32 resultados para Hold-up problem

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Interfacial area measurement has been carried out experimentally by measuring the bubble size and holdup for air-sodium chloride solution system. The size of the bubble is predominantly established by the air hold up. High speed photography technique for bubble size measurement and gamma ray attenuation method for holdup measurements are followed. The measured values are compared with the theoretically predicted values. Interracial area as a function of the liquid flow rate and also its distance from the nozzle of the ejector has been reported in this paper. The results obtained for this non-reactive system are also compared with those of air-water system.


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The oxidation of sodium sulphide in the presence of fine activated carbon particles (4.33 μm) has been studied at 75°C in a foam bed contactor. The existing single-stage model of a foam bed reactor has been modified to take into account the effect of heterogeneous catalyst particles and the absorption in the storage section. The variables studied are catalyst loading, initial sulphide concentration and the average liquid hold-up in the foam bed. It is seen that the rates of oxidation of sodium sulphide are considerably enhanced by an increase in the loading of activated carbon particles. The rate of conversion of sodium sulphide also increases with an increase in the average liquid hold-up in the foam. The modified model predicts these effects fairly well. The contribution of reaction in the storage section is found to be less than 2% of the overall rate of conversion in the contactor.


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Compulsators are power sources of choice for use in electromagnetic launchers and railguns. These devices hold the promise of reducing unit costs of payload to orbit. In an earlier work, the author had calculated the current distribution in compulsator wires by considering the wire to be split into a finite number of separate wires. The present work develops an integral formulation of the problem of current distribution in compulsator wires which leads to an integrodifferential equation. Analytical solutions, including those for the integration constants, are obtained in closed form. The analytical solutions present a much clearer picture of the effect of various input parameters on the cross-sectional current distribution and point to ways in which the desired current density distribution can be achieved. Results are graphically presented and discussed, with particular reference to a 50-kJ compulsator in Bangalore. Finite-element analysis supports the results.


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The development of techniques for scaling up classifiers so that they can be applied to problems with large datasets of training examples is one of the objectives of data mining. Recently, AdaBoost has become popular among machine learning community thanks to its promising results across a variety of applications. However, training AdaBoost on large datasets is a major problem, especially when the dimensionality of the data is very high. This paper discusses the effect of high dimensionality on the training process of AdaBoost. Two preprocessing options to reduce dimensionality, namely the principal component analysis and random projection are briefly examined. Random projection subject to a probabilistic length preserving transformation is explored further as a computationally light preprocessing step. The experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed training process for handling high dimensional large datasets.


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In this paper a three-dimensional analysis for statics and dynamics of a class of simply supported rectangular plates made up of micropolar elastic material is presented. The solution is in the form of series, in which each term is explicitly determined. For free vibrations, the frequencies are obtained by the solution of a closed form characteristic equation.


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This paper deals with the direct position kinematics problem of a general 6-6 Stewart platform, the complete solution of which is not reported in the literature until now and even establishing the number of possible solutions for the general case has remained an unsolved problem for a long period. Here a canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 Stewart platform is presented. The kinematic equations are expressed as a system of six quadratic and three linear equations in nine unknowns, which has a maximum of 64 solutions. Thus, it is established that the mechanism, in general, can have up to 64 closures. Further reduction of the system is shown arriving at a set of three quartic equations in three unknowns, the solution of which will yield the assembly configurations of the general Stewart platform with far less computational effort compared to earlier models.


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In this paper, we study the propagation of a shock wave in water, produced by the expansion of a spherical piston with a finite initial radius. The piston path in the x, t plane is a hyperbola. We have considered the following two cases: (i) the piston accelerates from a zero initial velocity and attains a finite velocity asymptotically as t tends to infinity, and (ii) the piston decelerates, starting from a finite initial velocity. Since an analytic approach to this problem is extremely difficult, we have employed the artificial viscosity method of von Neumann & Richtmyer after examining its applicability in water. For the accelerating piston case, we have studied the effect of different initial radii of the piston, different initial curvatures of the piston path in the x, t plane and the different asymptotic speeds of the piston. The decelerating case exhibits the interesting phenomenon of the formation of a cavity in water when the deceleration of the piston is sufficiently high. We have also studied the motion of the cavity boundary up to 550 cycles.


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The sparse recovery methods utilize the l(p)-normbased regularization in the estimation problem with 0 <= p <= 1. These methods have a better utility when the number of independent measurements are limited in nature, which is a typical case for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction problem. These sparse recovery methods, along with an approximation to utilize the l(0)-norm, have been deployed for the reconstruction of diffuse optical images. Their performancewas compared systematically using both numerical and gelatin phantom cases to show that these methods hold promise in improving the reconstructed image quality.


