382 resultados para Nicotine C-oxidase

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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The specific activity and content of cytochrome oxidase in the rough endoplasmic reticulum--mitochondrion complex are higher than in the mitochondrial fraction. Radiolabelling studies with the use of hepatocytes and isolated microsomal and rough endoplasmic reticulum--mitochondrion fractions, followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-(cytochrome oxidase) antibody, reveal that the nuclear-coded cytoplasmic subunits of cytochrome oxidase are preferentially synthesized in the latter fraction. The results have a bearing on the mechanism of transport of these subunits into mitochondria.


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The biosynthesis of the cytoplasmic subunits of cytochrome oxidase from rat liver has been studied in vitro by translating liver poly (A)-containing RNA in the wheat germ cell-free system and immunoprecipitating the products with anti-cytochrome oxidase antibody. Analysis of the labelled immunoprecipitate on SDS-gels does not reveal the presence of a polyprotein precursor. On the other hand discrete products which are either slightly bigger or closely similar to the mature subunits present in purified cytochrome oxidase have been detected.


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The role of heme in the synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase has been investigated in the mold Neurospora crassa. Iron-deficient cultures of the mold have low levels of cytochrome oxidase and delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the latter being the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway in this organism. Addition of iron to the iron-deficient cultures results in an immediate increase in the levels of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase followed by an increase in the rate of heme synthesis and cytochrome oxidase levels. The rate of precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase is decreased preferentially under conditions of iron deficiency and addition of iron corrects this picture. Exogenous hemin addition which prevents iron-mediated induction of delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase also inhibits the increase in the activity of cytochrome oxidase and the enhanced precursor labeling of the mitochondrial subunits of cytochrome oxidase. Protein synthesis on mitoribosomes measured in vivo and in vitro is decreased under conditions of heme deficiency. Hemin addition in vitro to mitochondrial lysates prepared from heme-deficient mycelia restores a near normal rate of protein synthesis. It is concluded that heme is required for the optimal rate of translation on mitoribosomes.


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A cDNA library for 6S–9S poly(A)-containing RNA from rat liver was constructed in Image . Initial screening of the clones was carried out using single stranded 32P-labeled cDNA prepared against poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from immunoadsorbed polyribosomes enriched for the nuclear-coded subunit messenger RNAs of cytochrome c oxidase. One of the clones, pCO89, was found to hybridize with the messenger RNA for subunit VIC. The DNA sequence of the insert in pCO89 was carried out and it has got extensive homology with the C-terminal 33 amino acids of subunit VIC from beef heart cytochrome c oxidase. In addition, the insert contained 146 bp, corresponding to a portion of the 3′-non-coding region. Northern blot analysis of rat liver RNA with the nick-translated insert of pCO89 revealed that the messenger RNA for subunit VI would contain around 510 bases.


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Oxygen Consumption by alternative oxidase (AOX), present in mitochondria of many angiosperms, is known to be cyanide-resistant in contrast to cytochrome oxidase. Its activity in potato tuber (Solarium tuberosum L.) was induced following chilling treatment at 4 degrees C.About half of the total O-2 consumption of succinate oxidation in such mitochondria was found to be sensitive to SHAM, a known inhibitor of AOX activity. Addition of catalase to the reaction mixture of AOX during the reaction decreased the rate of SHAM-sensitive oxygen consumption by nearly half, and addition at the end of the reaction released nearly half of the consumed oxygen by AOX, both typical of catalase action on H2O2. These findings with catalase suggest that the product of reduction of AOX is H2O2 and not H2O, as previously Surmised. In potatoes Subjected to chill stress (4 degrees C) for periods of 3, 5 and >= 8 days the activity of AOX in mitochondria increased progressively with a corresponding increase in the AOX protein detected by immunoblot of the protein.


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Vanadate-dependent oxidation of NADH by xanthine oxidase does not require the presence of xanthine and therefore is not due to cooxidation. Addition of NADH or xanthine had no effect on the oxidation of the other substrate. Oxidation of NADH was high at acid pH and oxidation of xanthine was high at alkaline pH. The specific activity was relatively very high with NADH. Concentration-dependent oxidation of NADH was obtained in the presence of the polymeric form of vanadate, but not orthovanadate or metavanadate. Both NADH and NADPH were oxidized, as in the nonenzymatic system. Oxidation of NADH, but not xanthine, was inhibited by KCN, ascorbate, MnCl2, cytochrome c, mannitol, Tris, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and triiodothyronine. Oxidation of NADH was accompanied by uptake of oxygen and generation of H2O2 with a stoichiometry of 1:1:1 for NADH:O2:H2O2. A 240-nm-absorbing species was formed during the reaction which was different from H2O2 or superoxide. A mechanism of NADH oxidation is suggested wherein VV and O2 receive one electron each successively from NADH followed by VIV giving the second electron to superoxide and reducing it to H2O2.


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Treatment of N. crassa cultures with cycloheximide followed by washing and incubation in drug-free fresh medium results in a rapid decline in cytochrome oxidase activity. This is associated with the degradation of higher molecular weight subunits of cytochrome oxidase under these conditions. The protease activity associated with the mitochondrial preparation decreases during cycloheximide treatment and rapidly returns to normal levels on subsequent washing and transfer to drug-free fresh medium. It is suggested that the steady-state level of cytochrome oxidase is governed by a rapidly turning over cytoplasmically synthesized mitochondrial protease.


