14 resultados para Power resources.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In the education of physical sciences, the role of the laboratory cannot be overemphasised. It is the laboratory exercises which enable the student to assimilate the theoretical basis, verify the same through bench-top experiments, and internalize the subject discipline to acquire mastery of the same. However the resources essential to put together such an environment is substantial. As a result, the students go through a curriculum which is wanting in this respect. This paper presents a low cost alternative to impart such an experience to the student aimed at the subject of switched mode power conversion. The resources are based on an open source circuit simulator (Sequel) developed at IIT Mumbai, and inexpensive construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore. The Sequel programme developed by IIT Mumbai, is a circuit simulation program under linux operating system distributed free of charge. The construction kits developed at IISc Bangalore, is fully documented for anyone to assemble these circuit which minimal equipment such as soldering iron, multimeter, power supply etc. This paper puts together a simple forward dc to dc converter as a vehicle to introduce the programming under sequel to evaluate the transient performance and small signal dynamic model of the same. Bench tests on the assembled construction kit may be done by the student for study of operation, transient performance and closed loop stability margins etc.


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The decentralized power is characterised by generation of power nearer to the demand centers, focusing mainly on meeting local energy needs. A decentralized power system can function either in the presence of grid, where it can feed the surplus power generated to the grid, or as an independent/stand-alone isolated system exclusively meeting the local demands of remote locations. Further, decentralized power is also classified on the basis of type of energy resources used-non-renewable and renewable. These classifications along with a plethora of technological alternatives have made the whole prioritization process of decentralized power quite complicated for decision making. There is abundant literature, which has discussed various approaches that have been used to support decision making under such complex situations. We envisage that summarizing such literature and coming out with a review paper would greatly help the policy/decision makers and researchers in arriving at effective solutions. With such a felt need 102 articles were reviewed and features of several technological alternatives available for decentralized power, the studies on modeling and analysis of economic, environmental and technological asibilities of both grid-connected (GC) and stand-alone (SA) systems as decentralized power options are presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study wireless multihop energy harvesting sensor networks employed for random field estimation. The sensors sense the random field and generate data that is to be sent to a fusion node for estimation. Each sensor has an energy harvesting source and can operate in two modes: Wake and Sleep. We consider the problem of obtaining jointly optimal power control, routing and scheduling policies that ensure a fair utilization of network resources. This problem has a high computational complexity. Therefore, we develop a computationally efficient suboptimal approach to obtain good solutions to this problem. We study the optimal solution and performance of the suboptimal approach through some numerical examples.


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This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.


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Representatives of several Internet access providers have expressed their wish to see a substantial change in the pricing policies of the Internet. In particular, they would like to see content providers pay for use of the network, given the large amount of resources they use. This would be in clear violation of the �network neutrality� principle that had characterized the development of the wireline Internet. Our first goal in this paper is to propose and study possible ways of implementing such payments and of regulating their amount. We introduce a model that includes the internaut�s behavior, the utilities of the ISP and of the content providers, and the monetary flow that involves the internauts, the ISP and content provider, and in particular, the content provider�s revenues from advertisements. We consider various game models and study the resulting equilibrium; they are all combinations of a noncooperative game (in which the service and content providers determine how much they will charge the internauts) with a cooperative one - the content provider and the service provider bargain with each other over payments to one another. We include in our model a possible asymmetric bargaining power which is represented by a parameter (that varies between zero to one). We then extend our model to study the case of several content providers. We also provide a very brief study of the equilibria that arise when one of the content providers enters into an exclusive contract with the ISP.


