Intruder detection over sensor placement in a hexagonal lattice

Autoria(s): Agarwal, Tarun; Venkatesan, NE; Sasanapuri, Mohan Rao; Vijay Kumar, P



The problem of intrusion detection and location identification in the presence of clutter is considered for a hexagonal sensor-node geometry. It is noted that in any practical application,for a given fixed intruder or clutter location, only a small number of neighboring sensor nodes will register a significant reading. Thus sensing may be regarded as a local phenomenon and performance is strongly dependent on the local geometry of the sensor nodes. We focus on the case when the sensor nodes form a hexagonal lattice. The optimality of the hexagonal lattice with respect to density of packing and covering and largeness of the kissing number suggest that this is the best possible arrangement from a sensor network viewpoint. The results presented here are clearly relevant when the particular sensing application permits a deterministic placement of sensors. The results also serve as a performance benchmark for the case of a random deployment of sensors. A novel feature of our analysis of the hexagonal sensor grid is a signal-space viewpoint which sheds light on achievable performance.Under this viewpoint, the problem of intruder detection is reduced to one of determining in a distributed manner, the optimal decision boundary that separates the signal spaces SI and SC associated to intruder and clutter respectively. Given the difficulty of implementing the optimal detector, we present a low-complexity distributive algorithm under which the surfaces SI and SC are separated by a wellchosen hyperplane. The algorithm is designed to be efficient in terms of communication cost by minimizing the expected number of bits transmitted by a sensor.




Agarwal, Tarun and Venkatesan, NE and Sasanapuri, Mohan Rao and Vijay Kumar, P (2007) Intruder detection over sensor placement in a hexagonal lattice. In: Proceedings 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC' 07), Jaipur, Dec.2007 , Jaipur.


Palavras-Chave #Electrical Communication Engineering

Conference Paper
