24 resultados para Close and open communion.

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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In our effort to explore the use of the sulfite ion to design hybrid and open-framework materials, we have been able to prepare, under hydrothermal conditions, zero-dimensional [Zn(C12H8N2)(SO3)]center dot 2H(2)O, I (a = 7.5737(5) angstrom, b = 10.3969(6) angstrom, c = 10.3986(6) angstrom, alpha = 64.172(1)degrees, beta = 69.395(1)degrees, gamma = 79.333(1)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P (1) over bar), one-dimensional [Zn-2(C12H8N2)(SO3)(2)(H2O)], II (a = 8.0247(3) angstrom, b = 9.4962(3) angstrom, c = 10.2740(2) A, alpha = 81.070(1)degrees, beta = 80.438(1)degrees, gamma = 75.66(5)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P (1) over bar), two-dimensional [Zn-2(C10H8N2)(SO3)(2)]center dot H2O, III (a = 16.6062(1) angstrom, b = 4.7935(1) angstrom, c = 19.2721(5) angstrom, beta = 100.674(2)degrees, Z = 4, and space group C2/c), and three-dimensional [Zn-4(C6H12N2)(SO3)(4)(H2O)(4)], IV (a = 11.0793(3) angstrom, c = 8.8246(3) angstrom, Z = 2, and space group P42nm), of which the last three are coordination polymers. A hybrid open-framework sulfite-sulfate of the composition [C2H10N2][Nd(SO3)(SO4)(H2O)](2), V (a = 9.0880(3) angstrom, b = 6.9429(2) angstrom, c = 13.0805(5) A, beta = 91.551(2)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P2(1)/c), with a layered structure containing metal-oxygen-metal bonds has also been described.


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Room temperature, magnesium ion-conducting molten electrolytes are prepared using a combination of acetamide, urea and magnesium triflate or magnesium perchlorate. The molten liquids show high ionic conductivity, of the order of mS cm(-1) at 298 K. Vibrational spectroscopic studies based on triflate/perchlorate bands reveal that the free ion concentration is higher than that of ion-pairs and aggregates in the melt. Electrochemical reversibility of magnesium deposition and dissolution is demonstrated using cyclic voltammetry and impedance studies. The transport number of Mg2+ ion determined by means of a combination of d.c. and ac. techniques is similar to 0.40. Preliminary studies on the battery characteristics reveal good capacity for the magnesium rechargeable cell and open up the possibility of using this unique class of acetamide-based room temperature molten electrolytes in secondary magnesium batteries. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The problem of non-destructive determination of the state-of-charge of zinc- and magnesium-manganese dioxide dry batteries is examined experimentally from the viewpoint of internal impedance and open-circuit voltage at equilibrium. It is shown that the impedance is mainly charge-transfer controlled at relatively high states-of-charge and progressively changes over to diffusion control as the state-of-charge decreases in the case of zinc-manganese dioxide dry batteries. On the other hand, the impedance is mainly diffusion controlled for undischarged batteries but becomes charge-transfer controlled as soon as there is some discharge in the case of magnesium-manganese dioxide batteries. It is concluded that the determination of state-of-charge is not possible for both types of batteries by the measurement of impedance parameters due to film-induced fluctuations of these parameters. The measurement of open-circuit voltage at equilibrium can be used as a state-of-charge indicator for Zn-MnO2 batteries but not for Mg-MnO2 batteries.


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Due to large scale afforestation programs and forest conservation legislations, India's total forest area seems to have stabilized or even increased. In spite of such efforts, forest fragmentation and degradation continues, with forests being subject to increased pressure due to anthropogenic factors. Such fragmentation and degradation is leading to the forest cover to change from very dense to moderately dense and open forest and 253 km(2) of very dense forest has been converted to moderately dense forest, open forest, scrub and non-forest (during 2005-2007). Similarly, there has been a degradation of 4,120 km(2) of moderately dense forest to open forest, scrub and non-forest resulting in a net loss of 936 km(2) of moderately dense forest. Additionally, 4,335 km(2) of open forest have degraded to scrub and non-forest. Coupled with pressure due to anthropogenic factors, climate change is likely to be an added stress on forests. Forest sector programs and policies are major factors that determine the status of forests and potentially resilience to projected impacts of climate change. An attempt is made to review the forest policies and programs and their implications for the status of forests and for vulnerability of forests to projected climate change. The study concludes that forest conservation and development policies and programs need to be oriented to incorporate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


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The validity of various qualitative proposals for interpreting and predicting the existence of short contacts between formally non-bonded atoms, as in cyclodisiloxane and related inorganic ring systems, is critically evaluated. The models range from simple considerations of geometric constraints, lone pair repulsions and pi-complex formation to proposals such as the unsupported pi-bond model and the sigma-bridged-pi bond concept. It is pointed out that a unified description based on a combination of closed and open 3-centre 2-electron bonds is possible. The role of hybridisation is emphasized in the short phantom bond computed in an earlier model system. These insights are used to predict structures with exceptionally short Si..Si and B..B phantom bonds. The proposals are confirmed by ab initio calculations.


