107 resultados para Consumer Insights

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In this study, we have identified the possible genetic factors responsible for fowl-adaptation of Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum (S. Gallinarum). By comparing the genes related to Salmonella pathogenicity islands (SPI) of S. Gallinarum with those of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) we have identified twenty-four positively selected genes. Our results suggest that the genes encoding the structural components of SPI-2 encoded type three secretion apparatus (TTSS) and the effector proteins that are secreted via SPI-1 encoded TTSS have evolved under positive selection pressure in these serovars. We propose that these positively selected genes play important roles in conferring different host-specificities to S. Gallinarum and S. Enteritidis.


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The conclusion that the number of species co-existing within a biological community cannot exceed the number of limiting factors is not valid if we assume that (i) the relative efficiency of two competing species in utilizing a resource is not independent of the resource density, but one species may be more efficient at a lower density and less efficient at a higher density and (ii) there is a spatial or temporal heterogeneity in the density of the resource. This spatial or temporal heterogeneity does not have to be furnished by factors external to the biological community, but may be generated within the biological community itself as in the case of a vertical gradient of light in a plant community. This possibility of a stable co-existence of more than one species in a community limited by a single resource, even when the resource is being supplied uniformly in space and time, is formally demonstrated.


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4-Methyl-5-beta-hydroxyethylthiazole kinase (ThiK) catalyses the phosphorylation of the hydroxyl group of 4-methyl-5-beta-hydroxyethylthiazole. This work reports the first crystal structure of an archaeal ThiK: that from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 (PhThiK) at 1.85 angstrom resolution with a phosphate ion occupying the position of the beta-phosphate of the nucleotide. The topology of this enzyme shows the typical ribokinase fold of an alpha/beta protein. The overall structure of PhThiK is similar to those of Bacillus subtilis ThiK (BsThiK) and Enterococcus faecalis V583 ThiK (EfThiK). Sequence analysis of ThiK enzymes from various sources indicated that three-quarters of the residues involved in interfacial regions are conserved. It also revealed that the amino-acid residues in the nucleotide-binding, magnesium ion-binding and substrate-binding sites are conserved. Binding of the nucleotide and substrate to the ThiK enzyme do not influence the quaternary association (trimer) as revealed by the crystal structure of PhThiK.


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An annotated checklist of 284 species of amphibians of India accommodated under 50 genera and 14 families is provided. Synonyms, English names, type localities, deposition of type specimens, type specimen availability and distributional records in India and outside India are provided for all the species. Among the 284 species of amphibians from India, 132 are endemic to Western Ghats; 29 to Northeastern India; and 5 to Andaman Nicobar islands. Species discovery patterns from the various biogeographic zones in India are discussed in detail. Cumulative discovery pattern with special reference to the genera Fejervarya (17 species), Nyctibatrachus (16 species), Indirana (10 species), Micrixalus (11 species), Philautus (46 species) and Gegeneophis (10 species) are also discussed.


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Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out on all the jacalin-carbohydrate complexes of known structure, models of unliganded molecules derived from the complexes and also models of relevant complexes where X-ray structures are not available. Results of the simulations and the available crystal structures involving jacalin permit delineation of the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and the dynamical variability of the hydrogen bonds involved in stabilizing the structure. Local flexibility appears to be related to solvent accessibility. Hydrogen bonds involving side chains and water bridges involving buried water molecules appear to be important in the stabilization of loop structures. The lectin-carbohydrate interactions observed in crystal structures, the average parameters pertaining to them derived from simulations, energetic contribution of the stacking residue estimated from quantum mechanical calculations, and the scatter of the locations of carbohydrate and carbohydrate-binding residues are consistent with the known thermodynamic parameters of jacalin-carbohydrate interactions. The simulations, along with X-ray results, provide a fuller picture of carbohydrate binding by jacalin than provided by crystallographic analysis alone. The simulations confirm that in the unliganded structures water molecules tend to occupy the positions occupied by carbohydrate oxygens in the lectin-carbohydrate complexes. Population distributions in simulations of the free lectin, the ligands, and the complexes indicate a combination of conformational selection and induced fit. Proteins 2009; 77:760-777.


