262 resultados para Actor. Receiver. Reception. Presence. Representation

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Although incidence matrix representation has been used to analyze the Petri net based models of a system, it has the limitation that it does not preserve reflexive properties (i.e., the presence of selfloops) of Petri nets. But in many practical applications self-loops play very important roles. This paper proposes a new representation scheme for general Petri nets. This scheme defines a matrix called "reflexive incidence matrix (RIM) c which is a combination of two matrices, a "base matrix Cb,,, and a "power matrix CP." This scheme preserves the reflexive and other properties of the Petri nets. Through a detailed analysis it is shown that the proposed scheme requires less memory space and less processing time for answering commonly encountered net queries compared to other schemes. Algorithms to generate the RIM from the given net description and to decompose RIM into input and output function matrices are also given. The proposed Petri net representation scheme is very useful to model and analyze the systems having shared resources, chemical processes, network protocols, etc., and to evaluate the performance of asynchronous concurrent systems.


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Contention-based multiple access is a crucial component of many wireless systems. Multiple-packet reception (MPR) schemes that use interference cancellation techniques to receive and decode multiple packets that arrive simultaneously are known to be very efficient. However, the MPR schemes proposed in the literature require complex receivers capable of performing advanced signal processing over significant amounts of soft undecodable information received over multiple contention steps. In this paper, we show that local channel knowledge and elementary received signal strength measurements, which are available to many receivers today, can actively facilitate multipacket reception and even simplify the interference canceling receiver¿s design. We introduce two variants of a simple algorithm called Dual Power Multiple Access (DPMA) that use local channel knowledge to limit the receive power levels to two values that facilitate successive interference cancellation. The resulting receiver structure is markedly simpler, as it needs to process only the immediate received signal without having to store and process signals received previously. Remarkably, using a set of three feedback messages, the first variant, DPMA-Lite, achieves a stable throughput of 0.6865 packets per slot. Using four possible feedback messages, the second variant, Turbo-DPMA, achieves a stable throughput of 0.793 packets per slot, which is better than all contention algorithms known to date.


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This paper considers the design and analysis of a filter at the receiver of a source coding system to mitigate the excess distortion caused due to channel errors. The index output by the source encoder is sent over a fading discrete binary symmetric channel and the possibly incorrect received index is mapped to the corresponding codeword by a Vector Quantization (VQ) decoder at the receiver. The output of the VQ decoder is then processed by a receive filter to obtain an estimate of the source instantiation. The distortion performance is analyzed for weighted mean square error (WMSE) and the optimum receive filter that minimizes the expected distortion is derived for two different cases of fading. It is shown that the performance of the system with the receive filter is strictly better than that of a conventional VQ and the difference becomes more significant as the number of bits transmitted increases. Theoretical expressions for an upper and lower bound on the WMSE performance of the system with the receive filter and a Rayleigh flat fading channel are derived. The design of a receive filter in the presence of channel mismatch is also studied and it is shown that a minimax solution is the one obtained by designing the receive filter for the worst possible channel. Simulation results are presented to validate the theoretical expressions and illustrate the benefits of receive filtering.


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Multi-packet reception (MPR) promises significant throughput gains in wireless local area networks (WLANs) by allowing nodes to transmit even in the presence of ongoing transmissions in the medium. However, the medium access control (MAC) layer must now be redesigned to facilitate rather than discourage - these overlapping transmissions. We investigate asynchronous MPR MAC protocols, which successfully accomplish this by controlling the node behavior based on the number of ongoing transmissions in the channel. The protocols use the backoff timer mechanism of the distributed coordination function, which makes them practically appealing. We first highlight a unique problem of acknowledgment delays, which arises in asynchronous MPR, and investigate a solution that modifies the medium access rules to reduce these delays and increase system throughput in the single receiver scenario. We develop a general renewal-theoretic fixed-point analysis that leads to expressions for the saturation throughput, packet dropping probability, and average head-of-line packet delay. We also model and analyze the practical scenario in which nodes may incorrectly estimate the number of ongoing transmissions.


