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We consider the problem of quickest detection of an intrusion using a sensor network, keeping only a minimal number of sensors active. By using a minimal number of sensor devices,we ensure that the energy expenditure for sensing, computation and communication is minimized (and the lifetime of the network is maximized). We model the intrusion detection (or change detection) problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). Based on the theory of MDP, we develop the following closed loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithms: 1) optimal control of Mk+1, the number of sensors in the wake state in time slot k + 1, 2) optimal control of qk+1, the probability of a sensor in the wake state in time slot k + 1, and an open loop sleep/wake scheduling algorithm which 3) computes q, the optimal probability of a sensor in the wake state (which does not vary with time),based on the sensor observations obtained until time slot k.Our results show that an optimum closed loop control onMk+1 significantly decreases the cost compared to keeping any number of sensors active all the time. Also, among the three algorithms described, we observe that the total cost is minimum for the optimum control on Mk+1 and is maximum for the optimum open loop control on q.


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Diversity embedded space time codes are high rate codes that are designed such that they have a high diversity code embedded within them. A recent work by Diggavi and Tse characterizes the performance limits that can be achieved by diversity embedded space-time codes in terms of the achievable Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT). In particular, they have shown that the trade off is successively refinable for rayleigh fading channels with one degree of freedom using superposition coding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC). However, for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels, the questions of successive refinability remains open. We consider MIMO Channels under superposition coding and SIC. We derive an upper bound on the successive refinement characteristics of the DMT. We then construct explicit space time codes that achieve the derived upper bound. These codes, constructed from cyclic division algebras, have minimal delay. Our results establish that when the channel has more than one degree of freedom, the DMT is not successive refinable using superposition coding and SIC. The channels considered in this work can have arbitrary fading statistics.


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In this contribution, we discuss a total cross-section model which can be applied to both photon and purely hadronic processes. We find that the model can reproduce photo-production cross-sections, as well as extrapolations of gamma p processes to gamma p using vector meson dominance models, with minimal modifications from the proton case.


