44 resultados para Intrusion Detection, Computer Security, Misuse

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Various intrusion detection systems (IDSs) reported in the literature have shown distinct preferences for detecting a certain class of attack with improved accuracy, while performing moderately on the other classes. In view of the enormous computing power available in the present-day processors, deploying multiple IDSs in the same network to obtain best-of-breed solutions has been attempted earlier. The paper presented here addresses the problem of optimizing the performance of IDSs using sensor fusion with multiple sensors. The trade-off between the detection rate and false alarms with multiple sensors is highlighted. It is illustrated that the performance of the detector is better when the fusion threshold is determined according to the Chebyshev inequality. In the proposed data-dependent decision ( DD) fusion method, the performance optimization of ndividual IDSs is first addressed. A neural network supervised learner has been designed to determine the weights of individual IDSs depending on their reliability in detecting a certain attack. The final stage of this DD fusion architecture is a sensor fusion unit which does the weighted aggregation in order to make an appropriate decision. This paper theoretically models the fusion of IDSs for the purpose of demonstrating the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation.


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We consider the problem of quickest detection of an intrusion using a sensor network, keeping only a minimal number of sensors active. By using a minimal number of sensor devices, we ensure that the energy expenditure for sensing, computation and communication is minimized (and the lifetime of the network is maximized). We model the intrusion detection (or change detection) problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). Based on the theory of MDP, we develop the following closed loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithms: (1) optimal control of Mk+1, the number of sensors in the wake state in time slot k + 1, (2) optimal control of qk+1, the probability of a sensor in the wake state in time slot k + 1, and an open loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithm which (3) computes q, the optimal probability of a sensor in the wake state (which does not vary with time), based on the sensor observations obtained until time slot k. Our results show that an optimum closed loop control on Mk+1 significantly decreases the cost compared to keeping any number of sensors active all the time. Also, among the three algorithms described, we observe that the total cost is minimum for the optimum control on Mk+1 and is maximum for the optimum open loop control on q.


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The MIT Lincoln Laboratory IDS evaluation methodology is a practical solution in terms of evaluating the performance of Intrusion Detection Systems, which has contributed tremendously to the research progress in that field. The DARPA IDS evaluation dataset has been criticized and considered by many as a very outdated dataset, unable to accommodate the latest trend in attacks. Then naturally the question arises as to whether the detection systems have improved beyond detecting these old level of attacks. If not, is it worth thinking of this dataset as obsolete? The paper presented here tries to provide supporting facts for the use of the DARPA IDS evaluation dataset. The two commonly used signature-based IDSs, Snort and Cisco IDS, and two anomaly detectors, the PHAD and the ALAD, are made use of for this evaluation purpose and the results support the usefulness of DARPA dataset for IDS evaluation.


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The motivation behind the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems was the realization that with the increasing traffic and increasing complexity of attacks, none of the present day stand-alone Intrusion Detection Systems can meet the high demand for a very high detection rate and an extremely low false positive rate. Multi-sensor fusion can be used to meet these requirements by a refinement of the combined response of different Intrusion Detection Systems. In this paper, we show the design technique of sensor fusion to best utilize the useful response from multiple sensors by an appropriate adjustment of the fusion threshold. The threshold is generally chosen according to the past experiences or by an expert system. In this paper, we show that the choice of the threshold bounds according to the Chebyshev inequality principle performs better. This approach also helps to solve the problem of scalability and has the advantage of failsafe capability. This paper theoretically models the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems for the purpose of proving the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation. The combination of complementary sensors is shown to detect more attacks than the individual components. Since the individual sensors chosen detect sufficiently different attacks, their result can be merged for improved performance. The combination is done in different ways like (i) taking all the alarms from each system and avoiding duplications, (ii) taking alarms from each system by fixing threshold bounds, and (iii) rule-based fusion with a priori knowledge of the individual sensor performance. A number of evaluation metrics are used, and the results indicate that there is an overall enhancement in the performance of the combined detector using sensor fusion incorporating the threshold bounds and significantly better performance using simple rule-based fusion.


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We present a low-complexity algorithm for intrusion detection in the presence of clutter arising from wind-blown vegetation, using Passive Infra-Red (PIR) sensors in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The algorithm is based on a combination of Haar Transform (HT) and Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) based training and was field tested in a network setting comprising of 15-20 sensing nodes. Also contained in this paper is a closed-form expression for the signal generated by an intruder moving at a constant velocity. It is shown how this expression can be exploited to determine the direction of motion information and the velocity of the intruder from the signals of three well-positioned sensors.