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High molecular weight polyaniline (PANI) was synthesized by a combined procedure incorporating various synthesis methods. Temperature and open circuit potential of the reaction mixture were collected to monitor the reaction progress. The polymer is characterized by various techniques including gel permeation chromatography, dynamic light scattering, infrared spectroscopy, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and differential scanning calorimetry for elucidating the molecular architecture obtained by this method. As-synthesized PANI was found to possess high molecular weight, reduced branching, reduced cross-linking, and to predominantly consist of linear polymer chains. This polymer was also found to be more stable in solution form. JV characteristics of as-synthesized PANI films indicate a high current density which is due to increased free pathways and less traps for the charge transport to occur in PANI films. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2012. (C) 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Before installation, a voltage source converter is usually subjected to heat-run test to verify its thermal design and performance under load. For heat-run test, the converter needs to be operated at rated voltage and rated current for a substantial length of time. Hence, such tests consume huge amount of energy in case of high-power converters. Also, the capacities of the source and loads available in the research and development (R&D) centre or the production facility could be inadequate to conduct such tests. This paper proposes a method to conduct heat-run tests on high-power, pulse width modulated (PWM) converters with low energy consumption. The experimental set-up consists of the converter under test and another converter (of similar or higher rating), both connected in parallel on the ac side and open on the dc side. Vector-control or synchronous reference frame control is employed to control the converters such that one draws certain amount of reactive power and the other supplies the same; only the system losses are drawn from the mains. The performance of the controller is validated through simulation and experiments. Experimental results, pertaining to heat-run tests on a high-power PWM converter, are presented at power levels of 25 kVA to 150 kVA.


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We present here observations on diurnal and seasonal variation of mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2, from an urban station-Bangalore (BLR), India, monitored between October 2008 and December 2011. On a diurnal scale, higher mixing ratio with depleted delta C-13 of air CO2 was found for the samples collected during early morning compared to the samples collected during late afternoon. On a seasonal scale, mixing ratio was found to be higher for dry summer months (April-May) and lower for southwest monsoon months (June-July). The maximum enrichment in delta C-13 of air CO2 (-8.04 +/- 0.02aEuro degrees) was seen in October, then delta C-13 started depleting and maximum depletion (-9.31 +/- 0.07aEuro degrees) was observed during dry summer months. Immediately after that an increasing trend in delta C-13 was monitored coincidental with the advancement of southwest monsoon months and maximum enrichment was seen again in October. Although a similar pattern in seasonal variation was observed for the three consecutive years, the dry summer months of 2011 captured distinctly lower amplitude in both the mixing ratio and delta C-13 of air CO2 compared to the dry summer months of 2009 and 2010. This was explained with reduced biomass burning and increased productivity associated with prominent La Nina condition. While compared with the observations from the nearest coastal and open ocean stations-Cabo de Rama (CRI) and Seychelles (SEY), BLR being located within an urban region captured higher amplitude of seasonal variation. The average delta C-13 value of the end member source CO2 was identified based on both diurnal and seasonal scale variation. The delta C-13 value of source CO2 (-24.9 +/- 3aEuro degrees) determined based on diurnal variation was found to differ drastically from the source value (-14.6 +/- 0.7aEuro degrees) identified based on seasonal scale variation. The source CO2 identified based on diurnal variation incorporated both early morning and late afternoon sample; whereas, the source CO2 identified based on seasonal variation included only afternoon samples. Thus, it is evident from the study that sampling timing is one of the important factors while characterizing the composition of end member source CO2 for a particular station. The difference in delta C-13 value of source CO2 obtained based on both diurnal and seasonal variation might be due to possible contribution from cement industry along with fossil fuel / biomass burning as predominant sources for the station along with differential meteorological conditions prevailed.


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Spin-density maps, deduced from polarized neutron diffraction experiments, for both the pair and chain compounds of the system Mn2+Cu2+ have been reported recently. These results have motivated us to investigate theoretically the spin populations in such alternant mixed-spin systems. In this paper, we report our studies on the one-dimensional ferrimagnetic systems (S-A,S-B)(N) where hi is the number of AB pairs. We have considered all cases in which the spin Sri takes on allowed values in the range I to 7/2 while the spin S-B is held fixed at 1/2. The theoretical studies have been carried out on the isotropic Heisenberg model, using the density matrix renormalization group method. The effect of the magnitude of the larger spin SA On the quantum fluctuations in both A and B sublattices has been studied as a function of the system size N. We have investigated systems with both periodic and open boundary conditions, the latter with a view to understanding end-of-chain effects. The spin populations have been followed as a function of temperature as well as an applied magnetic field. High-magnetic fields are found to lead to interesting re-entrant behavior. The ratio of spin populations P-A-P-B is not sensitive to temperature at low temperatures.