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Groundwater constitutes a vital natural resource for sustaining India’s agricultural economy and meeting the country’s social, ecological and environmental goals. It is a unique resource, widely available, providing security against droughts and yet it is closely linked to surface-water resources and the hydrological cycle. Its availability depends on geo-hydrological conditions and characteristics of aquifers, from deep to alluvium, sediment crystalline rocks to basalt formations; and agro-climate from humid to subhumid and semi-arid to arid. Its reliable supply, uniform quality and temperature, relative turbidity, pollution-safe, minimal evaporation losses, and low cost of development are attributes making groundwater more attractive compared to other resources. It plays a key role in the provision of safe drinking water to rural populations. For example, already almost 80% of domestic water use in rural areas in India is groundwater-supplied, and much of it is being supplied to farms, villages and small towns. Inadequate control of the use of groundwater, indiscriminate application of agrochemicals and unrestrained pollution of the rural environment by other human activities make groundwater usage unsustainable, necessitating proper management in the face of the twin demand for water of good quality for domestic supply and adequate supply for irrigation, ensuring equity, efficiency and sustainability of the resource. Groundwater irrigation has overtaken surface irrigation in the early 1980s, supported by well energization. It is estimated that there are about 24 million energised wells and tube wells now and it is driven by demand rather than availability, evident through the greater occurrence of wells in districts with high population densities. Apart from aquifer characteristics, land fragmentation and landholding size are the factors that decide the density of wells. The ‘rise and fall’ of local economies dependent on groundwater can be summarized as: the green revolution of 1980s, groundwaterbased agrarian boom, early symptoms of groundwater overdraft, and decline of the groundwater socio-ecology. The social characteristics and policy interventions typical of each stage provide a fascinating insight into the human-resource dynamics. This book is a compilation of nine research papers discussing various aspects of groundwater management. It attempts to integrate knowledge about the physical system, the socio-economic system, the institutional set-up and the policy environment to come out with a more realistic analysis of the situation with regard to the nature, characteristics and intensity of resource use, the size of the economy the use generates, and the negative socioeconomic consequences. Complex variables addressed in this regard focusing on northern Gujarat are the stock of groundwater available in the region, its hydrodynamics, its net outflows against inflows, the economics of its intensive use (particularly irrigation in semi-arid and arid regions), its criticality in the regional hydroecological regime, ethical aspects and social aspects of its use. The first chapter by Dinesh Kumar and Singh, dwells on complex groundwater socio-ecology of India, while emphasizing the need for policy measures to address indiscriminate over-exploitation of dwindling resources. The chapter also explores the nature of groundwater economy and the role of electricity prices on it. The next chapter on groundwater issue in north Gujarat provides a description of groundwater resource characteristics followed by a detailed analysis of the groundwater depletion and quality deterioration problems in the region and their undesirable consequences on the economy, ecosystem health and the society. Considering water-buyers and wellowning farmers individually, a methodology for economic valuation of groundwater in regions where its primary usage is in agriculture, and as assessment of the groundwater economy based on case studies from north Gujarat is presented in the fourth chapter. The next chapter focuses on the extent of dependency of milk production on groundwater, which includes the water embedded in green and dry fodder and animal feed. The study made a realistic estimate of irrigation water productivity in terms of the physics and economics of milk production. The sixth chapter analyses the extent of reduction in water usage, increase in yield and overall increase in physical productivity of alfalfa with the use of the drip irrigation system. The chapter also provides a detailed synthesis of the costs and benefits associated with the use of drip irrigation systems. A linear programmingbased optimization model with the objective to minimize groundwater use taking into account the interaction between two distinct components – farming and dairying under the constraints of food security and income stability for different scenarios, including shift in cropping pattern, introduction of water-efficient crops, water- saving technologies in addition to the ‘business as usual’ scenario is presented in the seventh chapter. The results show that sustaining dairy production in the region with reduced groundwater draft requires crop shifts and adoption of water-saving technologies. The eighth chapter provides evidences to prove that the presence of adequate economic incentive would encourage farmers to adopt water-saving irrigation devices, based on the findings of market research with reference to the level of awareness among farmers of technologies and the factors that decide the adoption of water-saving technologies. However, now the marginal cost of using electricity for agricultural pumping is almost zero. The economic incentives are strong and visible only when the farmers are either water-buyers or have to manage irrigation with limited water from tube-well partnerships. The ninth chapter explores the socio-economic viability of increasing the power tariff and inducing groundwater rationing as a tool for managing energy and groundwater demand, considering the current estimate of the country’s annual economic loss of Rs 320 billion towards electricity subsidy in the farm sector. The tenth chapter suggests private tradable property rights and development of water markets as the institutional tool for achieving equity, efficiency and sustainability of groundwater use. It identifies the externalities for local groundwater management and emphasizes the need for managing groundwater by local user groups, supported by a thorough analysis of groundwater socio-ecology in India. An institutional framework for managing the resource based on participatory approach that is capable of internalizing the externalities, comprising implementation of institutional and technical alternatives for resource management is also presented. Major findings of the analyses and key arguments in each chapter are summarized in the concluding chapter. Case studies of the social and economic benefits of groundwater use, where that use could be described as unsustainable, are interesting. The benefits of groundwater use are outlined and described with examples of social and economic impacts of groundwater and the negative aspects of groundwater development with the compilation of environmental problems based on up-to-date research results. This publication with a well-edited compilation of case studies is informative and constitutes a useful publication for students and professionals.


