em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Reaction of bismuth metal with WO$_3$ in the absence of oxygen yields interesting bronze-like phases. From analytical electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the product phases are found to have the general composition Bi$_x$ WO$_3$ with bismuth in the 3+ state. Structural investigations made with high resolution electron micrscopy and cognate techniques reveal that when x < 0.02, a perovskite bronze is formed. When x $\geqslant$ 0.02, however, intergrowth tungsten bronzes (i.t.b.) containing varying widths of the WO$_3$ slab are formed, the lattice periodicity being in the range 2.3-5.1 nm in a direction perpendicular to the WO$_3$ slabs. Image-matching studies indicate that the bismuth atoms are in the tunnels of the hexagonal tungsten bronze (h.t.b.) strips and the h.t.b. strips always remain one-tunnel wide. Annealed samples show a satellite structure around the superlattice spots in the electron diffraction patterns, possibly owing to ordering of the bismuth atoms in the tunnels. The i.t.b. phases show recurrent intergrowths extending up to 100 nm in several crystals. The periodicity varies considerably within the same crystal wherever there is disordered intergrowth, but unit cell dimensions can be assigned from X-ray and electron diffraction patterns. The maximum value of x in the i.t.b. phases is ca. 0.07 and there is no evidence for the i.t.b. phase progressively giving way to the h.t.b. phase with increase in x. Hexagonal tungsten bronzes that contain bismuth with x up to 0.02 can be formed by starting from hexagonal WO$_3$, but the h.t.b. phase seems to be metastable. Optical, magnetic and electron transport properties of the i.t.b. phases have been measured and it appears that the electrons become itinerant when x > 0.05.


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We review the current status of various aspects of biopolymer translocation through nanopores and the challenges and opportunities it offers. Much of the interest generated by nanopores arises from their potential application to third-generation cheap and fast genome sequencing. Although the ultimate goal of single-nucleotide identification has not yet been reached, great advances have been made both from a fundamental and an applied point of view, particularly in controlling the translocation time, fabricating various kinds of synthetic pores or genetically engineering protein nanopores with tailored properties, and in devising methods (used separately or in combination) aimed at discriminating nucleotides based either on ionic or transverse electron currents, optical readout signatures, or on the capabilities of the cellular machinery. Recently, exciting new applications have emerged, for the detection of specific proteins and toxins (stochastic biosensors), and for the study of protein folding pathways and binding constants of protein-protein and protein-DNA complexes. The combined use of nanopores and advanced micromanipulation techniques involving optical/magnetic tweezers with high spatial resolution offers unique opportunities for improving the basic understanding of the physical behavior of biomolecules in confined geometries, with implications for the control of crucial biological processes such as protein import and protein denaturation. We highlight the key works in these areas along with future prospects. Finally, we review theoretical and simulation studies aimed at improving fundamental understanding of the complex microscopic mechanisms involved in the translocation process. Such understanding is a pre-requisite to fruitful application of nanopore technology in high-throughput devices for molecular biomedical diagnostics.


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Quantum dot lattices (QDLs) have the potential to allow for the tailoring of optical, magnetic, and electronic properties of a user-defined artificial solid. We use a dual gated device structure to controllably tune the potential landscape in a GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas, thereby enabling the formation of a periodic QDL. The current-voltage characteristics, I (V), follow a power law, as expected for a QDL. In addition, a systematic study of the scaling behavior of I (V) allows us to probe the effects of background disorder on transport through the QDL. Our results are particularly important for semiconductor-based QDL architectures which aim to probe collective phenomena.


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Metallo tetraphenylporphyrins form I : I molecular complexes with 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan. The molecular association is described in terms of T-n. interaction with porphyrins functioning as donors. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters have been evaluated using optical absorption and 'H nmr spectral methods. Based on the binding constants, the donor ability of various metalloporphyrins can be arranged in the following order: Pd(I1) > Co(I1) > Cu(I1) > Ni(I1) - VO(1V) - 2H > Zn(l1). Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the complexes reveal that the IT-complexation results in changes in the electronic structure of the central metal ions which are reflected in the changes in the M-N 5 bonding. The dipolar contribution to the acceptor proton chemical shifts in the CoTPP complex has been partitioned from ring current contributions using the shifts observed in the ZnTPP complex. The shifts, along with the line broadening ratios observed for the CoTPP complex, are used to arrive at the possible solution structures of the complexes.


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We have studied magneto-transport and optical properties of Ga1-xMnxSb crystals (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 and 0.04) grown by horizontal Bridgman method. Negative magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect have been observed below 10K. Temperature dependence of magnetization measurement shows a magnetic ordering below 10K which could arise from Ga1-xMnxSb alloy formation. Also, saturation in magnetization observed even at room temperature suggests the existence of ferromagnetic MnSb clusters. Reduction in band gap is observed with increasing Mn concentration in the crystals. Temperature dependence of band gap follows Bose-Einstein's model.