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Evidence for the presence and possible participation of a flavoprotein, coenzyme Q, and a cytochrome in the oxidation of NADH in the cell-free extracts of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was presented. Coenzyme Q10 was established as the homologue by several criteria. The characteristics of the cytochrome showed that it was different from the b and c groups of cytochromes. Amytal, antimycin A, and cyanide inhibited the oxidation of NADH, and from their effects on the electron transport components the following sequence has been proposed: NADH → flavoprotein → coenzyme Q10 → cytochrome oxygen.


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An enzyme system which catalysed the conversion of anthranilic acid to catechol has been purified 20-fold from a cell-free leaf extract of Tecoma stans. The optimum substrate concentration was 10−3 M and optimum temperature for the reaction was 45°. The presence of a multi-enzyme system was inferred from inhibition studies. The formation of catechol was inhibited by Mg2+, Zn2+, and Co2+ ions, whereas anthranilic acid disappearance was not affected to the same extent. The effect of metal chelating agents like EDTA, cyanide and pyrophosphate showed a similar trend. PCMB inhibited catechol formation but had no effect on anthranilic acid disappearance. The reaction was not inhibited by catalase, nor was it activated by peroxide-donating systems. This ruled out the possibility of peroxidative type of reaction. The overall reaction is markedly activated by NADPH and THFA. This multi-enzyme was separated into three different components, by fractionation with Alumina Cγ and calcium phosphate gels. The overall reaction catalysed by these components can be represented as anthranilic acid→3-hydroxy anthranilic acid→o-aminophenol→catechol.


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Earlier studies in this laboratory had shown that the malarial parasite can synthesize heme de novo and inhibition of the pathway leads to death of the parasite. It has been proposed that the pathway for the biosynthesis of heme in Plasmodium falciparum is unique involving three different cellular compartments, namely mitochondrion, apicoplast and cytosol. Experimental evidences are now available for the functionality and localization of all the enzymes of this pathway, except protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PfPPO), the penultimate enzyme. In the present study. PfPPO has been cloned, expressed and shown to be localized to the mitochondrion by immunofluorescence microscopy. Interestingly, the enzyme has been found to be active only under anaerobic conditions and is dependent on electron transport chain (ETC) acceptors for its activity. The native enzyme present in the parasite is inhibited by the ETC inhibitors, atovaquone and antimycin. Atovaquone, a well known inhibitor of parasite dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, dependent on the ETC, inhibits synthesis of heme as well in P. falciparum culture. A model is proposed to explain the ETC dependence of both the pyrimidine and heme-biosynthetic pathways in P. falciparum. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A unique hybrid pathway has been proposed for de novo heme biosynthesis in Plasmodium falciparum involving three different compartments of the parasite, namely mitochondrion, apicoplast and cytosol. While parasite mitochondrion and apicoplast have been shown to harbor key enzymes of the pathway, there has been no experimental evidence for the involvement of parasite cytosol in heme biosynthesis. In this study, a recombinant P. falciparum coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (rPfCPO) was produced in E. coli and confirmed to be active under aerobic conditions. rPfCPO behaved as a monomer of 61 kDa molecular mass in gel filtration analysis. Immunofluorescence studies using antibodies to rPfCPO suggested that the enzyme was present in the parasite cytosol. These results were confirmed by detection of enzyme activity only in the parasite soluble fraction. Western blot analysis with anti-rPfCPO antibodies also revealed a 58 kDa protein only in this fraction and not in the membrane fraction. The cytosolic presence of PfCPO provides evidence for a hybrid heme-biosynthetic pathway in the malarial parasite. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Addition of NADH inhibited the peroxidative loss of scopoletin in presence of horseradish peroxidase and H2O2 and decreased the ratio of scopoletin (consumed):H2O2 (added). Concomitantly NADH was oxidized and oxygen was consumed with a stoichiometry of NADH: O-2 of 2:1. On step-wise addition of a small concentration of H2O2 a high rate of NADH oxidation was obtained for a progressively decreasing time period followed by termination of the reaction with NADH:H2O2 ratio decreasing from about 40 to 10. The rate of NADH oxidation increased linearly with increase in scopoletin concentration. Other phenolic compounds including p-coumarate also supported this reaction to a variable degree. A 418-nm absorbing compound;d accumulated during oxidation of NADH. The effectiveness of a small concentration of H2O2 in supporting NADH oxidation increased in presence of SOD and decreased in presence of cytochrome c, but the reaction terminated even in their presence. The results indicate that the peroxidase is not continuously generating H2O2 during scopolerin-mediated NADH oxidation and that both peroxidase and oxidase reactions occur simultaneously competing for an active form of the enzyme.


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Nanomaterials-based enzyme mimetics (nanozymes) have attracted considerable interest due to their applications in imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutic treatments. Particularly, metal-oxide nanozymes have been shown to mimic the interesting redox properties and biological activities of metalloenzymes. Here we describe an efficient synthesis of MnFe2O4 nanomaterials and show how the morphology can be controlled by using a simple co-precipitation method. The nanomaterials prepared by this method exhibit a remarkable oxidase-like activity. Interestingly, the activity is morphology-dependent, with nanooctahedra (NOh) exhibiting a catalytic efficiency of 2.21 x 10(9) M-1 s(-1), the highest activity ever reported for a nanozyme.