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This paper describes the design of a power efficient microarchitecture for transient fault detection in chip multiprocessors (CMPs) We introduce a new per-core dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) algorithm for our architecture that significantly reduces power dissipation for redundant execution with a minimal performance overhead. Using cycle accurate simulation combined with a simple first order power model, we estimate that our architecture reduces dynamic power dissipation in the redundant core by an mean value of 79% and a maximum of 85% with an associated mean performance overhead of only 1:2%


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The sum capacity on a symbol-synchronous CDMA system having processing gain N and supporting K power constrained users is achieved by employing any set of N orthogonal sequences if a few users are allowed to signal along multiple dimensions. Analogously, the minimum received power (energy-per-chip) on the symbolsynchronous CDMA system supporting K users that demand specified data rates is attained by employing any set of N orthogonal sequences. At most (N - 1) users need to be split and if there are no oversized users, these split users need to signal only in two dimensions each. These results show that sum capacity or minimum sum power can be achieved with minimal downlink signaling.


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To a reasonable approximation, a secondary structures of RNA is determined by Watson-Crick pairing without pseudo-knots in such a way as to minimise the number of unpaired bases: We show that this minimal number is determined by the maximal conjugacy-invariant pseudo-norm on the free group on two generators subject to bounds on the generators. This allows us to construct lower bounds on the minimal number of unpaired bases by constructing conjugacy invariant pseudo-norms. We show that one such construction, based on isometric actions on metric spaces, gives a sharp lower bound. A major goal here is to formulate a purely mathematical question, based on considering orthogonal representations, which we believe is of some interest independent of its biological roots.


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In this work, we construct a unified family of cooperative diversity coding schemes for implementing the orthogonal amplify-and-forward and the orthogonal selection-decode-and-forward strategies in cooperative wireless networks. We show that, as the number of users increases, these schemes meet the corresponding optimal high-SNR outage region, and do so with minimal order of signaling complexity. This is an improvement over all outage-optimal schemes which impose exponential increases in signaling complexity for every new network user. Our schemes, which are based on commutative algebras of normal matrices, satisfy the outage-related information theoretic criteria, the duplex-related coding criteria, and maintain reduced signaling, encoding and decoding complexities


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With the introduction of 2D flat-panel X-ray detectors, 3D image reconstruction using helical cone-beam tomography is fast replacing the conventional 2D reconstruction techniques. In 3D image reconstruction, the source orbit or scanning geometry should satisfy the data sufficiency or completeness condition for exact reconstruction. The helical scan geometry satisfies this condition and hence can give exact reconstruction. The theoretically exact helical cone-beam reconstruction algorithm proposed by Katsevich is a breakthrough and has attracted interest in the 3D reconstruction using helical cone-beam Computed Tomography.In many practical situations, the available projection data is incomplete. One such case is where the detector plane does not completely cover the full extent of the object being imaged in lateral direction resulting in truncated projections. This result in artifacts that mask small features near to the periphery of the ROI when reconstructed using the convolution back projection (CBP) method assuming that the projection data is complete. A number of techniques exist which deal with completion of missing data followed by the CBP reconstruction. In 2D, linear prediction (LP)extrapolation has been shown to be efficient for data completion, involving minimal assumptions on the nature of the data, producing smooth extensions of the missing projection data.In this paper, we propose to extend the LP approach for extrapolating helical cone beam truncated data. The projection on the multi row flat panel detectors has missing columns towards either ends in the lateral direction in truncated data situation. The available data from each detector row is modeled using a linear predictor. The available data is extrapolated and this completed projection data is backprojected using the Katsevich algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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We derive and study a C(0) interior penalty method for a sixth-order elliptic equation on polygonal domains. The method uses the cubic Lagrange finite-element space, which is simple to implement and is readily available in commercial software. After introducing some notation and preliminary results, we provide a detailed derivation of the method. We then prove the well-posedness of the method as well as derive quasi-optimal error estimates in the energy norm. The proof is based on replacing Galerkin orthogonality with a posteriori analysis techniques. Using this approach, we are able to obtain a Cea-like lemma with minimal regularity assumptions on the solution. Numerical experiments are presented that support the theoretical findings.