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Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) intercept the traffic at an organization's network periphery to thwart intrusion attempts. Signature-based NIDS compares the intercepted packets against its database of known vulnerabilities and malware signatures to detect such cyber attacks. These signatures are represented using Regular Expressions (REs) and strings. Regular Expressions, because of their higher expressive power, are preferred over simple strings to write these signatures. We present Cascaded Automata Architecture to perform memory efficient Regular Expression pattern matching using existing string matching solutions. The proposed architecture performs two stage Regular Expression pattern matching. We replace the substring and character class components of the Regular Expression with new symbols. We address the challenges involved in this approach. We augment the Word-based Automata, obtained from the re-written Regular Expressions, with counter-based states and length bound transitions to perform Regular Expression pattern matching. We evaluated our architecture on Regular Expressions taken from Snort rulesets. We were able to reduce the number of automata states between 50% to 85%. Additionally, we could reduce the number of transitions by a factor of 3 leading to further reduction in the memory requirements.


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The need for paying with mobile devices has urged the development of payment systems for mobile electronic commerce. In this paper we have considered two important abuses in electronic payments systems for detection. The fraud, which is an intentional deception accomplished to secure an unfair gain, and an intrusion which are any set of actions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a resource. Most of the available fraud and intrusion detection systems for e-payments are specific to the systems where they have been incorporated. This paper proposes a generic model called as Activity-Event-Symptoms(AES) model for detecting fraud and intrusion attacks which appears during payment process in the mobile commerce environment. The AES model is designed to identify the symptoms of fraud and intrusions by observing various events/transactions occurs during mobile commerce activity. The symptoms identification is followed by computing the suspicion factors for event attributes, and the certainty factor for a fraud and intrusion is generated using these suspicion factors. We have tested the proposed system by conducting various case studies, on the in-house established mobile commerce environment over wired and wire-less networks test bed.


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The problem of sensor-network-based distributed intrusion detection in the presence of clutter is considered. It is argued that sensing is best regarded as a local phenomenon in that only sensors in the immediate vicinity of an intruder are triggered. In such a setting, lack of knowledge of intruder location gives rise to correlated sensor readings. A signal-space view-point is introduced in which the noise-free sensor readings associated to intruder and clutter appear as surfaces f(s) and f(g) and the problem reduces to one of determining in distributed fashion, whether the current noisy sensor reading is best classified as intruder or clutter. Two approaches to distributed detection are pursued. In the first, a decision surface separating f(s) and f(g) is identified using Neyman-Pearson criteria. Thereafter, the individual sensor nodes interactively exchange bits to determine whether the sensor readings are on one side or the other of the decision surface. Bounds on the number of bits needed to be exchanged are derived, based on communication-complexity (CC) theory. A lower bound derived for the two-party average case CC of general functions is compared against the performance of a greedy algorithm. Extensions to the multi-party case is straightforward and is briefly discussed. The average case CC of the relevant greaterthan (CT) function is characterized within two bits. Under the second approach, each sensor node broadcasts a single bit arising from appropriate two-level quantization of its own sensor reading, keeping in mind the fusion rule to be subsequently applied at a local fusion center. The optimality of a threshold test as a quantization rule is proved under simplifying assumptions. Finally, results from a QualNet simulation of the algorithms are presented that include intruder tracking using a naive polynomial-regression algorithm. 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the problem of quickest detection of an intrusion using a sensor network, keeping only a minimal number of sensors active. By using a minimal number of sensor devices,we ensure that the energy expenditure for sensing, computation and communication is minimized (and the lifetime of the network is maximized). We model the intrusion detection (or change detection) problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). Based on the theory of MDP, we develop the following closed loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithms: 1) optimal control of Mk+1, the number of sensors in the wake state in time slot k + 1, 2) optimal control of qk+1, the probability of a sensor in the wake state in time slot k + 1, and an open loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithm which 3) computes q, the optimal probability of a sensor in the wake state (which does not vary with time),based on the sensor observations obtained until time slot k.Our results show that an optimum closed loop control onMk+1 significantly decreases the cost compared to keeping any number of sensors active all the time. Also, among the three algorithms described, we observe that the total cost is minimum for the optimum control on Mk+1 and is maximum for the optimum open loop control on q.


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Fusion of multiple intrusion detection systems results in a more reliable and accurate detection for a wider class of intrusions. The paper presented here introduces the mathematical basis for sensor fusion and provides enough support for the acceptability of sensor fusion in performance enhancement of intrusion detection systems. The sensor fusion system is characterized and modeled with no knowledge of the intrusion detection systems and the intrusion detection data. The theoretical analysis is supported with an experimental illustration with three of the available intrusion detection systems using the DARPA 1999 evaluation data set.


