em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Configuration interaction calculation have been carried out on the s-hole states of Mn2+ Fe2+ (both high- and low-spin configurations). Co2+, Ca2+, K+ and Na+ including configurations involving virtual orbitals. The results show good agreement with the multiplet structures found in X-ray photoelectron spectra of these ions.


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Energetics of the ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer in salicylic acid have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital calculations using the 6-31G** basis set at the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction-single excitation (CIS) levels and also using the semiempirical method AM1 at the RHF level as well as with single and pair doubles excitation configuration interaction spanning eight frontier orbitals (PECI = 8). The ab initio potential energy profile for intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state reveals a single minimum corresponding to the primary form, in the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms, separated by a barrier of similar to 6 kcal/mol, thus accounting for dual emission in salicylic acid. Electron density changes with electronic excitation and tautomerism indicate no zwitterion formation. Changes in spectral characteristics with change in pH, due to protonation and deprotonation of salicylic acid, are also accounted for, qualitatively. Although the AM1 calculations suggest a substantial barrier for proton transfer in the ground as well as the first excited state of SA, it predicts the transition wavelength in near quantitative accord with the experimental results for salicylic acid and its protonated and deprotonated forms.


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We report x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic investigation of RuSr2Eu1.5Ce0.5Cu2O10 with ferromagnetic T-C similar to 100 K and a superconducting transition temperature of similar to 30 K compared with RuSr2EuCeCu2O10, which is a ferromagnetic (T-C similar to 150 K) insulator. Our results show that the rare earths, Eu and Ce, are in 3+ and 4+ states, respectively. Comparing the Ru core level spectra from these compounds to those from two Ru reference oxides, we also show that Ru in these ruthenocuprates is always in 5+ state, suggesting that the doped holes in the superconducting compound arising from the substitution of Ce4+ by Eu3+ are primarily in the Cu-O plane, in close analogy to all other doped high-T-C cuprates. Analysis of Cu 2p spectra in terms of a configuration interaction model provides a quantitative description of the gross electronic structures of these ruthenocuprates.


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The Occurrence of the Norrish type I a-cleavage process in some thio compounds has been examined by using the MIND013 method and employing the configuration interaction. Results reveal that where the radiationless process is not efficient, thio compounds can undergo photodissociation into radicals in their lowest triplet and singlet excited states. The activation barriers in all these cases arise from an avoided crossing between two states of different symmetries. The calculations of activation barriers by the CNDO-CI and MINDO-CI procedures reveal that the MINDO-CI method leads to realistic values of the activation energies.


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Using the configuration-interaction approach, we show that various core-level spectroscopic observations on the high-Tc superconducting oxides can be consistently described in terms of mixing between d9 and d10 configurations, with a negligible amount of the d8 (Cu3+) state. From our analysis of the existing experimental data, we provide evidence of a wide and continuous valence transition in these systems as a function of temperature. The changes in the hybridization strengths deduced here are indicative of structural modifications of the square-planar CuO4 clusters with decreasing temperature.


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Quantum mechanical calculations at all valence complete neglect of differential overlap (CNDO/2) and self-consistent charge extend Huckel (SCC-EH) and the Pi electron Pariser-Parr-Pople with limited configuration interaction (PPP-LCI) levels of approximation have been accomplished for monothiobiuret and dithiobiuret. From the calculated results, a discussion of the electronic structure, photoelectron and electronic spectra and the conformational stability are given. The electronic and1H nmr spectra are also reported. A trans-cis-CONHCS-structure is found to be the stable conformation for monothiobiuret consistent with other evidences.


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The free-base octabromotetraphenylporphyrin (H2OBP) has been prepared by a novel bromination reaction of (meso-tetraphenylporphyrinato)copper(II). The metal [V(IV)O, Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Pd(II), Ag(II), Pt(II)] derivatives exhibit interesting electronic spectral features and electrochemical redox properties. The electron-withdrawing bromine substituents at the pyrrole carbons in H2OBP and M(OBP) derivatives produce remarkable red shifts in the Soret (50 nm) and visible bands (100 nm) of the porphyrin. The low magnitude of protonation constants (pK3 = 2.6 and pK4 = 1.75) and the large red-shifted Soret and visible absorption bands make the octabromoporphyrin unique. The effect of electronegative bromine substituents at the peripheral positions of the porphyrin has been quantitatively analyzed by using the four-orbital approach of Gouterman. A comparison of MO parameters of MOBP derivatives with those of the meso-substituted tetraphenylporphyrin (M(TPP)) and unsubstituted porphine (M(P)) derivatives provides an explanation for the unusual spectral features. The configuration interaction matrix element of the M(OBP) derivatives is found to be the lowest among the known substituted porphyrins, indicating delocalization of ring charge caused by the increase in conjugation of p orbitals of the bromine onto the ring orbitals. The electron-transfer reactivities of the porphyrins have been dramatically altered by the peripheral bromine substituents, producing large anodic shifts in the ring and metal-centered redox potentials. The increase in anodic shift in the reduction potential of M(OBP)s relative to M(TPP)s is found to be large (550 mV) compared to the shift in the oxidation potential (300 mV). These shifts are interpreted in terms of the resonance and inductive interactions of the bromine substituents.