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We describe here a minimal theory of tight-binding electrons moving on the square planar Cu lattice of the hole-doped cuprates and mixed quantum mechanically with their own Cooper pairs. The superconductivity occurring at the transition temperature T(c) is the long-range, d-wave symmetry phase coherence of these Cooper pairs. Fluctuations, necessarily associated with incipient long-range superconducting order, have a generic large-distance behavior near T(c). We calculate the spectral density of electrons coupled to such Cooper-pair fluctuations and show that features observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments on different cuprates above T(c) as a function of doping and temperature emerge naturally in this description. These include ``Fermi arcs'' with temperature-dependent length and an antinodal pseudogap, which fills up linearly as the temperature increases toward the pseudogap temperature. Our results agree quantitatively with experiment. Below T(c), the effects of nonzero superfluid density and thermal fluctuations are calculated and compared successfully with some recent ARPES experiments, especially the observed bending or deviation of the superconducting gap from the canonical d-wave form.


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This paper presents a simple and low cost fabrication approach using extended printed circuit board processing techniques for an electrostatically actuated phase shifter on a common microwave laminate. This approach uses 15 mu m thin copper foils for realizing the bridge structures as well as for a spacer. A polymeric thin film deposited by spin coating and patterned using lithographic process is used as a dielectric layer to improve the reliability of the device. The prototype of the phase shifter for X-band operation is fabricated and tested for electrical and electromechanical performance parameters. The realized devices have a figure of merit of 70 degrees/dB for a maximum applied bias potential of 85 V. Since these phase shifters can be conveniently fabricated directly on microwave substrates used for feed distribution networks of phased arrays, the overall addition in cost, dimensions and processing for including these phase shifters in these arrays is minimal.


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The experimental observations of casting titanium in sodium silicate bonded zircon sand mould are presented in this paper. Metal-mould reactions, in general, involved dissolution of oxides in liquid titanium resulting in contamination of the casting. Minimal metal-mould reactions occurred when titanium was cast in zircon sand mould containing about 7.5 wt% of ZrO2. It has been further shown that the metal-mould reaction is considerably reduced if moulds were fired at high temperatures (> 1273K). This ensured elimination of moisture from the mould and also resulted in some beneficial changes in the mould chemistry. The reduction in metal-mould reaction is reflected in the decrease in oxygen and hydrogen contamination and decrease in hardness. Thus microhardness profile and oxygen analysis seems to provide a good index for evaluation of severity of metal-mould reaction. The method has been demonstrated to be satisfactory for casting titanium components.


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A method of precise measurement of on-chip analog voltages in a mostly-digital manner, with minimal overhead, is presented. A pair of clock signals is routed to the node of an analog voltage. This analog voltage controls the delay between this pair of clock signals, which is then measured in an all-digital manner using the technique of sub-sampling. This sub-sampling technique, having measurement time and accuracy trade-off, is well suited for low bandwidth signals. This concept is validated by designing delay cells, using current starved inverters in UMC 130nm CMOS process. Sub-mV accuracy is demonstrated for a measurement time of few seconds.


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Dielectric materials with high tunability, low loss, and desired range of permittivity are an attractive class of materials for a variety of applications in microwave components such as tunable filters, phase shifters, antennas, etc. In this article, we have investigated the low frequency dielectric properties of BaZrO3/BaTiO3 and SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices of varying modulation periods for the potential application toward electrically tunable devices. The dielectric response of the superlattices as a function of temperature revealed remarkable stability for both types of superlattices, with no observed dielectric anomalies within that range. Dielectric losses were also nominally low with minimal variation within the measured temperature range. Sufficiently high tunability of ∼ 40% was observed for the BaZrO3/BaTiO3 superlattices at the lowest individual layer thicknesses. In comparison, the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices showed a minimum tunability for lowest period structures. It showed maximum tunability of ∼ 20% at 10 kHz and room temperature at an intermediate dimension of 3.85 nm periodicity superlattice. The tunability value degraded with increasing as well as decreasing periodicities for the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices. The dielectric response has been explained on the basis of size effects, interlayer coupling between dissimilar materials, domain contribution, and depolarizing electric fields.