that this principle can be extended to multiple loci in some simple cases and (ii) that the Lagrangian is defined by a straightforward generalization of the one-locus case, but (iii) that in two-locus or more general models there is no straightforward extension of this principle if linkage and epistasis are present. The population trajectories can be constructed as trajectories of steepest ascent in a Riemannian metric space. A general method is formulated to find the metric tensor and the surface-in the metric space on which the trajectories, which characterize the variations in the gene structure of the population, lie. The local optimality principle holds good in such a space. In the special case when all possible linkage disequilibria are zero, the phase point of the n-locus genetic system moves on the surface of the product space of n higher dimensional unit spheres in a certain Riemannian metric space of gene frequencies so that the rate of change of mean fitness is maximum along the trajectory. In the two-locus case the corresponding surface is a hyper-torus.


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The dynamics of a feedback-controlled rigid robot is most commonly described by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. In this paper we analyze these equations, representing the feedback-controlled motion of two- and three-degrees-of-freedom rigid robots with revolute (R) and prismatic (P) joints in the absence of compliance, friction, and potential energy, for the possibility of chaotic motions. We first study the unforced or inertial motions of the robots, and show that when the Gaussian or Riemannian curvature of the configuration space of a robot is negative, the robot equations can exhibit chaos. If the curvature is zero or positive, then the robot equations cannot exhibit chaos. We show that among the two-degrees-of-freedom robots, the PP and the PR robot have zero Gaussian curvature while the RP and RR robots have negative Gaussian curvatures. For the three-degrees-of-freedom robots, we analyze the two well-known RRP and RRR configurations of the Stanford arm and the PUMA manipulator respectively, and derive the conditions for negative curvature and possible chaotic motions. The criteria of negative curvature cannot be used for the forced or feedback-controlled motions. For the forced motion, we resort to the well-known numerical techniques and compute chaos maps, Poincare maps, and bifurcation diagrams. Numerical results are presented for the two-degrees-of-freedom RP and RR robots, and we show that these robot equations can exhibit chaos for low controller gains and for large underestimated models. From the bifurcation diagrams, the route to chaos appears to be through period doubling.


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Wilking has recently shown that one can associate a Ricci flow invariant cone of curvature operators , which are nonnegative in a suitable sense, to every invariant subset . In this article we show that if is an invariant subset of such that is closed and denotes the cone of curvature operators which are positive in the appropriate sense then one of the two possibilities holds: (a) The connected sum of any two Riemannian manifolds with curvature operators in also admits a metric with curvature operator in (b) The normalized Ricci flow on any compact Riemannian manifold with curvature operator in converges to a metric of constant positive sectional curvature. We also point out that if is an arbitrary subset, then is contained in the cone of curvature operators with nonnegative isotropic curvature.


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A series expansion for Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions phi(lambda) is obtained for all lambda is an element of alpha(C)*. As a consequence, estimates for phi(lambda) away from the walls of a Weyl chamber are established. We also characterize the bounded hypergeometric functions and thus prove an analogue of the celebrated theorem of Helgason and Johnson on the bounded spherical functions on a Riemannian symmetric space of the noncompact type. The L-P-theory for the hypergeometric Fourier transform is developed for 0 < p < 2. In particular, an inversion formula is proved when 1 <= p < 2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We consider the Riemannian functional defined on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume on a closed smooth manifold M given by R-n/2(g) := integral(M) vertical bar R(g)vertical bar(n//2) dv(g) where R(g), dv(g) denote the Riemannian curvature and volume form corresponding to g. We show that there are locally symmetric spaces which are unstable critical points for this functional.


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In the vector space of algebraic curvature operators we study the reaction ODE which is associated to the evolution equation of the Riemann curvature operator along the Ricci flow. More precisely, we give a partial classification of the zeros of this ODE up to suitable normalization and analyze the stability of a special class of zeros of the same. In particular, we show that the ODE is unstable near the curvature operators of the Riemannian product spaces where is an Einstein (locally) symmetric space of compact type and not a spherical space form when .