196 resultados para HYDROCHLORIDE SALTS


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A hydrothermal reaction of the acetate salts of the rare-earths, 5-aminoisophthalic acid (H(2)AIP), and NaOH at 150 degrees C for 3 days gave rise to a new family of three-dimensional rare-earth aminoisophthalates, M(mu(2)-OH)(C8H5NO4)] M = Y3+ (I), La3+ (II), Pr3+ (III), Nd3+ (IV), Sm3+ (V), Eu3+ (VI), Gd3+ (VII), Dy3+ (VIII), and Er3+ (IX)]. The structures contain M-O(H)-M chains connected by AIP anions. The AIP ions are connected to five metal centers and each metal center is connected with five AIP anions giving rise to a unique (5,5) net. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of a (5,5) net in metal-organic frameworks that involve rare-earth elements. The doping of Eu3+/(3+) ions in place of Y3+/ La3+ in the parent structures gave rise to characteristic metal-centered emission (red = Eu3+, green = Tb3+). Life-time studies indicated that the excited emission states in the case of Eu3+ (4 mol-% doped) are in the range 0.287-0.490 ms and for Tb3+ (4 mol-% doped) are in the range of 1.265-1.702 ms. The Nd3+-containing compound exhibits up-conversion behavior based on two-photon absorption when excited using lambda = 580 nm.


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A novel method of detecting the charge-carrying species in inorganic decomposable salts is described. In ammonium perchlorate it is observed that the charge-carrying species at temperatures 150 and 230°C are oppositely charged; i.e., they are negatively charged (ClO−4 ions) at 230°C and positively charged (H+ or NH+4) at 150°C.


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Pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) reacts with the oxide of vanadium(V) and chlorides of chromium(III), iron (III) and Co(II) at room temperature forming the pyridinium salts of hexafluoro vanadate(V), hexafluorochromate(III), hexafluoroferrate(III) and hexafluorocobaltate(II) in near quantitative yields (80%). These pyridinium salts are the precursors for the preparation of the alkali metal hexafluorometallates by metathetic reactions in acetonitrile medium with the corresponding metal chlorides. The prepared salts have been identified by their infrared spectral data and elemental analysis.


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The thermal stability of ring-substituted arylammonium nitrates has been investigated using thermal methods of analysis. The decomposition temperature of meta- and para-substituted derivatives is found to be linearly related to the Hammett substituent constant σ. The activation energy for decomposition determined by isothermal gravimetry increases with the increasing basicity of the corresponding amine. The results suggest that the primary step in the decomposition process of these salts is proton abstraction by the anion from the arylammonium ion.


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Hydrazinium metal chlorides, (N2H5)2MCl4·2H2O (where M = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu), have been prepared from the aqueous solutions of the respective metal chlorides and hydrazine hydrochloride (N2H4·HCl or N2H4·2HCl) and investigated by spectral and thermal analyses. The crystal structure of the iron complex has been determined by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares to an R of 0.023 and Rw of 0.031 for 1495 independent reflections. The structure shows ferrous ion in an octahedral environment bonded by two hydrazinium cations, two chloride anions and two water molecules. In the complex cation [Fe(N2H5)2(H2O)2Cl2]2+, the coordinated groups are in trans positions.


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An examination of radiation-damage processes consequent to high-energy irradiation in certain ammonium salts studied using ESR of free radical together with the structural information available from neutron diffraction studies shows that, other factors being equal/nearly equal, symmetry-related bonds are preserved in preference to those unrelated to one another by any symmetry.


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Arene ruthenium(II) Schiff base complexes of formulations [(η -p-cymene)RuCl(C5H4N-2-CH=NC6H4-p-X)](ClO4) (1) and [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(O-o-C6H4CH=NC6H4-p-X)] (2) (X = H, Me, OMe, NO2, Cl) were prepared by reacting [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl2]2 with corresponding pyridine-2-carboxaldimines and sodium salts of salicylaldimines in dry THF, respectively. Complex 1 is isolated as a perchlorate salt. The molecular structure of [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(C5H4 N-2-CH=NC6H4-p-Me)]Cl·C6H6·H2O has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The complex contains an η6-p-cymene group, a chloride and a bidentate chelating Schiff base ligand.


