79 resultados para Replicated Chains

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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This paper presents stylized models for conducting performance analysis of the manufacturing supply chain network (SCN) in a stochastic setting for batch ordering. We use queueing models to capture the behavior of SCN. The analysis is clubbed with an inventory optimization model, which can be used for designing inventory policies . In the first case, we model one manufacturer with one warehouse, which supplies to various retailers. We determine the optimal inventory level at the warehouse that minimizes total expected cost of carrying inventory, back order cost associated with serving orders in the backlog queue, and ordering cost. In the second model we impose service level constraint in terms of fill rate (probability an order is filled from stock at warehouse), assuming that customers do not balk from the system. We present several numerical examples to illustrate the model and to illustrate its various features. In the third case, we extend the model to a three-echelon inventory model which explicitly considers the logistics process.


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The ergodic or long-run average cost control problem for a partially observed finite-state Markov chain is studied via the associated fully observed separated control problem for the nonlinear filter. Dynamic programming equations for the latter are derived, leading to existence and characterization of optimal stationary policies.


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The paper presents for the first time a fully computerized method for structural synthesis of geared kinematic chains which can be used to derive epicyclic gear drives. The method has been formulated on the basis of representing these chains by their graphs, the graphs being in turn represented algebraically by their vertex-vertex incidence matrices. It has thus been possible to make advantageous use of concepts and results from graph theory to develop a method amenable for implementation on a digital computer. The computerized method has been applied to the structural synthesis of single-freedom geared kinematic chains with up to four gear pairs, and the results obtained thereform are presented and discussed.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are reported for an anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of cetyl trimethyl ammonium (CTA) and CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3) ions in a layered solid, CdPS3. The intercalated CTA ions are organized with the cationic headgroups tethered to the inorganic sheet and the hydrocarbon tails arranged as bilayers. Simulations were performed at three temperatures, 65, 180, and 298 K, using an isothermal−isobaric ensemble that was subsequently switched once macroscopic parameters had converged to a canonical isothermal−isochoric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the experimental features of this system, including the formation of the bilayer and layer-to-layer separation distance. An analysis of the conformation of the chains showed that at all three temperatures a fraction of the alkyl chains retained a planar all-trans conformation, and that gauche bonds occurred as part of a “kink” (gauche+−trans−gauche−) sequence and not as isolated gauche bonds. Trans−gauche isomerization rates for the alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer are slower than those in lipid bilayers at the same temperature and show a progressive increase as the torsion numbers approach the tail. A two-dimensional periodic Voronoi tessellation analysis was performed to obtain the single-molecular area of an alkyl chain in the bilayer. The single-molecular area relaxation times are an order of magnitude longer than the trans−gauche isomerization times. The results indicate that the trans−gauche isomerization is associated with the creation and annihilation of a kink defect sequence. The results of the present MD simulation explain the apparent conflicting estimates of the gauche disorder in this system as obtained from infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.


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In an effort to develop a fully computerized approach for structural synthesis of kinematic chains the steps involved in the method of structural synthesis based on transformation of binary chains [38] have been recast in a format suitable for implementation on a digital computer. The methodology thus evolved has been combined with the algebraic procedures for structural analysis [44] to develop a unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple jointed kinematic chains with a degree of freedom 0. Applications of this program are presented in the succeeding parts of the paper.


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The reliability of the computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple-jointed kinematic chains developed in Part 1 has been established by applying it to several cases for whuch solutions are either fully or partially available in the literature, such as 7-link, zero-freedom chains; 8- and 10-link, single-freedom chains; 12-link, single-freedom binary chains; and 9-link, two-freedom chains. In the process some discrepancies in the results reported in previous literature have been brought to light.


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The unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis developed in Part 1 has been employed to derive the new and complete collection of 97 10-link, three-freedom simple-jointed kinematic chains. The program shows that of these chains, 3 have total freedom, 70 have partial freedom and the remaining 24 have fractionated freedom and that the 97 chains yield a total of 676 distinct mechanisms.


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The test based on comparison of the characteristic coefficients of the adjancency matrices of the corresponding graphs for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains has been shown to fail in the case of two pairs of ten-link, simple-jointed chains, one pair corresponding to single-freedom chains and the other pair corresponding to three-freedom chains. An assessment of the merits and demerits of available methods for detection of isomorphism in graphs and kinematic chains is presented, keeping in view the suitability of the methods for use in computerized structural synthesis of kinematic chains. A new test based on the characteristic coefficients of the “degree” matrix of the corresponding graph is proposed for detection of isomorphism in kinematic chains. The new test is found to be successful in the case of a number of examples of graphs where the test based on characteristic coefficients of adjancency matrix fails. It has also been found to be successful in distinguishing the structures of all known simple-jointed kinematic chains in the categories of (a) single-freedom chains with up to 10 links, (b) two-freedom chains with up to 9 links and (c) three-freedom chains with up to 10 links.


