10 resultados para Feminines movements

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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How the brain maintains perceptual continuity across eye movements that yield discontinuous snapshots of the world is still poorly understood. In this study, we adapted a framework from the dual-task paradigm, well suited to reveal bottlenecks in mental processing, to study how information is processed across sequential saccades. The pattern of RTs allowed us to distinguish among three forms of trans-saccadic processing (no trans-saccadic processing, trans-saccadic visual processing and trans-saccadic visual processing and saccade planning models). Using a cued double-step saccade task, we show that even though saccade execution is a processing bottleneck, limiting access to incoming visual information, partial visual and motor processing that occur prior to saccade execution is used to guide the next eye movement. These results provide insights into how the oculomotor system is designed to process information across multiple fixations that occur during natural scanning.


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Many common activities, like reading, scanning scenes, or searching for an inconspicuous item in a cluttered environment, entail serial movements of the eyes that shift the gaze from one object to another. Previous studies have shown that the primate brain is capable of programming sequential saccadic eye movements in parallel. Given that the onset of saccades directed to a target are unpredictable in individual trials, what prevents a saccade during parallel programming from being executed in the direction of the second target before execution of another saccade in the direction of the first target remains unclear. Using a computational model, here we demonstrate that sequential saccades inhibit each other and share the brain's limited processing resources (capacity) so that the planning of a saccade in the direction of the first target always finishes first. In this framework, the latency of a saccade increases linearly with the fraction of capacity allocated to the other saccade in the sequence, and exponentially with the duration of capacity sharing. Our study establishes a link between the dual-task paradigm and the ramp-to-threshold model of response time to identify a physiologically viable mechanism that preserves the serial order of saccades without compromising the speed of performance.


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Conceptual design involves identification of required functions of the intended design, generation of concepts to fulfill these functions, and evaluation of these concepts to select the most promising ones for further development. The focus of this paper is the second phase-concept generation, in which a challenge has been to develop possible physical embodiments to offer designers for exploration and evaluation. This paper investigates the issue of how to transform and thus synthesise possible generic physical embodiments and reports an implemented method that could automatically generate these embodiments. In this paper, a method is proposed to transform a variety of possible initial solutions to a design problem into a set of physical solutions that are described in terms of abstraction of mechanical movements. The underlying principle of this method is to make it possible to link common attributes between a specific abstract representation and its possible physical objects. For a given input, this method can produce a set of concepts in terms of their generic physical embodiments. The method can be used to support designers to start with a given input-output function and systematically search for physical objects for design consideration in terms of simplified functional, spatial, and mechanical movement requirements.


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Although globular proteins are endowed with well defined three-dimensional structures, they exhibit substantial mobility within the framework of the given threedimensional structure. The different types of mobility found in proteins by and large correspond to the different levels of organisational hierarchy in protein architecture. They are of considerable structural and functional significance, and can be broadly classified into(a) thermal and conformational fluctuations, (b) segmental mobility, (c) interdomain mobility and (d) intersubunit mobility. Protein crystallographic studies has provided a wealth of information on all of them. The temperature factors derived from X-ray diffraction studies provide a measure of atomic displacements caused by thermal and conformational fluctuations. The variation of displacement along the polypeptide chain have provided functionally significant information on the flexibility of different regions of the molecule in proteins such as myoglobin, lysozyme and prealbumin. Segmental mobility often involves the movement of a region or a segment of a molecule with respect to the rest, as in the transition between the apo and the holo structures of lactate dehydrogenase. It may also involve rigidification of a disordered region of the molecule as in the activation of the zymogens of serine proteases. Transitions between the apo and the holo structures of alcohol dehydrogenase,and between the free and the sugar bound forms of hexokinase, are good examples of interdomain mobility caused by hinge-bending. The capability of different domains to move semi-independently contributes greatly to the versatility of immunoglobulin molecules. Interdomain mobility in citrate synthase appears to be more complex and its study has led to an alternative description of domain closure. The classical and the most thoroughly studied case of intersubunit mobility is that in haemoglobin. The stereochemical mechanism of the action of this allosteric protein clearly brings out the functional subtilities that could be achieved through intersubunit movements. In addition to ligand binding and activation,environmental changes also often cause structural transformations. The reversible transformation between 2 Zn insulin and 4 Zn insulin is caused by changes in the ionic strength of the medium. Adenylate Kinase provides a good example for functionally significant reversible conformational transitions induced by variation in pH. Available evidences indicate that reversible structural transformations in proteins could also be caused by changes in the aqueous environment, including those in the amount of water surrounding protein molecules.