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From symmetry considerations and using generalized Onsager relations, it is shown that 66 of the 90 magnetic classes, consisting of 29 single colour and 37 double colour ones, can exhibit what may be called the strain gyrotropic rotation. Similarly, 69 of the 90 magnetic classes, consisting of 21 single colour and 48 double colour ones, can exhibit what may be called the strain gyrotropic birefringence. A crystal in the class m3 or m3 m is interesting as it can exhibit strain gyrotropic rotation despite its being cubic and incapable of exhibiting gyrotropic rotation in the unstressed state. Similarly, a crystal in the class m3 m, is interesting as it can exhibit strain gyrotropic birefringence despite its being cubic and incapable of exhibiting gyrotropic birefringence in the unstressed state.


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An attempt is made to study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity-to-mobility ratio (DMR) under crossed fields' configuration in nonlinear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law by incorporating the crystal field in the Hamiltonian and including the anisotropies of the effective electron mass and the spin-orbit splitting constants within the framework of kp formalisms. The corresponding results for III-V, ternary and quaternary compounds form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR has also been investigated for II-VI and stressed materials on the basis of various appropriate dispersion relations. We have considered n-CdGeAs2, n-Hg1-xCdxTe, n-In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, p-CdS and stressed n-InSb materials as examples. The DMR also increases with increasing electric field and the natures of oscillations are totally band structure dependent with different numerical values. It has been observed that the DMR exhibits oscillatory dependences with inverse quantizing magnetic field and carrier degeneracy due to the Subhnikov-de Haas effect. An experimental method of determining the DMR for degenerate materials in the present case has been suggested. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The low-lying singlets and triplets of biphenyl are obtained exactly within the PPP model using the diagrammatic valence bond method. The energy gaps within the singlet manifold as well as the lowest singlet-triplet gap are found to be in good agreement with experimental results. The two weak absorptions between 4·1 and 4·2 eV reported experimentally are attributed to the two states lying below the optical gap that become weakly allowed on breaking electron-hole and inversion symmetries. The observed blue shift of the spectral lines, attributed to a change in dihedral angle, on going from crystalline to solution to vapour phase is also well reproduced within the PPP model. The bond orders show that the ground singlet state is benzenoidal while the dipole excited state as well as the lowest triplet state are quinonoidal and planar. Comparison with the experimental spin densities and the fine structure constants D and E in the triplet state point to slightly weaker correlations than assumed by the PPP model. The introduction of a 1-8 bond to mimic poly(paraphenylene)s gives an optical gap that is in good agreement with experiment.


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The Ce-doped BiFeO3 (BFO) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized using a facile solgel route with varying Ce concentrations in the range of 15 mol%. Ferroelectric transition temperature was found to shift from 723 degrees C +/- 5 degrees C for pristine BFO NPs to 534 degrees C +/- 3 degrees C for 5 mol% Ce-doped BFO NPs. UVVis absorption spectra of BFO NPs showed a significant blue shift of similar to 100 nm on Ce doping. The Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectrum centered similar to 550 cm(-1) becomes considerably broadened on Ce doping which is due to additional closely spaced vibrational peaks as revealed by the second derivative FTIR analysis. High-frequency EPR measurements indicated that clustering occurs at high dopant levels, and that Fe is present as Fe(3+)corroborating Mossbauer measurements. The values of saturation and remanent magnetization for 3% Ce-doped BFO NPs are 3.03 and 0.49 emu/g, respectively, which are quite significant at room temperature, making it more suitable for technological applications.


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alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticles were synthesized by a low temperature solution combustion method. The structural, magnetic and luminescence properties were studied. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) pattern of alpha-Fe2O3 exhibits pure rhombohedral structure. SEM micrographs reveal the dumbbell shaped particles. The EPR spectrum shows an intense resonance signal at g approximate to 5.61 corresponding to isolated Fe3+ ions situated in axially distorted sites, whereas the g approximate to 2.30 is due to Fe3+ ions coupled by exchange interaction. Raman studies show A(1g) (225 cm(-1)) and E-g (293 and 409 cm(-1)) phonon modes. The absorption at 300 nm results from the ligand to metal charge transfer transitions whereas the 540 nm peak is mainly due to the (6)A(1) + (6)A(1) —> T-4(1)(4G) + T-4(1)(4G) excitation of an Fe3+-Fe3+ pair. A prominent TL glow peak was observed at 140 C at heating rate of 5 degrees C s(-1). The trapping parameters namely activation energy (E), frequency factor (s) and order of kinetics (b) were evaluated and discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ultra-small crystals of undoped and Eu-doped gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) were synthesised by a simple, rapid microwave-assisted route, using benzyl alcohol as the reaction solvent. XRD, XPS and TEM analysis reveal that the as-prepared powder material consists of nearly monodisperse Gd2O3 nanocrystals with an average diameter of 5.2 nm. The nanocrystals show good magnetic behaviour and exhibit a larger reduction in relaxation time of water protons than the standard Gd-DTPA complex currently used in MRI imaging. Cytotoxicity studies (both concentration- and time-dependent) of the Gd2O3 nanocrystals show no adverse effect on cell viability, evidencing their high biological compatibility. Finally, Eu:Gd2O3 nanocrystals were prepared by a similar route and the red luminescence of Eu3+ activator ions was used to study the cell permeability of the nanocrystals. Red fluorescence from Eu3+ ions observed by fluorescence microscopy shows that the nanocrystals (Gd2O3 and Eu:Gd2O3) can permeate not only the cell membrane but can also enter the cell nucleus, rendering them candidate materials not only for MRI imaging but also for drug delivery when tagged or functionalized with specific drug molecules.


