92 resultados para 1995_12140558 Optics-15

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We study the properties of single red blood cells (RBCs) held in an optical-tweezers trap. We observe a change in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations between RBCs from normal and malaria-infected samples. The change, caused by infection-induced structural changes in the cell, appears as a statistical increase in the mean (by 25%) and standard deviation (by 200%) of the corner frequency measured over similar to 100 cells. The increase is observed even though the ensemble of cells being measured consists mostly of cells that do not actually host the parasite, but are from an infected pool. This bystander effect appears to vindicate other observations that infected cells can affect the biomechanical properties of uninfected cells. The change is also observed to be independent of the stage of infection and its duration, highlighting its potential for disease detection. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3427142].


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Diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction uses advanced numerical models that are computationally costly to be implemented in the real time. The graphics processing units (GPUs) offer desktop massive parallelization that can accelerate these computations. An open-source GPU-accelerated linear algebra library package is used to compute the most intensive matrix-matrix calculations and matrix decompositions that are used in solving the system of linear equations. These open-source functions were integrated into the existing frequency-domain diffuse optical image reconstruction algorithms to evaluate the acceleration capability of the GPUs (NVIDIA Tesla C 1060) with increasing reconstruction problem sizes. These studies indicate that single precision computations are sufficient for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction. The acceleration per iteration can be up to 40, using GPUs compared to traditional CPUs in case of three-dimensional reconstruction, where the reconstruction problem is more underdetermined, making the GPUs more attractive in the clinical settings. The current limitation of these GPUs in the available onboard memory (4 GB) that restricts the reconstruction of a large set of optical parameters, more than 13, 377. (C) 2010 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. DOI: 10.1117/1.3506216]


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The recently discovered twist phase is studied in the context of the full ten-parameter family of partially coherent general anisotropic Gaussian Schell-model beams. It is shown that the nonnegativity requirement on the cross-spectral density of the beam demands that the strength of the twist phase be bounded from above by the inverse of the transverse coherence area of the beam. The twist phase as a two-point function is shown to have the structure of the generalized Huygens kernel or Green's function of a first-order system. The ray-transfer matrix of this system is exhibited. Wolf-type coherent-mode decomposition of the twist phase is carried out. Imposition of the twist phase on an otherwise untwisted beam is shown to result in a linear transformation in the ray phase space of the Wigner distribution. Though this transformation preserves the four-dimensional phase-space volume, it is not symplectic and hence it can, when impressed on a Wigner distribution, push it out of the convex set of all bona fide Wigner distributions unless the original Wigner distribution was sufficiently deep into the interior of the set.


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The issue raised in this Letter is classical, not only in the sense of being nonquantum, but also in the sense of being quite ancient: which subset of 4 X 4 real matrices should be accepted as physical Mueller matrices in polarization optics? Nonquantum entanglement or inseparability between the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of an electromagnetic beam whose polarization is not homogeneous is shown to provide the physical basis to resolve this issue in a definitive manner.


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Two identities involving quarter-wave plates and half-wave plates are established. These are used to improve on an earlier gadget involving four wave plates leading to a new gadget involving just three plates, a half-wave plate and two quarter-wave plates, which can realize all SU(2) polarization transformations. This gadget is shown to involve the minimum number of quarter-wave and half-wave plates. The analysis leads to a decomposition theorem for SU (2) matrices in terms of factors which are symmetric fourth and eighth roots of the identity.


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Crystal structures of six binary salts involving aromatic amines as cations and hydrogen tartrates as anions are presented. The materials are 2,6-xylidinium-L-monohydrogen tartrate monohydrate, C12H18O6.5N, P22(1)2(1), a = 7.283(2) Angstrom, b = 17.030(2) Angstrom, c = 22.196(2) Angstrom, Z = 8; 2,6-xylidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate, C26H25O8N, P2(1), a = 7.906(1) Angstrom, b = 24.757(1) Angstrom, c = 13.166(1) Angstrom, beta = 105.01(1)degrees, Z = 4; 2,3-xylidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate monohydrate, C26H26O8.5N, P2(1), a = 7.837(1) Angstrom, b = 24.488(1) Angstrom, c = 13.763(1) Angstrom, beta = 105.69(1)degrees, Z = 4; 2-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate, C25H23O8N, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 13.553(2) Angstrom, b = 15.869(3) Angstrom, c = 22.123(2) Angstrom, Z = 8; 3-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl monohydrogen tartrate (1:1), C25H23O8N, P1, a = 7.916(3) Angstrom, b = 11.467(6) Angstrom, c = 14.203(8) Angstrom, alpha = 96.44(4)degrees, beta = 98.20(5)degrees, = 110.55(5)degrees, Z = 2; 3-toluidinium-D-dibenzoyl tartrate dihydrate (1:2), C32H36O10N, P1, a = 7.828(3) Angstrom, b = 8.233(1) Angstrom, c = 24.888(8) Angstrom, alpha = 93.98 degrees, beta = 94.58(3)degrees, = 89.99(2)degrees, Z = 2. An analysis of the hydrogen-bonding schemes in terms of crystal packing, stoichiometric variations, and substitutional variations in these materials provides insights to design hydrogen-bonded networks directed toward the engineering of crystalline nonlinear optical materials.