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This paper attempts to unravel any relations that may exist between turbulent shear flows and statistical mechanics through a detailed numerical investigation in the simplest case where both can be well defined. The flow considered for the purpose is the two-dimensional (2D) temporal free shear layer with a velocity difference Delta U across it, statistically homogeneous in the streamwise direction (x) and evolving from a plane vortex sheet in the direction normal to it (y) in a periodic-in-x domain L x +/-infinity. Extensive computer simulations of the flow are carried out through appropriate initial-value problems for a ``vortex gas'' comprising N point vortices of the same strength (gamma = L Delta U/N) and sign. Such a vortex gas is known to provide weak solutions of the Euler equation. More than ten different initial-condition classes are investigated using simulations involving up to 32 000 vortices, with ensemble averages evaluated over up to 10(3) realizations and integration over 10(4)L/Delta U. The temporal evolution of such a system is found to exhibit three distinct regimes. In Regime I the evolution is strongly influenced by the initial condition, sometimes lasting a significant fraction of L/Delta U. Regime III is a long-time domain-dependent evolution towards a statistically stationary state, via ``violent'' and ``slow'' relaxations P.-H. Chavanis, Physica A 391, 3657 (2012)], over flow time scales of order 10(2) and 10(4)L/Delta U, respectively (for N = 400). The final state involves a single structure that stochastically samples the domain, possibly constituting a ``relative equilibrium.'' The vortex distribution within the structure follows a nonisotropic truncated form of the Lundgren-Pointin (L-P) equilibrium distribution (with negatively high temperatures; L-P parameter lambda close to -1). The central finding is that, in the intermediate Regime II, the spreading rate of the layer is universal over the wide range of cases considered here. The value (in terms of momentum thickness) is 0.0166 +/- 0.0002 times Delta U. Regime II, extensively studied in the turbulent shear flow literature as a self-similar ``equilibrium'' state, is, however, a part of the rapid nonequilibrium evolution of the vortex-gas system, which we term ``explosive'' as it lasts less than one L/Delta U. Regime II also exhibits significant values of N-independent two-vortex correlations, indicating that current kinetic theories that neglect correlations or consider them as O(1/N) cannot describe this regime. The evolution of the layer thickness in present simulations in Regimes I and II agree with the experimental observations of spatially evolving (3D Navier-Stokes) shear layers. Further, the vorticity-stream-function relations in Regime III are close to those computed in 2D Navier-Stokes temporal shear layers J. Sommeria, C. Staquet, and R. Robert, J. Fluid Mech. 233, 661 (1991)]. These findings suggest the dominance of what may be called the Kelvin-Biot-Savart mechanism in determining the growth of the free shear layer through large-scale momentum and vorticity dispersal.


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Given a connected outerplanar graph G of pathwidth p, we give an algorithm to add edges to G to get a supergraph of G, which is 2-vertex-connected, outerplanar and of pathwidth O(p). This settles an open problem raised by Biedl 1], in the context of computing minimum height planar straight line drawings of outerplanar graphs, with their vertices placed on a two-dimensional grid. In conjunction with the result of this paper, the constant factor approximation algorithm for this problem obtained by Biedl 1] for 2-vertex-connected outerplanar graphs will work for all outer planar graphs. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) is used for modeling a coupled non-linear electromechanical problem finding applications in aircrafts and Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) development. VAM coupled with geometrically exact kinematics forms a powerful tool for analyzing a complex nonlinear phenomena as shown previously by many in the literature 3 - 7] for various challenging problems like modeling of an initially twisted helicopter rotor blades, matrix crack propagation in a composite, modeling of hyper elastic plates and various multi-physics problems. The problem consists of design and analysis of a piezocomposite laminate applied with electrical voltage(s) which can induce direct and planar distributed shear stresses and strains in the structure. The deformations are large and conventional beam theories are inappropriate for the analysis. The behavior of an elastic body is completely understood by its energy. This energy must be integrated over the cross-sectional area to obtain the 1-D behavior as is typical in a beam analysis. VAM can be used efficiently to approximate 3-D strain energy as closely as possible. To perform this simplification, VAM makes use of thickness to width, width to length, width multiplied by initial twist and strain as small parameters embedded in the problem definition and provides a way to approach the exact solution asymptotically. In this work, above mentioned electromechanical problem is modeled using VAM which breaks down the 3-D elasticity problem into two parts, namely a 2-D non-linear cross-sectional analysis and a 1-D non-linear analysis, along the reference curve. The recovery relations obtained as a by-product in the cross-sectional analysis earlier are used to obtain 3-D stresses, displacements and velocity contours. The piezo-composite laminate which is chosen for an initial phase of computational modeling is made up of commercially available Macro Fiber Composites (MFCs) stacked together in an arbitrary lay-up and applied with electrical voltages for actuation. The expressions of sectional forces and moments as obtained from cross-sectional analysis in closed-form show the electro-mechanical coupling and relative contribution of electric field in individual layers of the piezo-composite laminate. The spatial and temporal constitutive law as obtained from the cross-sectional analysis are substituted into 1-D fully intrinsic, geometrically exact equilibrium equations of motion and 1-D intrinsic kinematical equations to solve for all 1-D generalized variables as function of time and an along the reference curve co-ordinate, x(1).


