257 resultados para MN2 MOMENTS

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Results of temperature dependence of EPR spectra of Mn2+ and Cu2+ ions doped calcium cadmium acetate hexahydrate (CaCd(CH3COO)46H2O) have been reported. The investigation has been carried out in the temperature range between room temperature ( 300 K) and liquid nitrogen temperature. A I-order phase transition at 146 0.5 K has been confirmed. In addition a new II-order phase transition at 128 1 K has been detected for the first time. There is evidence of large amplitude hindered rotations of CH3 groups which become frozen at 128 K. The incorporation of Cu2+ and Mn2+ probes at Ca2+ and Cd2+ sites respectively provide evidence that the phase transitions are caused by the molecular rearrangements of the common coordinating acetate groups between Ca2+ and Cd2+ sites. In contradiction to the previous reports of a change of symmetry from tetragonal to orthorhombic below 140 K, the symmetry of the host is concluded to remain tetragonal in all the three observed phases between room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature.


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Thioacetamide has a dipole moment substantially higher than the vector sum of the normal characteristic moments of its constituent bonds. However, the effect can reasonably be accounted for on the scheme of alterations in charge distribution and hence of bond moments proposed by Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring. The same is probably true for chloroacetamide even though the problem of rotation about the C-C single bond renders the conclusion less certain. For cyanoacetamide, the observed moment cannot be accounted for satisfactorily on this basis.


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The Wilson coefficient corresponding to the gluon-field strength GG is evaluated for the nucleon current correlation function in the presence of a static external electromagnetic field, using a regulator mass to separate the high-momentum part of the Feynman diagrams. The magnetic-moment sum rules are analyzed by two different methods and the sensitivity of the results to variations in are discussed.


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The magnetic moment B of a baryon B with quark content (aab) is written as B=4ea(1+B)e/2cMB, where ea is the charge of the quark of flavor type a. The experimental values of B have a simple pattern and have a natural explanation within QCD. Using the ratio method, the QCD sum rules are analyzed and the values of B are computed. We find good agreement with data (10%) for the nucleons and the multiplet while for the cascade the agreement is not as good. In our analysis we have incorporated additional terms in the operator-product expansion as compared to previous authors. We also clarify some points of disagreement between the previous authors. External-field-induced correlations describing the magnetic properties of the vacuum are estimated from the baryon magnetic-moment sum rules themselves as well as by independent spectral representations and the results are contrasted.


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Electron spin resonance (ESR) of d5 ions (Fe3+ and Mn2+) has been investigated in PbO---PbF2 and PbO---PbCl2 glasses in wide ranges of composition. ESR spectra of d5 ions in these glasses exhibit significant differences which we have attributed to at least three important causes: (i) The ionic potentials of Fe3+ and Mn2+ are different. Hence Fe3+ ions tend to acquire their own environment while Mn2+ ions take up substitutional (Pb2+ ion) positions. (ii) The sizes and nephelauxetic behaviours of O2- and F- ions are similar. Thus even when there is a mixed anionic coordination, the environment of Mn2+ ions is highly symmetrical in oxyfluoride glasses. The Mn2+ spectra in oxychloride glasses are considerably different. (iii) Increase in halide ion concentration increases the ionicity of lead-ligand bonding and favours a more symmetrical environment around dopant ions in halide-rich glasses. The features in ESR spectra have been interpreted in the light of known behaviour of d5 ions in glasses and also in the context of known structural features of PbO---PbX2 glasses. Dopant ions appear to cluster at high concentrations although isolated low-symmetry sites are still observed. Effects of crystallization and annealing upon ESR spectra have also been investigated.


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Formal charge distributions in, and the electric dipole moments of, a few simple organogermanium compounds have been evaluated by the method of R. P. Smith et al. [J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 73(1951) 2263]. The difference between the experimental and calculated moments in the case of alkylhalogermanes is explained in terms of the pd back bonding effect outweighing the electron releasing effect. In unsaturated compounds, the differences are attributed to possible mesmeric effects involving the expansion of the germanium valence shell.