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The excitation gaps in the singlet and triplet manifolds for finite Hubbard models in one, two and three dimensions have been obtained using different approximate configuration interaction (CI) schemes, as a function of the correlation strength, by using valence bond (VB) functions constructed over the molecular orbital (MO) basis. These are compared with numerically exact results and it is found that the scheme in which all particle hole excitations below a given threshold are included is the method of choice. The excitation energies are well reproduced, in trend as well as magnitude, particularly when the threshold equals the bandwidth of the corresponding noninteracting system.


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We study the electronic structure of La1-xSrxMnO3+δ, x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4, across the semiconductor-metal transition, using various electron spectroscopy techniques. The negligible intensity seen at EF using ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) indicate an unusual semiconductor-metal transition observed for x≥0.2, consistent with the resistivity data. The BIS spectra show doped hole states developing about 1.4 eV above EF as a function of x. Auger electron spectroscopy gives an estimate of the intra-atomic Coulomb energy in the O 2p manifold to be about 6.8 eV. The Mn 2p core-level spectrum of LaMnO3, analyzed in terms of a configuration-interaction calculation, gives parameter values of the charge-transfer energy Δ=5.0 eV, the hybridization strength between Mn 3d and O 2p states, t=3.8 eV, and the on-site Coulomb energy in Mn 3d states Udd=4.0 eV, suggesting a mixed character for the ground state of LaMnO3.


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The π-electronic excitations and excited-state geometries of trans-stilbene (tS) are found by combining exact solutions of the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model and semiempirical Parametric Method 3 (PM3) calculations. Comprehensive comparisons with tS spectra are obtained and related to the fluorescence and topological alternation of poly(paraphenylenevinylene) (PPV). The one-photon absorption and triplet of tS correspond, respectively, to singlet and triplet bipolarons confined to two phenyls, while the tS2- ground state is a confined charged bipolaron. Independent estimates of the relaxation energy between vertical and adiabatic excitation show the bipolaron binding energy to depend on both charge and spin, as expected for interacting π electrons in correlated or molecular states. Complete configuration interaction within the PPP model of tS accounts for the singlet-triplet gap, for the fine-structure constants and triplet-triplet spectra, for two-photon transitions and intensities, and for one-photon spectra and the radiative lifetime, although the relative position of nearly degenerate covalent and ionic singlets is not resolved. The planar PM3 geometry and low rotational barrier of tS agree with resolved rotational and vibrational spectra in molecular beams. PM3 excitation and relaxation energies for tS bipolarons are consistent with experiment and with PPP results. Instead of the exciton model, we interpret tS excitations in terms of states that are localized on each ring or extended over an alternating chain, as found exactly in Hückel theory, and find nearly degenerate transitions between extended and localized states in the singlet, triplet, and dianion manifolds. The large topological alternation of the extended system increases the ionicity and interchanges the order of the lowest one- and two-photon absorption of PPV relative to polyenes.


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NDDO-based (AM1) configuration interaction (CI) calculations have been used to calculate the wavelength and oscillator strengths of electronic absorptions in organic molecules and the results used in a sum-over-states treatment to calculate second-order-hyperpolarizabilities. The results for both spectra and hyperpolarizabilities are of acceptable quality as long as a suitable CI-expansion is used. We have found that using an active space of eight electrons in eight orbitals and including all single and pair-double excitations in the CI leads to results that agree well with experiment and that do not change significantly with increasing active space for most organic molecules. Calculated second-order hyperpolarizabilities using this type of CI within a sum-over-states calculation appear to be of useful accuracy.