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The presence of software bloat in large flexible software systems can hurt energy efficiency. However, identifying and mitigating bloat is fairly effort intensive. To enable such efforts to be directed where there is a substantial potential for energy savings, we investigate the impact of bloat on power consumption under different situations. We conduct the first systematic experimental study of the joint power-performance implications of bloat across a range of hardware and software configurations on modern server platforms. The study employs controlled experiments to expose different effects of a common type of Java runtime bloat, excess temporary objects, in the context of the SPECPower_ssj2008 workload. We introduce the notion of equi-performance power reduction to characterize the impact, in addition to peak power comparisons. The results show a wide variation in energy savings from bloat reduction across these configurations. Energy efficiency benefits at peak performance tend to be most pronounced when bloat affects a performance bottleneck and non-bloated resources have low energy-proportionality. Equi-performance power savings are highest when bloated resources have a high degree of energy proportionality. We develop an analytical model that establishes a general relation between resource pressure caused by bloat and its energy efficiency impact under different conditions of resource bottlenecks and energy proportionality. Applying the model to different "what-if" scenarios, we predict the impact of bloat reduction and corroborate these predictions with empirical observations. Our work shows that the prevalent software-only view of bloat is inadequate for assessing its power-performance impact and instead provides a full systems approach for reasoning about its implications.


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High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packet classification is the core functionality that demands high throughput in such applications. This paper proposes a packet classification architecture to meet such high throughput. We have implemented a Firewall with this architecture in reconflgurable hardware. We propose an extension to Distributed Crossproducting of Field Labels (DCFL) technique to achieve scalable and high performance architecture. The implemented Firewall takes advantage of inherent structure and redundancy of rule set by using our DCFL Extended (DCFLE) algorithm. The use of DCFLE algorithm results in both speed and area improvement when it is implemented in hardware. Although we restrict ourselves to standard 5-tuple matching, the architecture supports additional fields. High throughput classification invariably uses Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for prefix matching, though TCAM fares poorly in terms of area and power efficiency. Use of TCAM for port range matching is expensive, as the range to prefix conversion results in large number of prefixes leading to storage inefficiency. Extended TCAM (ETCAM) is fast and the most storage efficient solution for range matching. We present for the first time a reconfigurable hardware implementation of ETCAM. We have implemented our Firewall as an embedded system on Virtex-II Pro FPGA based platform, running Linux with the packet classification in hardware. The Firewall was tested in real time with 1 Gbps Ethernet link and 128 sample rules. The packet classification hardware uses a quarter of logic resources and slightly over one third of memory resources of XC2VP30 FPGA. It achieves a maximum classification throughput of 50 million packet/s corresponding to 16 Gbps link rate for the worst case packet size. The Firewall rule update involves only memory re-initialization in software without any hardware change.


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This paper presents a power, latency and throughput trade-off study on NoCs by varying microarchitectural (e.g. pipelining) and circuit level (e.g. frequency and voltage) parameters. We change pipelining depth, operating frequency and supply voltage for 3 example NoCs - 16 node 2D Torus, Tree network and Reduced 2D Torus. We use an in-house NoC exploration framework capable of topology generation and comparison using parameterized models of Routers and links developed in SystemC. The framework utilizes interconnect power and delay models from a low-level modelling tool called Intacte[1]1. We find that increased pipelining can actually reduce latency. We also find that there exists an optimal degree of pipelining which is the most energy efficient in terms of minimizing energy-delay product.


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High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packet classification is the core functionality that demands high throughput in such applications. This paper proposes a packet classification architecture to meet such high throughput. We have Implemented a Firewall with this architecture in reconfigurable hardware. We propose an extension to Distributed Crossproducting of Field Labels (DCFL) technique to achieve scalable and high performance architecture. The implemented Firewall takes advantage of inherent structure and redundancy of rule set by using, our DCFL Extended (DCFLE) algorithm. The use of DCFLE algorithm results In both speed and area Improvement when It is Implemented in hardware. Although we restrict ourselves to standard 5-tuple matching, the architecture supports additional fields.High throughput classification Invariably uses Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for prefix matching, though TCAM fares poorly In terms of area and power efficiency. Use of TCAM for port range matching is expensive, as the range to prefix conversion results in large number of prefixes leading to storage inefficiency. Extended TCAM (ETCAM) is fast and the most storage efficient solution for range matching. We present for the first time a reconfigurable hardware Implementation of ETCAM. We have implemented our Firewall as an embedded system on Virtex-II Pro FPGA based platform, running Linux with the packet classification in hardware. The Firewall was tested in real time with 1 Gbps Ethernet link and 128 sample rules. The packet classification hardware uses a quarter of logic resources and slightly over one third of memory resources of XC2VP30 FPGA. It achieves a maximum classification throughput of 50 million packet/s corresponding to 16 Gbps link rate for file worst case packet size. The Firewall rule update Involves only memory re-initialiization in software without any hardware change.


