135 resultados para Open elevated plus-maze

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We present the circuit board integration of a self-healing mechanism to repair open faults. The electric field driven mechanism physically restores fractured interconnects in electronic circuits and has the ability to solve mazes. The repair is performed by conductive particles dispersed in an insulating fluid. We demonstrate the integration of the healing module onto printed circuit boards and the ability of maze solving. We model and perform experiments on the influence of the geometry of conductive particles as well as the terminal impedances of the route on the healing efficiency. The typical heal rate is 10 mu m/s with healed route having mean resistance of 8 k Omega across a 200 micron gap and depending on the materials and concentrations used. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The catalytic conversion ATP + AMP -> 2ADP by the enzyme adenylate kinase (ADK) involves the binding of one ATP. molecule to the LID domain and one AMP molecule to the NMP domain. The latter is followed by a. phosphate transfer and then the release of two ADP molecules. We have computed a novel two-dimensional configurational free energy surface (2DCFES), with one reaction coordinate each for the LID and the NMP domain motions, while considering explicit water interactions. Our computed 2DCFES clearly reveals the existence of a stable half-open half-closed (HOHC) intermediate stale of the enzyme. Cycling of the enzyme through the HOHC state reduces the conformational free energy barrier for. the reaction by about 20 kJ/mol. We find that the stability of the HOHC state (missed in all earlier studies with implicit solvent model) is largely because of the increase of specific interactions of the polar amino acid side chains with water, particularly with the arginine and the histidine residues. Free energy surface of the LID domain is rather rugged, which can conveniently slow down LID's conformational motion, thus facilitating a new substrate capture after the product release in the catalytic cycle.


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PEFCs employing Nafion-silica (Nafion-SiO2) and Nafion-mesoporous zirconium phosphate (Nafion-MZP) composite membranes are subjected to accelerated-durability test at 100 degrees C and 15% relative humidity (RH) at open-circuit voltage (OCV) for 50 h and performance compared with the PEFC employing pristine Nafion-1135 membrane. PEFCs with composite membranes sustain the operating voltage better with fluoride-ion-emission rate at least an order of magnitude lower than PEFC with pristine Nafion-1135 membrane. Reduced gas-crossover, fast fuel-cell-reaction kinetics and superior performance of the PEFCs with Nafion-SiO2 and Nafion-MZP composite membranes in relation to the PEFC with pristine Nafion-1135 membrane support the long-term operational usage of the former in PEFCs. An 8-cell PEFC stack employing Nafion-SiO2 composite membrane is also assembled and successfully operated at 60 degrees C without external humidification.


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Perforated element mufflers have been known to have good acousticp erformancew, henu sedo n automotive xhausst ystemsIn. thel astd ecadea nda half, plugm ufflersc, oncentrihc oler esonators, and three-ductc losed-endp erforatede lementsh ave been studied.T he presenti nvestigation concernso pen-endedt,h ree-ducpt erforatede lementsw, hich are knownt o combineh igh acoustic transmissiolno ss with low back pressuresT. he governinge quationsh ave been solved in the frequencyd omain,u singt he recouplinga pproacha longw ith appropriatbe oundaryc onditionst,o derivet he transferm atrixa ndt hent o calculaten oiser eductiona ndt ransmissiolno ss.T he predicted noiser eductionv aluesh aveb eens hownt o corroboratew ell with experimentallyo bservedv alues. Finally,p arametrics tudiesh aveb eend onet o draw designc urvesf or suchm ufflers.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with the ligand N,N,N,N-tetra-methyl-3,6,9-trioxaundecane diamide (TUD) of the composition Ln(TUD)2-(ClO4)3 (Ln triple bond; length as m-dash La, Nd, Ho, Er, Y) were isolated. Electrical conductivity values indicate that all the perchlorate groups are ionic. IR and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C) data prove that the ligand coordinates to the metal via the three ether oxygens and the two carbonyl oxygens. A probable coordination number of ten can be assigned for all the complexes.


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Instability of thin-walled open-section laminated composite beams is studied using the finite element method. A two-noded, 8 df per node thin-walled open-section laminated composite beam finite element has been used. The displacements of the element reference axis are expressed in terms of one-dimensional first order Hermite interpolation polynomials, and line member assumptions are invoked in formulation of the elastic stiffness matrix and geometric stiffness matrix. The nonlinear expressions for the strains occurring in thin-walled open-section beams, when subjected to axial, flexural and torsional loads, are incorporated in a general instability analysis. Several problems for which continuum solutions (exact/approximate) are possible have been solved in order to evaluate the performance of finite element. Next its applicability is demonstrated by predicting the buckling loads for the following problems of laminated composites: (i) two layer (45°/−45°) composite Z section cantilever beam and (ii) three layer (0°/45°/0°) composite Z section cantilever beam.


