158 resultados para stereo-immersive VR


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The details of the first total synthesis of a natural thapsane lg containing three contiguous quaternary carbon atoms, starting from cyclogeraniol (9) '5 described. The Claisen rearrangement of 9 with methoxypropene in the presence of a catalytic amount of propionic acid produced ketone 10. Rhodium acetate-catalyzed intramolecular cyclopropanation of a-diazo-&keto ester 12, obtained from 10 via 8-keto ester 8, furnished cyclopropyl keto ester 7. Lithium in liquid ammonia reductive cleavage of cyclopropyl compound 7 gave a 1:l mixture of hydrindanone 6 and keto1 13. Wittig methylenation of 6 furnished ester 21. Epoxidation of 21, followed by BF3-OEt2-catalyzed rearrangement of epoxide 23 afforded hemiacetal 25. Treatment of hemiacetal 25 with triethylsilane in trifluoroacetic acid furnished lactone 22, a degradation product of various thapsanes. Finally, DIBAH reduction of lactone 22 generated the thapsane


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The presence of two (4n+2)-electron conjugated systems in perpendicular planes results in considerable aromatic stabilization. Despite having two fewer hydrogens, the 6 pi e-2 sigma e 3,5-dehydrophenyl cation (C6H3+, 1) is 32.7 (CCSD(T)/6-31G**) and 35.2 kcal/mol (RMP4sdtq/6-3iG*//RMP2(fu)/6-31G*) more stable than the phenyl cation (evaluated by an isodesmic reaction involving benzene and m-dehydrobenzene (4)). Cation 1, the global C6H3+ minimum, is 11.7,24.2, 11.8, and 30.4 kcal/mol lower in energy than the 2,6- (11) and 3,4-dehydrophenyl (12) cations as well as the open-chain isomers 13 and 14 (RMP4sdtq/6-31G*//RMP2(fu)/6-31G* + ZPE(RMP2(fu)/6-31G*)). The stability of 1 is increased hyperconjugatively by 2,4,6-trisilyl substitution. The double aromaticity of 1 is indicated by the computed magnetic susceptibility exaltations (IGLO/II//RMP2(fu)/6-31G*) of -5.2, -6.8, -15, and -23.2 relative to 11, 12, 13, and 14, respectively. Thus, 1 fulfills the geometric, energetic, and magnetic criteria of aromaticity. The double aromaticity of the D-6h cyclo[6]carbon is apparent from the same criteria


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We present a frontier based algorithm for searching multiple goals in a fully unknown environment, with only information about the regions where the goals are most likely to be located. Our algorithm chooses an ``active goal'' from the ``active goal list'' generated by running a Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp) routine with the given centroid locations of the goal regions. We use the concept of ``goal switching'' which helps not only in reaching more number of goals in given time, but also prevents unnecessary search around the goals that are not accessible (surrounded by walls). The simulation study shows that our algorithm outperforms Multi-Heuristic LRTA* (MELRTA*) which is a significant representative of multiple goal search approaches in an unknown environment, especially in environments with wall like obstacles.


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We consider the problem of goal seeking by robots in unknown environments. We present a frontier based algorithm for finding a route to a goal in a fully unknown environment, where information about the goal region (GR), the region where the goal is most likely to be located, is available. Our algorithm efficiently chooses the best candidate frontier cell, which is on the boundary between explored space and unexplored space, having the maximum ``goal seeking index'', to reach the goal in minimal number of moves. Modification of the algorithm is also proposed to further reduce the number of moves toward the goal. The algorithm has been tested extensively in simulation runs and results demonstrate that the algorithm effectively directs the robot to the goal and completes the search task in minimal number of moves in bounded as well as unbounded environments. The algorithm is shown to perform as well as a state of the art agent centered search algorithm RTAA*, in cluttered environments if exact location of the goal is known at the beginning of the mission and is shown to perform better in uncluttered environments.


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Stereo- and enantiospecific synthesis of (+)-valerane starting from R-carvone utilising orthoester Claisen rearrangement and intramolecular diazo ketone cyclopropanation reactions for the construction of the two vicinal quaternary carbon atoms is described. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A concise total synthesis of 11-O-methyldebenzoyltashironin is reported in which oxidative dearomatization-IMDA-RCM triad constitutes the key ring forming steps, while an unorthodox DIBAL-H mediated stereo- and regioselective reductive epoxide openings and implementation of the vinyl bromide-carbonyl equivalency concept were pivotal to the success of this endeavor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (rho VR/eta), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid eta(r) = (eta(s)/eta), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Gamma = (rho V-2/G)(1/2). Here rho is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and V is the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter epsilon = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate s((0)), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress. There is an O(epsilon(1/2)) correction to the growth rate, s((1)), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness epsilon(1/2)R where the viscous stresses are O(epsilon(1/2)) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Gamma and wavenumber k where s((1)) = 0. At these points, the wall layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(epsilon) correction to the growth rate s((2)) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s((2)) increases proportional to (H-1)(-2) for (H-1) much less than 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases proportional to H-4 for H much greater than 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube


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During the past fifty years, India has progressed well in many branches of science and technology. Underlying developments in instrumentation and measurement systems have played a major role in this progress. The instrumentation industry has also established itself in the country and indigenously developed instruments are easily available now in most of the areas. The education and training programmes and career paths for young scientists and engineers in the field of instrumentation are also discussed.