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We demonstrate a chain length dependent crossover in the structural properties of linear hydrocarbon (n-alkane) chains using detailed atomistic simulations in explicit water. We identify a number of exotic structures of the polymer chain through energy minimization of representative snapshots collected from molecular dynamics trajectory. While the collapsed state is ring-like (circular) for small chains (CnH2n+2; n <= 20) and spherical for very long ones (n = 100), we find the emergence of ordered helical structures at intermediate lengths (n similar to 40). We find different types of disordered helices and toroid-like structures at n = 60. We also report a sharp transition in the stability of the collapsed state as a function of the chain length through relevant free energy calculations. While the collapsed state is only marginally metastable for C20H42, a clear bistable free energy surface emerges only when the chain is about 30 monomers long. For n = 30, the polymer exhibits an intermittent oscillation between the collapsed and the coil structures, characteristic of two stable states separated by a small barrier.


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Using the link-link incidence matrix to represent a simple-jointed kinematic chain algebraic procedures have been developed to determine its structural characteristics such as the type of freedom of the chain, the number of distinct mechanisms and driving mechanisms that can be derived from the chain. A computer program incorporating these graph theory based procedures has been applied successfully for the structural analysis of several typical chains.


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A Monte Carlo simulation of Ising chains with competing short-range and infiniterange interactions has been carried out. Results show that whenever the system does not enter a metastable state, variation of temperature brings about phase transitions in the Ising chain. These phase transitions, except for two sets of interaction strengths, are generally of higher order and involve changes in the long-range order while the short-range order remains unaffected.


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Polypeptides with alternating L- and D-amino acid residues can take up stereochemically satisfactory coaxial double-helical structures, both antiparallel and parallel, which are stabilized by systematic interchain NH O hydrogen bonds. Semiempirical energy calculations over allowed regions of conformational space have yielded the characteristics of these double-helices. There are four possible types of antiparallel double-helices - A3, A4, A5 and A6, with n, the number of LD peptide units per turn, around 2.8, 3.6, 4.5 and 5.5 respectively, while for the parallel double-helices there are two types, P3 and P4, having similar helical parameters as in A3 and A4. The hydrogen-bonding scheme restricts the pitch in all the models to the narrow range of 10.0 to 11.5 Å. All these helices have large central cores whose radii increase proportionately with n. In this respect, A3 and A4 are suitable models for the structure of gramicidin A. In terms of their relative energies, antiparallel double-helices are marginally more stable than those with parallel strands. Our results indicate that the energy differences amongst the members in the antiparallel family are not significant and thus provide an explanation for the polymorphism reported for poly(γ-benzyl-LD-glutamate).


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End-tethered chains made of an adsorbed diblock copolymer of polystyrene (PS)-polyisoprene (PI) bearing an end-segment including a Ge atom are built by the Langmuir-Schaeffer technique. They are studied both in the dry state and in a good solvent for the PI chain using grazing incidence X-ray standing waves. The analysis of the signal provides a direct measurement of the end-segment distribution which is found to be singular and mostly localized to a plane in the dry case. In the good solvent case, end-segments are found to span the entire assembly and compare very well with results obtained by Kreer et al.


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Poly(2-methoxy-5-[2'-ethylhexyoxy]-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEHPPV) derivatives with polyacrylic acid (PAA) chains grafted onto their backbone were found to be water soluble, and they exhibited a dramatic increase in their fluorescence intensity in the presence of a variety of surfactants, even at concentrations far below their critical micelle concentrations (CMC). This increase was accompanied by a blue-shift in the emission maximum. These observations are rationalized based on the postulate that the backbone conformation of the conjugated polymer is modulated upon interaction of the surfactant molecules with the polyelectrolytic tethers, which in turn results in a significant depletion of intra-chain interchromophore interactions that are known to cause red-shifted emission bands with significantly lower emission yields.


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Propargyloxycarbonyl group is used as a protecting group for the hydroxyl groups of serine, threonine and tyrosine. The propargyloxycarbonyl derivatives of these hydroxy amino acids are stable to acidic and basic reagents commonly employed in peptide synthesis. The deprotection of the O-Poc derivatives using tetrathiomolybdate does not affect commonly used protecting groups such as N-Boc, N-Cbz, N-Fmoc, methyl and benzyl esters. The di-and tripeptides synthesized using O-Poc derivatives of serine, threonine and tyrosine are stable, isolable compounds and give the hydroxy peptides in good yields when treated with tetrathiomolybdate.