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This paper develops a seven-level inverter structure for open-end winding induction motor drives. The inverter supply is realized by cascading four two-level and two three-level neutral-point-clamped inverters. The inverter control is designed in such a way that the common-mode voltage (CMV) is eliminated. DC-link capacitor voltage balancing is also achieved by using only the switching-state redundancies. The proposed power circuit structure is modular and therefore suitable for fault-tolerant applications. By appropriately isolating some of the inverters, the drive can be operated during fault conditions in a five-level or a three-level inverter mode, with preserved CMV elimination and DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, within a reduced modulation range.


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The 1122 (n=2) member of the Tl(Ca,Ba)n+1CunO2n+3 series containing a single Tl-O layer is shown to be associated with a Tc of 90 K. This value of Tc is significantly lower than that of the 2122 phase (Tcnot, vert, similar110 K) with two Tl-O layers.


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Rapid solidification of Ti-7.3wt.%Cu (near-eutectoid composition), Ti-36.2wt.%Ni and Ti-34.3wt.% Ni-5.8wt.%Si alloys has been carried out by electron beam melting and splat quenching on a water-cooled rotating copper disc. The product obtained was in the form of thin ribbons 60–100 μm thick. Transmission electron microscopy studies of Ti---Cu alloy splats showed that the microstructure consisted of a mixture of martensite and a lamellar eutectoid product. The formation of the intermetallic compound Ti2Cu involved a diffusionless ω transformation and spinodal clustering. In the case of Ti---Ni alloy the as-quenched microstructure is complex, consisting of α, transformed β and intermetallic phases. This could have arisen possibly as a result of local variation in cooling rates. Rapid solidification of Ti---Ni---Si alloy resulted in partial quenching of an amorphous phase. The amorphous phase was seen to be extremely hard (a Vickers hardness of about 800 HV).


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A finite element analysis of thin-walled open-section laminated anisotropic beams is presented herein. A two-noded, 8 degrees of freedom per node thin-walled open-section laminated anisotropic beam finite element has been developed and used. The displacements of the element reference axes are expressed in terms of one-dimensional first order Hermite interpolation polynomials and line member assumptions are invoked in the formulation of the stiffness matrix. The problems of: 1. (a) an isotropic material Z section straight cantilever beam, and 2. (b) a single-layer (0°) composite Z section straight cantilever beam, for which continuum solutions (exact/approximate) are possible, have been solved in order to evaluate the performance of the finite element. Its applicability has been shown by solving the following problems: 3. (c) a two-layer (45°/−45°) composite Z section straight cantilever beam, 4. (d) a three-layer (0°/45°/0°) composite Z section straight cantilever beam.


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The theoretical results derived in Part I (Ramachandran, G.N., Lakshminarayan, A.V. and Kolaskar, A.S. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 303, 8–13) that the three bonds of the peptide unit meeting at N can have a pyramidal structure is confirmed by an analysis of 14 published crystal structures of small peptides. It is shown that the dihedral angles θN and Δω are correlated, while θC, is small and is uncorrelated with Δω, showing that the non-planar distortion at C′ is generally small.


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The antitumour protein from the α-endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis has been purified, crystallized and partially characterized. The same protein also shows the insecticidal activity. According to amino acid analysis it is an acidic protein with a molecular weight of approx. 13 000.


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By means of CNDO/2 calculations on N-methyl acetamide, it is shown that the state of minimum energy of the trans-peptide unit is a non-planar conformation, with the NH and NC2α bonds being significantly out of the plane formed by the atoms C1α, C′, O and N.


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We use the Lippman-Schwinger scattering theory to study nonequilibrium electron transport through an interacting open quantum dot. The two-particle current is evaluated exactly while we use perturbation theory to calculate the current when the leads are Fermi liquids at different chemical potentials. We find an interesting two-particle resonance induced by the interaction and obtain criteria to observe it when a small bias is applied across the dot. Finally, for a system without spatial inversion symmetry, we find that the two-particle current is quite different depending on whether the electrons are incident from the left or the right lead.