25 resultados para Fan out

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Attempts were made to produce directionally solidified, specifically grain aligned Al-6 wt pct Ni eutectic alloy using a laboratory scale ESR unit. For this purpose sand cast alloy electrodes were electroslag remelted under different mold conditions. The grain structure of the ingots obtained from these meltings showed that insulated silica molds gave the best vertical alignment of grains along the length of the ingot. The NiAl3 fibers within the grains tended to fan out and there was only a preferred alignment of fibers along the growth direction under the conditions of our experiments. The ESR parameters most suitable for vertical alignment of eutectic grains have been identified. In some electroslag remelting trials ingots were grown on a seed ingot. This resulted in a fewer vertical grains compared to the case when no seed ingot was used. The sand cast specimen of the eutectic exhibited a maximum tensile strength of around 88.2 MN/m2 (9.0 kg/mm2) whereas conventional ESR using water cooled mold gave strength value of 98.0 MN/m2 (10 kg/mm2). The directionally solidified ESR material showed longitudinal tensile strength as high as 213.7 MN/m2 (21.8 kg/mm2) which could be further increased to 220.6 MN/m2 (22.5 kg/mm2) by using the seed ingot. The average growth rate was varied between 5 to 25 mm/min during electroslag remelting in this study. The flow stresses, tangent modulus and ultimate tensile strength of directionally solidified eutectic increased with increasing growth rates.


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An all-digital on-chip clock skew measurement system via subsampling is presented. The clock nodes are sub-sampled with a near-frequency asynchronous sampling clock to result in beat signals which are themselves skewed in the same proportion but on a larger time scale. The beat signals are then suitably masked to extract only the skews of the rising edges of the clock signals. We propose a histogram of the arithmetic difference of the beat signals which decouples the relationship of clock jitter to the minimum measurable skew, and allows skews arbitrarily close to zero to be measured with a precision limited largely by measurement time, unlike the conventional XOR based histogram approach. We also analytically show that the proposed approach leads to an unbiased estimate of skew. The measured results from a 65 nm delay measurement front-end indicate that for an input skew range of +/- 1 fan-out-of-4 (FO4) delay, +/- 3 sigma resolution of 0.84 ps can be obtained with an integral error of 0.65 ps. We also experimentally demonstrate that a frequency modulation on a sampling clock maintains precision, indicating the robustness of the technique to jitter. We also show how FM modulation helps in restoring precision in case of rationally related clocks.