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The crystal and molecular structure of sodium deoxyinosine monophosphate (5'-dIMP) has been determined by x-ray crystallographic methods. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group P212121, with a = 21.079(5) Aring, b = 9.206(3) Aring and c = 12.770(6) Aring. This deoxynucleotide shows common nucleotide features namely anti conformation about the glycosyl bond, C2' endo pucker for the deoxyribose sugar and gauche-gauche orientation for the phosphate group. The sodium ion is directly coordinated to the O3' atom, a feature observed in many crystal structures of sodium salts of nucleotides.


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Eighteen corpora striata from normal human foetal brains ranging in gestational age from 16 to 40 weeks and five from post natal brains ranging from 23 days to 42 years were analysed for the ontogeny of dopamine receptors using [3H]spiperone as the ligand and 10 mM dopamine hydrochloride was used in blanks. Spiperone binding sites were characterized in a 40-week-old foetal brain to be dopamine receptors by the following criteria: (1) It was localized in a crude mitochondrial pellet that included synaptosomes; (2) binding was saturable at 0.8 nM concentration; (3) dopaminergic antagonists spiperone, haloperidol, pimozide, trifluperazine and chlorpromazine competed for the binding with IC50 values in the range of 0.3–14 nM while agonists—apomorphine and dopamine gave IC50 values of 2.5 and 10 μM, respectively suggesting a D2 type receptor.Epinephrine and norepinephrine inhibited the binding much less efficiently while mianserin at 10 μM and serotonin at 1 mM concentration did not inhibit the binding. Bimolecular association and dissociation rate constants for the reversible binding were 5.7 × 108 M−1 min−1 and 5.0 × 10−2 min−1, respectively. Equilibrium dissociation constant was 87 pM and the KD obtained by saturation binding was 73 pM.During the foetal age 16 to 40 weeks, the receptor concentration remained in the range of 38–60 fmol/mg protein or 570–1080 fmol/g striatum but it increased two-fold postnatally reaching a maximum at 5 years Significantly, at lower foetal ages (16–24 weeks) the [3H]spiperone binding sites exhibited a heterogeneity with a high (KD, 13–85 pM) and a low (KD, 1.2–4.6 nM) affinity component, the former accounting for 13–24% of the total binding sites. This heterogeneity persisted even when sulpiride was used as a displacer. The number of high affinity sites increased from 16 weeks to 24 weeks and after 28 weeks of gestation, all the binding sites showed only a single high affinity.GTP decreased the agonist affinity as observed by dopamine competition of [3H]spiperone binding in 20-week-old foetal striata and at all subsequent ages. GTP increased IC50 values of dopamine 2 to 4.5 fold and Hill coefficients were also increased becoming closer to one suggesting that the dopamine receptor was susceptible to regulation from foetal life onwards.


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A model incorporating the surface conductivity and morphology of the composite solid electrolytes is envisaged to explain their conduction behaviour. The conductivity data on LinX−50 m/o Al2O3 (X = F−, Cl−, Br−, CO32−, SO42−, PO43−) composites prepared by thermal decomposition of LinX·2nAl(OH)3·mH2O salts and Li2SO4−A (A=Al2O3, CeO2, Y2O3, Yb2O3, Zr2O3, ZrO2 and BaTiO3) composites prepared by mechanical mixing of the components are examined in the light of this model. It is surmised that the particle size of both the dispersoids and the hosts not only influence the ionic conductivity of the host matrix but also affect its bulk properties.