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In this paper, an input receiver with a hysteresis characteristic that can work at voltage levels between 0.9 V and 5 V is proposed. The input receiver can be used as a wide voltage range Schmitt trigger also. At the same time, reliable circuit operation is ensured. According to the research findings, this is the first time a wide voltage range Schmitt trigger is being reported. The proposed circuit is compared with previously reported input receivers, and it is shown that the circuit has better noise immunity. The proposed input receiver ends the need for a separate Schmitt trigger and input buffer. The frequency of operation is also higher than that of the previously reported receiver. The circuit is simulated using HSPICE at 035-mu m standard thin oxide technology. Monte Carlo analysis is conducted at different process conditions, showing that the proposed circuit works well for different process conditions at different voltage levels of operation. A noise impulse of (V-CC/2) magnitude is added to the input voltage to show that the receiver receives the correct logic level even in the presence of noise. Here, V-CC is the fixed voltage supply of 3.3 V.


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The effect of Surface lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on the electrophoretic softness and fixed charge density in the ion-penetrable layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown in presence of copper or arsenic ions have been discussed, The electrophoretic mobility data were analyzed using the soft-particle electrophoresis theory. Cell surface potentials of all the strains based on soft-particle theory were lower than those estimated using the conventional Smoluchowski theory, Exposure to metal ions increased the Surface electrophoretic softness with decrease in the fixed charge density. Effect of cell surface lipopolysaccharides on the model parameters are investigated and discussed.


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A forest of quadtrees is a refinement of a quadtree data structure that is used to represent planar regions. A forest of quadtrees provides space savings over regular quadtrees by concentrating vital information. The paper presents some of the properties of a forest of quadtrees and studies the storage requirements for the case in which a single 2m × 2m region is equally likely to occur in any position within a 2n × 2n image. Space and time efficiency are investigated for the forest-of-quadtrees representation as compared with the quadtree representation for various cases.


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The system equations of a collisionless, unmagnetized plasma, contained in a box where a high frequency (HF) electric field is incident, are solved in the electrostatic approximation. The surface modes of the plasma in the semi-infinite and box geometry are investigated. In thi high frequency limit, the mode frequencies are not significantly changed by the HF field but their group velocities can be quite different. Two long wavelength low frequency modes, which are not excited in the absence of HF field, are found. These modes are true surface modes (decaying on one wavelength from the surface) unlike the only low frequency ion acoustic mode in the zero field case. In the short wavelength limit the low frequency mode occurs at omega i/ square root 2, omega i being the ion plasma frequency, as a result similar to the case of no HF field.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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In uplink orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), large timing offsets (TO) and/or carrier frequency offsets (CFO) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause significant multiuser interference (MUI). In this letter, we analytically characterize the degradation in the average output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) due to the combined effect of both TOs as well as CFOs in uplink OFDMA. Specifically, we derive closed-form expressions for the average SIR at the DFT output in the presence of large CFOs and TOs. The analyticalexpressions derived for the signal and various interference terms at the DFT output are used to devise an interference cancelling receiver to mitigate the effect of CFO/TO-induced interferences.


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The association of nucleoside triphosphate molecules and calcium ions with purified particles of mycobacteriophage I3 has been documented. The content of nucleoside triphosphate has been determined to be 118 molecules per phage particle by equilibrium dialysis against labelled ATP or 148 molecules per phage particle by the direct determination of labelled nucleoside triphosphate.The concentration of bound Ca2+ exhibited a high degree of variation between different batches, which may be due to the nonspecific binding of Ca2+ by the virus particles. However, the tightly bound Ca2+ not removable by dialysis against calciumspecific chelating agent, showed a constant value of 2985 atoms/phage particle.


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Functional dependencies in relational databases are investigated. Eight binary relations, viz., (1) dependency relation, (2) equipotence relation, (3) dissidence relation, (4) completion relation, and dual relations of each of them are described. Any one of these eight relations can be used to represent the functional dependencies in a database. Results from linear graph theory are found helpful in obtaining these representations. The dependency relation directly gives the functional dependencies. The equipotence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of attribute sets which functionally determine each other. The dissidence relation specifies the dependencies in terms of saturated sets in a very indirect way. Completion relation represents the functional dependencies as a function, the range of which turns out to be a lattice. Depletion relation which is the dual of the completion relation can also represent functional dependencies and similarly can the duals of dependency, equipotence, and dissidence relations. The class of depleted sets, which is the dual of saturated sets, is defined and used in the study of depletion relations.


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An efficient geometrical design rule checker is proposed, based on operations on quadtrees, which represent VLSI mask layouts. The time complexity of the design rule checker is O(N), where N is the number of polygons in the mask. A pseudoPascal description is provided of all the important algorithms for geometrical design rule verification.