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We study the thermoelectric power under classically large magnetic field (TPM) in ultrathin films (UFs), quantum wires (QWs) of non-linear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion law considering the anisotropies of the effective electron masses, the spin-orbit splitting constants and the presence of the crystal field splitting within the framework of k.p formalism. The results of quantum confined III-V compounds form the special cases of our generalized analysis. The TPM has also been studied for quantum confined II-VI, stressed materials, bismuth and carbon nanotubes (CNs) on the basis of respective dispersion relations. It is found taking quantum confined CdGeAs2, InAs, InSb, CdS, stressed n-InSb and Bi that the TPM increases with increasing film thickness and decreasing electron statistics exhibiting quantized nature for all types of quantum confinement. The TPM in CNs exhibits oscillatory dependence with increasing carrier concentration and the signature of the entirely different types of quantum systems are evident from the plots. Besides, under certain special conditions, all the results for all the materials gets simplified to the well-known expression of the TPM for non-degenerate materials having parabolic energy bands, leading to the compatibility test. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gadolinium strontium manganite single crystals of the composition Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 were grown using the optical float zone method. We report here the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of these crystals. A large magnetoresistance similar to 10(9)% was observed at 45 K under the application of a 110 kOe field. We have observed notable thermomagnetic anomalies such as open hysteresis loops across the broadened first-order transition between the charge order insulator and the ferromagnetic metallic phase while traversing the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) plane isothermally or isomagnetically. In order to discern the cause of these observed anomalies, the H-T phase diagram for Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is formulated using the magnetization-field (M-H), magnetization-temperature (M-T) and resistance-temperature (R-T) measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical field (i.e. H-up, the field required for transformation to the ferromagnetic metallic phase) is non-monotonic. We note that the non-monotonic variation of the supercooling limit is anomalous according to the classical concepts of the first-order phase transition. Accordingly, H-up values below similar to 20 K are unsuitable to represent the supercooling limit. It is possible that the nature of the metastable states responsible for the observed open hysteresis loops is different from that of the supercooled ones.


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In this paper, we study the thermoelectric power under strong magnetic field (TPSM) in quantum dots (QDs) of nonlinear optical, III-V, II-VI, GaP, Ge, Te, Graphite, PtSb2, zerogap, Lead Germanium Telluride, GaSb, stressed materials, Bismuth, IV-VI, II-V, Zinc and Cadmium diphosphides, Bi2Te3 and Antimony respectively. The TPSM in III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, HgTe/CdTe quantum well superlattices with graded interfaces and effective mass superlattices of the same materials together with the quantum dots of aforementioned superlattices have also been investigated in this context on the basis of respective carrier dispersion laws. It has been found that the TPSM for the said quantum dots oscillates with increasing thickness and decreases with increasing electron concentration in various manners and oscillates with film thickness, inverse quantizing magnetic field and impurity concentration for all types of superlattices with two entirely different signatures of quantization as appropriate in respective cases of the aforementioned quantized structures. The well known expression of the TPSM for wide-gap materials has been obtained as special case for our generalized analysis under certain limiting condition, and this compatibility is an indirect test of our generalized formalism. Besides, we have suggested the experimental method of determining the carrier contribution to elastic constants for nanostructured materials having arbitrary dispersion laws.


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Structural, optical and magnetic studies of Co-doped ZnO have been carried out for bulk as well as thin films. The magnetic studies revealed the superparamagnetic nature for low-temperature synthesized samples, indicating the presence of cobalt metallic clusters, and this is supported by the optical studies. For the high-temperature sintered samples one obtains paramagnetism. The optical studies reveal the presence of Co2+ ions in the tetrahedral sites indicating proper doping. Interestingly, the films deposited by laser ablation from the paramagnetic target showed room temperature ferromagnetism. It appears that the magnetic nature of this system is process dependent.