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The present experimental work is concerned with the study of amplitude dependent acoustic response of an isothermal coaxial swirling jet. The excitation amplitude is increased in five distinct steps at the burner's Helmholtz resonator mode (i.e., 100 Hz). Two flow states are compared, namely, sub-critical and super-critical vortex breakdown (VB) that occur before and after the critical conical sheet breakdown, respectively. The geometric swirl number is varied in the range 2.14-4.03. Under the influence of external pulsing, global response characteristics are studied based on the topological changes observed in time-averaged 2D flow field. These are obtained from high resolution 2D PIV (particle image velocimetry) in the longitudinal-mid plane. PIV results also illustrate the changes in the normalized vortex core coordinates (r(vcc)/(r(vcc))(0) (Hz), y(vcc)/(y(vcc))(0) (Hz)) of internal recirculation zone (IRZ). A strong forced response is observed at 100 Hz (excitation frequency) in the convectively unstable region which get amplified based on the magnitude of external forcing. The radial extent of this forced response region at a given excitation amplitude is represented by the acoustic response region (b). The topological placement of the responsive convectively unstable region is a function of both the intensity of imparted swirl (characterized by swirl number) and forcing amplitude. It is observed that for sub-critical VB mode, an increase in the excitation amplitude till a critical value shifts the vortex core centre (particularly, the vortex core moves downstream and radially outwards) leading to drastic fanning-out/widening of the IRZ. This is accompanied by similar to 30% reduction in the recirculation velocity of the IRZ. It is also observed that b < R (R: radial distance from central axis to outer shear layer-OSL). At super-critical amplitudes, the sub-critical IRZ topology transits back (the vortex core retracts upstream and radially inwards) and finally undergoes a transverse shrinkage ((r(vcc))/(r(vcc))(0 Hz) decreases by similar to 20%) when b >= R. In contrast, the vortex core of super-critical breakdown mode consistently spreads radially outwards and is displaced further downstream. Finally, the IRZ fans-out at the threshold excitation amplitude. However, the acoustic response region b is still less than R. This is explained based on the characteristic geometric swirl number (S-G) of the flow regimes. The super-critical flow mode with higher S-G (hence, higher radial pressure drop due to rotational effect which scales as Delta P similar to rho u theta(2) and acts inwards towards the center line) compared to sub-critical state imposes a greater resistance to the radial outward spread of b. As a result, the acoustic energy supplied to the super-critical flow mode increases the degree of acoustic response at the pulsing frequency and energizes its harmonics (evident from power spectra). As a disturbance amplifier, the stronger convective instability mode within the flow structure of super-critical VB causes the topology to widen/fan-out severely at threshold excitation amplitude. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The remarkable geological and evolutionary history of peninsular India has generated much interest in the patterns and processes that might have shaped the current distributions of its endemic biota. In this regard the Out of India hypothesis, which proposes that rafting peninsular India carried Gondwanan forms to Asia after the break-up of Gondwana super continent, has gained prominence. Here we have reviewed molecular studies undertaken on a range of taxa of supposedly Gondwanan origin to better understand the Out-of-India scenario. This re-evaluation of published molecular studies indicates that there is mounting evidence supporting Out-of-India scenario for various Asian taxa. Nevertheless, in many studies the evidence is inconclusive due to lack of information on the age of relevant nodes. Studies also indicate that not all Gondwanan forms of peninsular India dispersed out of India. Many of these ancient lineages are confined to peninsular India and therefore are relict Gondwanan lineages. Additionally for some taxa an Into India rather than Out-of-India scenario better explains their current distribution. To identify the Out-of-India component of Asian biota it is imperative that we understand the complex biogeographical history of India. To this end, we propose three oversimplified yet explicit phylogenetic predictions. These predictions can be tested through the use of molecular phylogenetic tools in conjunction with palaeontological and geological data.


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Development of a new class of single pan high efficiency, low emission stoves, named gasifier stoves, that promise constant power that can be controlled using any solid biomass fuel in the form of pellets is reported here. These stoves use battery-run fan-based air supply for gasification (primary air) and for combustion (secondary air).Design with the correct secondary air flow ensures near-stoichiometric combustion that allows attainment of peak combustion temperatures with accompanying high water boiling efficiencies (up to 50% for vessels of practical relevance) and very low emissions (of carbon monoxide, particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen). The use of high density agro-residue based pellets or coconut shell pieces ensures operational duration of about an hour or more at power levels of 3 kWth (similar to 12 g/min). The principles involved and the optimization aspects of the design are outlined. The dependence of efficiency and emissions on the design parameters are described. The field imperatives that drive the choice of the rechargeable battery source and the fan are brought out. The implications of developments of Oorja-Plus and OorjaSuper stoves to the domestic cooking scenario of India are briefly discussed. The process development, testing and internal qualification tasks were undertaken by Indian Institute of Science. Product development and the fuel pellet production were dealt with by First Energy Private Ltd.Close interaction at several times during this period has helped progress the project from the laboratory to large scale commercial operation. At this time, over four hundred thousand stoves and 30 kilotonnes fuel have been sold in four states in India.


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This paper describes an analytical calculation of break-out noise from a rectangular plenum with four flexible walls by incorporating three-dimensional effects along with the acoustical and structural wave coupling phenomena. The breakout noise from rectangular plenums is important and the coupling between acoustic waves within the plenum and structural waves in the flexible plenum walls plays a critical role in prediction of the transverse transmission loss. The first step in breakout noise prediction is to calculate the inside plenum pressure field and the normal flexible plenum wall vibration by using an impedance-mobility approach, which results in a compact matrix formulation. In the impedance-mobility compact matrix (IMCM) approach, it is presumed that the coupled response can be described in terms of finite sets of the uncoupled acoustic subsystem and the structural subsystem. The flexible walls of the plenum are modeled as an unfolded plate to calculate natural frequencies and mode shapes of the uncoupled structural subsystem. The second step is to calculate the radiated sound power from the flexible walls using Kirchhoff-Helmholtz (KH) integral formulation. Analytical results are validated with finite element and boundary element (FEM-BEM) numerical models. (C) 2010 Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/1.3463801]