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Photoinduced diffusion in Se/As2S3 and Sb/As2S3 nanomultilayered thin films are studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The XPS measurements show the atomic movements during photoinduced diffusion in Se/As2S3 and Sb/As2S3 nanomultilayered film. The analysis of experimental data describes the nature of light induced changes indifferent structural units. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Charles Darwin on his voyage aboard H. M. S. Beagle contracted a mysterious illness that persisted throughout his life. Despite being ill, he continued his writings. He is remembered as the scientist who putforth the theory that species are changing. A species evolves by the accumulation and preservation of successive slight favourable variations, now known as mutations. In his quest to strengthen his theory on the common origin of all life, and evolution by natural selection, he increasingly turned to plants and carried out experiments at his home-cum-laboratory, focusing on phenomena commonly associated with animals namely, movement. In plant roots, seedlings and climbing plants, he described nyctitropism, geotropism, phototropism and circumnutation. Darwin described the sleep movements in plants in which the petiole hangs down and the leaflets press together in the evening.


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P>Multicellular development in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is triggered by starvation. It involves a series of morphogenetic movements, among them being the rising of the spore mass to the tip of the stalk. The process requires precise coordination between two distinct cell types-presumptive (pre-) spore cells and presumptive (pre-) stalk cells. Trishanku (triA) is a gene expressed in prespore cells that is required for normal morphogenesis. The triA- mutant shows pleiotropic effects that include an inability of the spore mass to go all the way to the top. We have examined the cellular behavior required for the normal ascent of the spore mass. Grafting and mixing experiments carried out with tissue fragments and cells show that the upper cup, a tissue that derives from prestalk cells and anterior-like cells (ALCs), does not develop properly in a triA- background. A mutant upper cup is unable to lift the spore mass to the top of the fruiting body, likely due to defective intercellular adhesion. If wild-type upper cup function is provided by prestalk and ALCs, trishanku spores ascend all the way. Conversely, Ax2 spores fail to do so in chimeras in which the upper cup is largely made up of mutant cells. Besides proving that under these conditions the wild-type phenotype of the upper cup is necessary and sufficient for terminal morphogenesis in D. discoideum, this study provides novel insights into developmental and evolutionary aspects of morphogenesis in general. Genes that are active exclusively in one cell type can elicit behavior in a second cell type that enhances the reproductive fitness of the first cell type, thereby showing that morphogenesis is a cooperative process.


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EEG recordings are often contaminated with ocular artifacts such as eye blinks and eye movements. These artifacts may obscure underlying brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) data and make the analysis of the data difficult. In this paper, we explore the use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based filtering technique to correct the eye blinks and eye movementartifacts in single channel EEG data. In this method, the single channel EEG data containing ocular artifact is segmented such that the artifact in each of the segment is considered as some type of slowly varying trend in the dataand the EMD is used to remove the trend. The filtering is done using partial reconstruction from components of the decomposition. The method is completely data dependent and hence adaptive and nonlinear. Experimental results are provided to check the applicability of the method on real EEG data and the results are quantified using power spectral density (PSD) as a measure. The method has given fairlygood results and does not make use of any preknowledge of artifacts or the EEG data used.


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Binaural experiments are described which indicate that the ability of the brain to localize a desired sound and to suppress undesired sounds coming from other directions can be traced in part to the different times of arrival of a sound at the two ears. It is suggested that the brain inserts a time delay in one of the two nerve paths associated with the ears so as to be able to compare, and thus concentrate on, those sounds arriving at the ears with this particular time of arrival distance.The ability to perceive weak sounds binaurally in the presence of noise is shown to be a simple function of the direction of the desired sound and noise. An explanation is given for the effect reported by Koenig that front and rear confusion is avoided by head movements.