95 resultados para 9-82

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Pisum sativum purified 28 fold showed two closely moving protein bands on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both of which have AChE activity. AChE activity occurs in roots, stem and leaves, that in roots varying with age. Activity is optimal at pH 9 and at 30”. The energy of activation is 9.82 x lo3 J per mol and MW is greater than 200000. Although the enzyme can hydrolyze both choline and non-choline esters, it has greater affinity for acetylthiocholine (ATCh) and acetylcholine (ACh). ATCh inhibits the enzyme at higher concentrations and the K, is 0.2 mM with this as substrate. The enzyme is not as sensitive to Eserine as it is to Neostigmine. It is also inhibited by organophosphorus pesticides such as Fensulfothion, Parathion and Dimethoate. Treatment of the seeds with Fensulfothion [O, O-diethyl (p-methylsulfinylphenyl) phosphorothioate] affects growth and secondary root development. This might be explained by its inhibition of AChE and the consequent increase of endogenous levels of ACh.


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The binding of xylo-oligosaccharides to Chainia endoxylanase resulted in a decrease in fluorescence intensity of the enzyme with the formation of 1:1 complex. Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters of ligand binding were determined by fluorescence titrations and titration calorimetry. The affinity of xylanase for the oligosaccharides increases in the order X-2 < X-3 < X-4 less than or equal to X-5. Contributions from the enthalpy towards the free energy change decreased with increasing chain length from X-2 to X-4, whereas an increase in entropy was observed, the change in enthalpy and entropy of binding being compensatory. The entropically driven binding process suggested that hydrophobic interactions as well as hydrogen bonds play a predominant role in ligand binding.


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Polycrystalline films of SrBi2Nb2O9 were grown using pulsed-laser ablation. The ferroelectric properties were achieved by low-temperature deposition followed by a subsequent annealing process. The lower switching voltage was obtained by lowering the thickness, which did not affect the insulating nature of the films. The hysteresis results showed an excellent square-shaped loop with results (P-r=6 mu C/cm(2), E-c=100 kV/cm) in good agreement with earlier reports. The films also exhibited a dielectric constant of 250 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The transport studies indicated an ohmic behavior, while higher voltages induced a bulk space charge.


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In the title compound, C23H26O3, the three six-membered rings of the xanthene system are non-planar, having total puckering amplitudes, QT, of 0.443 (2), 0.202 (2) and 0.449 (2) Å. The central ring adopts a boat conformation and the outer rings adopt sofa conformations. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions.


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Yellow form (I): Mr= 350.09, monoclinic, P2Jn, Z--4, a=9.525(1), b=14.762(1), c= 11.268(1),/t, fl= 107.82 (1) o , V= 1508.3 A 3 , Din(flotation in aqueous KI)= 1.539 (2), D x= 1.541 (2) g cm -3, #(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418 A) = 40.58 cm -~, F(000) = 712, T= 293 K, R = 8.8% for 2054 significant refections. Red form (II): Mr= 350.09, triclinic, Pi, Z=2, a=9.796(2), b= 10.750 (2), c= 7.421 (1)A, a= 95.29 (2), fl= 0108-2701/84/111901-05501.50 70.18 (1), y = 92-.76 (2) °, V= 731.9 A 3, Din(flotation in KI) = 1.585 (3), D x = 1.588 (3) g cm -3, ~t(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 40.58 cm -1, F(000) = 356, T=293 K, R = 5.8% for 1866 significant reflections. There are no unusual bond distances or angles. The triazole and two phenyl rings are planar. On the basis of packing considerations the possibility of intermolecular interactions playing a role in the reactivity of the starting material is ruled out.


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Complexes of lanthanide perchlorates with the ligand N,N,N,N-tetra-methyl-3,6,9-trioxaundecane diamide (TUD) of the composition Ln(TUD)2-(ClO4)3 (Ln triple bond; length as m-dash La, Nd, Ho, Er, Y) were isolated. Electrical conductivity values indicate that all the perchlorate groups are ionic. IR and nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C) data prove that the ligand coordinates to the metal via the three ether oxygens and the two carbonyl oxygens. A probable coordination number of ten can be assigned for all the complexes.


