79 resultados para Pattern recognition systems.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Abstract-The success of automatic speaker recognition in laboratory environments suggests applications in forensic science for establishing the Identity of individuals on the basis of features extracted from speech. A theoretical model for such a verification scheme for continuous normaliy distributed featureIss developed. The three cases of using a) single feature, b)multipliendependent measurements of a single feature, and c)multpleindependent features are explored.The number iofndependent features needed for areliable personal identification is computed based on the theoretcal model and an expklatory study of some speech featues.


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An adaptive learning scheme, based on a fuzzy approximation to the gradient descent method for training a pattern classifier using unlabeled samples, is described. The objective function defined for the fuzzy ISODATA clustering procedure is used as the loss function for computing the gradient. Learning is based on simultaneous fuzzy decisionmaking and estimation. It uses conditional fuzzy measures on unlabeled samples. An exponential membership function is assumed for each class, and the parameters constituting these membership functions are estimated, using the gradient, in a recursive fashion. The induced possibility of occurrence of each class is useful for estimation and is computed using 1) the membership of the new sample in that class and 2) the previously computed average possibility of occurrence of the same class. An inductive entropy measure is defined in terms of induced possibility distribution to measure the extent of learning. The method is illustrated with relevant examples.


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The minimum cost classifier when general cost functionsare associated with the tasks of feature measurement and classification is formulated as a decision graph which does not reject class labels at intermediate stages. Noting its complexities, a heuristic procedure to simplify this scheme to a binary decision tree is presented. The optimizationof the binary tree in this context is carried out using ynamicprogramming. This technique is applied to the voiced-unvoiced-silence classification in speech processing.


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The statistical minimum risk pattern recognition problem, when the classification costs are random variables of unknown statistics, is considered. Using medical diagnosis as a possible application, the problem of learning the optimal decision scheme is studied for a two-class twoaction case, as a first step. This reduces to the problem of learning the optimum threshold (for taking appropriate action) on the a posteriori probability of one class. A recursive procedure for updating an estimate of the threshold is proposed. The estimation procedure does not require the knowledge of actual class labels of the sample patterns in the design set. The adaptive scheme of using the present threshold estimate for taking action on the next sample is shown to converge, in probability, to the optimum. The results of a computer simulation study of three learning schemes demonstrate the theoretically predictable salient features of the adaptive scheme.


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Template matching is concerned with measuring the similarity between patterns of two objects. This paper proposes a memory-based reasoning approach for pattern recognition of binary images with a large template set. It seems that memory-based reasoning intrinsically requires a large database. Moreover, some binary image recognition problems inherently need large template sets, such as the recognition of Chinese characters which needs thousands of templates. The proposed algorithm is based on the Connection Machine, which is the most massively parallel machine to date, using a multiresolution method to search for the matching template. The approach uses the pyramid data structure for the multiresolution representation of templates and the input image pattern. For a given binary image it scans the template pyramid searching the match. A binary image of N × N pixels can be matched in O(log N) time complexity by our algorithm and is independent of the number of templates. Implementation of the proposed scheme is described in detail.


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Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an enduring health problem worldwide and the emerging threat of multidrug resistant (MDR) TB and extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB is of particular concern. A better understanding of biomarkers associated with TB will aid to guide the development of better targets for TB diagnosis and for the development of improved TB vaccines. Methods: Recombinant proteins (n = 7) and peptide pools (n = 14) from M. tuberculosis (M.tb) antigens associated with M.tb pathogenicity, modification of cell lipids or cellular metabolism, were used to compare T cell immune responses defined by IFN-gamma production using a whole blood assay (WBA) from i) patients with TB, ii) individuals recovered from TB and iii) individuals exposed to TB without evidence of clinical TB infection from Minsk, Belarus. Results: We identified differences in M.tb target peptide recognition between the test groups, i.e. a frequent recognition of antigens associated with lipid metabolism, e.g. cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase. The pattern of peptide recognition was broader in blood from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB as compared to individuals suffering from pulmonary TB. Detection of biologically relevant M.tb targets was confirmed by staining for intracellular cytokines (IL-2, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma) in T cells from non-human primates (NHPs) after BCG vaccination. Conclusions: PBMCs from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB recognized a broader spectrum of M.tb antigens as compared to patients with TB. The nature of the pattern recognition of a broad panel of M.tb antigens will devise better strategies to identify improved diagnostics gauging previous exposure to M.tb; it may also guide the development of improved TB-vaccines.