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A new theory of shock dynamics has been developed in the form of a finite number of compatibility conditions along shock rays. It has been used to study the growth or decay of shock strength for accelerating or decelerating piston starting with a nonzero piston velocity. The results show good agreement with those obtained by Harten's high resolution TVD scheme.


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In this paper, we first recast the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem, where the underlying matrix pencil consists of symmetric positive definite matrices, into an unconstrained minimization problem by constructing an appropriate cost function, We then extend it to the case of multiple eigenvectors using an inflation technique, Based on this asymptotic formulation, we derive a quasi-Newton-based adaptive algorithm for estimating the required generalized eigenvectors in the data case. The resulting algorithm is modular and parallel, and it is globally convergent with probability one, We also analyze the effect of inexact inflation on the convergence of this algorithm and that of inexact knowledge of one of the matrices (in the pencil) on the resulting eigenstructure. Simulation results demonstrate that the performance of this algorithm is almost identical to that of the rank-one updating algorithm of Karasalo. Further, the performance of the proposed algorithm has been found to remain stable even over 1 million updates without suffering from any error accumulation problems.


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The Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi which is currently in its Platinum Jubilee year, has maintained its eminence and dignity all these years. The Fellowship of INSA is highly cherished. The Academy enjoys considerable prestige. This prestige needs to be converted into influence. INSA is in the process of setting up a Science Policy Study Cell. The Academy needs to strengthen its role as a think-tank in the service of the nation on science-related issues. INSA is also in the process of establishing an archive. We can understand the present and plan for the future only in the context of the past. Thirdly, we would like to establish an electronic hub of science information at INSA. We do not wish to solely hold large quantities of information. But we need to have links with all major depositories of science- related information in the country. This is in consonance with the general philosophy of an Academy. The Academy is not a major implementer or executor of policies and programmes. It is a catalyst and a beacon that guides.


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Background: A genetic network can be represented as a directed graph in which a node corresponds to a gene and a directed edge specifies the direction of influence of one gene on another. The reconstruction of such networks from transcript profiling data remains an important yet challenging endeavor. A transcript profile specifies the abundances of many genes in a biological sample of interest. Prevailing strategies for learning the structure of a genetic network from high-dimensional transcript profiling data assume sparsity and linearity. Many methods consider relatively small directed graphs, inferring graphs with up to a few hundred nodes. This work examines large undirected graphs representations of genetic networks, graphs with many thousands of nodes where an undirected edge between two nodes does not indicate the direction of influence, and the problem of estimating the structure of such a sparse linear genetic network (SLGN) from transcript profiling data. Results: The structure learning task is cast as a sparse linear regression problem which is then posed as a LASSO (l1-constrained fitting) problem and solved finally by formulating a Linear Program (LP). A bound on the Generalization Error of this approach is given in terms of the Leave-One-Out Error. The accuracy and utility of LP-SLGNs is assessed quantitatively and qualitatively using simulated and real data. The Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods (DREAM) initiative provides gold standard data sets and evaluation metrics that enable and facilitate the comparison of algorithms for deducing the structure of networks. The structures of LP-SLGNs estimated from the INSILICO1, INSILICO2 and INSILICO3 simulated DREAM2 data sets are comparable to those proposed by the first and/or second ranked teams in the DREAM2 competition. The structures of LP-SLGNs estimated from two published Saccharomyces cerevisae cell cycle transcript profiling data sets capture known regulatory associations. In each S. cerevisiae LP-SLGN, the number of nodes with a particular degree follows an approximate power law suggesting that its degree distributions is similar to that observed in real-world networks. Inspection of these LP-SLGNs suggests biological hypotheses amenable to experimental verification. Conclusion: A statistically robust and computationally efficient LP-based method for estimating the topology of a large sparse undirected graph from high-dimensional data yields representations of genetic networks that are biologically plausible and useful abstractions of the structures of real genetic networks. Analysis of the statistical and topological properties of learned LP-SLGNs may have practical value; for example, genes with high random walk betweenness, a measure of the centrality of a node in a graph, are good candidates for intervention studies and hence integrated computational – experimental investigations designed to infer more realistic and sophisticated probabilistic directed graphical model representations of genetic networks. The LP-based solutions of the sparse linear regression problem described here may provide a method for learning the structure of transcription factor networks from transcript profiling and transcription factor binding motif data.