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Bacterial persistent infections are responsible for a significant amount of the human morbidity and mortality. Unlike acute bacterial infections, it is very difficult to treat persistent bacterial infections (e.g. tuberculosis). Knowledge about the location of pathogenic bacteria during persistent infection will help to treat such conditions by designing novel drugs which can reach such locations. In this study, events of bacterial persistent infections were analyzed using game theory. A game was defined where the pathogen and the host are the two players with a conflict of interest. Criteria for the establishment of Nash equilibrium were calculated for this game. This theoretical model, which is very simple and heuristic, predicts that during persistent infections pathogenic bacteria stay in both intracellular and extracellular compartments of the host. The result of this study implies that a bacterium should be able to survive in both intracellular and extracellular compartments of the host in order to cause persistent infections. This explains why persistent infections are more often caused by intracellular pathogens like Mycobacterium and Salmonella. Moreover, this prediction is in consistence with the results of previous experimental studies.


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The structural basis for the homotropic inhibition of pantothenate synthetase by the substrate pantoate was investigated by X-ray crystallography and high-resolution NMR spectroscopic methods. The tertiary structure of the dimeric N-terminal domain of Escherichia coli pantothenate synthetase, determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.7 Å, showed a second molecule of pantoate bound in the ATP-binding pocket. Pantoate binding to the ATP-binding site induced large changes in structure, mainly for backbone and side chain atoms of residues in the ATP binding HXGH(34–37) motif. Sequence-specific NMR resonance assignments and solution secondary structure of the dimeric N-terminal domain, obtained using samples enriched in 2H, 13C, and 15N, indicated that the secondary structural elements were conserved in solution. Nitrogen-15 edited two-dimensional solution NMR chemical shift mapping experiments revealed that pantoate, at 10 mm, bound at these two independent sites. The solution NMR studies unambiguously demonstrated that ATP stoichiometrically displaced pantoate from the ATP-binding site. All NMR and X-ray studies were conducted at substrate concentrations used for enzymatic characterization of pantothenate synthetase from different sources [Jonczyk R & Genschel U (2006) J Biol Chem 281, 37435–37446]. As pantoate binding to its canonical site is structurally conserved, these results demonstrate that the observed homotropic effects of pantoate on pantothenate biosynthesis are caused by competitive binding of this substrate to the ATP-binding site. The results presented here have implications for the design and development of potential antibacterial and herbicidal agents.


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Acyl carrier protein (ACP) plays a central role in fatty acid biosynthesis. However, the molecular machinery that mediates its function is not yet fully understood. Therefore, structural studies were carried out on the acyl-ACP intermediates of Plasmodium falciparum using NMR as a spectroscopic probe. Chemical shift perturbation studies put forth a new picture of the interaction of ACP molecule with the acyl chain, namely, the hydrophobic core can protect up to 12 carbon units, and additional carbons protrude out from the top of the hydrophobic cavity. The latter hypothesis stems from chemical shift changes observed in C-alpha and C-beta of Ser-37 in tetradecanoyl-ACP. C-13, N-15-Double-filtered nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy experiments further substantiate the concept; in octanoyl (C-8)- and dodecanoyl (C-12)-ACP, a long range NOE is observed within the phosphopantetheine arm, suggesting an arch-like conformation. This NOE is nearly invisible in tetradecanoyl (C-14)-ACP, indicating a change in conformation of the prosthetic group. Furthermore, the present study provides insights into the molecular mechanism of ACP expansion, as revealed from a unique side chain-to-backbone hydrogen bond between two fairly conserved residues, Ile-55 HN and Glu-48 O. The backbone amide of Ile-55 HN reports a pK(a) value for the carboxylate, similar to 1.9 pH units higher than model compound value, suggesting strong electrostatic repulsion between helix II and helix III. Charge-charge repulsion between the helices in combination with thrust from inside due to acyl chain would energetically favor the separation of the two helices. Helix III has fewer structural restraints and, hence, undergoes major conformational change without altering the overall-fold of P. falciparum ACP.