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Electrodes made of purified and open single walled carbon nanotubes behave like metal hydride electrodes in Ni-MH batteries, showing high electrochemical reversible charging capacity up to 800 mAh g(-1) corresponding to a hydrogen storage capacity of 2.9 wt% compared to known AB(5), AB(2) metal hydride electrodes. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Government of India has announced the Greening India Mission (GIM) under the National Climate Change Action Plan. The Mission aims to restore and afforest about 10 mha over the period 2010-2020 under different sub-missions covering moderately dense and open forests, scrub/grasslands, mangroves, wetlands, croplands and urban areas. Even though the main focus of the Mission is to address mitigation and adaptation aspects in the context of climate change, the adaptation component is inadequately addressed. There is a need for increased scientific input in the preparation of the Mission. The mitigation potential is estimated by simply multiplying global default biomass growth rate values and area. It is incomplete as it does not include all the carbon pools, phasing, differing growth rates, etc. The mitigation potential estimated using the Comprehensive Mitigation Analysis Process model for the GIM for the year 2020 has the potential to offset 6.4% of the projected national greenhouse gas emissions, compared to the GIM estimate of only 1.5%, excluding any emissions due to harvesting or disturbances. The selection of potential locations for different interventions and species choice under the GIM must be based on the use of modelling, remote sensing and field studies. The forest sector provides an opportunity to promote mitigation and adaptation synergy, which is not adequately addressed in the GIM. Since many of the interventions proposed are innovative and limited scientific knowledge exists, there is need for an unprecedented level of collaboration between the research institutions and the implementing agencies such as the Forest Departments, which is currently non-existent. The GIM could propel systematic research into forestry and climate change issues and thereby provide global leadership in this new and emerging science.


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Solution of generalized eigenproblem, K phi = lambda M phi, by the classical inverse iteration method exhibits slow convergence for some eigenproblems. In this paper, a modified inverse iteration algorithm is presented for improving the convergence rate. At every iteration, an optimal linear combination of the latest and the preceding iteration vectors is used as the input vector for the next iteration. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated for three typical eigenproblems, i.e. eigenproblems with distinct, close and repeated eigenvalues. The algorithm yields 29, 96 and 23% savings in computational time, respectively, for these problems. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement, and this renders the algorithm even more attractive.


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Sequence-specific bidentate binding to double-stranded (ds)-DNA by 'tail-to-tail' linked dimeric, distamycin analogues is described; compared to their monomeric analogues, these dimers exhibit greater affinity and longer binding site size and open up a novel avenue in the design of minor groove binders that overcome the phasing problem.


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Many shallow landslides are triggered by heavy rainfall on hill slopes resulting in enormous casualties and huge economic losses in mountainous regions. Hill slope failure usually occurs as soil resistance deteriorates in the presence of the acting stress developed due to a number of reasons such as increased soil moisture content, change in land use causing slope instability, etc. Landslides triggered by rainfall can possibly be foreseen in real time by jointly using rainfall intensity-duration and information related to land surface susceptibility. Terrain analysis applications using spatial data such as aspect, slope, flow direction, compound topographic index, etc. along with information derived from remotely sensed data such as land cover / land use maps permit us to quantify and characterise the physical processes governing the landslide occurrence phenomenon. In this work, the probable landslide prone areas are predicted using two different algorithms – GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in a free and open source software package - openModeller. Several environmental layers such as aspect, digital elevation data, flow accumulation, flow direction, slope, land cover, compound topographic index, and precipitation data were used in modelling. A comparison of the simulated outputs, validated by overlaying the actual landslide occurrence points showed 92% accuracy with GARP and 96% accuracy with SVM in predicting landslide prone areas considering precipitation in the wettest month whereas 91% and 94% accuracy were obtained from GARP and SVM considering precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year.


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A new approach to machine representation and analysis of three-dimensional objects is presented. The representation, based on the notion of "skeleton" of an object leads to a scheme for comparing two given object views for shape relations. The objects are composed of long, thin, rectangular prisms joined at their ends. The input picture to the program is the digitized line drawing portraying the three-dimensional object. To compare two object views, two characteristic vertices called "cardinal point" and "end-cardinal point," occurring consistently at the bends and open ends of the object are detected. The skeletons are then obtained as a connected path passing through these points. The shape relationships between the objects are then obtained from the matching characteristics of their skeletons. The method explores the possibility of a more detailed and finer analysis leading to detection of features like symmetry, asymmetry and other shape properties of an object.