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The solution and solid-state conformations of the peptide disulfide Boc-Cys-Pro-Aib-Cys-NHMe have been determined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The Cys(4) and methylamide NH groups are solvent shielded in CDCI3 and (CD,),SO, suggesting their involvement in intramolecular hydrogen bonding. On the basis of known stereochemical preferences of Pro and Aib residues, a consecutive @-turn structure is favored in solution. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals a highly folded 310 helical conformation for the peptide, with the S-S bridge lying approximately parallel to the helix axis, linking residues 1 and 4. The backbone conformational angles are Cys(1) 4 = -121.1', $ = 65.6"; Pro(2) 4 = -58.9', 4 = -34.0'; Aib(3) 4 = -61.8', $ = -17.9'; Cys(4) 4 = -70.5', $ = -18.6'. Two intramolecular hydrogen bonds are observed between Cys(1) CO--HN Cys(4) and Pro(2) CO--HNMe. The disulfide bond has a right-handed chirality, with a dihedral angle (xss) of 82'.


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Solvolysis of normal and pseudo phthaloyl chlorides in aqueous acetone and in aqueous dioxane has revealed that the former solvolyses about hundred-fold faster than the latter. Contrary to the accepted belief, there is no evidence for equilibrium between the normal and the pseudo forms of phthaloyl chloride, under a variety of conditions.


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Bicyclic organoboranes (9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, 10-borabicyclo[4.3.1]decane and 11-borabicyclo[5.3.1] undecane) react with alkaline silver nitrate solution to give a mixture of monocyclic ketone and cis-monocyclic olefin.


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In this paper, the results on primal methods for Bottleneck Linear Programming (BLP) problem are briefly surveyed, the primal method is presented and the degenerate case related to Bottleneck Transportation Problem (BTP) is explicitly considered. The algorithm is based on the idea of using auxiliary coefficients as is done by Garfinkel and Rao [6]. The modification presented for the BTP rectifies the defect in Hammer's method in the case of degenerate basic feasible solution. Illustrative numerical examples are also given.


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Syntheses and structural characterization of Ni(II) chelates of a new series of symmetric and unsymmetric tetradentate linear ligands are described. Preparative routes involve either the direct reaction between a metal complex and arene diazonium diazonium salts or a simple metal incorporation into the independently synthesized ligands. Recent X-ray structure determination of 4,9-dimethyl-5,8-diazadodeca-4,8-diene-2,11-dione-3,10-di(4′-methyl phenyl) hydrazonatonickel(II) complex reveals the geometry around the Ni(II) to be very close to square planar. The expected distortion because of the disposition of bulky aromatic groups on the neighbouring nitrogens is minimized by their projection in the opposite directions from the plane. PMP, IR and electronic spectral data for the complexes are quite in agreement with this structure.


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Mr=328.32, triclinic, P1, a=5.801 (1), b=7.977(1), c=9.110(2)A, ~t=102.33 (1), fl= 97.92 (1), y= 109.82 (1) °, v= 377.2 (1) A 3 at 293 K, Z=I, D x=1.45, D m=1.45 g cm -3, 2(MoKs)= 0.7107 A, ~ = 0.74 cm -1, F(000) = 174.0. R = 0.046 for 990 unique observed [F o > 4O(Fo)] reflections. The crystal structure is stabilized by extensive hydrogen bonding involving all N and O atoms.


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The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound (1) has been determined by the heavy-atom method from 1038 observed three-dimensional photographic data. Crystals are orthorhombic, with a = 20.07 ± 0.02, b= 10.05 ± 0.02, c= 7.31 ± 0.01 Å, space group P212121, with Z= 4. The structure was refined by block diagonal leastsquares to R 0.099. The conformation of the norbornane moiety is discussed. The seven-membered ring portion of the molecule adopts an approximate chair conformation. The packing of the molecules in the crystal is mainly a consequence of van der Waals interactions.


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The reaction of the title complexes (FIG. 1) with N-bromosuccinimide or bromine in chloroform yields isomeric bromo complexes on substitution of the γ-CH carbon proton by bromine. The brominated products have been characterised by ir, pmr, electronic absorption spectra, conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The linkage isomerisation of the brominated products in chloroform has been shown to depend on the diamine residue.