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Many wireless applications demand a fast mechanism to detect the packet from a node with the highest priority ("best node") only, while packets from nodes with lower priority are irrelevant. In this paper, we introduce an extremely fast contention-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node and requires only local information of the priorities of the nodes. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities onto the receive power. It is based on a key result that shows that mapping onto a set of discrete receive power levels is optimal, when the power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture, idle channel, or collision. We also show how reliable information regarding the total received power at the receiver can be used to improve the algorithm by enhancing the feedback mechanism. The algorithm detects the packet from the best node in 1.5 to 2.1 slots, which is considerably lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date.


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The power system network is assumed to be in steady-state even during low frequency transients. However, depending on generator dynamics, and toad and control characteristics, the system model and the nature of power flow equations can vary The nature of power flow equations describing the system during a contingency is investigated in detail. It is shown that under some mild assumptions on load-voltage characteristics, the power flow equations can be decoupled in an exact manner. When the generator dynamics are considered, the solutions for the load voltages are exact if load nodes are not directly connected to each other


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Animals often behave in a profligate fashion and decimate the populations of plants and animals they depend upon. They may, however, evolve prudent behaviour under special conditions, namely when such prudence greatly enhances the success of populations that are not too prone to invasions by profligate individuals. Cultural evolution in human societies can also lead to the adoption of prudent practices under similar conditions. These are more likely to be realized in stable environments in which the human populations tend to grow close to the carrying capacity, when the human groups are closed, and when the technology is stagnant. These conditions probably prevailed in the hunter—gatherer societies of the tropics and subtropics, and led to the adoption of a number of socially imposed restraints on the use of plant and animal resources. Such practices were rationalized in the form of Nature-worship. The Indian caste society became so organized as to fulfill these conditions, and gave rise to two religions, Buddhism and Jainism, which emphasize compassion towards all forms of life. The pastoral nomads of the middle east, on the other hand, lived in an environment which militated against prudence, and these societies gave rise to religions like Christianity, which declared war on nature. As the ruling elite and state have grown in power, they have tried to wrest control of natural resources from the local communities. This has sometimes resulted in conservation and prudent use under guidance from the state, but has often led to conflicts with local populations to the detriment of prudent behaviour. Modern technological progress has also often removed the need for conservation, as when availability of coal permitted the deforestation of England. While modern scientific understanding has led to a better appreciation of the need for prudence, the prevailing social and economic conditions often militate against any implementation of the understanding, as is seen from the history of whaling. However, the imperative for survival of the poor from the Third-World countries may finally bring about conditions in which ecological prudence may once again come to dominate human cultures as it might once have done with stable societies of hunter—gatherers.


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The application of multilevel control strategies for load-frequency control of interconnected power systems is assuming importance. A large multiarea power system may be viewed as an interconnection of several lower-order subsystems, with possible change of interconnection pattern during operation. The solution of the control problem involves the design of a set of local optimal controllers for the individual areas, in a completely decentralised environment, plus a global controller to provide the corrective signal to account for interconnection effects. A global controller, based on the least-square-error principle suggested by Siljak and Sundareshan, has been applied for the LFC problem. A more recent work utilises certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnection to permit more desirable system performances. The paper reports the application of the latter strategy to LFC of a two-area power system. The power-system model studied includes the effects of excitation system and governor controls. A comparison of the two strategies is also made.