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In this paper we report on the outcomes of a research and demonstration project on human intrusion detection in a large secure space using an ad hoc wireless sensor network. This project has been a unique experience in collaborative research, involving ten investigators (with expertise in areas such as sensors, circuits, computer systems,communication and networking, signal processing and security) to execute a large funded project that spanned three to four years. In this paper we report on the specific engineering solution that was developed: the various architectural choices and the associated specific designs. In addition to developing a demonstrable system, the various problems that arose have given rise to a large amount of basic research in areas such as geographical packet routing, distributed statistical detection, sensors and associated circuits, a low power adaptive micro-radio, and power optimising embedded systems software. We provide an overview of the research results obtained.


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A routing protocol in a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) should be secure against both the outside attackers which do not hold valid security credentials and the inside attackers which are the compromised nodes in the network. The outside attackers can be prevented with the help of an efficient key management protocol and cryptography. However, to prevent inside attackers, it should be accompanied with an intrusion detection system (IDS). In this paper, we propose a novel secure routing with an integrated localized key management (SR-LKM) protocol, which is aimed to prevent both inside and outside attackers. The localized key management mechanism is not dependent on any routing protocol. Thus, unlike many other existing schemes, the protocol does not suffer from the key management - secure routing interdependency problem. The key management mechanism is lightweight as it optimizes the use of public key cryptography with the help of a novel neighbor based handshaking and Least Common Multiple (LCM) based broadcast key distribution mechanism. The protocol is storage scalable and its efficiency is confirmed by the results obtained from simulation experiments.


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The problem of sensor-network-based distributed intrusion detection in the presence of clutter is considered. It is argued that sensing is best regarded as a local phenomenon in that only sensors in the immediate vicinity of an intruder are triggered. In such a setting, lack of knowledge of intruder location gives rise to correlated sensor readings. A signal-space viewpoint is introduced in which the noise-free sensor readings associated to intruder and clutter appear as surfaces $\mathcal{S_I}$ and $\mathcal{S_C}$ and the problem reduces to one of determining in distributed fashion, whether the current noisy sensor reading is best classified as intruder or clutter. Two approaches to distributed detection are pursued. In the first, a decision surface separating $\mathcal{S_I}$ and $\mathcal{S_C}$ is identified using Neyman-Pearson criteria. Thereafter, the individual sensor nodes interactively exchange bits to determine whether the sensor readings are on one side or the other of the decision surface. Bounds on the number of bits needed to be exchanged are derived, based on communication complexity (CC) theory. A lower bound derived for the two-party average case CC of general functions is compared against the performance of a greedy algorithm. The average case CC of the relevant greater-than (GT) function is characterized within two bits. In the second approach, each sensor node broadcasts a single bit arising from appropriate two-level quantization of its own sensor reading, keeping in mind the fusion rule to be subsequently applied at a local fusion center. The optimality of a threshold test as a quantization rule is proved under simplifying assumptions. Finally, results from a QualNet simulation of the algorithms are presented that include intruder tracking using a naive polynomial-regression algorithm.


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The problem of intrusion detection and location identification in the presence of clutter is considered for a hexagonal sensor-node geometry. It is noted that in any practical application,for a given fixed intruder or clutter location, only a small number of neighboring sensor nodes will register a significant reading. Thus sensing may be regarded as a local phenomenon and performance is strongly dependent on the local geometry of the sensor nodes. We focus on the case when the sensor nodes form a hexagonal lattice. The optimality of the hexagonal lattice with respect to density of packing and covering and largeness of the kissing number suggest that this is the best possible arrangement from a sensor network viewpoint. The results presented here are clearly relevant when the particular sensing application permits a deterministic placement of sensors. The results also serve as a performance benchmark for the case of a random deployment of sensors. A novel feature of our analysis of the hexagonal sensor grid is a signal-space viewpoint which sheds light on achievable performance.Under this viewpoint, the problem of intruder detection is reduced to one of determining in a distributed manner, the optimal decision boundary that separates the signal spaces SI and SC associated to intruder and clutter respectively. Given the difficulty of implementing the optimal detector, we present a low-complexity distributive algorithm under which the surfaces SI and SC are separated by a wellchosen hyperplane. The algorithm is designed to be efficient in terms of communication cost by minimizing the expected number of bits transmitted by a sensor.