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We report large quadratic nonlinearity in a series of 1:1 molecular complexes between methyl substituted benzene donors and quinone acceptors in solution. The first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), which is very small for the individual components, becomes large by intermolecular charge transfer (CT) interaction between the donor and the acceptor in the complex. In addition, we have investigated the geometry of these CT complexes in solution using polarization resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Using linearly (electric field vector along X direction) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I-2 omega,I-X,I-X/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-X and D' = I-2 omega,I-X,I-C/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-C in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The experimentally obtained first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), and the value of macroscopic depolarization ratios, D and D', are then matched with the theoretically deduced values from single and double configuration interaction calculations performed using the Zerner's intermediate neglect of differential overlap self-consistent reaction field technique. In solution, since several geometries are possible, we have carried out calculations by rotating the acceptor moiety around three different axes keeping the donor molecule fixed at an optimized geometry. These rotations give us the theoretical beta(HRS), D and D' values as a function of the geometry of the complex. The calculated beta(HRS), D, and D' values that closely match with the experimental values, give the dominant equilibrium geometry in solution. All the CT complexes between methyl benzenes and chloranil or 1,2-dichloro-4,5-dicyano-p-benzoquinone investigated here are found to have a slipped parallel stacking of the donors and the acceptors. Furthermore, the geometries are staggered and in some pairs, a twist angle as high as 30 degrees is observed. Thus, we have demonstrated in this paper that the polarization resolved HRS technique along with theoretical calculations can unravel the geometry of CT complexes in solution. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3514922]


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In this paper, we have computed the quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of a class of weak charge transfer (CT) complexes. These weak complexes are formed when the methyl substituted benzenes (donors) are added to strong acceptors like chloranil (CHL) or di-chloro-di-cyano benzoquinone (DDQ) in chloroform or in dichloromethane. The formation of such complexes is manifested by the presence of a broad absorption maximum in the visible range of the spectrum where neither the donor nor the acceptor absorbs. The appearance of this visible band is due to CT interactions, which result in strong NLO responses. We have employed the semiempirical intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO/S) Hamiltonian to calculate the energy levels of these CT complexes using single and double configuration interaction (SDCI). The solvent effects are taken into account by using the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) scheme. The geometry of the complex is obtained by exploring different relative molecular geometries by rotating the acceptor with respect to the fixed donor about three different axes. The theoretical geometry that best fits the experimental energy gaps, beta(HRS) and macroscopic depolarization ratios is taken to be the most probable geometry of the complex. Our studies show that the most probable geometry of these complexes in solution is the parallel displaced structure with a significant twist in some cases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3526748]


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Optical absorption and photoluminescence studies have been carried out at room temperature in 25 R2O-25 GeO2-49.5 B2O3-0.5 Nd2O3 glass systems, (Composition in mol%, R= Li, Na, K and Rb). Judd Ofelt Intensity parameters and other parameters like Racah (E-1, E-2 and E-3), Slater-Condon-Shortley (F-2, F-4 and F-6) Spin-Orbit Coupling (xi(4f)) and Configuration Interaction (alpha,beta and gamma) for Nd3+ ion in the glass system are calculated. The variation of the 02 parameters are interpreted in terms of the covalency of the RE ion in the glass matrix. Further the hypersensitive transition I-4(9/2) -> (4)G(5/2), (2)G(7/2) is analyzed with respect to the intensity ratio I-L/I-S and is found to be dependent on the type of alkali in the glass matrix. The Photoluminescence studies do not show any appreciable shift in the peak emission wavelength of the F-4(3/2) to I-4(11/2) transition with the change in alkali type. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic structures of a wide range of early transition-metal (TM) compounds, including Ti and V oxides with metal valences ranging from 2+ to 5+ and formal d-electron numbers ranging from 0 to 2, have been investigated by a configuration-interaction cluster model analysis of the core-level metal 2p x-ray photoemission spectra (XPS). Inelastic energy-loss backgrounds calculated from experimentally measured electron-energy-loss spectra (EELS) were subtracted from the XPS spectra to remove extrinsic loss features. Parameter values deduced for the charge-transfer energy Delta and the d-d Coulomb repulsion energy U are shown to continue the systematic trends established previously for the late TM compounds, giving support to a charge-transfer mechanism for the satellite structures. The early TM compounds are characterized by a large metal d-ligand p hybridization energy, resulting in strong covalency in these compounds. Values for Delta and U suggest that many early TM compounds should be reclassified as intermediate between the charge-transfer regime and the Mott-Hubbard regime.