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We study a fixed-point formalization of the well-known analysis of Bianchi. We provide a significant simplification and generalization of the analysis. In this more general framework, the fixed-point solution and performance measures resulting from it are studied. Uniqueness of the fixed point is established. Simple and general throughput formulas are provided. It is shown that the throughput of any flow will be bounded by the one with the smallest transmission rate. The aggregate throughput is bounded by the reciprocal of the harmonic mean of the transmission rates. In an asymptotic regime with a large number of nodes, explicit formulas for the collision probability, the aggregate attempt rate, and the aggregate throughput are provided. The results from the analysis are compared with ns2 simulations and also with an exact Markov model of the backoff process. It is shown how the saturated network analysis can be used to obtain TCP transfer throughputs in some cases.


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One influential image that is popular among scientists is the view that mathematics is the language of nature. The present article discusses another possible way to approach the relation between mathematics and nature, which is by using the idea of information and the conceptual vocabulary of cryptography. This approach allows us to understand the possibility that secrets of nature need not be written in mathematics and yet mathematics is necessary as a cryptographic key to unlock these secrets. Various advantages of such a view are described in this article.


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Background: Malaria caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum is a major public health concern. The parasite lacks a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle, making glycolysis its sole energy source. Although parasite enzymes have been considered as potential antimalarial drug targets, little is known about their structural biology. Here we report the crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from P. falciparum at 2.2 Angstrom resolution. Results: The crystal structure of P. falciparum TIM (PfTIM), expressed in Escherichia coli, was determined by the molecular replacement method using the structure of trypanosomal TIM as the starting model. Comparison of the PfTIM structure with other TIM structures, particularly human TIM, revealed several differences, In most TIMs the residue at position 183 is a glutamate but in PtTIM it is a leucine, This leucine residue is completely exposed and together with the surrounding positively charged patch, may be responsible for binding TIM to the erythrocyte membrane. Another interesting feature is the occurrence of a cysteine residue at the dimer interface of PfTIM (Cys13), in contrast to human TIM where this residue is a methionine. Finally, residue 96 of human TIM (Ser96), which occurs near the active site, has been replaced by phenylalanine in PfTIM.


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Acyl carrier protein (ACP) plays a central role in fatty acid biosynthesis. However, the molecular machinery that mediates its function is not yet fully understood. Therefore, structural studies were carried out on the acyl-ACP intermediates of Plasmodium falciparum using NMR as a spectroscopic probe. Chemical shift perturbation studies put forth a new picture of the interaction of ACP molecule with the acyl chain, namely, the hydrophobic core can protect up to 12 carbon units, and additional carbons protrude out from the top of the hydrophobic cavity. The latter hypothesis stems from chemical shift changes observed in C-alpha and C-beta of Ser-37 in tetradecanoyl-ACP. C-13, N-15-Double-filtered nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectroscopy experiments further substantiate the concept; in octanoyl (C-8)- and dodecanoyl (C-12)-ACP, a long range NOE is observed within the phosphopantetheine arm, suggesting an arch-like conformation. This NOE is nearly invisible in tetradecanoyl (C-14)-ACP, indicating a change in conformation of the prosthetic group. Furthermore, the present study provides insights into the molecular mechanism of ACP expansion, as revealed from a unique side chain-to-backbone hydrogen bond between two fairly conserved residues, Ile-55 HN and Glu-48 O. The backbone amide of Ile-55 HN reports a pK(a) value for the carboxylate, similar to 1.9 pH units higher than model compound value, suggesting strong electrostatic repulsion between helix II and helix III. Charge-charge repulsion between the helices in combination with thrust from inside due to acyl chain would energetically favor the separation of the two helices. Helix III has fewer structural restraints and, hence, undergoes major conformational change without altering the overall-fold of P. falciparum ACP.