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Many wormlike micellar systems exhibit appreciable shear thinning due to shear-induced alignment. As the micelles get aligned introducing directionality in the system, the viscoelastic properties are no longer expected to be isotropic. An optical-tweezers-based active microrheology technique enables us to probe the out-of-equilibrium rheological properties of a wormlike micellar system simultaneously along two orthogonal directions-parallel to the applied shear, as well as perpendicular to it. While the displacements of a trapped bead in response to active drag force carry signature of conventional shear thinning, its spontaneous position fluctuations along the perpendicular direction manifest an orthogonal shear thickening, an effect hitherto unobserved. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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We assume the large-scale diffuse magnetic field of the Sun to originate from the poloidal component of a dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, whereas the sunspots are due to the toroidal component. The evolution of the poloidal component is studied to model the poleward migration of the diffuse field seen on the solar surface and the polar reversal at the time of sunspot maxima (Dikpati and Choudhuri 1994, 1995).


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Redox supercapacitors using polyaniline (PANI) coated. stainless-steel (SS) electrodes have been assembled and characterized. PANI has been deposited on SS substrate by a potentiodynamic method from an acidic electrolyte which contains aniline monomer. By employing stacks of electrodes, each with a geometrical area of 24 cm(2), in acidic perchlorate electrolyte, a capacitance value of about 450 F has been obtained over a long cycle-life. Characterization studies have been carried out by galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling of the capacitors singly, as well as in series and parallel configurations. Various electrical parameters have been evaluated. Use of the capacitors in parallel with a battery for pulse-power loads. and also working of a toy fan connected to the charged capacitors have been demonstrated. A specific capacitance value of about 1300 F g(-1) of PANI has been obtained at a discharge power of about 0.5 kW kg(-1). This value is several times higher than those reported in the literature for PANI and is, perhaps, the highest value known for a capacitor material. The inexpensive SS substrate and the high-capacitance PANI are favorable factors for commercial exploitation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the image reconstruction using the fan-beam filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm with no backprojection weight from windowed linear prediction (WLP) completed truncated projection data. The image reconstruction from truncated projections aims to reconstruct the object accurately from the available limited projection data. Due to the incomplete projection data, the reconstructed image contains truncation artifacts which extends into the region of interest (ROI) making the reconstructed image unsuitable for further use. Data completion techniques have been shown to be effective in such situations. We use windowed linear prediction technique for projection completion and then use the fan-beam FBP algorithm with no backprojection weight for the 2-D image reconstruction. We evaluate the quality of the reconstructed image using fan-beam FBP algorithm with no backprojection weight after WLP completion.


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A method of precise measurement of on-chip analog voltages in a mostly-digital manner, with minimal overhead, is presented. A pair of clock signals is routed to the node of an analog voltage. This analog voltage controls the delay between this pair of clock signals, which is then measured in an all-digital manner using the technique of sub-sampling. This sub-sampling technique, having measurement time and accuracy trade-off, is well suited for low bandwidth signals. This concept is validated by designing delay cells, using current starved inverters in UMC 130nm CMOS process. Sub-mV accuracy is demonstrated for a measurement time of few seconds.


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This paper deals with the synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl/aryl septanosides. A range of such septanoside derivatives was synthesized by using a common bromo-oxepine intermediate, involving C-C bond forming organometallic reactions. Unsaturated, seven-membered septanoside vinyl bromides or bromo-oxepines, obtained through a ring expansion methodology of the cyclopropane derivatives of oxyglycals, displayed a good reactivity towards several acceptor moieties in C-C bond forming Heck, Suzuki and Sonogashira coupling reactions, thus affording 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl/aryl septanosides. Whereas Heck and Sonogashira coupling reactions afforded 2-deoxy-2-C-alkenyl and -alkynyl derivatives, respectively, the Suzuki reaction afforded 2-deoxy-2-C-aryl septanosides. Deprotection and reduction of the 2-deoxy-2-alkenyl derivative afforded the corresponding 2-deoxy-2-C-alkyl septanoside free of protecting groups. The present study illustrates the reactivity of bromo-oxepine in the synthesis of hitherto unknown septanosides, branching out at C-2, through C-C bond formation with alkyl and aryl substituents.