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We show that the third order optical nonlinearity of 15-atom gold clusters is significantly enhanced when in contact with indium tin oxide (ITO) conducting film. Open and close aperture z-scan experiments together with non-degenerate pump-probe differential transmission experiments were done using 80 fs laser pulses centered at 395 nm and 790 nm on gold clusters encased inside cyclodextrin cavities. We show that two photon absorption coefficient is enhanced by an order of magnitude as compared to that when the clusters are on pristine glass plate. The enhancement for the nonlinear optical refraction coefficient is similar to 3 times. The photo-induced excited state absorption using pump-probe experiments at pump wavelength of 395 nm and probe at 790 nm also show an enhancement by an order of magnitude. These results attributed to the excited state energy transfer in the coupled gold cluster-ITO system are different from the enhancement seen so far in charge donor-acceptor complexes and nanoparticle-conjugate polymer composites.


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The reaction of N4P4Cl8(1) with sodium phenoxide (or phenol in the presence of triethylamine) has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. The chloro(phenoxy)-derivatives, N4P4Cl8-n(OPh)n[n= 1 or 2 (mixture of four non-geminal isomers), 3(mixture of non-geminal isomers), 4(mixture of isomers), 5(mixture of isomers), 6(mixture of four non-geminal isomers), or 8], have been isolated by column chromatography over silica gel. Attempts to separate geometric isomers were unsuccessful. Structural elucidation of the products is based on the 31P n.m.r. data for the chloro-precursors and 1H and 31P n.m.r. spectra of the dimethylamino- and/or methoxy-derivatives. The chlorine-replacement pattern is discussed.


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With the extension of the work of the preceding paper, the relativistic front form for Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism is developed and shown to be particularly suited to the description of paraxial waves. The generators of the Poincaré group in a form applicable directly to the electric and magnetic field vectors are derived. It is shown that the effect of a thin lens on a paraxial electromagnetic wave is given by a six-dimensional transformation matrix, constructed out of certain special generators of the Poincaré group. The method of construction guarantees that the free propagation of such waves as well as their transmission through ideal optical systems can be described in terms of the metaplectic group, exactly as found for scalar waves by Bacry and Cadilhac. An alternative formulation in terms of a vector potential is also constructed. It is chosen in a gauge suggested by the front form and by the requirement that the lens transformation matrix act locally in space. Pencils of light with accompanying polarization are defined for statistical states in terms of the two-point correlation function of the vector potential. Their propagation and transmission through lenses are briefly considered in the paraxial limit. This paper extends Fourier optics and completes it by formulating it for the Maxwell field. We stress that the derivations depend explicitly on the "henochromatic" idealization as well as the identification of the ideal lens with a quadratic phase shift and are heuristic to this extent.


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The cr~¢stal structure of [potassium(benzo-15-crown-5)](picrate) shows that in the complex the metal is sandwiched between two crowns andhas no interaction with plcrate.


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A necessary and sufficient condition for the 4 × 4 Mueller matrix to be derivable from the 2 × 2 Jones matrix is obtained. This condition allows one to determine if a given Mueller matrix describes a totally polarized system or a partially polarized (depolarizing) system. The result of Barakat is analysed in the light of this condition. A recently reported experimentally measured Mueller matrix is examined using this condition and is shown to represent a partially polarized system.


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Complexation of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with crown ethers is well known (1) and chemical and crystallographic studies have been carried out for number of complexes (2,3). The interaction of the metal with the crown ether depends on the nature of the cation and particularly on the basicity of the anion (4) , In this paper we report the crystal and molecular structure of a lithium picrate complex of benzo-15-crown-5, the first x-ray crystallographic study of a lithlum-crown system.


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The recently introduced generalized pencil of Sudarshan which gives an exact ray picture of wave optics is analysed in some situations of interest to wave optics. A relationship between ray dispersion and statistical inhomogeneity of the field is obtained. A paraxial approximation which preserves the rectilinear propagation character of the generalized pencils is presented. Under this approximation the pencils can be computed directly from the field conditions on a plane, without the necessity to compute the cross-spectral density function in the entire space as an intermediate quantity. The paraxial results are illustrated with examples. The pencils are shown to exhibit an interesting scaling behaviour in the far-zone. This scaling leads to a natural generalization of the Fraunhofer range criterion and of the classical van Cittert-Zernike theorem to planar sources of arbitrary state of coherence. The recently derived results of radiometry with partially coherent sources are shown to be simple consequences of this scaling.


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Prequantization has been forwarded as a means to improve the performance of double phase holograms (DPHs). We show here that any improvement (even under the best of conditions) is not large enough to help the DPH to compete favourably with other holograms.


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We report on the bacterial protein-based all-optical switches which operate at low laser power, high speed and fulfil most of the requirements to be an ideal all-optical switch without any moving parts involved. This consists of conventional optical waveguides coated with bacteriorhodopsin films at switching locations. The principle of operation of the switch is based on the light-induced refractive index change of bacteriorhodopsin. This approach opens the possibility of realizing proteinbased all-optical switches for communication network, integrated optics and optical computers.