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) belongs to the alpha-family of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes and catalyzes the reversible conversion of L-Ser and etrahydrofolate to Gly and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate. 5,10-Methylene tetrahydrofolate serves as a source of one-carbon fragment in many biological processes. SHMT also catalyzes the tetrahydrofolate-independent conversion of L-allo-Thr to Gly and acetaldehyde. The crystal structure of Bacillus stearothermophilus SHMT (bsSHMT) suggested that E53 interacts with the substrate, L-Ser and etrahydrofolate. To elucidate the role of E53, it was mutated to Q and structural and biochemical studies were carried out with the mutant enzyme. The internal aldimine structure of E53QbsSHMT was similar to that of the except for significant changes at Q53, Y60 and Y61. The wild-type enzyme, carboxyl of Gly and side chain of L-Ser were in two conformations in the respective external aldimine structures. The mutant enzyme was completely inactive for tetrahydrofolate-depen dent cleavage of L-Ser, whereas there was a 1.5-fold increase in the rate of tetrahydrofolate-independent reaction with L-allo-Thr. The results obtained from these studies suggest that E53 plays an essential role in tetrahydrofolate/5-formyl tetrahydrofolate binding and in the proper positioning of C beta of L-Ser for direct attack by N5 of tetrahydrofolate. Most interestingly, the structure of the complex obtained by cocrystallization of E53QbsSHMT with Gly and 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate revealed the gem-diamine form of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate bound to Gly and active site Lys. However, density for 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate was not observed. Gly carboxylate was in a single conformation, whereas pyridoxal 5'-phosphate had two distinct conformations. The differences between the structures of this complex and Gly external aldimine suggest that the changes induced by initial binding of 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate are retained even though 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate is absent in the final structure. Spectral studies carried out with this mutant enzyme also suggest that 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate binds to the E53QbsSHMT-Gly complex forming a quinonoid intermediate and falls off within 4 h of dialysis, leaving behind the mutant enzyme in the gemdiamine form. This is the first report to provide direct evidence for enzyme memory based on the crystal structure of enzyme complexes.


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Uracil N-glycosylase (Ung) is the most thoroughly studied of the group of uracil DNA-glycosylase (UDG) enzymes that catalyse the first step in the uracil excision-repair pathway. The overall structure of the enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is essentially the same as that of the enzyme from other sources. However, differences exist in the N- and C-terminal stretches and some catalytic loops. Comparison with appropriate structures indicate that the two-domain enzyme closes slightly when binding to DNA, while it opens slightly when binding to the proteinaceous inhibitor Ugi. The structural changes in the catalytic loops on complexation reflect the special features of their structure in the mycobacterial protein. A comparative analysis of available sequences of the enzyme from different sources indicates high conservation of amino-acid residues in the catalytic loops. The uracil-binding pocket in the structure is occupied by a citrate ion. The interactions of the citrate ion with the protein mimic those of uracil, in addition to providing insights into other possible interactions that inhibitors could be involved in.


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Relay selection for cooperative communications has attracted considerable research interest recently. While several criteria have been proposed for selecting one or more relays and analyzed, mechanisms that perform the selection in a distributed manner have received relatively less attention. In this paper, we analyze a splitting algorithm for selecting the single best relay amongst a known number of active nodes in a cooperative network. We develop new and exact asymptotic analysis for computing the average number of slots required to resolve the best relay. We then propose and analyze a new algorithm that addresses the general problem of selecting the best Q >= 1 relays. Regardless of the number of relays, the algorithm selects the best two relays within 4.406 slots and the best three within 6.491 slots, on average. Our analysis also brings out an intimate relationship between multiple access selection and multiple access control algorithms.