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Fringe tracking and fringe order assignment have become the central topics of current research in digital photoelasticity. Isotropic points (IPs) appearing in low fringe order zones are often either overlooked or entirely missed in conventional as well as digital photoelasticity. We aim to highlight image processing for characterizing IPs in an isochromatic fringe field. By resorting to a global analytical solution of a circular disk, sensitivity of IPs to small changes in far-field loading on the disk is highlighted. A local theory supplements the global closed-form solutions of three-, four-, and six-point loading configurations of circular disk. The local theoretical concepts developed in this paper are demonstrated through digital image analysis of isochromatics in circular disks subjected to three-and four-point loads. (C) 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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We are addressing the problem of jointly using multiple noisy speech patterns for automatic speech recognition (ASR), given that they come from the same class. If the user utters a word K times, the ASR system should try to use the information content in all the K patterns of the word simultaneously and improve its speech recognition accuracy compared to that of the single pattern based speech recognition. T address this problem, recently we proposed a Multi Pattern Dynamic Time Warping (MPDTW) algorithm to align the K patterns by finding the least distortion path between them. A Constrained Multi Pattern Viterbi algorithm was used on this aligned path for isolated word recognition (IWR). In this paper, we explore the possibility of using only the MPDTW algorithm for IWR. We also study the properties of the MPDTW algorithm. We show that using only 2 noisy test patterns (10 percent burst noise at -5 dB SNR) reduces the noisy speech recognition error rate by 37.66 percent when compared to the single pattern recognition using the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm.


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The machine replication of human reading has been the subject of intensive research for more than three decades. A large number of research papers and reports have already been published on this topic. Many commercial establishments have manufactured recognizers of varying capabilities. Handheld, desk-top, medium-size and large systems costing as high as half a million dollars are available, and are in use for various applications. However, the ultimate goal of developing a reading machine having the same reading capabilities of humans still remains unachieved. So, there still is a great gap between human reading and machine reading capabilities, and a great amount of further effort is required to narrow-down this gap, if not bridge it. This review is organized into six major sections covering a general overview (an introduction), applications of character recognition techniques, methodologies in character recognition, research work in character recognition, some practical OCRs and the conclusions.


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The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are being used to solve a variety of problems in pattern recognition, robotic control, VLSI CAD and other areas. In most of these applications, a speedy response from the ANNs is imperative. However, ANNs comprise a large number of artificial neurons, and a massive interconnection network among them. Hence, implementation of these ANNs involves execution of computer-intensive operations. The usage of multiprocessor systems therefore becomes necessary. In this article, we have presented the implementation of ART1 and ART2 ANNs on ring and mesh architectures. The overall system design and implementation aspects are presented. The performance of the algorithm on ring, 2-dimensional mesh and n-dimensional mesh topologies is presented. The parallel algorithm presented for implementation of ART1 is not specific to any particular architecture. The parallel algorithm for ARTE is more suitable for a ring architecture.


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A simple sequential thinning algorithm for peeling off pixels along contours is described. An adaptive algorithm obtained by incorporating shape adaptivity into this sequential process is also given. The distortions in the skeleton at the right-angle and acute-angle corners are minimized in the adaptive algorithm. The asymmetry of the skeleton, which is a characteristic of sequential algorithm, and is due to the presence of T-corners in some of the even-thickness pattern is eliminated. The performance (in terms of time requirements and shape preservation) is compared with that of a modern thinning algorithm.