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A possible mechanism for the resistance minimum in dilute alloys in which the localized impurity states are non-magnetic is suggested. The fact is considered that what is essential to the Kondo-like behaviour is the interaction of the conduction electron spin s with the internal dynamical degrees of freedom of the impurity centre. The necessary internal dynamical degrees of freedom are provided by the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect associated with the degenerate 3d-orbitals of the transition-metal impurities interacting with the surrounding (octahedral) complex of the nearest-neighbour atoms. The fictitious spin I characterizing certain low-lying vibronic states of the system is shown to couple with the conduction electron spin s via s-d mixing and spin-orbit coupling, giving rise to a singular temperature-dependent exchange-like interaction. The resistivity so calculated is in fair agreement with the experimental results of Cape and Hake for Ti containing 0.2 at% of Fe.


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The formal charge distributions in and the dipole moments of some organophosphines and arsines have been calculated, and the dipole moments of (p-chlorophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.28 D) and (p-bromophenyl)dichlorophosphine (2.04 D) have been determined in benzene at 35 C. The differences between the observed and the calculated moments are explained in terms of d---p back-bonding and hyperconjugative effects in alkylhaloarsines. The mesomeric effects operating in the aromatic systems are evaluated by comparing the moments with those for the corresponding aliphatic systems. In unsaturated compounds the differences are attributed to mesomeric effects involving the expansion of arsenic valence shell.


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The local Fe ferromagnetic (FM) moment at the grain boundaries of a ceramic sample of Ca2FeReO6 double perovskite was investigated by means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy at the Fe L-2,L-3 edges and compared to the overall bulk magnetization. We found that, at the grain boundaries, the Fe FM moments at H=5 T are much smaller than expected and that the MxH curve is harder than in the bulk magnetization. These results suggest a larger degree of Fe/Re antisite disorder at the grain boundaries of this sample, shedding light into the intriguing nonmetallic resistivity behavior despite the reported presence of free carriers. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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It has been an outstanding problem that a semiconducting host in the bulk form can be doped to a large extent, while the same host in the nanocrystal form is found to resist any appreciable level of doping rather stubbornly, this problem being more acute in the wurtzite form compared to the zinc blende one. In contrast, our results based on the lattice parameter tuning in a ZnxCd1xS alloy nanocrystal system achieves 7.5% Mn2+ doping in a wurtzite nanocrystal, such a concentration being substantially higher compared to earlier reports even for nanocrystal hosts with the favorable zinc-blende structure. These results prove a consequence of local strains due to a size mismatch between the dopant and the host that can be avoided by optimizing the composition of the alloyed host. Additionally, the present approach opens up a new route to dope such nanocrystals to a macroscopic extent as required for many applications. Photophysical studies show that the quantum efficiency per Mn2+ ion decreases exponentially with the average number of Mn2+ ions per nanocrystal; en route, a high quantum efficiency of 25% is achieved for a range of compositions.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), -mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35 C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution. 1969.


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The dipole moments of thioglycollic (2.28 D), -mereaptopropionic (2.25 D), thiomalic (2.47 D), malic (3.12 D), and dithiodiacetic (3.17 D) acids have been measured in dioxan at 35 C. Using the scheme of Smith, Ree, Magee and Eyring, the formal charge distribution in and hence the electric moments of these acids have been evaluated, compared with the theoretical moments, and discussed in terms of their various possible structures. Infrared spectra of these acids (liquid and nujol mull) indicate association through hydrogen bonding. These bonds are broken in solution.


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Using the treatment of Smith, et al.,1 charge distributions in several aliphatic alcohols and consequently their dipole moments have been evaluated. The dipole moments of trichloroethanol (2.04 D) and 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol (2.11 D) have been measured in benzene solution at 35. The results of evaluation and measurements are interpreted in terms of the occurrence of intramolecular interaction between the hydroxyl hydrogen and an acceptor atom X (halogen or oxygen) at the -carbon atom.


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The dipole moments of di-p-tolyl selenide (1.74 D), di-p-tolyl selenide (1.00 D), di-m-tolyl selenide (1.66 D), di-p-anisyl selenide (2.35 D) and di-p-tolyl selenium dichloride (3.69 D) have been determined in benzene at 35. The results are analysed in terms of mesomeric effects and internal rotation in these systems. The dipole moments of a few aliphatic selenides have been theoretically evaluated.