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An analysis of the base pair doublet geometries in available crystal structures indicates that the often reported intrinsic curvature of DNA containing oligo-(d(A).d(T)) tracts may also depend on the nature of the flanking sequences. The presence of CA/TG doublet in particular at the 5' end of these tracts is expected to enhance their intrinsic bending property. To test this proposition, three oligonucleotides, d(GAAAAACCCCCC), d(CCCCCCAAAAAG), d(GAAAAATTTTTC), and their complementary sequences were synthesized to study the effect of various flanking sequences, at the 5' and 3' ends of the A-tracts, on the curvature of DNA in solution. An analysis of the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic mobilities of these sequences under different conditions of salts and temperatures (below their melting points) clearly showed that the oligomer with CA/TG sequence in the center was always more retarded than the oligomer with AC/GT sequence, as well as the oligomer with AT/AT sequence. Hydroxyl radical probing of the sequences with AC/GT and CA/TG doublet junctions gives a similar cutting pattern in the A-tracts, which is quite different from that in the C-tracts, indicating that the oligo(A)-tracts have similar structures in the two oligomers. KMnO4 probing shows that the oligomer with a CA/TG doublet junction forms a kink that is responsible for its inherent curvature and unusual electrophoretic mobility. UV melting shows a reduced thermal stability of the duplex with CA/TG doublet junction, and circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate that a premelting transition occurs in the oligomer with CA/TG doublet step before global melting but not in the oligomer with AC/GT doublet step, which may correspond to thermally induced unbending of the oligomer. These observations indicate that the CA/TG doublet junction at the 5' end of the oligo(A)-tract has a crucial role in modulating the overall curvature in DNA.


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An oxidative pathway hitherto unknown for tile degradation of a sesquiterpene alcohol, nerolidol (I) by Alcaligenes eutrophus is presented. Fermentation of nerolidol (I) by this organism in a mineral salts medium resulted in the formation of geranylacetone (II) and an optically active alcohol (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III), as major metabolites. Nerolidol (I) induced cells readily transformed 1,2-epoxynerolidol (IV) and 1,2-dihydroxynerolidol (V) into geranylacetone (II). These cells also exhibited their ability to carry out stereospecific reduction of II into (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III). Oxygen uptake studies clearly indicated that nerolidol induced cells oxidized compounds II, III, IV, V and ethyleneglycol. Based on these observations a new oxidative pathway for the degradation of I is suggested which envisages the epoxidation of the terminal double bond, opening of the epoxide and cleavage between C-2 and C-3 in a manner similar to the periodate oxidation of diol.


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An analysis of the base pair doublet geometries in available crystal structures indicates that the often reported intrinsic curvature of DNA containing oligo-(d(A).d(T)) tracts may also depend on the nature of the flanking sequences. The presence of CA/TG doublet in particular at the 5' end of these tracts is expected to enhance their intrinsic bending property. To test this proposition, three oligonucleotides, d(GAAAAACCCCCC), d(CCCCCCAAAAAG), d(GAAAAATTTTTC), and their complementary sequences were synthesized to study the effect of various flanking sequences, at the 5' and 3' ends of the A-tracts, on the curvature of DNA in solution. An analysis of the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic mobilities of these sequences under different conditions of salts and temperatures (below their melting points) clearly showed that the oligomer with CA/TG sequence in the center was always more retarded than the oligomer with AC/GT sequence, as well as the oligomer with AT/AT sequence. Hydroxyl radical probing of the sequences with AC/GT and CA/TG doublet junctions gives a similar cutting pattern in the A-tracts, which is quite different from that in the C-tracts, indicating that the oligo(A)-tracts have similar structures in the two oligomers. KMnO4 probing shows that the oligomer with a CA/TG doublet junction forms a kink that is responsible for its inherent curvature and unusual electrophoretic mobility. UV melting shows a reduced thermal stability of the duplex with CA/TG doublet junction, and circular dichroism (CD) studies indicate that a premelting transition occurs in the oligomer with CA/TG doublet step before global melting but not in the oligomer with AC/GT doublet step, which may correspond to thermally induced unbending of the oligomer. These observations indicate that the CA/TG doublet junction at the 5' end of the oligo(A)-tract has a crucial role in modulating the overall curvature in DNA.


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Spironaphthalenones 1b–g on reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride gave the expected pyrrolotropones 2b–g. Furanotropone 6, postulated as an intermediate in the formation of pyrrolotropones, remained unchanged on reaction with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in ethanol. Reaction of unsymmetrical spironaphthalenones 1h–o with NH2OH.HCl gave the rearranged pyrrolotropones 2h–o.


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Reaction of 1′-aryl substituted spironaphthalenones 1a–d with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in ethanol gave substituted cinnamic ester derivatives 4a–d. Similarly, reaction of spironaphthalenone 1a with different alcohols gave the corresponding esters 4i–m. Reaction of unsymmetrical spironaphthalenones 1e–h with hydroxylamine hydrochloride in presence of ethanol gave the respective esters 4e–h. All the esters were characterised by their spectral data.