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A numerical approach for coupling the temperature and concentration fields using a micro/macro dual scale model for a solidification problem is presented. The dual scale modeling framework is implemented on a hybrid explicit-implicit solidification scheme. The advantage of this model lies in more accurate consideration of microsegregation occurring at micro-scale using a subgrid model. The model is applied to the case of solidification of a Pb-40% Sn alloy in a rectangular cavity. The present simulation results are compared with the corresponding experimental results reported in the literature, showing improvement in macrosegregation predictions. Subsequently, a comparison of macrosegregation prediction between the results of the present method with those of a parameter model is performed, showing similar trends.


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The crystal structure of the saccharide-free form of the basic form of winged-bean agglutinin (WBAI) has been solved by the molecular-replacement method and refined at 2.3 Angstrom resolution The final R factor is 19.74b for all data in the resolution range 8.0-2.3 Angstrom. The asymmetric unit contains two half-dimers, each located on a crystallographic twofold axis. The structure of the saccharide-free form is compared with that of the complex of WBAI wi th methyl-alpha-D-galactoside. The complex is composed of two dimers in the asymmetric unit. The intersubunit interactions in the dimer are nearly identical in the two structures The binding site of the saccharide-free structure contains three ordered water molecules at positions similar to those of the hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrate which an hydrogen bonded to the protein. Superposition of the saccharide-binding sites of the two structures shows that the major changes involve expulsion of these ordered water molecules and a shift of about 0.6 Angstrom of the main-chain atoms of the variable loop.


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We focus on the energy spent in radio communication by the stations (STAs) in an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLAN. All the STAs are engaged in web browsing, which is characterized by a short file downloads over TCP, with short duration of inactivity or think time in between two file downloads. Under this traffic, Static PSM (SPSM) performs better than CAM, since the STAs in SPSM can switch to low power state (sleep) during think times while in CAM they have to be in the active state all the time. In spite of this gain, performance of SPSM degrades due to congestion, as the number of STAs associated with the access point (AP) increases. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm, which we call opportunistic PSM (OPSM). We show through simulations that OPSM performs better than SPSM under the aforementioned TCP traffic. The performance gain achieved by OPSM over SPSM increases as the mean file size requested by the STAs or the number of STAs associated with the AP increases. We implemented OPSM in NS-2.33, and to compare the performance of OPSM and SPSM, we evaluate the number of file downloads that can be completed with a given battery capacity and the average time taken to download a file.


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Two-dimensional NMR and molecular dynamics simulations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structures of two hairpin DNA structures: d-CTAGAG GATCCUTTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U1-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTUTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U3-hairpin). The (1) H resonances of both of these hairpin structures have been assigned almost completely. NMR restrained molecular dynamics and energy minimization procedures have been used to describe the three-dimensional structures of these hairpins. This study and concurrent NMR structural studies on two other d-CTAGAGGA TCCTUTTGGATCCT (abbreviated as U2-hairpin) and d-CTAGAGGATCCTTTUGGATCCT (abbreviated as U4-hairpin) have shed light upon various interactions reported between Echerichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) and uracil-containing DNA. The backbone torsion angles, which partially influence the local conformation of U12 and U14 in U1 and U3-hairpins, respectively, are probably locked in the trans conformation as in the case of U-13 in the U2-hairpin. Such a stretched-out backbone conformation in the vicinity of U-12 and U-14 is thought to be the reason why the K-m value is poor for U1- and U3-hairpins as it is for the U2-hairpin. Furthermore, the bases U-12 and U-14 in both U1- and U3-hairpins adopt an anti conformation, in contrast with the base conformation of U-13 in the U2-hairpin, which adopts a syn conformation. The clear discrepancy observed in the U-base orientation with respect to the sugar moieties could explain why the V-max value is 10- to 20-fold higher for the U1- and U3-hairpins compared with the U2-hairpin. Taken together, these observations support our interpretation that the unfavourable backbone results in a poor K-m value, whereas the unfavourable nucleotide conformation results in a poor V-max value. These two parameters therefore make the U1- and U3-hairpins better substrates for UDG compared with the U2-hairpin, as reported earlier [Kumar, N. V. & Varshney, U. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2336-2343.].


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An enantiospecific formal total synthesis of (-)-ceratopicanol starting from the readily and abundantly available monoterpene (R)-limonene is described. A combination of Claisen rearrangement-intramolecular diazo-ketone cyclopropanation-regiospecific reductive cyclopropane cleavage reactions are employed for the stereo- and regiospecific generation of the two vicinal ring junction quaternary carbon atoms.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.